Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Emerald Robinson looks at Lee Harvey Oswald’s last phone call to an Army Counterintelligence guy, which some sort of glowies ordered to not be connected. They prevented him from calling a lawyer too.
Scientist E.O. Wilson, dubbed modern-day Darwin, dead at 92. One of the greater puzzles to me. In the early days of my r/K adventures online, he had stumbled upon something of mine about r/K Theory and politics (he specialized in life history and r/K Theory), and emailed with me. He was quite worked up, requesting the paper on it in an email with some sense of urgency, to which I immediately replied I would find it and send it in a minute. He then emailed me very agitated again three or four minutes later, asking why I hadn’t sent it (I had), and saying it didn’t arrive, sounding quite bothered. Then he emailed me again out of the blue a minute later, saying he went through his inbox again, and it had arrived but he had missed it in his inbox – I got the impression because of his rushing through his inbox looking for it in haste. It appeared he had set everything aside, and was entirely focused, with some urgency, on the paper for that space of ten or fifteen minutes of emails back and forth, just waiting for it to arrive so he could get a look at it. I got the impression given his tone, and seeming understanding of what r/K would align with in politics, and agitation about it all, he surely would email me again to discuss it, even if just to argue against it for political reasons, but I never heard from him again, despite his agitation and urgency. My impression at the time was, he knew exactly what the paper would say, just from his cursory understanding of what it was about, because he had seen it clearly himself, maybe long, long before it had struck me. When I reflected back some days later, remembering he had never emailed me back, I wondered if he had requested the paper so he could pass it on to some structure he was a part of, as a warning the secret they had all seen was out. I always assumed others had seen it before me, and simply agreed to not discuss it in public, and he, a noted specialist in it who lived through the Hippy phenomenon could not have been blind to it. No matter, I didn’t really need any more of him than the tone of his emails, which told me I was on to something. But it was funny to me this guy you would read about as a huge figure in biology, was so absorbed by something I did, no matter how briefly we spoke of it.
Biden using FBI as personal ‘Praetorian Guard,’ says constitutional expert. Notice how these articles subtly infuse the reader with the sense the President is powerful, and there is no broader conspiracy, or command structure over both him and the FBI. Tough to say if the writer is clueless, or part of the conspiracy and furthering the programming.
Newt Gingrich says, he is hearing Hillary is going to run in 2024 to unseat Biden.
‘Dallas Buyers Club’ director Jean-Marc Vallée “unexpectedly” found dead at 58. It was a heart attack. People are pointing out that movie was all about a group of sick AIDS patients trying to get drugs to treat their disease, and their battle with a government bureaucrat with tremendous parallels to Anthony Fauci, who was in the pocket of Big Pharma, and trying to stop them.
Rand Paul interviewed by his father Dr. Ron Paul.
Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) on Monday thanked President Biden for his efforts to “depoliticize” the nation’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. Obviously a traitor RINO dutifully reading his script. God do I hate these fuckers, each and every one.
Fauci says to cancel New Year’s Eve parties, nearly two years into the scamdemic.
Traffic deaths already hit a 14 year high, and 2021 isn’t even over yet.
Another article to remind us that people get heart attacks during the holidays due to “Holiday Heart Syndrome.” No word why it is particularly prominent among young soccer players.
Vaccinating kids is essential to ending the pandemic, a Vatican official says.
Holy shit this is blatant:
The White House downplayed a statement by the U.S. Secret Service that nearly $100 billion at minimum has been stolen from COVID-19 relief programs, saying that the estimate is based on old reports. Sounds like we can guess where the money went.
Tesla owner blows up his Model S with dynamite over $22,000 battery replacement cost. Imagine our military, called to war with electric vehicles, which is all we will be able to manufacture if they manage to get rid of all gas and diesel vehicles.
Hyundai allegedly closes its combustion engine development center.
China announced plans to merge three of its main rare earth metal companies, Minmetals Rare Earth, Chinalco Rare Earth & Metals Co, and China Southern Rare Earth Group Co into a yet-to-be-named company, as it seeks total domination of the rare earth market. I will bet China is bribing many of those behind the push to electric vehicles, and Cabal approves of it.
Housing in the US is getting “simply unaffordable,” and it has gotten far worse over the past year.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) said he would decide soon whether to run for governor. Judging by what happened to Patterson, that state is fully in the grasp of Cabal, and elections are rigged anyway, so he could easily be the next governor.
Immigrant population reaches its highest point in history under the Biden Administration’s watch.
U.S. govt chartered Christmas ‘ghost flights’ to carry illegal migrants into Pennsylvania.
Americans collectively spend more than 6 billion hours each year filling out tax forms, keeping records, and learning new tax rules according to the Office of Management and Budget. It is terrible when government eats up your life for no reason. It should be a simple percentage of sales, collected by businesses, and people should not have to spend any time on it at all each year. One day a year doing your taxes, if you are lucky and use a computer program, is 1/365th of your life wasted. You don’t have unlimited time to spend with family, play with your dogs, or enjoy life. Government taking 1/365th of that time when it doesn’t have to is criminal.
Approximately 2,200 shot this year in Mayor Jim Kenney’s Philadelphia.
Las Vegas Police discover severed head in cooler during traffic stop.
More than 150 people in one Texas county have been killed by suspects released on bond.
Shooting spree in Denver area ends with at least 5 dead including the shooter, multiple injured. Sounds like a random rolling rampage.
“A CNN panelist claimed that a father of four, who tagged a phone call with President Joe Biden with the phrase “Let’s Go, Brandon,” was not only being impolite but also harboring feelings “about insurrection.” It tells you how in control of the government these Cabal assets feel. Any opposition to their network is insurrection.
BBC sends a reporter to Russia to do hackjobs on Putin, Russia declares the reporter a foreign agent and puts enough surveillance on him he flees back to Britain. He has caught me fresh out of sympathy. The truth is, I will bet that BBC reporter is actively running surveillance operations now against regular British citizens, and is an actual MI-6 agent, which is a subsidiary of the broader trans-national Cabal. I also assume this means he is beyond being put under the normal domestic surveillance the rest of us get in Western Nations while he is home, or at least it is not so overtly intrusive.
30 years on, a poll finds 63% of Russians regret the collapse of the USSR. It is funny, because they always portrayed it as Reagan brilliantly engaging the Soviets in a spending war, and driving them bankrupt. Now I assume that was a Rothschild plot cooked up decades in advance with an eye to ultimately pilfering the nation in the privatization. It was never us winning, it was an enemy of our enemy losing. And Reagan probably had nothing to do with it.
Joe Biden’s job approval crashes to 36 percent.
GOP holds a double-digit lead among independent voters ahead of 2022 midterms in a new poll.
House MAGA squad seeks to expand by boosting challengers to fellow Republicans.
Establishment media outlets crash without Donald Trump in the White House.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
Merry Christmas to all. We will Make America Great Again!
“As the New Year approaches, I should mention that many Vatican insiders say that Francis is ill with cancer and has limited time left,” the historian Henry Sire wrote on”
Probably just popium, but Benjamin Fulford (cough) reckons Frankie Goes To The Vatican was killed and replaced by Cabal because he was ‘against the ongoing vaccine campaign’. Or something. But it does dovetail with this unusual on air news anchor slip up a few days ago announcing his death, followed by an immediate retraction. If you watch the vid, there is an air of deliberateness about the mistake, meaning at a minimum it’s a comm of some sort. Personally I suspect, like Biden and Fauci, the real Frankie was dispatched to the bosom of Ba’al some time ago, and what we have been seeing for a while is a body double or actor. What it all means who can say.
The thing is Bergoglio since 2018-19 doesn’t really line up well with the career of Bergoglio up to that point.
Fauci and Biden were scumbags in the 1980s, and this is documented, so the mystery is more why they kept getting more influence. A lot of these people, notably Macron and Justin Trudeau, were parachuted into public life out of pretty much nowhere. But there are also a few instances of public figures that had some visibility and records going back decades pre-COVID, and their post-COVID behavious doesn’t quite match up well with their 00s record. It doesn’t flat out contradict it, but its hard to draw a straight line from their 00s record to their post 2018 record. With Boris Johnson the explanation usually given is that his current wife is making the decisions. I think there were a few instances of people being replaced by doubles, however.
“as a warning the secret they had all seen was out.”
The secret was going to get out anyway, like a pink slip or a bottle blonde getting found out. They should have pushed a movie out in the 90’s or created a fad to cover their asses. That’s their fault, not yours.
It’s an accepted exit way on intellectual thoroughfare, a little obscure, but numerous individuals were bound to find it and explore it.
“Hillary posts two throwback pictures of herself at the White House, sparking speculation she may be hinting she will be running.
She still thinks it’s the 90’s, the intervening years must be too painful for her to remember. No pictures as Senator, none at State. And when she realizes it was Bill who made her, and not the other way around, meltdown.
“China announced plans to merge three of its main rare earth metal companies, Minmetals Rare Earth, Chinalco Rare Earth & Metals Co, and China Southern Rare Earth Group Co into a yet-to-be-named company, as it seeks total domination of the rare earth market.”
One of my jobs when I was first getting started was finding substitutes for REEs. It was a hard job, I also had numerous discussions with geologists about availability. There are less capable alternatives, and there are sources outside of China, but no one seems to want them or care about stopping the Chinese.
The Chinese practically use slave labor to dig this stuff up, there’s no way to compete with that, then they buy up mining rights everywhere outside of China. This ends only with substitution, depletion or nationalization.
The truth is, high %REE ores are probably more valuable than silver, but the Chinese have to mine them dirt cheap to cram them into electronics, which they then have to dump on developed markets. It’s a good system, we get more value out of it than we should but, it isn’t sustainable, and the Chinese economic globalist empire will discover this at some point and electronics will likely become much more expensive.
“…One of my jobs when I was first getting started was finding substitutes for REEs. It was a hard job, I also had numerous discussions with geologists about availability…”
I read that there’s plenty of this stuff in the US but the deposits are tied up with Thorium which the government has regulated such that no one wants to touch the stuff. Does this jive with what you found? Is or is there not a good amount of ore in the US that we could use if needed?
The simple solution is to let the mining companies separate the thorium and have the government then store it in a the desert somewhere in concrete boxes. Put tariffs on Chinese rare earth containing products to pay for it.
Thorium is super valuable for nuclear power if we just built the reactors to burn it.
The key to this whole thing is to get rid of the permanent magnets all together. Tesla is moving to a hybrid switched reluctance motor(SRM). It does have magnets in it. Maybe it helps with power but I expect it’s for starting torque. With the cost of high power MOSFETS and other electronic switching devices plummeting the pulsing switched reluctance problem can be solved with MOSFETS and software.
Here’s the basic idea,
SCTW60N120G2 – Silicon carbide Power MOSFET 1200 V, 35 mOhm typ., 60 A in an HiP247 package,
It can switch around 96 HP, (yeah that’s more a peak but you it’s a lot either way), in this little tiny package, and yes I know there’s coils of wire and iron cores needed with it but all the parts are operating together almost all of the time. Look at the absurd power tesla gets out of tiny motors.
Tesla 3 motor to be 258KW(345HP) at 27.99Kg(60lbs.)
I looked into this and gathered some number for some stuff I was thinking about. Rare earth magnets are strong but they aren’t magic. Lets see some actual numbers.
“..The magnetic field typically produced by rare-earth magnets can exceed 1.4 teslas, whereas ferrite or ceramic magnets typically exhibit fields of 0.5 to 1 tesla…” [teslas being the measurement of force they can create]
“… ferromagnetic materials is that the B field saturates at a certain value,[2] which is around 1.6 to 2 teslas (T) for most high permeability core steels…”
“…The main nonlinear feature of ferromagnetic materials is that the B field saturates at a certain value,[2] which is around 1.6 to 2 teslas (T) for most high permeability core steels…”
Now think about this. The saturation permeability of iron and therefore electromagnetic force you can get acting on iron, like in switched reluctance motors, is way up there with the magnetic field strength of rare earth magnets. BUT rare earth magnets cost a fortune. There’s a lot of babble in the above quotes but the simple takeaway is that you can get the same force with proper metals and coils of wire. The problem with SRM is stated in a link on SRM I have below,
“…SR motors have been around for a long time but the sophistication of controls needed to exploit their benefits has had a shorter history. …”
but now we have cheaper electronics it solves this problem. We can do without rare earths all together if need be.
And furthermore the most powerful magnets made are nothing but electromagnets that are plates of copper with holes in them to push water through for cooling called “Bitter electromagnets”.
Tesla is using a smaller amount of magnets to get high starting torque, I believe, but the magnets are embedded in a switched reluctance motor. The SRM has no back electromagnetic force at high speeds like the magnets do giving you higher efficiency. This is why they are getting higher range than many other manufacturers. If they could get better metals to make the SRM out of, and who says they can’t, then the rare earths would be entirely superfluous lowering cost and leaving the Chinese with a bunch of expensive sand pits.
A good link n SRM.
“The world is heading for a new Cuban missile crisis in Ukraine if the West fails to deal with Russia’s security demands ‘here and now’, Moscow said today.”
Russia is never going to lose missile supremacy over eastern Europe, and the Europeans are not going to fund or deploy enough missiles to challenge that Russian supremacy. The problem is that so many capitols are so close to one another. It makes leaders potentially go stupid in a crisis because they’re under this real 5 minute decision window from missile launch until impact.
This was always going to happen though, just like in the 1980’s with the SS-20 and the Pershing II. Europe/NATO was inevitably going to deploy systems like the Russian S-300 (Aegis ashore) and S-400 (THAAD). The UK and France already have survivable SLBMs deployed on subs at sea. And something like the SS-26 was going to be deployed as well, (the U.S. Army’s Dark Eagle).
What Russia can do, and probably will, is “quarantine” Ukraine and occupy part of it, so missiles can’t be placed there. This will probably save the Russians many hundreds of billions of rubles to keep the same level of missile supremacy/decision time as they are comfortable with without having to spend that money on doubling up their defenses. So an occupation of the Ukraine could actually make sense, from a financial perspective.
A dire warning… except 90% of Americans have no idea what the Cuban Missile Crisis was about, another 5% vaguely remember the Russians were involved, and most of the rest just sigh and say “fuckin’ Democrats.”
“Mitch McConnell came in dead…..last in Gallup’s new survey ranking….”
Don’t tease us like that.
Re: that 100billion USDs
This is obviously only a fraction of what has been stolen. The actual # is so large that it exceeds what Cabal needs to pay assets many many times over. So, I think what Cabal is really doing is keeping currency out of the hands of kulaks. They are denying it to us more than anything else. Currency is the oxygen of the economy.
Cabal is also denying us energy in the same way.
And tech via classification etc
They want to maximize the differential between us and them. They’d rather drive a Yugo and have us walking than drive a Rolls and have us driving Corvettes and Mustangs and Trucks.
But I do believe there is a counter-Cabal (who still want to rule as an occulted elite) who wants to grow and build things: Musk and Trump types.
Where does Jeff Snider argue that the eurodollar yield curve inverted?
This is latest on China I think
Mitch is clearly Cabal’s most important choke point in the US and West.
I still remember when he and Harry Reid were both set to give concession speeches and then magically they won (to the apparent surprise of both).
> judge urges jurors to stay an hour late each day until they reach a decision.
From my (admittedly weak) understanding of human nature, the jurors are already tired and sick of this shit by the end of the day, and the ones who are on the outs are just going to dig their feet in and sulk until they get to leave.
Sounds like a good way to encourage a hung jury. Though a reasonable jury would have debated maybe twenty minutes and rendered their verdict, so it’s likely a high percentage of them are agents planted via jury pool manipulation.
Damned if I can find out which way the Swamp wants them to vote, though. Convict her so they can Epstein her or lock her away in solitary at a supermax prison, or let her go so she can resume feeding new kids to pedos?
> Biden using FBI as personal ‘Praetorian Guard,’ says constitutional expert.
The Secret Service hated the Clintons and loathed the Obamas. Hated Johnson too. Don’t know about Carter. Some of them were quite open about it after they retired and wrote memoirs.
I suspect Biden doesn’t like the Secret Service much either, given the many, many incidents where his dog Major attacked them. (three times on his first day in the White House) Dogs pick up on hostility; Major was probably reacting to that.
The FBI are dirtbags working for the Democrats; they’d be his go-to fixers.
> cattle rustling
Adult beef cattle are worth $2000 to $3000, with lots of handwaving over when and where. They run out of sight and unsupervised, and are easy to steal, with little risk to the thief.
Cows are a high-value target. Haul them somewhere and butcher them, drive back to the urban hives, and you could sell the meat easily enough.
If you were smarter than the average criminal, you’d have someone set up a web site marketing “premium Angus beef” and sell it over the internet, where nobody would ask where the meat came from. Meat-by-mail companies are a thing; they use thickwall foam coolers and packs of dry ice to ship.
I was reading Jim Stone and he says a hemhorragic fever has broken out in China. So I check and see and there are other links to this. I have warned about this. DO NOT SUPPOSE THAT BECAUSE corona has lessened that they would not release something much, much, much more deadly. Here’s what Stone says,
“…A hemhorragic fever has broken out in China. Before I link this, for your own good I need to make something perfectly clear: “They” were working on a serious killing form of smallpox or whatever else they figured might work. They likely have been working on this for decades. THEY ALREADY STATED VIA PROXY OF SMALLPOX THAT THEY WOULD RELEASE SOMETHING WHERE PEOPLE COULD SUPER SPREAD FOR TWO FULL WEEKS BEFORE THEY NOTICED ANY SYMPTOMS AT ALL. It is important that this showed up in China first for three reasons:
1. The government is complaining about a declining population and does not want a die off.
2. China used Sinovax, that was likely to not have been an intentional weapon.
3, If this broke out in the United States first, the vax could be questioned. But that is not what happened.
As a result of this, it is common sense to self quarantine. This is because if the first cases are showing up, millions could be infected. I am not saying that is what happened, Chances are this will peter out and be gone. But I will state this house is under lockdown after we take my mother in law to a nice park on Thursday.
General safety guidelines: Wear a mask, even if it is crap. Never touch your eyes, nose, or mouth until you return home and completely sanitize. If this takes off, you had better have a real gas mask with full eye coverage and only ONE person leaves and does everything for everyone, while wearing that mask. ONE person gets sanitized upon arriving home. All items incoming get sprayed with bleach, clothes that were directly exposed to the environment get left outside the front door. A pair of coveralls would be perfect for that…”
I am very much on the same wavelength and have thought this possible. it could be as he says it burns out and the Chinese will surely jump on it and crush it but it could be released all over.
Stone has at the same link a theory that there’s a base in Antarctica they are going to. It’s obviously something that google earth has smudged out of existence.
I thinking about this, wonder if all those missing flights from 2000 to 5000, I don’t know what number, could be all the elites going to Antarctica on Xmas because they knew the plague, of some sort, is coming and that it will be fierce. If you see any signs of something like this stay in place and don’t go out. Wash out you nose with water and Betadine, a Povidone-iodine solution and salt water. I heard this from a doctor with a lot of patients on the radio Coast to Coast AM last night. This one.
The doctors site
I hope I’m wrong but logically it has to come to something like this. I mean if you are releasing viruses to kill people off and I can’t think of any other reason to do this but kill people off in large numbers. Some have said only 40% of the people in England have even one shot, people are catching on and sooner or later this will have to stop. They can’t keep this up forever. I think the people taking shots is about to plummet so they can’t kill people that way. What’s left? Nothing but releasing some sort of super bug. Remember these are psychopaths and they have NO FEELING AT ALL for others. You might as well be ants to them in their kitchen to be sprayed with poison. They’re running out of options.
If there really is a base in Antarctica then the Russians must know about it. I hope they nuke the living hell out of those people. 10 one megaton bombs should do to make sure. I think the Russians could get away with it because most of the people running this will be there.
I hope I’m wrong. I want to reiterate that just because corona became less lethal DOES not mean all cooked up viruses are the same or that they might not deliver something more lethal. Beat this in your head. A viral weapons researcher said that weaponized viruses break apart faster then normal viruses and that is exactly what we say with corona. Also realize that this stuff could have a two week latency and probably does.
I think some of the best things to have would be some of the same things that work with corona. Certainly Lypo-speric vitamin C would be useful. I’m going to start cooking up batches of lysosomal vit. C and freezing them in quantity. I repeat again washing out the nose is vital because this keeps it from being lodged there and getting a foothold.
From 4chan a few days ago …
“I’m an Epidemiologist and Viral Pathologist and I have ties with higher ups in major Health organizations. You can take my word with a grain of sand if you want but I really need to get this off my chest. There’s a growing concern in the medical and scientific community about a recent outbreak of Novel Hemorrhagic Fever in China that is starting to get out of control. They have started mass lockdowns under the guise of SARS-CoV-2. This is false, this is much worse than they want to let you believe. Current reporting though at this time it’s unverified that the IFR of this recent outbreak is along the lines of 15-23% with an R0 of 12 with a doubling rate every 3 days. This is all I can really provide at this current time.”
More posts from there.
From the 4chan
“…1. Primarily spread by respiratory means ie: Coughing, sneezing, speaking.
2. Covid Vaccinated individuals have a higher IFR than unvaccinated. (Unverified)
3. R0 is anywhere from 8-12.2 one case involved a family dinner with extended relatives with a single symptomatic person at time of exposure.
3. Untraceable chains of transmission…”
If real…oh shit. Very bad. Panic level 1,000,000!
If the latency is high before expression. Double oh shit.
L-Lysine and Vitamin-C stop viral replication
You know, I hate to say it, but there is a class of human you can never have freedom with, if their numbers grow high. It is that class Eric Hoffer wrote will always bite the hand that feeds them, and lick the boot that kicks them. You can’t reason with them. You can’t explain things logically. They are just like kind of fleshy robots waiting to get programmed by whatever psychopath floats across their radar, and then they will feel empowered to tell everyone to do what the psychopath wants.
If Q was right, and we were going to be free, I was never clear how we were going to bring them along on the ride. And then there was Q saying the ending as not going to be for everyone.
It is possible that this was always the end game.
> a group of sick AIDS patients trying to get drugs to treat their disease, and their battle with a government bureaucrat
Anyone remember Laetrile? The FDA stamped a big “NEIN!” on it, banned its use on humans, and then banned the sale of it too. People were smuggling it in from Mexico for a while. The FDA said the drug hadn’t been adequately tested, and it didn’t matter if the people who were taking it were going to die anyway, they couldn’t possibly be allowed to risk any untoward effects from an un-approved drug.
Turned out Laetrile didn’t work, but as far as I can tell it didn’t harm anyone either. Unlike the Jab Juice.
> Govt-linked ‘Mitre Corp’ rolls out ‘vaccine credential initiative’ with their CCP affiliated partners.
MITRE is a “civilian” arm of the National Security Agency. They also ran the first “internet backbone” in the early days, and are threaded through all the NAPs today.
> Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) on Monday thanked President Biden for his efforts to “depoliticize” the nation’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Hutchinson also begged the Fed to ship some Somalis and Afghans to Arkansas a while back. He’s been a friend fo gun owners, and that’s a big thing for me, but after his (now aborted) mask mandate, I swore I could back anyone who ran against him next time, even if Hillary! herself comes back and tosses her name in the pot.
Hutchinson did good, right up until the Coof. I don’t know if he was just decloaking or if he was turned, but we don’t want his RINO ass around here any more.
They are more than happy to give ground on 99% of a politician’s stances just to weasel in one important pillar of their plan. See pretty much every Republicuck in the past 20 years. For whatever reason, the ‘Rona is a huge part of their nefarious plans, worth burning assets left and right.
He’s probably “good” on guns because they know that a.) the federal PTB are assholes on guns and have supremacy clause and b.) the average citizen is still too comfortable to make guns a serious risk to them.
>Tesla owner blows up his Model S with dynamite over $22,000 battery replacement cost. Imagine our military, called to war with electric vehicles, which is all we will be able to manufacture if they manage to get rid of all gas and diesel vehicles.
This is also ignoring the fact we do not have sufficient US-based supplies of the components required to build the batteries. So even if we magicked up the billions of dollars to constantly maintain the fleets, we would still be beholden to either African warlords or the Chinese to keep our supply going. There’s no more obvious portal into the rot than seeing your military actively make themselves weaker in the face of increasing foreign strength.
> U.S. govt chartered Christmas ‘ghost flights’ to carry illegal migrants into Pennsylvania.
They’ve been doing that since at least Obama’s first term. God forbid illegals be force to take the bus… they probably got limo service from their four-star hotels too.
A story about the flights comes out at least once a year.
More on hemhorragic fevers. So I look up this and ivermectin…and find they are doing studies this year on on denge fever and ivermectin. THIS COULD BE A BIG REASON THEY HAVE ATTACKED IVERMECTION. Look at this paper where they say how to fight this,
“… A Proposal of Early Diagnosis and Early Management in Dengue Infection and Possible COVID-19…Dengue infection may lead to various sequels, such as undifferentiated fever, dengue fever, or dengue hemorrhagic fever, progressive illness, and death….We propose integrated management strategies for early dengue virus infection based on our 5-year experience in early management of dengue infection, literature reviews, and research studies (over the last 10 years). This proposal consists of 4 aspects: (1) rehydration with oral rehydration therapy; (2) reduction of the proinflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-6 with oral cytokine inhibitors (i.e. pentoxifylline and doxycycline); (3) inhibition of dengue virus replication, viral load reduction, nonstructural protein 1 antigen clearance with doxycycline and ivermectin; and (4) restoration of the immune function by vitamin D and zinc supplementation. The major benefit of these drugs and supplements is that they are already approved by regulatory bodies, affordable, and clinically safe. They result in better clinical and laboratory outcomes, including reductions in hospitalization and cost of treatment. Another benefit is that this strategy may be used for other virus-induced hypercytokinemia, such as coronavirus disease and Ebola…”
Bingo. So something can be done and every single thing on here that have tried to suppress.
I would add large quantities of vit. C. If you don;t have the liposomal vitamin C type and you are sick take so much that you are shitting yourself. The doctor recommended 3 grams a day for corona. I would go above that. If you can stock pile powdered C now do so.
I may be freaking out for no reason but I have been expecting something just like this for a whole so it’s not like I haven’t been consistent on this. At the worst you have a good stockpile of useful things.
I would also add Benadryl. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl, Vetadryl, Banophen, Diphenhist)
I notice recent links where the CDC says Benadryl is dangerous and other links saying it should be taken off the counter. Well why the hell after decades of this being over the counter is it so dangerous??? Maybe since they don’t want you to live. There was a nursing home in Spain I think, I lost the link, that used Benadryl and had almost no deaths from corona when others were dropping like flies. So it is helpful, it’s cheap and over the counter.
Didn’t know about the Benadryl. Thanks Sam J.
This link may be the article you mentioned re:, Spanish nursing home and Benadryl
It was the early use of an antihistamine, Zyrtec or Claritin should work also.
Yeah that’s the link on antihistamines. I looked all over for that and couldn’t find it thanks.
One other thing that jogged my memory by reading the link. If you can afford it a “SinuPulse Elite Advanced Nasal Sinus Irrigation System, Pulsating Nasal Congestion Relief & Sinus Rinse Machine” is the BOMB. I used to have debilitating sinus problems. After using this thing for a long time it got better but then I added lugal’s iodine and some hydrogen peroxide to the mix and it cured me.
I have hypothesized from my experience that when you get bad sinus problem some sort of bacteria or something gets in the nasal passages and irritates them. The nose of course pours out snot to get rid of it but since you never get rid of it it just gets worse. I think by super flushing the nasal cavity and using anti-bacterial stuff it kills it off finally. I tell you these things are not cheap about $90 but they are worth every penny.
If we get a real live super pandemic and you are washing the nose out when you come in every time you go out it might not ever be able to get lodged in the nose to infect you. That’s what that doctor said about corona so I think it very likely that it will be the same for the new plague they are pushing.
Here’s a link here where I covered in fairly good detail what I did to end sinus trouble.
The doctor says use Betadine (Povidone-iodine) , a disinfectant, to add to the nasal wash.
Of course if you look on the net they are saying your an idiot if you do this. Must work then.
Quality intel, thank you.
> Tesla owner blows up his Model S with dynamite
Back in the 1980s an acquaintance of mine was an 07 FFL. In the course of events he acquired a live Light Antitank Weapon – a LAW rocket. Complete and ready to fire, not just the empty launcher tube. Obviously the proper thing to do was to use it. One of his buddies volunteered some land to try it on, and another contributed an unwanted Buick, so they blew up the Buick with it. By the reports, it was impressive.
Eventually an ATF agent showed up and was checking inventory and serial numbers, and demanded to know where the rocket was. He couldn’t quite grasp the concept of “expendable munition”, and there was considerable consternation far up the ATF chain. Eventually a decision was made and they removed the rocket from the NFA registry.
> Government taking 1/365th of that time when it doesn’t have to is criminal.
The Federal tax laws gather revenue, but their true purpose is to be a weapon to be used against the Fed’s enemies. Not even the IRS knows what a century of legislation and rulings mean; that’s why they have IRS-run tax courts to sort it out.
You often hear of famous or semi-famous people being taken down by the IRS. The media always paints them as tax evaders. In reality, they (and/or their accountants) may have been 100% in compliance, but the IRS chose to “re-interpret” a previous ruling and found them to be violating something. Then they get tried in an IRS-run court. It doesn’t work anything like criminal court; there’s no presumption of innocence, no discovery, they can prosecute you for ex post facto rule violations, and they’re not in the least interested in innocence or guilt, just how much you’re going to pay.
> Las Vegas Police discover severed head in cooler during traffic stop.
Well, DUH! You don’t want to carry it around in a paper bag; it would start to stink pretty quickly.
Multiple unclear transmission chains, hemorrhagic fever highlight necessity of Xi’an lockdown as Winter Olympics approaches
“…The city also reported hemorrhagic fever cases which shared a similarity in early stage symptoms with COVID-19, as well as the imported case through an international flight. …”
The most important thing that should stand out is that the Chinese are saying some of the cases came from international flights. Not good. How does the same virus break out in multiple places at the same time??? That’s not normal.
Reading through some of the Jim Stone stuff…and a thought.
He argues that the vaxx does something with the iron supply in the body, using it to form a structure that stretches the cell to its maximum point without breaking it.
Normally, the iron in the body is in a chemical state, so it is not magnetic, but this chemical alteration may be what is causing the bleeding at the surface of the skin when a magnet is applied because the iron has now become magnetic.
Here is a thought.
It could be that the vaccine is designed to induce hemorrhagic conditions when the iron structure in the cell is exposed to heavy-duty electrical or magnetic fields. The iron “punctures” the cell. Basically, they are “simulating” Ebola. The hemorrhagic fever outbreak you are seeing in China is a test of probably 5G systems on vaccinated people.
Simulating Ebola is just what they need to induce panic and lockdowns without resorting to an uncontrollable virus.
I don’t know. I don’t believe everything Jim Stone says but…he on everything I’ve seen of his follows a logical path. I do not believe he’s a plant. Now whether his logical path leads as far as he takes it…I don’t know.
If you really want to panic I was reading Drexlers book “Engines of Creation” about building nanotech robots and computers in the 80’s. He even has basic designs to build. I see no reason they could not have done this. They were using silicon to make DNA pattern template molds in the 80’s. The silicon was small enough that it could pattern the DNA then be read.
There’s no technical reason that they couldn’t be using nano vaccines to take molecules from the body and build nano machines. These could have iron antennas that when activated start running programs in tiny nano computers. 5G??? These 5G antennas are everywhere and operate at higher frequencies making the antennas needed smaller.
Stuff that helps the body attack these machines they would want to limit. So everything they attack when you know it does some good is stuff you should have and if you get some sort of infection start taking it.
I have to stop myself sometimes. I mean it seems to me that no one could be so evil as to try and murder almost everyone on the planet. it seems so far fetched. But…the evidence keeps coming up that points to just that conclusion.
I do not understand these people.
“…Simulating Ebola is just what they need to induce panic and lockdowns without resorting to an uncontrollable virus…”
I read your comment but I didn’t really “get it” at first. Now I do. Yes make antennas with iron and blast people with some sort of frequency to activate the iron in them and they start bleeding all over. Could be the reports about hemorrhagic fever are false but the vaxxed will think they have it when the iron is activated. PANIC!!!
If, as Stone says, all the elites are going to Antarctica to hide out while the world dies off from fever I hope the Russians and Chinese get together and nuke the living hell out of their base with muti-megaton warheads.
Our cry should be “Nuke the Antarctic!!”
People do me a favor and if you post stuff anywhere like 4chan post,
“Nuke the Antarctic!!”
but don’t explain. The people who are involved will see it and know.
Daily Mail pushing Ray Epps. Very carefully worded and crafted.
Twitter pic was deleted. Must of been too true. Thanks for your posts.
Or, even better, raised entirely on tariffs and duties like we did before the income tax. Don’t want to pay any taxes? Buy American.
“I’m not trying to be a downer over the holidays but…
— Michael Buffer (@Michael_Buffer) December 24, 2021”
Link already nuked.
Also, Rand Paul is also a Doctor. Ophthalmologist, IIRC.
OT: just read at a normie website: “In the 1960s, the KGB tried to blackmail the Indonesian PM Sukarno with tapes of him having sex with a Russian flight attendant. Sukarno not only disregarded their blackmail, but asked them to bring more footage of the video to show his countrymen.”
If true, what do we think of this response? I kinda like it.
They tried that one on some of the Saudi royal family too. The guy asked if they could provide enlargements of some of the photos so he could show his friends his prowess.
The Soviets were even more hung up on sex than the Americans, and thought everyone else was, too. The KGB’s long list of successes overshadows the fact that most of their agents were clueless about the countries they operated in.
Blackmail only works if it destroys you. Leaning into it, never apologizing, and most importantly never doing anything you would be destroyed by in the first place are the most important pillars of blackmail evasion. It correlates highly with Vox Day’s ideas on how to deal with Corporate Conversion and SJWs.
To wit:
Re attempt to blackmail Wellington over sexual escapades. “Publish and be damned,” the great general replied.
They did publish and yet Wellington still went on to be prime minister.
>Grichka death: Bogdanoff twin ‘dies of Covid-19’ aged 72
Interesting number. The Bog bros. have the whole spook physicist credentials and Akhenaten cosmetic surgery cachet.
>Oswald’s last phone call to an Army Counterintelligence guy
GL Rockwell turning up in his phonebook never sat right. KGB wife in tow back from the Motherland, fluent in German, *Rubenstein icing him . . .
>I wondered if he had requested the paper so he could pass it on to some structure he was a part of, as a warning the secret they had all seen was out
Mimetic cat out of the bag, or to memory hole it?
>Brandon’s personal ‘Praetorian Guard,’
They are responsible for domestic counterintel, perhaps they’re actually doing their job– one can dream.
>No Doctor Will Admit This Is from the Vaccine. They Won’t Make the VAERS Report.”
Scribe or no scribe, they’d decline out of sheer laziness from the prospect of more paperwork; add a mortgage and the odds dwindle to nothing.
>injections have already killed 50,000 Americans.
Gulf War Syndrome documentation was supposedly kept at OKC; mRNA patents for prophylactic use against ‘nuclear incidents’ . . . with trillions on the line and Nuremberg Code violations by 5th columnites, the messyness has yet to even start.
>Joe Biden let 600,000 migrants illegally enter
If it comes to helter skelter, it’s entirely on the inaction of the enlisted on their sworn oaths. I’m sure those ‘dreamers’ will be behind every blade of grass come Red Chink Dawn time. All in midterm fraud push, eh?
>China is bribing many of those behind the push to electric vehicles
If you wanted a die off, useless vehicles zapped world wide in a solar flare would be effective, supply chain nonsense being what it is.
>2,200 shot this year in Mayor Jim Kenney’s Philadelphia.
2/5ths over reported, surely.
>Reagan probably had nothing to do with it.
WTC Towers had NSA – among other agencies’ – facilities, notably documentation of the economic blitz on the USSR, presumably utilizing a lot of dark money. Maybe someone was calling in a loan that day on the Bush clan. That’s the Farrell take anyways. A Soviet block presence closer in time might have kept people more wary about China coof as biowarfare at least.
>Chinese are saying some of the cases came from international flights
If you believe the shabbos George Webb account of the military olympics in China and UN biomaterials couriers seeding the spread in 2019, the lack of abstentions from Red China hosting the winter olympics are bound for more of the same trouble.
>Meat-by-mail companies are a thing; they use thickwall foam coolers and packs of dry ice to ship.
Whole cows have become more popular, with people pooling to get a slab and split the butchering costs; probably on the heels of this if I had to guess.
>he and Harry Reid were both set to give concession speeches and then magically they won (to the apparent surprise of both)
Reid caught the black eye bug right around 2016 election time, for attempting to fix things in Nevada with the culinary unions, among others according to Bernie Bros. congressional candidate Dan Rolle at the time. Hildog’s brother was involved as well.
“Government taking 1/365th of that time when it doesn’t have to is criminal.”
“Never was a government that was not composed of liars, malefactors and thieves.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BCE)
Cicero was a piece of shit too. He was one of the richest people in Rome using slaves to work all the lands he bought from skimming conquest money. Basically driving all the Romans, not slaves, into poverty and refusing to do anything to help them. Sound familiar? The coincidences between Rome at that time when Caesar took over and now are numerous. The wealthy use the assets of the State to enrich themselves and pauperize the middle class and the poor into decrepitude.
Just goes to show how some people will destroy everything, everything to pack up more coin in their pockets. Cicero blabbing about the Republic constantly while doing everything in his power to destroy it.
Just like the Demoncrats today screaming about how Trump is a dictator “Destroying our democracy” while intentionally destroying the country.
I don’t know enough to be sure but I have come to think Julius Caesar was the Donald Trump of his time.
“…Julius Caesar was the Donald Trump of his time…”
Yes Julius Caesar was a populous. I can;t remember all the reforms he enstated but it was all based on middle class stuff like demanding large Roman land owners pay so many Romans as laborers per slave and stuff like that. I think passed on direct cash also and food. For that they murdered him. Even after he pardoned him for fighting a civil war against him and losing. He could have cleaned them out. Totally ruined them and killed them all and he let them go and for it they stabbed him in the back.
Let this be a lesson. If we ever get power again we must get rid of the Jews and their agents. They will stab us in the back. The Jews always as best as I can tell stab anyone in the back that helps them in any way.
Think if every illegal and legal immigrant in the US for the last 20 years were slaves and had to work for free and we would have to compete with that. It was insufferable. Caesar was a rich Man at the top but he didn’t hate normal people. I don’t know why but people at the top in a lot of cases really despise the people on the bottom. It makes no sense they are the same people practically. Maybe it reminds them that they are not so special themselves. People at the top who really are special know it and don’t have any problem with those at the bottom.
This guy is one of those that I bet knows he isn’t special and hates average people. I noted in his wiki page,
“…In September 2019, the Federal President of Swiss Confederation, Ueli Maurer, suggested to the Federal Council that Klaus Schwab, who has lived in Switzerland for 60 years, be granted Swiss citizenship and a Swiss passport, based on the cantonal citizenship law. Although Schwab has Swiss parents, the President of the Swiss Confederation Simonetta Sommaruga rejected the application. The Federal Office of Justice from the department of Karin Keller-Sutter (FDP) ultimately rejected the granting of citizenship…”
What kind of dufus fuck wit probate do you have to be that Switzerland denies you citizenship after living there for 60 years and your parents being citizens of the country? They must know something we don’t.
Octavian ended slavery in the Empire when he took over.
“Boris got his booster but the nurse forgot to wear her gloves and the cap is still on.” That’s okay, she’s POC, can do no wrong.
The mere suggestion that the contents of a syringe can’t pass freely through the cap if administered by a POC is racist. Remember that these people developed space travel, quantum computers, bathtubs and let’s face it, the entirety of Western Civilization. The complete list is too long for me to remember, you will have to go to the Wakanda Museum of Applied Sciences to find out the rest
Dear AC,
I am a West Point graduate and former Army football teammate of Greg Gadson, whom you profiled here:
Wearing number 52, I appear in this video at 1:26:
I first found your site circa 2014, drifted away, rediscovered it in November 2017, and have since been a daily visitor. I am writing because I’m a thriller novelist with five self-published works on, all of which feature patriotic themes complementary to your blog. You have expressed willingness to help like-minded creators, and I was struck by your post about John Kennedy Toole and his A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES:
I have written for over twenty years, and have earned the representation of three literary agents. In 2011 I was repped by the agent and collaborated with the editor of perhaps the most famous commercial novelist of the last two decades. But I have not been picked up, and while I concede that I may simply not be good enough–that I lack the chops for the big time–I think that in some if not many cases, there have been other reasons for my being overlooked. Ideological reasons.
My latest book is titled CRUSADER. It is available with my others here:
During its query process the past six months, I encountered behavior that suggests the publishing industry’s tacit bias if not outright collusion to find and promote works of a particular slant or style. Behavior that was unusual, unprofessional, and occasionally flat-out weird–all of it, I suspect, a response to CRUSADER’s plot. To wit:
* An established agent complimented my previous work, MENLO, and requested a first-in-series thriller with a strong male protagonist, even offering to help me develop such a franchise. Two years later, when I approached him with CRUSADER, written in accordance with his advice, he was unresponsive to multiple queries–dead silent.
* After noting the strength of my MENLO sample, the chief editor of an Amazon imprint requested the same–a first-in-series thriller. Same story: two years later, when I queried her about CRUSADER, she was unresponsive. I badgered her assistant enough to learn that the thriller genre had not been selling well lately, so they were going to pass. And theirs is Amazon’s thriller imprint.
* I have had successful, experienced agents ghost me after requesting and receiving the full manuscript. This never happens: while agents are flooded with initial queries, and many use nonresponse to indicate rejection, requesting a full customarily warrants far more engagement and professional courtesy–at least a one-line rejection, if not a two- or three-paragraph critique ending with a polite demurral.
* The oddest response I received was this, from an industry doyenne, reproduced in full. It reminds me of your comments about Amy Robach at ABC:
“Sorry, Sterritt, but I scare way too easily for such fiction reading. Besides, I’m not convinced that Tom Clancy and John leCarre can share the same sentence, their writing is just too different.
In any case, the world is a terrifying place and I don’t want to become still more terrified.
Thanks for writing, [name redacted]”
When I received this, I wondered: What terrifies her about my work? It’s fiction, right?
Or is it?
I have noted your assertion that entertainers and media figures are chosen and elevated above more competent peers for their willingness to advance certain ideals. This email may end my chances of traditional publishing success at scale, but I’ve been at it for so long that writing for entertainment seems frivolous, now that I’ve seen behind the curtain.
Feel free to post this either in full or with contextualized edits.
Thank you,
Sterritt Armstrong
One, it is fucking awesome you know Gregory Gadson, he seems like a great guy. And props on the service. It is appreciated.
Two, if you are not a knowing member of a conspiracy to spy on fellow Americans, the whole bestselling-millionaire-author thing is off the table. And those agents all know. They are probably running surveillance on their down time. I don’t like discouraging people, but IMO, that is a simple reality I would want to know if I was in that position. Those “bestselling author millionaires” are a part of something, and I suspect they have to kick back much of the money to it, in return for getting to live that “star” life. I don’t know what it is – Freemasonry, CIA, local intelligence networks, some other secret thing, or bloodline, I do not know. But I know that whole deal is rigged, and if you don’t know how, don’t spend time chasing it, as it will be time of your’s they tricked you into wasting, and like Toole, you will not have a rewarding life. You can try to fight it, but you will end up like me, fighting it to fight it, and I do not think there is money in that, and there are probably more productive uses of your time.
That said, there are options to make a normal living as an author, but like anything it takes time, and you have to put in years of it, and it will not be an extravagant life, likely. Blog, build relationships with an audience, or approach a publisher like Castalia, or network on If you want to self publish in the print world, I am happy to help.
It isn’t easy. I did it backwards, turning out the book and then blogging, which was less efficient, and failed to start the book with a supercharged release which could grow from there. But you could not have told me that at the start – I simply felt it was best to “go!” And since then I found Blogging takes a lot of time, so now I’m in the weird position of having an audience I click with on a happening blog, but no new books to sell because I spend my time here and don’t have time to come up with books. So making a living at this requires balancing time between elements of the program as well.
Other things – advertising is mostly a scam. Book buyers are hard to find, but fans and friends are not, and they can become book buyers. And quality work will spread by word of mouth, albeit slowly. Finally, more books equals more money. I think the best strategy is a lot of books which each sell a trickle, that together adds up to something decent, and which help to sell each other. View your books as your retirement income, which you are building up now, more than a source of income now to support your present lifestyle.
Self-publishing print copies means you will not sell millions of books, but you also will not be getting fucked by a publisher who takes 98% of your sale price. With self publishing you sell fewer books, but you also keep like 40-60% of the retail price, which is not bad. Get the book “POD for Profit,” which will walk you through the process step by step. It is quite simple. You format the Word or LibreOffice document to the page sizes and margins in POD for Profit, install Adobe Acrobat Pro which auto-creates a sort of software printer on your computer. Hit print in the word processor, and select Adobe’s printer as the printer. It will “print” the document into a PDF file format which you simply upload to the publisher, who will then list the print copy everywhere for sale at the price you specify, print them as they are ordered, and send you the cash to your bank account. Though be warned, fighting the machine, or just sidestepping it is not without cost. Like Toole, you may end up finding out 15% of your local population comes out of the woodwork just to fuck with your head, doing overt harassment surveillance and gangstalking, and trying to intimidate you into giving up. It was always there, so your position won’t have really changed, just you’d have finally seen it, and then you’d know what is out there, and what you have always been up against. But it is your call. Due to a weird past, probably courtesy of this thing, I’ve always kind of been on the outside, and strangely almost expect a world that fucks with me, so I am probably better with it than most. But if you have kids, and a wife, and they are not strong, it might alter the calculus.
I’ll plug the book but not now. Traffic is in a dip due to the holidays and people traveling and hanging with family. If I forget to do it by Jan 15th, post here to remind me and I will get it up. Alternately, if you want to get POD for Profit, and see about turning out print copies before I plug it, just post that here and I will hold off until you get back at me.
But check in with Vox Day and Timeless Authors too.
Thanks for the plug.
But just so nobody is disappointed I want to emphasize that Timeless Authors is just getting started and doesn’t have much to offer yet.
We hope to grow and become a good place to network and every new member (especially those in the book industry) helps us get there.
I will do my best to spread the work of people who come or sometimes just work I like or the work of people I like but we are not yet going to sell millions of copies of books for people.
David Cornwall was British intel, which we know because he wrote entire books about how he was British intel, but note the Cabal control increased greatly after the Cold War (1990) and Cornwall got started long before hand. That could have been a limited hangout thing.
Clancy was always close with the Pentagon and with him they put out a story about being a military hobbyist that just got a lot of stuff right, that even the early reviewers (1980s) pointed out sounded really like BS. But he also got started before the end of the Cold War. And he doesn’t have even the anti-establishment stuff that is in the Le Carre novels.
If I really wanted to write for publication, even if it was completely non-political, I would probably do a blog for awhile, accepting it would be low traffic (not try to monetize it), then write something longer form. If the Cabal does not completely win soon, there are some promising platforms, but I would still wait to see how they develop.
I’ve actually really liked the USMA grads I came I’ve come in contact with, but who knows?
I think the Cabal talent selection process is more sophisticated than “we will take everyone from school x, but really control who gets into school x”.
Thanks, AC, for this lengthy response and offer to plug the work. I’ll certainly consider those other options at some point. Whenever I finish a book–typically a three-year process from initial ideas to completed manuscript–then go through the query process, I’m pretty tired of the whole thing. More so this time around, for the reasons I cited.
A word about Greg Gadson that I had in the original draft of my note: He is an honorable and gracious man, and he was a ferocious hitter in college; I was glad that I never had to take him on. As a dedicated punt snapper, I had a privileged and pampered role: if I so much as jammed a finger, I was useless to the team, so I was spared the meat grinder of daily scrimmages.
A safe and Happy New Year to you, and keep up the good work. Your site is great.
Also thank you for the datapoint. I have wondered if entry to Service Academies was strictly controlled, and only for Cabal, or if they let regular Americans in on merit, and would later have to corral them.
There are two pipelines for admission to the service Academies: regular cadet admission and recruited intercollegiate athletes (ICs). The admission process is eased for the latter, and it may result in more non-Cabal types, since the Academies are hungry for athletes to keep their D1 sports teams operating, and they wouldn’t find that sort of material solely in Cabal circles.
Forgot to mention, got a copy of your latest and it’s on my queue. Looking forward to checking it out!
Re: Traffic deaths already hit a 14 year high, and 2021 isn’t even over yet.
AC, I’ve commented here before on the increase in traffic fatalities – especially since the China Flu. My thoughts are that road deaths are a perfect, plausibly deniable assassination method and that we’re seeing manifest evidence of the Cabal “Invisible Enemy” in these statistics.
What I hadn’t linked before is your insight on our surveillance frequently and impressively timing drive-by’s precisely to when one leaves one’s house, or the precise timing of aggressive cars pulling up late and beyond traffic control signs at intersections – those near t-bone impacts I’ve personally experienced. I think you’re correct that there is an ongoing training aspect to these car-related surveillance incidents. Now I think the timing training also relates not just to steady harassment but to targeted car assassinations. I don’t buy these articles’ suggestion that normies’ driving habits have changed since the China Flu. I think what changed is the intensity of the covert war we’re in.
That could be.
Could be a mix of that and vaxxidents.
The photo of Boris Johnson receiving a booster with a capped needle is fake, the cap has been photoshopped. You can find the video which clearly shows he received the shot with an uncapped needle.
Tomorrows headlines: “Anti vax conspiracy theorists claim Boris Johnson…blahblahblah”
Why do you assume the video is legit and the photo is faked?
Not saying you’re not right, just be aware of how insane this reality is.
I’ll bet it was saline and he knew it though.
“It should be a simple percentage of sales, collected by businesses, and people should not have to spend any time on it at all each year.”
It should ALL be tariffs at the federal level.
I think the founders were wrong and it should include tariffs at the state level too, there should be no tariffs by states the product passes through and state tariffs should be constitutionally limited to some fraction of what federal tariffs are.
Property taxes also must be done away with, at a minimum they should be entirely eliminated on your primary residence.
Instead of sales taxes at the point of sale to the consumer I prefer excise taxes paid after the sale of the product by the manufacturer.
Property taxes are the most insidious as they are intended first and foremost to send a message that GOVERNMENT owns you and can demand tribute on whatever you think you own. Sales taxes or excise taxes – either one would be an improvement over our current income tax system which is also meant to be a tool of government against it’s enemies.
And whatever else happens, the Fed must END. The imaginary monopoly money has to end.
Own you?
Your home is registered as a joint-tenancy.
Tenant of whom?
I’m not trying to be a downer over the holidays but…
— Michael Buffer (@Michael_Buffer) December 24, 2021″
It’s gone now.
What was it?
r/K meme:
Anyone else skeeved out by the skull shape on this guy? Melonhead, conehead, what was the term?
Melonhead. I refuse to believe that does not correlate with brain structure, and have a psychological/cognitive correlate.
Regarding the photo of Borris, that doesn’t look like the cap, that just looks like the needle hub. They come in all sort of different colours to mark which size needle it is.
I mean it could have been saline or a doctored photo or whatever for all we know, but nothing in that actual photograph shows that. Also, in many places nurses don’t wear gloves when administering vaccines, they just wash their hands.
FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking
Harry Reid (D-Hell) deceased
Feminism, atheism, and the effects of the one child policy are destroying China
I hope Vox is paying attention.
More trouble in “Virtuous Pagan” land
When will he admit that he was wrong about “no lockdowns in China”?
Or is he going to be like Adams?
Moving on, the outbreak in the northwestern Chinese city of Xi’an has continued to worsen. Already, some among the 13M residents who have been locked down for a week already are running out of food, according to the Daily Mail.
These people – some of whom say they are “starving” – aren’t allowed to venture outdoors for any reason, including for buying food and other supplies. Previously, one member of each household was allowed out once every two days to buy food. City officials said people in “low risk” areas will be allowed to buy essentials once testing is complete and if their results are negative.
Xi’an reported 175 new cases on Tuesday, a paltry figure compared to other large cities around the world, but a substantial number in China, which still favors its “Zero COVID” approach even in the face of a less deadly, more infectious, variant. Nearby cities have also logged cases linked to the flare-up, including Yan’an, which is situated about 185M from Xi’an. Authorities asked people to stay home and businesses not to open in that city Tuesday.
People in Xi’an may face up to 10 days in police detention and fines of up to $75 if they are caught leaving their home for any reason other than to get tested or for a medical emergency.
RE: Boris’s staged fake jab
This is the kind of thing that makes me think that the people dying after taking the jabs just weren’t as important as they thought they were. One of the things that I have noticed about our movement is that we tend to doubt the deaths of “important” people like Epstein. I don’t doubt those deaths at all, because I look at our enemy and see no hesitation to murder people, so why would they go to the trouble to fake a murder when they are perfectly happy to do it for real? And the people who are too important to risk get faked photo ops like this where they didn’t even bother injecting saline.
We all think that they are injecting saline randomly or even to cabal assets on the ground, just to keep the death toll at a certain percentage, but what level do you think you have to get to before you get taken out of the potential death pool?
I’m the same. Epstein is dead. There is no “retirement” program for his type. They don’t sit on some beach some place they might get discovered, especially in our IG/FB world.
They get strangled to death in a cold cell.
Epstein fucked up enough that he got caught. Why would they reward him for that?
I don’t know. It’s probably easier to fake deaths and it is also less messy. No vigilante family members to deal with. No martyrs. Just media manipulation and a move to another part of the world.
After all, it’s only normies they have to fool.
Scenario 1: Find a relocation site. Arrange travel. Provide security. Bribe officials to allow the trafficking. Pay for an annuity to support the subject. Put the subject under life long surveillance.
Scenario 2: Give a thug ex-cop two crack rocks and a jar of cheese dip to strangle the subject and walk away.
Yeah, it’s SO much easier to retire them to a tropical island.
The question becomes one of the loyalty of their remaining assets.
If they know they are likely to be killed sooner or later they may not be as loyal as they would be if they can go to some hidden island somewhere where they can visit Epstein living and enjoying himself but unable to leave.
He could even still run a pedo operation on that island.
Does cabal care about that? I don’t know.
I think that would motivate you or me. I don’t think it is how they think. I think that they get the island right now, and they keep the island by not fucking up.
Epstein LITERALLY had the tropical island. He fucked up and lost it. Why would they give him ANOTHER?
I wonder if he fucked up really though, or if what happened was above his pay grade, and it was some hostile operation that could not be stopped.
Something has changed. I remember somebody in movies pissed off Weinstein somehow years back, and a showbiz type was at a red carpet event, and Weinstein came out from the back and grabbed this guy who pissed him off in a head lock and began punching him, right on the red carpet, as all the stars were in the middle of posing for pictures around him. According to the guy recounting it, who was with some agent, as all the flashbulbs went off, he commented to his agent friend, “I guess we know what will be on the front page of the Post tomorrow.” In his mind there was no way Harvey Weinstein is in a fistfight on the red carpet of the Golden Globes or something, and it doesn’t lead the next news cycle. The agent laughed and said you would never see it in the news. He was incredulous, until a few days had passed, and there was nothing in any news outlet. At the time, the story was told as an example of Weinstein’s power individually.
Now in retrospect, Weinstein was obviously like Epstein, breaking in underaged starlets who were then sent to powerful men for blackmail, as part of a Mossad/Cabal/CIA/FBI pedo blackmail op, and since the media was just another wing, even running ground surveillance of their own time probably, the intel people just told them not to cover it, and they didn’t.
Since then, something has changed. All of these guys are being taken down one after another. It isn’t just one who fucked up. And they are getting Maxwell too, who has relatives involved with Promis, and the Octopus. It is a connected group of assets, watching a sibling get fucked over royally. Even Prince Andrew appears scared. And everyone else is watching, and has to know something changed.
It is possible Cabal is purging and cleaning house, to make it look like we are starting anew because too many people knew. Or it could be some counter-conspiracy/clique/power-struggle. But something is different.
What did you make of the nose on the Epstein look-alike they rolled down the sidewalk with his face uncovered, not in a body-bag, or even under a sheet? Was that Epstein swollen up, and a humiliating message from whoever is in charge, or was it a double, and either an attempt by Cabal to make it look like he wasn’t dead to assuage fears, or was it a double, and maybe he wasn’t dead? Clearly rolling a dead body around like a food cart, with the face in the open, on a fucking sidewalk with photogs snapping pics was strange. They always want a body bag, if just for hygiene.
It all feels like puzzle pieces, but we don’t put puzzles like this together often enough to know how the pieces actually fit.
I think that the ears matched and the rest was just swelling and prison fat. As for how it got out, incompetence is the rule in prisons.
“Scenario 2: Give a thug ex-cop two crack rocks and a jar of cheese dip to strangle the subject and walk away.”
Then that cop becomes a loose end and needs to be dealt with.
I’m not saying that assassinations don’t happen, but they are much harder to pull off than one would think. There’s always the matter of who is going to be allocated to do it. The person who draws that lot then has to make sure they won’t take the fall for the death. What’s their defense going to be? That a vast conspiracy made them do it?
A lot of fakery would be easier to pull off and much cleaner.
The cabal is a giant collection of loose ends. I think that they are much, much less concerned about that than you are, because they own the prosecutors and you don’t.
Women who have more sex have better developed brains: study says
I wonder what the r/K implications are and what difference there might be between monogamy and infidelity.
To a certain degree women are supposed to be r and being to K is actually r for them. (they are the OPPOSITE sex)
This appears to be part of that dynamic.
Agree. They need to multi-task and function on their own to raise children alone, so developing to be more multi-functional, aggressive, and ambitious would not be surprising, even if it is not idea for children.
The only part of the brain that was effected was the part that receives signals from the clit. That doesn’t sound like “development.” That sounds like the tolerance / addiction reaction. It’s like saying that masturbation makes you stronger because they studied some perverts and they had more grip strength in one hand.
Brain regions are multi use.
It says right in the article memory was improved:
“Back in 2016, scientists at McGill University in Canada found young women who engage in traditional intercourse have an easier time remembering things than their less sexually active counterparts.
That same year, a Coventry University study similarly found that older guys who get laid regularly have better “brain health” and are less likely to lose memory.”
A video has resurfaced of Rep. Madison Cawthorn saying he met his soon-to-be ex-wife at a ‘fake CrossFit competition’ organized by a US Army captain he met in Russia
Cabal matchmaking?
Did he know? or was he suckered?
Awesome catch. No doubt Army guy did not bump into him by accident. And if he didn’t bump into him by accident, then anyone he introduced him to is suspect. And she definitely has a look I associate with it in some pictures. Do we know if she is Jewish, or her parent’s backgrounds?
That whole world is so fascinating if you come from the normie world where everyone is just doing their own thing. We would never have time to do our thing and go getting into other people’s things, even if we wanted to, and who would even want to? The whole idea there is this organization trying to plan people’s lives, control their destinies, and willing to give up their own entire destiny, and just be a cog in the background to do it. How do they have girls who have given up on falling in love themselves, or having regular families they want themselves, and are willing to go in and have a sham marriage, and give birth to cover kids just so they can spy on someone? And for what? A conspiracy that brought us Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, and may orchestrate a US defeat to the dog-burning bug-people of the CCP leadership?
So weird.
Polish president vetoes media bill, U.S. welcomes move
Iraqi court ratifies election result, rejects appeal
Someone asked about the coneheads or melonheads. I ran across this site and it looked like a good introduction.
Now some crazy talk. Could it be these people never disappeared? There’s a LOT of them buried in Peru in what appear to be hastily dug graves. I’ve speculated that some sort of disease wiped them out. Recently we talked here about early explorers to the Americas. There were a lot of them. The Vikings and there’s a really good chance that the Romans and Phoneticians came to the Americas a long time ago way before Columbus.
Could it be that on one of these journeys a plague of some sort wiped out the Melonheads?
So if it didn’t wipe them all out and that appears to be the case could it be the recent and possibly much larger coming virus attacks are…THE CONEHEADS STRIKE BACK!
If I’m not mistaken the Aztecs said that the temples they sacrificed people from were not built by them. The Aztec rulers bound their heads, just like the coneheads,. Maybe they were copying them down to including a lot of human sacrifice. This sort of thing was also found in Malta where a cave was jam packed with human skulls and a few coneheads. Ditto in Mexico where they found coneheads with jewelry and many normal humans buried with them. Probably sacrificed.
The bad thing is these coneheads seem to not have much in the way of curiosity. All they seemed to have cared about was sacrifice and being on top. They had some big advances in geopolymers to make stone and large scale engineering in terms of temples but next to noting ion a whole lot of other realms of engineering. They sucked and died out. In a manner of speaking we could call them really smart “r’s”.
Here’s a great link that has a video linked in it showing they were still around in the 60’s and were just as corrupt then.
I once shared a tent with a female conehead
This is her.
Something interesting that might interest AC. He said that he was being harassed by North Georgia police. That he would talk to people about archeological sites and they would get calls saying he was a homosexual communist or other sorts of things. His archeological work also seems to be attacked by the Atlanta newspapers and others. Now he seems to believe that it’s because of archeology but…maybe it’s his meeting with the Melonhead girls that caught their interest but they’re not going to tell him that.
“…I also was being hounded constantly by local, state and federal law enforcement. Anyone I came in contact with, could be expect to receive calls out of the blue from some law enforcement agency, telling them I was being investigated for a wide range of violent crimes or to tell them I was a librul, Marxist homosexual….”
“…As I interviewed a lady, whose family owned an apple-peach orchard in Gilmer, for an article on family farms in the Examiner, she received a cellular call from a federal law enforcement officer, stating, “We are watching you from up in the sky. Don’t believe anything that Thornton says about the Mayas. He’s crazy.” After the call, she looked up at me with a puzzled face and said, “Who are the Maya family?”…”
Many others. This guy fits the profile you’ve talked about by being a very bright guy with unconventional thoughts.
I mean what the hell. He was even poisoned by his ex wife.
Thank you so much Sam J. I will look into all of these links. I am truly grateful.
I believe the best explanation is Nephilim as well. I find it to be the one, grand unifying theory that explains all facets of Cabal’s behavior.
I know this sounds bonkers, but the Nephilim thing is near and “dear” to my heart as I strongly suspect I’m married to one. Not even joking. Marriage counselor tipped me off that he was a sociopath. Read up on sociopathy/narcissism/Cluster B/Dark Triad and he is garden variety. Bummer, but within normal life.
The weirdness is the crazy high % Neanderthal DNA (genotyped), the associated physical characteristics (from memory – attached earlobes, occipital bun, Rh-, etc. I checked the list and he’s got them all), crazy high IQ (legit tested). Oh, and he’s got a freakishly off-the-charts sized head. I believe Vault Co. was wrong, the Neanderthal are the descendants of Nephilim, and the evil that runs through them (and their precious bloodlines) is spiritual in nature.
My husband’s family made zero sense to me for years until I put two and two together and realized they are Cabal. Reading AC and posts on 4Chan, I realize I’m the female version of the males discussing Gate and other weirdness. They weren’t art students, but I was presented with almost exclusively Jewish men to date until marriage. Bizarrely, the Jewish moms were ALL crazy in love with me and heavily pushed their sons to grab me off the dating market, permanently. Now I think they wanted my genetics for breeding.
I did the AC exercise of re-examining my earlier life, all its weirdness, and now think the best explanation is Cabal. My life and its events are utterly preposterous outside of a Cabal explanation. Ending up married to a Cabal sociopath makes sense and seems a decent probability given the data. Plus, his amygdala blows up like a nuclear bomb when I openly discuss him being Cabal.
TL:DR – from up close living with one, I believe Cabal = Sociopaths/Narcissists/Cluster Bs = Nephilim descendants
On the pandemic/plague topic, Benadryl is a wonder drug for a million things, but also look into including Pepcid (and/or other proton pump inhibitors) to inhibit cytokine storm.
Thank you AC for all you do. You have no idea how vital and appreciated you are. A belated Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.
Thank you for the ground report. It is fascinating to hear the story recounted again, especially from the female side, from mothers of them clearly knowing something when they meet you, to how you realize later on that all those little quirks you were constantly registering as weird actually were, and were not just one in a million coincidences, to GATE, to how once you realize, your whole life replays before your eyes, getting recontextualized.
I suppose it is strange to be smart in book stuff, and yet realize how due to the simple, constant gaslighting of your entire bloodline, and even the 85-95% of society you are a part of, you have lived your life kind of like some form of livestock, being moved around the farm, but never actually understanding any of it, or even being consciously aware of it, as you realized something felt off.
Sorry they got you married to one, but there is not much you can do until your eyes open. And the truth is, I think for generations going back, our ancestral lines were being targeted like this and nobody ever managed to get their eyes open for some reason. Probably they never imagined it was possible some group in society knew such a big secret, and managed to organize and work together without it ever leaking out, or even one of them pulling you aside and warning you to watch your ass.
Merry Christmas, and a great New Year to you. I think the next few years are going to be very interesting.
Are there any OTC drugs at the pharmacy now that we should stock up on? Pepcid and Benadryl are two. Any others, especially the ones they have behind the pharmacy counter.
I’m not really a medical professional, and my emergency medicine cabinet is prepared for the day when everything shuts down and I or a loved one need hard stuff. I have built up an impressive stash of antibiotics of all types, some Tamiflu, a ton of Ivermectin injectable, Dexamethasone, and on the supplement front obviously Vitamin D, C, Zinc, Quercetin, NAC, and I am a fan of Glutamine, Lysine, Whey, Creatine, B Complex, and I have a lot of other stuff I got but rarely take, and probably never will. I have not spent that much time researching OTC off label uses, and a lot of my knowledge is degrading because I spend a lot of time here, and am not reading to stay current in bio/health stuff right now.
I can’t really give you a good list on that, but maybe somebody here has a better grasp on it.
Main things I would add to that is liposomal Vitamin C (I use LivOn labs) and diamode (Imodium). Four to eight doses of the single serving packets from Rescue Essentials goes into every first aid kit or EDC that I put together.
Dehydration from diarrhea is literally a killer, and you’ll get it in spades with a hemorrhagic fever. And it will be bloody, too.
Rescue Essentials is one of my favorite supplies. They have obscure stuff in single dose packets like Burn Jel and Benzoine Tincture ampules (used to make tape stick to skin no matter what. I’m pretty sure you could get rape charges to stick to Bill Clinton with a couple of ampules of that shit.) Now I’m on the site and I’ll end up ordering even more…
AC, do you have any tips on good ways to attain a range of antibiotics?
Also, I’m not sure if B vitamin complexes are shelf stable compared to other supplements/medications. From what I understand they are the first to break down in long-term storage. You can usually tell from the distinct smell that deteriorating B vitamins give off and the change in coloration.
I had sick dogs, and the vet would prescribe a range of antibiotics because Chemo was screwing up their GI tracts, and I would see what worked as we went along to keep them in one piece. I ended up with a huge pile of excess antibiotics after the dogs passed, though I did get about double the life expectancy on them, I assume because we were able to hit them a little harder with chemo.
If I wanted antibiotics for the Apocalypse, I would think an overseas pharmacy would be selling more effective stuff than the aquarium pills. But youd have to experiment to see what ones could deliver.
Thanks AC.
The only legal way to stock up is to get your doctor to prescribe you a prophylactic run of antibiotics, which some doctors will do for things like winter cabins that get snowed in or long foot expeditions.
On a completely separate note, this reminds me of all the antibiotics I got for that aquarium I’m going to eventually start.
Those guys sell really high quality antibiotics. They are literally coming off the same lines as the ones that they prescribe to people, just labeled for animals. I know, because when I get some I go to
and look up the physical description of the tabs, and they are exactly the same. Even the same dosages as people. Just don’t take any yourself, because you need a doctor to go to, look up the dosage for what ails you, and then read that to you so you know what to take. You can’t do that yourself because you’re not qualified to run a search engine and read it. I printed out the dosages for all the antibiotics I got, to remind myself not to do that even if the power goes out and I don’t have the internet.
You know what, I suddenly got an inexplicable urge to eventually start a massive aquarium myself for some reason. And a strange desire print out information on antibiotics just to make sure I never take them without a doctor’s permission. Oddest thing, that.
“…best explanation is Nephilim as well…”
Not trying to be obstructive but I’m not really saying I believe that. Nor that it is not. The link I posted was just a fairly good round up of some of this stuff and they call them Nephilim. If I had to be nailed down I say they are just humans of a different strain. It could very well be that the Melonheads are creatures that rose up in Iraq and looked like fish and all of them carried handbags that seemed to be very important because they are prominently featured in societies all over the planet. Very strange. I also would not be extremely surprised if someone found that they came from the Moon and that the Moon is a spaceship. Sometimes I have firm ideas about these things only to find other information that muddles it all up. There are so many contradictory and odd things about the past I don’t know what to think.
I commented and left a lot of links on the handbags here below link. I wonder…if the handbags are not some sort of nano-replicator. Where you throw minerals, dirt or whatever in them and then they build what you want. In truth I’m like the blind Men that felt the elephant one saying elephants are snakes, one a wall and one a hose or something like that.
Tex actually, if I remember correctly, does not believe Melonheads were Neanderthals and doesn’t care much for Melonheads. He said that he thought the Jews are crosses between the Melonhead Women and their Neanderthal guard/slaves.
I do agree with the idea that melonheads are psychopathic. “If” they were around and running things during the Ice age, and I think this is true, they seemed to have some really strong tech in some cases but extremely weak in others. My feeling is they don’t have this hunger to know things and serious curiosity. They only care that they rule. Not that if they had some serious problem they wouldn’t put their minds to it but that they mostly just used up people to solve problems.
Could it be they have decided humans are too unreliable as slave so now that the technology is available, or very close, to make AI’s that can take care of all their basic needs they are phasing us out?????
On the Neanderthal/Jewish thing, I have often had two thoughts. One is, I think Neanderthals probably had some variation, including in psychology. Teaming up with ten guys and taking some spears to attack a herd of Woolly Mammoth, knowing you would regularly get bones broken is a very aggressive, fearless psychology, Which I doubt correlates with the leftist Cabal-Jew mindset which is really passive aggressive subversion with tons of conflict avoidance. If the Cabal Jew clan descended from those Neanderthals, we would be having war because they would have taken up arms and attacked us, not sat back and planned expanding porn access, and importing foreigners, and fiat currencies, and fostering artists who degrade culture, and making everything subtly turn to shit.
But Neanderthals with that fearless, warrior psychology, would also open up a niche for exploitation, by Machiavellian psychologies who would seek to exploit that massive haul of Mammoth meat, without enduring any of the risk. It would probably be very r-selected, and as we see today, one facet of that is women who prefer to mate with out-group mates. So if a new Hominid came through, and wiped out the Neanderthals, I would not be surprised if the Neanderthals who got their genes into the newcomer’s gene pool were the r-selected females. Maybe they bred with the Melonheads, or just the Saps, I have never looked at it too closely as I don’t think we’ll figure it out given all the obfuscation.
So I am not sure we really know what the Neanderthals were really like. It is possible they had two phenotypes, like we do today, one direct, intelligent, and logical, that sought to better their own and was honed and developed by harsh conditions, and one subversive and Machiavellian, who sought to weaken everyone else down to their level to compete. It is possible pieces of both made it into our populations, and all we can really do is say, by their fruits ye shall know them.
All of that said, there was an interview with some people who worked with the guy who headed the Pentagon’s UAP project, and they said the thing the UAP guy hasn’t said publicly, but which they all say privately, is they think the UAP-owners are here in a parallel dimension, and have been here for thousands of years if not much longer, and have used humans kind of like a laboratory at points. They basically said they are what lots of people have attributed to Greek Gods, Demons, Ghosts, Fairies, and they didn’t say it but I am wondering if they used Bigfoot as a sort of cover for wandering around as well given Skinwalker Ranch’s incidents, and maybe even Kary Mullis’ Giant Glowing Green Raccoon was them. Whatever supernatural excuse we believed in, they made us see it with technology, because they didn’t want us seeing what they really are. The Fish People with the God bags could have been them as well. Maybe they even actually are Melonheads, and they used all the other stuff to confuse us, and appear greater than they are. Supposedly the Pentagon suspects that the Greek Mythology actually relates a short period when these things actually set up a base and were interacting with humans, and maybe even genetically enhancing them as some sort of experiments.
To that end, her saying it is Nephilim, could be Melonheads, and it could all be the same thing. As you note, we are all peering through a glass darkly at all this, and good luck getting the official authorities to spill what they know.
Yeah, I don’t think all melonheads are psychopaths, because I’m pretty sure I are one. I don’t have as many thal markers as the wife, but I’m definitely owl melonhead under Aeoli Pera’s physiology.
I don’t have a fearless psychology, but I do have a huge ability for commitment, which looks a lot like fearless. (As an old man once told me, the chicken is involved in your breakfast, but the pig is committed.) Once I’m committed to something, I think it can look a lot like psychopathy, because I am able to compartmentalize the effects of what I am forced to do, and deal with the psychological consequences later (or perhaps simply be destroyed by them.)
Thank God (in every sense of the word) that I have been saved by Jesus Christ and am not a slave of the flesh.
That’s a good point.
One thing I have noticed about the cabal and people I know who may be part of it is that they can be monomaniacal to the point of choosing a goal and pursuing it long after it is impossible or after it has become harmful to their interests.
They are determined to impose their will on reality and refuse to fail on even a single thing they decide to make happen to the point they become dissociated from reality over it.
Yup. I see that potential in myself. Again, in the truest sense of the words, there but for the grace of God go I.
“…UAP-owners are here in a parallel dimension, and have been here for thousands of years if not much longer, and have used humans kind of like a laboratory at points. They basically said they are what lots of people have attributed to Greek Gods, Demons, Ghosts, Fairies,..”
That’s exactly what that French computer scientist Jacques Vallée said. I think he was hired by the French government to get to bottom of things and that was the only logical explanation that he could come up with, he may be right. The facts are so bizarre that while I’m loath to admit it. It could be any number of wild ass things doing this even multi-dimensional alien Demons.
I still believe “strongly” that there’s a whole bunch of people on earth of earth that are trying to convince us of a alien invasion as some sort of “plan B” to take over the world. I even strongly suspect that all the UFO’s we see buzzing around are that group who have stolen or engineered or somehow got a hold of some rudimentary “inertia drive” which is how I expect they work. Clues to this are, what the hell are they doing whizzing around?? Real aliens wouldn’t do that (leaving out daemons). I also don’t think they have weapons on them expect maybe they have high fields that can wreck stuff. I say we lure them in and shoot one down to see what’s in it.
Of particular notice they once called them UFO’s, which I stick with, and now call them UAP’s which I expect is some attempt to meme them into being respectable now. I don’t think this was a accident.
Agree fully the alien invasion thing is some sort of psyop.
I am vaguely concerned though that if there are high-tech somethings here, they will have recruited assets in our government, and maybe society in general.
It really fucks things up because high enough tech means anything is possible. The neighbor could be a bug in a skin suit monitoring us. It makes it even more difficult to tell what is what.
Two thoughts on the Neanderthal fearless, risk taking psychology.
I wonder if they experienced (or didn’t) pain the same as humans. Husband literally does not register pain like a normal homo sapiens. As a child, his mother was castigated and reprimanded frequently by doctors for letting his infections/maladies get so very advanced before seeking medical attention. In truth, it wasn’t her fault. He didn’t notice the infections/maladies until almost at the untreatable state.
As an adult, I have seen him on several occasions gash himself open, bleed profusely, and not realize he was injured until I pointed it out. I’ve read anecdotal accounts that sociopaths can have an unusually high pain threshold. I believe it is genetic in basis.
One might experience less fear or perceive less risk if an injury doesn’t engender much pain.
Second, I wonder if Neanderthals could not organically feel the emotion of fear. A marker for sociopathy is either the inability to feel fear or the inability to care about fear.
I forget his name, but there was a neuroscientist in the news a few years ago who discovered he himself was a sociopath. He was running studies on sociopaths in his lab, and on a lark, included himself with the genotyping samples and MRI scans.
A few comments he made stuck with me. One had to do with taking risks. Years previously he had taken his brother camping in a cave in Africa from which a recent Marburg outbreak had happened. He knew it was risky, and knew it was wrong, but simply just couldn’t make himself care about the risk to himself or his brother. I do not believe he is capable of feeling the emotion of fear.
Wait, found it (please forgive linking Huffpost):
Husband is exact same way. He has mortally endangered me and others multiple times over the years. He cannot make himself care. Intellectually he knows he should care about risk and danger, and acknowledges what this looks like and how it shapes behavior in humans, but he cannot organically summon up the feelings/emotions of fear or caring about fear/risk. We’ve had open, frank discussions about this so this comes straight from his mouth (assuming he can be believed).
TL:DR – Neanderthals may not have been brave risk takers, masterfully overcoming their fear in the face of danger. Maybe they just didn’t perceive risk or danger, especially if they didn’t have a strong pain feedback loop when injured.
Or maybe Neanderthals had both r/K phenotypes too like you mentioned above! :->
My pain threshold seems to surprise other people, including doctors and dentists. I had an abscessed tooth for a few months that ended up shattering at the root. I scheduled an appointment in a month or two (I was in the middle of a trial so no time to go to the dentist). When I got there, he asked me how long ago it broke, and I told him. He asked me how long it had been abcessed, and I told him. He seemed shocked. He asked me how I dealt with the pain, and I (honestly) told him that it was only bad when I got some food stuck in it, so I would dig the food out and put some anbesol on it, and it was fine.
The downside to that is that I don’t consciously realize the toll that chronic pain takes on me until that pain is relieved. When I got my teeth fixed, the relief that I had was amazing. Because the pain was day to day and compartmentalized, I didn’t account for the mental drag that it made. I avoid analgesics and narcotics (my liver works hard enough with the beer, wine and whiskey) so I have a good enough stock of old narcotics from past dental and injuries. I always get a pile and end up taking maybe six. I still dip into them when I need to. I slipped on a slick floor and ended up landing with my floating rib on the back of a rocking chair a couple of months ago. It was a pretty deep bruise, so I took a hydrocodone to get to sleep two nights, and from there on, it just hurt. No big deal. The wife was concerned that it might have been broken, but all the ER would do is wrap it and give me more narcotics, and I can handle all that myself, so I never bothered.
I wouldn’t say that I gash myself and not notice. I will admit that I often and not aware of how bad something is often. I’m working in my woodshop, for example, and I’ll stick myself with something pokey and sharp moving a big piece of plywood. I’ll glance at it, not see anything, move on. A few minutes later, there’s a stain on the table saw. It’s blood. Where did it come from? Oh, I guess I need some gauze. That sort of thing. If I’m really cut (stitches/butterfly bandage cut) then I know it. If it’s a superficial scratch (meaning, not needing stiches) I often don’t know/care how big it is. Probably not the best thing, but I’m good about hygiene after working, so I haven’t had anything get infected. Men have too much iron in our blood because we don’t regularly bleed already.
“…A marker for sociopathy is either the inability to feel fear or the inability to care about fear. I forget his name, but there was a neuroscientist in the news a few years ago who discovered he himself was a sociopath…”
neuroscientist,”HAHA look at me I’m a sociopath and I’m just a regular guy.” Right.