Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Today I could not find a single article on election fraud, which says to me the election fraud team looking to advance that issue has decided to pull back all releases until after Afghanistan passes out of the news cycle. The whole Afghanistan debacle may have been done this bad purposely, to create news stories which would occupy the news cycles when the election fraud stories were about to come out.
Chase Bank cancelled General Flynn’s personal credit card over “reputation risk.” That has to be something major he is involved in behind the scenes, I would think. Nobody else is getting singled out that bad,
I don’t know if this next pic is joking or not, and I do not recommend taking a veterinary drug for COVID for obvious legal reasons, especially when you can get Ivermectin pills from America’s Frontline Doctors over the phone. But, I would note, oral bioavailability of Ivermectin is very high, so someone could mix that shot in ice cream, or grape juice, or anything else, and get the same dosing you would get through IM injection, maybe even faster through the intestinal villi. Just an interesting FYI, not advice.
Vox Day’s Bindery Campaign reaches its goal. From the link – “There are still two days left, so if you’re interested in obtaining either the Library or the Libraria editions of The Iliad and The Odyssey, now is the time to act. Of all the books we’ve done to date, these will almost certainly be the most collectible over time, as in addition to being the first products of the new bindery, they will have a smaller print run than anything we intend to do in the future.”
Marine who called for accountability among his commanders resigns his commission, seems to indicate he is heading for politics, and promises to burn this whole fucking thing to the ground (his words). You always have to ask if that viral thing you see is a Cabal-script or not. If he is real, God bless him. But he has a lot of catching up to do, because surveillance, and covert intelligence operations, on a scale he could not imagine, are closing in on him this very moment. And they don’t play fair.
“Identify and disrupt” bill will give Australian authorities access to any citizen’s social media or email account without consent, allowing them to add, delete information and send messages. Looks like we can’t take any of Dawg’s ribbing about Americans and our tardiness to start the revolution personally, as it is just his government taking over his computer and posting insults at us to make us mad at him.
An FBI agent who helped ‘foil’ a conspiracy to abduct Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer may have used the case to give credibility to his private cyber intelligence company. It is a problem, if you have guys who feel they will make bank personally if they can just make a case prominently in the media, and they will lose money if they don’t make the case hit the media.
A doctor claims that after extensive analysis, graphene oxide has been found in all four vaccines, Trypanosoma cruzi parasites (that cause Chagas disease) have been found in the Pfizer vaccine. and nanoparticulate components of all vaccines create magnetic effects in the body. It notes, graphene oxide is an extremely conductive substance, very responsive to electromagnetic radiation. I have no idea if any of this is true, but it is out there, and it does seem to jibe with other accounts, such as the next one, which the vaccine manufacturers seem to think is no big deal, and which the Cabal media will not touch.
Japan suspends more vaccine batches after some are noted to have black substances in them, and others, pink substances. Even crazier, the article contains this – “…two people who had received their second Moderna doses from the vaccine lots withdrawn earlier this week had died.” Now they pulled 1.6 million doses. That sounds like the vast majority of a batch, which makes you ask how many shots did they give before noticing the dirty vials and rejecting the batch, to get those two immediate deaths? How many more deaths are coming after weeks or months? How many would have died if they gave the other 1.6 million? Could that graphene oxide facilitate targeted kills via Directed Energy Weapons, once it is disbursed through the body?
No update to Budesonide guidance as study confirms Covid efficacy. You would have to be incredibly ignorant to see how may drugs have shown efficacy against COVID, from Budesonide, to Ivermectin, to monoclonal antibodies, and not wonder why the “authorities” are all bent on ignoring all of them entirely, even blocking your access to them in some cases, as they push the obviously dangerous ClotShot on you. I have been saying for a long time, there was a conspiracy that had infiltrated positions everywhere in society, from government to medicine, and it was working against you specifically – to a degree nobody would believe. This is that conspiracy, and I can only wonder at just what it is behind the scenes that has them so desperate, that they are exposing their networks so completely in such an open attempt to screw everyone. The bottom line is, you have to understand, every person in the network knows, 100%, that on September 11th, 2001, their command either through direct action, or passive allowance, set in motion the burning to death of almost 3,000 fellow Americans, and triggered two global wars which would kill many, many thousands more of the finest Americans this country could make, and maim still tens of thousands more. There is no way for us to understand or comprehend this thing completely from the outside.
Rand Paul claims ‘hatred for Trump’ is hindering research into Ivermectin as a COVID treatment. It isn’t that. COVID kills the elderly, who tend to vote Republican (partly why they are shipping so many illegals into Florida), so they don’t want it treated. Add in Big Pharma probably will give hugely lucrative deals to all these people pushing the shots, and hatred of Trump looks simply like a cover story.
NHS England orders GPs to stop all blood tests not ‘clinically urgent’ until 17 September. “17,” September you say?
Fauci says mandating COVID-19 vaccines for all school children before allowing them in school is a ‘good idea.’ I used to think a guy like this was doing something like this to enrich his own bank account. I’m not sure now. I have been watching TV here and there, and Shaq is always there, pitching everything. Some sort of hot/cold pain cream, Pizza hut, a low-cost auto insurance, and other stuff. As I saw it all, I flashed back to him on that sports show as everyone was ribbing him about his giant Freemason ring, when he said, “That’s my work. Y’all don’t know nothing about that.” What if Shaq gets all that ad business as part of being plugged into a piece of the machine, like Masonry, and in return for a nice life, part of the deal is most of that money flows back up to his command structure? Fauci did make the Freemasonry “hand in the jacket sign.” Maybe a lot of these guys are just like employees, who get to live nice lives, but don’t really own the lives, they are just borrowing them.
NSW Health switches to recording patients as dying ‘with’ Covid instead of ‘from’ after finally acknowledging that many of Australia’s 993 casualties died from something else or had even recovered from the virus. Everything said by the conspiracy theorists seems to be borne out over time.
West Virginia sees 25% increase in deaths of fully vaccinated.
Oregon counties request trucks for bodies as deaths climb. We had this beat, the main changes would appear to be the vaccine and the immigrants.
Several hundred gather in Santa Monica to protest against proposed vaccine mandates.
CDC to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on the gun ‘health threat.’
The new AMA logo?:
Joe Biden checks his watch during the transfer of the 13 Military members killed in Afghanistan.
Mitt Romney blames Trump for Joe Biden’s Afghanistan crisis that led to the death of 13 US service members. I know this thing is complex, and it needs to be unwound a certain way, but at this point, Trump just needs to come forward with a list of names he needs taken out to expedite this thing. Our service men are getting killed. He could move an entire army with a few words. Enough with this waiting.
The U.S. government appears to have a closer relationship with the Taliban than with its Afghan and NATO allies. Is it possible the Afghan government is CIA/Cabal and taking a cut for the opium, and the Taliban is now an anti-CIA/Cabal force?
The State Dept. is telling nations surrounding Afghanistan not to allow private jets handling the private extractions of Afghans by retired Special Forces who worked with them to land and/or refuel. State/CIA/Cabal is retaliating for the military not allowing Cabal to pull its ground assets out to redeploy them in America?
Biden’s agencies are bringing Afghans ‘with no documents whatsoever’ to U.S. What is the difference between the ones that get in, and the ones that don’t? I was hopeful patriots might be in control of this, and were not allowing CIA assets in to bolster the network deployed against us in America, but the truth is, it could go either way. All that seems obvious is that elements of the military had their own network they wanted to get out, the military might have controlled access to the airfield, and the military is in conflict with State.
Sixty-six progressive Democrats are telling President Joe Biden to open the nation’s border to Afghan migrants and pay them all reparations because the U.S. bears moral responsibility for the wars in Afghanistan. It is about destroying America for Cabal which is getting paid for that by some foreign power.
According to the Washington Post, as the Taliban began taking control a Taliban offer was made for the US to have control of Kabul until all U.S. troops had withdrawn; the offer was declined. Which you might do if you gauged that you needed a big media story to occupy all the airtime around that time frame.
Virginia Public Schools to focus on Muslims as victims in teaching about 9/11 on the attacks’ 20th anniversary. It is subtle, but notice how this headline makes you split from the Muslims, when I think there is a 100% chance the Cabal/CIA/FBI elements knew the attack was coming and let it happen to grab more power, and there is a not insignificant chance, it might even have been an operation they launched, to set in motion all that came after it, and the Muslim angle was just a cover story to try and explain the “why.”
North Korea appears to have restarted the Yongbyon nuclear reactor. As Obama said, never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck something up.
Archival Material – Gate Thread on 4Chan. Just a link to a 4Chan thread I wanted to archive so I can find it later.
Daily Mail Feminist writes how, “It’s horrifying how some young Western men are so alienated by woke culture that they even admire the Taliban’s twisted mindset.” Ironically the guys who are supposedly admiring the Taliban would kill them, while looking in their eyes, without a second thought. Imagine how they feel about the wokesters.
Hollywood’s share of China’s box office collapses, and is now less than 10%.
US warship transits Taiwan strait after Chinese assault drills.
U.S. Military strikes a car carrying ‘multiple suicide bombers’ en route to Kabul airport, officials say. Might not be the good news it appeared, as rumors are they hit a car with an innocent family instead. Death toll from US strike in Kabul has risen to 9 and 6 of them were children. Three of those children were under age five. The enemy might have gotten to a ground surveillance agent for the military, and turned them, so they would provide bad intel.
Saudi and Russian officials Tuesday announced the signing of military cooperation pact between the two countries. Both anti-Cabal actors, in the Q-model.
Putin opposes mandatory jabs, says people should get vaccinated without coercion. And our leftists call him a dictatorial tyrant, opposed to basic human freedoms.
A deserved ‘moment of truth’ for public schools as a record number of parents opt out.
Hostile school board meetings have members calling it quits. Most ground-level Cabal agents don’t really strike me as the die for the cause types.
After Cuomo’s exit, GOP’s Zeldin looks strong for ’22. Cabal operates with a strong hand in that state. That is where they blackmailed Patterson, he shook them off, they used Cuomo to launch investigations of him until they drove him out, and then they installed Cuomo, all because they didn’t outright own the Governor. Now Cuomo is out, and it is unknown if Cabal threw him out, or if Cabal lost control. Don’t know Zeldin, or his Cabal-status, or even if Cabal has lost control. But if elections are still rigged come 2022, expect whoever wins to be Cabal.
California Senator Feinstein claims she is having trouble with memory problems. Wasn’t this how they planned to try and avoid culpability when the big exposure and prosecutions began? Is she setting the stage? Does she think something is closing in?
Gov. DeSantis demands Biden administration cease resettlement of illegals in Florida. It would seem he must have some pandemic powers to close his borders to populations that are shown to be infected with something that is creating a major health emergency in his state, among elderly populations which are particularly at risk. The infection rates among the illegals are officially documented.
Spread r/K Theory, because the Storm will be close when panic is at a maximum.
“Today I could not find a single article on election fraud, which says to me the election fraud team looking to advance that issue has decided to pull back all releases until after Afghanistan passes out of the news cycle. The whole Afghanistan debacle may have been done this bad purposely, to create news stories which would occupy the news cycles when the election fraud stories were about to come out.”
They will have to wait for Ida to fade too.
I’m sick of the waiting.
The longer they wait the more chances the enemy has to make them wait more.
If they had not waited so long they could have finished before Afghanistan or Ida.
“Masterly Inactivity” exist but it is rare.
Victory goes to the bold and the swift.
The patient is bleeding out.
Wasn’t Trump supposed to be reinstalled as Prez by now, according to Lindell and a handful of other folks?
It’s almost September Mike. What happened?
Let me guess. 2 more weeks.
No seriously, guys. They mean it this time. They have everything under control…NOT!
If Trump and his handlers have convinced themselves sitting back and watching the country get shredded and millions of Americans, like me, getting forced out of work opportunities because of vaccine mandates is a winning strategy, then we are truly fucked.
I don’t give two shits about Q claiming it had to be this way and Americans had to be shown.
A hundred million or more Americans didn’t have to be shown anything. We already knew.
Trump and his handlers are just alienating people at this point. Events have overtaken him and surpassed him. He is losing relevance as each day goes by and more chaos overtakes us and millions of Americans grow more demoralized.
Cabal will always come up with a new distraction, or ten, to misdirect and mislead.
As you said… Victory goes to the bold and the swift, which is why Cabal is winning and has won for centuries.
Cabal is evil, but they do not waste time or opportunities. They always accelerate.
Just imagine if President Trump had asked all elected sheriffs to “Please deputize all adults of good character in your jurisdiction, and help them do the right things.” Maybe itz coming.
“But he has a lot of catching up to do, because surveillance, and covert intelligence operations, on a scale he could not imagine, are closing in on him this very moment. And they don’t play fair.”
He’s a Marine. Plus all military officers get basic counter-intel briefing and training. Anyone who’s been alive these past 20 months can figure the rest out. He will adapt and overcome.
That counter intel briefing is NOTHING compared to what is actually out there.
“Make sure you don’t show your CAC card while traveling overseas” in no ways prepares you for the world we operate in.
“Most ground-level Cabal agents don’t really strike me as the die for the cause types.”
They will be. 😉
“Japan suspends more vaccine batches after some are noted to have black substances in them, and others, pink substances. ”
Japan is a cleanliness obsessed culture, that has slightly repressed it’s Samurai traditions. Sometimes it comes out in awesome ways- like telling globohomos to buzz off, other times you get Battle Royale type situations. Thankfully, Japan is not following it darker demons and sacrificing it’s children to the cabal jab.
related, for nostalgia,
Japanese culture is a decadent pagan culture.
They’re not sacrificing they’re children “…to the cabal jab…” because they’ve already sacrificed them via contraception. Japan’s demographics are worse then nearly all western countries when it comes to the aged. Since 1950, the median age in Japan has more than doubled, and is presently the second highest (Monaco being the highest, but that’s not even considered a country by some).
They’ve also introduced 100-yr mortgages to promote home ownership. But many houses stand vacant because there is no one to buy them.
Finally, look up “Kodokushi.”
As I said, a decadent pagan culture.
I think the empty houses thing is a misunderstanding. It’s bad luck in Japan to move into someone else’s house. The overwhelming practice is to tear down the old house and build a new one. Given that, you can see how you would see empty houses and why it would be so expensive to finance a house, when you have to build one from scratch every time.
I wouldn’t call the Japanese “decadent” as a people. They seem to like living in more ordered conditions. They are pagan though, although some are notably Christian. The island is also practically homogeneous ethnically which is a plus, even if you aren’t Japanese and are just visiting.
@Rex regum veniet
“The island is also practically homogeneous ethnically which is a plus, even if you aren’t Japanese and are just visiting.”
Japan is the fusion of the Jomon, the Yayoi and the Ainu. They started off as those various people groups but merged into one.
In fifty years Japan will still be undoubtedly Japan. It’s grey population will have died off leaving behind everything for the young to pick up and run with. Just gonna say this, have you noticed how long that England has been occupied? Yet there is still English countryside and not skyscraper apartment buildings clogging up the entire island, why?
It’s because in the end humans are just like every other animal on Earth – subject to the laws of carrying capacity. Japan’s birth rate is low because their population density is insane. The men are playing video games and even going completely sexless because they are responding to environmental cues that they are completely unaware of.
Assuming Japan is not invaded, the coming population turnover and the breathing room it provides will produce virile men who build families, and maybe even a new warrior class.
By the time all of this is happening in the next couple decades, China will still be rebuilding from the collapse of communism, which is on the way. Japan will probably emerge as the dominant power in Asia again.
>how long England had been occupied.
Yes. There hasn’t been an England since 1066. William was a small hat, too, and changed the laws re alienation of land, among other things. Let’s hope that Japan makes it!
Hmmm as usual lots of misinformed comments on Japan.
Having a couple of houses there which I cant get to at the moment ( no flights ) and spent a couple of decades there and 80% of my friends are Japanese I know a little.
The warrior spirit does live on and is very strong in even local areas. Many many kids grow up lerarning martial sports,kendo, judo or karate. These sports are televised as well. Its an ultra competitive place where there is no obvious western sense of competition.
To the nong below who repeats the parrot-like demographic argument – 120million people is too many for a country the size of Japan. If you live in the US I don’t know how you can stand 340million plus!
The house argument is also incorrect. Houses are seen as assets with a finite life. No self respecting Japanese wants to move into an OLD home. NONE. Rent one yes, but not own.
I could go on and on about every aspect of Japanese society, but a lot of you seem to think repeating the bulldust you have heard elsewhere makes it so.
Yes, terribly misinformed.
“Mitt Romney blames Trump for Joe Biden’s Afghanistan crisis that led to the death of 13 US service members.”
At this point, anyone dumb enough to believe Mitt isn’t a true follower of our savior, Jesus Christ. I just have to assume you like being lied to, and being part of the lie and belonging to a “special club”. To continue listening to that man is willful disobedience.
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;”
2 Thessalonians 2:3
“The U.S. government appears to have a closer relationship with the Taliban than with its Afghan and NATO allies. Is it possible the Afghan government is CIA/Cabal and taking a cut for the opium, and the Taliban is now an anti-CIA/Cabal force?”
The U.S. government basically created the Taliban in the 1980’s to fight the Soviets. It wasn’t called the Taliban then, but it was the same guys. Not that I’m sympathetic to the USSR or “diverse” loving commies, but truth is truth.
“According to the Washington Post, as the Taliban began taking control a Taliban offer was made for the US to have control of Kabul until all U.S. troops had withdrawn; the offer was declined.”
That, by itself, is the biggest story in all of this, can’t believe it even got published. Maybe Bezos wants to be around post storm?
Nope. It got published because word is out that Biden will soon be out. The 25th is coming for him just as Trump predicted. Assuming that actually IS Biden and not an actor faking the whole thing, his decline just since January is noticeable to anyone looking. The DNC knew this was on the way, they just didn’t know how long they had until they made Harris the next illegitimate president.
They know that neither of them could have won a clean election, but they weren’t thinking that far ahead. It was literally ANYBODY with name recognition that could be cheated into office. It couldn’t be Hillary because she’s HATED and she has her own medical issues that were on display in 2016. GO down the whole list of candidates and they still have no one.
So on the election front the DNC is just plain making it up as they go. The admin is trying to restart the 16 year plan to destroy America, but now it’s running into all kinds of problems like Trump appointed judges. And every other day Biden is caught doing something that makes them look even worse. By the time the forensic audits reverse the election the democrats won’t be able to win a national election again for fifty years just on the damage we’ve all watched them cause, and then the public finds out clear proof of collusion with China over cv19 and the election fraud and I can’t see how they don’t fracture into twenty pieces just trying to salvage SOMETHING.
“Virginia Public Schools to focus on Muslims as victims in teaching about 9/11 on the attacks’ 20th anniversary. …. there is a 100% chance the Cabal/CIA/FBI elements knew the attack was coming”
Very true. Can’t be mad at Muslims too much. A feral cat isn’t liter box trained. No, remember be mad at the Globo-Yids who let all of the cats inside in the first place.
“Hollywood’s share of China’s box office collapses, and is now less than 10%.”
Weird, since they own majority shares in most of our studios. So they are probably using their ownership in Hollywood movie studios to push propaganda in our society and they are looking to sell soon, before Hollywood goes broke.
@Rex regum veniet
Looks like they are weaponizing wokeness whilst keeping themselves shielded:
But its ironically summoning Satan and will have the same impact of infecting their own societies.
So if they are wise they will cut this out as soon as possible and just wipe that mindvirus out.
“U.S. Military strikes a car carrying ‘multiple suicide bombers’ en route to Kabul airport, officials say. Might not be the good news it appeared, as rumors are they hit a car with an innocent family instead. Death toll from US strike in Kabul has risen to 9 and 6 of them were children. ”
Sounds like the pro-Biden element (Milley) in the Pentagon was so eager to put some points on the board for Joe they took intel from the Taliban. That’s some high speed stupid.
Victory in France: Judges Overturn Macron’s Decree to Deny Food to the Unvaccinated
Patrick Byrne – The AZ GOP Is Trying To Manipulate Audit Results
Who do I trust less?
Or the AZ politicians?
Did you ever see that video where Shaq (I’m pretty sure it was him) was on some panel commentating on some sports and all of a sudden he just freezes and stares straight into the camera without moving a muscle for at least several minutes while the other panelists appeared to completely ignore him. Very bizarre.
Some speculate that he might have been mk-ultra’d. It makes sense. His age matches up nicely with the timeline. Plus, I reckon he was probably the kind of kid where you could pretty much just look at him and know that with the right opportunities he’d almost certainly grow up to become a world class athlete. Hence making him a pretty good candidate for some kind of long-term manchurian candidate style program for kids.
On a semi-related note. Suppose that cabal regularly takes kids from orphanages and just straight up molds them full-time into high-value intelligence assets. The resulting adults may, conceivably, be so thoroughly conditioned to so many different stimulus/response pairings that one could almost ‘program’ action sequences, triggers and even perhaps customised personalities through sequential combinations of different stimuli. I’m sure I don’t need to explain here why that would be an extraordinarily useful asset for any ambitious intelligence operation.
I reckon that would explain the bizarre push for more third-worlders in everything. The typical explanations also make various degrees of sense, but the intensity and forcefulness of it all is something else entirely. But consider that since third-worlders are overwhelmingly more likely to abandon their kids or give them away and thus the supply of kids available for those kinds of procedures would lean strongly brown. Pair that with the greater danger from trafficking western kids and it makes sense to assume that almost all such individuals would be non-white and suddenly the otherwise baffling insistence on putting a third-worlder in every leadership position in the west begins to make sense.
Yeah, I saw that video. It was like Al Roker, with “The Holy Ghost.” Good point.
Yeah I forgot about the Al Roker one. From memory, there’s a compilation video of such many incidents floating around which I recall finding decidedly terrifying. I mean how many of those things are just running around causing trouble? Makes me wonder what we really know about Obama.
Interesting perception.
Joe Biden checks watch.
If he’s the Commander in Chief, why wasn’t he saluting?
Instead, he has hand over heart.
People have got this all wrong. He wasn’t checking the time at all.
He was wondering what that thing was on his wrist.
I figured somebody talked into his earpiece “Joe! Check your watch!” Another ‘Make America Look Retarded’ scene that has his handlers acting like the booger/bet scene from Caddy Shack. “$20 says he’ll actually do it”
Interesting data point for my metro area:
My doctor friend was talking to a nurse who’s mom is working for the county health department and has been tasked with figuring out how many people have been vaxxed.
Well with all the ‘free’ vaxxing locations throughout the county it has been quite a challenge. They have started collecting this data, and here in the county they have been offering up usually around $100 for the vaxx. Turns out there are a number of people who have ‘vaxxed anywhere from 18-20 times!!!!! There is lots of eye rolling and just marking it up to ‘stupid’ people looking for a quick buck…but what does that say about the clotshots…I figured I add this to the pile of interesting information out there.
1.Why are people doing this?
2.Why isn’t the county telling people NOT to do this if they figured it out just the first time?
3. Why isn’t this being reported?
4. If the shots really aren’t that ‘dangerous’ getting 20? Then why are they promoting this.
Now I am thinking a lot of those vax doses may be saline. Or at least not viable mRNA in a carrier which will produce a standardized dose of the Spike protein.
That or there is some sort of embezzlement going on, and those people are like medicare cheats and have doctors who give them saline.
Whenever I think about the possibility of saline shots, my mind goes to Trump saying something like the warp speed shots would be delivered by the military. I also then have the thought about Q saying something like “you and your family are safe” and hope this has something to do with these shots that all of my loved ones have taken (and they all appear to be “fine” so far….). Time will tell.
This is an intelligence war, so if it safe to assume we will see intelligence tactics. Maybe it was the good guys making it saline.
Trypanosoma cruzi Parasites:
”Complications of chronic Chagas disease may include
Heart rhythm abnormalities that can cause sudden death;
A dilated heart that doesn’t pump blood well; and
A dilated esophagus or colon, leading to difficulties with eating or passing stool.”
1) Massive heart problems you say? Matches up with what we see. The digestive problems are more subtle and an eye should be kept out for them
2) Ivermectin is famous for killing parasites. Is the smear campaign against Ivermectin solely to keep their cruzi parasite injections viable?
“Very little is known about the effects of CD in human fertility. In a longitudinal study of the impact of CD in Chile in the 80s, no difference in fertility was identified between seropositive and seronegative women [15]. In animal studies, the majority of T. cruzi strains studied had no effect in fertility; however, experimental infection with certain strains has been associated with marked reductions in fertility ”
3) If it’s a tailor made cruzi parasite it could be aiming for the fertility reduction. The general symptom of inflammation would also cause more blood clots.
Number 17?
When he was the Vice President, he did the most STUPID, unthinkable thing for a man in his position. He revealed the names and the unit that killed Bin Laden;”On May 3 2011, at a national event in Washington, Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. did the unthinkable, he publicly revealed the identity of the special-operations unit responsible for bin Laden’s killing, just to show that he “is in the know.”
His reckless action put at risk the lives of every member of Seal Team 6. The Taliban and other jihadists eager to avenge bin Laden now knew which unit to target. Stunned and shocked, Seal Team Six members immediately realized they were going to be hunted by al Qaeda sympathizers.
Soon after Biden’s reckless idiotic speech, an American CH47 Chinook was shot down by a rocket-propelled grenade in the Tangi Valley, Maidan Wardak Province, Afghanistan, all 38 aboard were killed including most if not all of Seal Team Six, this incident became known as Extortion 17…
After Biden had let the identification out, and before the Chinook was shot down, members of Seal Team 6 had called their families and told them to wipe out all connection to them, including social media, and disassociate themselves as far away from them as possible because they too would be in grave danger as the Taliban would attempt to find them in retaliation…and Biden, well he didn’t even drop a sweat over any of it, and the was just too stupid to realize what he had done.”
More @ Conservative US
(makes you go mmmmm… now thats interesting. may be the spectacle in Afghanistan is a trap, on September 17 its tripped, and what we all been hoping could happen will and a reveal of reveals begins to take down at least the machine and its domestic network.
for sure somethings in the wind, you can feel it, everyone i know is saying the same)
Andrew Torba gab, in which appears an LLC set up in 2017, staffed with a number of illustrious name brand obots and other operatives are in control of the executive.
Last few day, Andrew is not the only one who smells a rat, the damn has sprung too many leaks for how many fingers the conspiracy has to plug.
AC, when you, and I mean you here, change one mind you change the world.
Thats the power of the dirt people. To effect positive change.
Looks like a new and a dandy of a preference cascade is in effect.
“Don’t know Zeldin, or his Cabal-status, or even if Cabal has lost control. ”
He’s GOP, so he’s dirty as can be.
This might be cabal doing damage control, putting their controlled opposition in place until the heat is off, or it might be factional infighting within cabal.
The least likely scenario is that good guys are in control. That sounds black pilled as all getout, but we are better off assuming and preparing for the worst. If good guys are in control, there is no harm in being suspicious and watching them as they do good stuff. If it’s the usual scum doing evil, let’s don’t give them a free pass because they’re GOP.
Authorities in Australia can do very Orwellian things to your social media even take it over:
This Orwellian Bill of broad surveillance powers passed 5 days ago in the name of protecting children but used to prosecute political dissent.
Yes, it is no longer me writing these posts about Corny.
Not for nothing that fellow with the ivermectin is using a #16 needle, they dont even use those for blood draws on humans, if he got those along with the ivermectin at a feed store, they sell size 16’s for injecting catlle and horses so you can present them their dose very wuickly, and those critters dont have the pain receptors in the hide that humans do. Thats so you can get the meds in them lickity split, before they decide to get away or when you got them in the shute. Same for hogs.
I been using ivermectin on my meat criters going on 25 years. Great stuff. Excellent for swine flu, only thing that worked here in WV in 2014 when the commie chinks let it loose. Killed just about the entire states hog population, funny too, because all of a sudden you couldnt buy a bottle of ivermectin anywhere for live nor money. Cant tell you how many chink invasive species has killed off tree species in WV, native Chestnut, Spruce, Ash, now somethings happening to the Tulip Poplars, some kind of bad blight. Lately a number og paricularly hardy molds and fungas’s effecting berries, fruit and veggies, its really bad.
Everything courtesy of the chinks. Right up their ally, biowarfare.
But that dope jabbing himself with a number 16 point, thats stupid you cant fix. I wonder if it ain’t a gaslight its so dumb, not just the needle but booting ivermectin. Its never been prescribed for humans other than orally.
The dude who discovered ivermectin found it in a park in Nagasaki, in dirt around roots of a tree. It is one of the 3 curative medicines and a superb prophalactic. Asprin, DMSO, and Ivermectin, all three have sometimg to do with trees.
We been using it for a decade now, on ourselves and all our critters, its listed on the UN’s list of the worlds most essential medicines. Orally of course, on our animals too. Incredible how many illnesses it cures. It cured my dysentary ive had since i was 14, 2 cases of viral pneumonia, a pancreas problem that was fatal for our dog, saved our pigs and chickens cant remember how many times.
Its the only medicine of its kind. Wonder if its a mutation from tadiation due to the uranium gun device dropped on Nagasaki.
Dosing is simple pie. 1cc/ml per 110lbs body weight. The full Protocol requires Zink, B complex, Saratonin, Magnesium, and vitamin D2.
(oh, and is another med that kills the chink lung aids)
Once a year if no nasties are going around. And as needed. The liver takes 48 hours to clean it out of you. So if your around or got the lung aids, every three days is optimum.
Has no known lethal or even bad side effects used within specifications.
A breed of Scottish Border Collies or dogs with that breed in them, for some reason got a gene that makes Ivermectin lethal to them.
Best way to take it is in a glass of OJ, a shot of your favorite liquor and you cant taste the ivermectin.
Some people get a mild upset tummy taking it. Shits dirt cheap, if you het a 1000ml bottle, was $78 at TC few months ago, its .07 cents a cc/ml.
A farm animal vet turned me on to it in 1999, he was really big on using ivermectin. He gave me the info on it so I could dose my hogs myself, save the cost of his visiting couple times a year.
Right off I noticed my pigs grew pretty near twice the rate of others I knew who weren’t using ivermectin, the savings in feed are tremendous, like a buck a pound, all butchered, in the freezer. puts our piggy meat near 1$ and some cents a lb if we butcher, cure and smoke ourselves. Chickens lay more eggs and meat birds are superb.
The two guys who discovered and formulated Ivermectin into a curative medicine shared a Nonel Peace Prize i think it was like early 90’s
Merk of all big pharma has produced the most, like millions of gallons. Those fuckers know what Ivermectin does, that alone is all the truth you need to know to understand the death jabs are total ficking genocide bullshit being foisted on us to first rob us blind then kill us, or cripple us so we remain their cash cows.
Cant go wrong with that Ivermectin.
Very nasty and toxic to humans.
Drench is for dosing say your herd of cows, which you do by running them thru a shute or gate, and pouring it along theier backbone starting at the withers. You have to wear protective gloves and face mask, and hose everything down after.
Its the carrier cheminals they put in it to make the Ivermectin rapidly absorbed thru the dirt crud hair and hide on the cattle, that you got to watch out for.
Wasn’t it Merk that cancelled their vax program and said natural immunity was better?
Looked up DMSO. Any personal insights into its effects?
My understanding is that the complication with DSMO is that it makes your skin permeable to pretty much everything. It carries what it is compounded with, but also anything that happens to be on your skin (or falls on your skin from the air) while it works.
I think it is the difference between opening the door to your house for someone, and taking the door off the hinges for the night.
Interesting. Thank you for the cautionary note.
The American chestnut being destroyed by the Chinese blight was a huge disaster. Over 4 billion trees killed off. Look at what used to be.
You are correct in concluding the oral ingestion of that particular Ivermectin is the way to go. Do not inject it!
Everything you need to know about Ivermectin vis-a-vis as a prophylactic/treatment for Covid:
Also, it has been speculated that the Ivermectin pills received at pharmacies has been changed to merely a placebo so as to thwart its use, make those who use/promote it look like whackos, and obviously to get more people to take the ClotShot.
Holy shit. I never thought they would turn the official meds into a placebo, but in this environment, that is entirely plausible. That is exactly what they would do.
People don’t understand we face an international version of the CIA, just as mission-driven and ruthless, and owned and run by the most ruthless people in the world. That type of organization can get away with anything, because nobody would even believe it possible, let alone suspect it, investigate it, or prosecute it. And ti will do anything.
You have to delve into 9-11 CT to discover this, but the reason everyone knows that Muslim Arabs carried out the attacks is that US government counterintel people came out the day of the attack, or the next day, and stated in effect “we know these guys were Muslim terrorists, we have been tracking them and we picked that up right away.” And they told the 9-11 commission this, though I think they never showed the underlying intel.
None of the phone calls from the plane (which in themselves are dodgy) identify the ethnicity or religion of the attackers. The official passenger lists are still classified, and we are told the names of the hijackers were removed from the unofficial ones that were made public. An Arab Muslim was convicted, with some difficulty, essentially of wanting to be one of the hijackers but failing to make the flights. But that is pretty much it, as far as what has been released to the public goes.
I just looked up Lee Zeldin, who was mentioned as a possible Republican candidate for Governor of New York in 2022. He represents a district on the eastern end of Long Island and is not well known statewide.
Lee Zeldin was in military intel and JAG and was in Iraq. He is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserves. He was also an attorney for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Other than supporting a property tax cap in the NY state legislature, his record is mainly down the line conservative positions on ID pol issues, and strong support of Israel. He has been a vocal Trump supporter, particularly on impeachment, the FBI, and the election. I agree that the cabal seems to have stronger control of New York than in most states.
If you do a search on the internet for corruption and cabal via the Port Authority of NY you will see why Zeldin is owned.
You don’t get a job in that joint or working for it unless your ass is owned.
Sounds like a blatant violation of the US CFAA (18 USC 1030) as soon as they touch a US server.
Fauci says mandating COVID-19 vaccines for all school children before allowing them in school is a ‘good idea.
David Icke says, “This is an agenda not to protect health but to kill enormous numbers of people globally.”
“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” John 8:44
Liars lie even when it’s to their advantage to tell the truth. Murderers do what they do even to their own eternal destruction. Why? Because it’s in their very nature. It doesn’t matter if they are being manipulated by spiritual forces(Ephesians 6:12) they will still eventually be held accountable. In the meantime the rest of us get to deal with their madness and evil.
I’m not at all convinced that Freemasonry is behind what we are seeing. The freemasons have experienced a 75% drop in membership in the last half century. Entering most of their lodges and temples seems like entering the ruins of a mysteriously vanished civilization.
And take a look at the values that freemasonry teaches. Completely at odds with the values that Cabal teaches to its underlings. Freemasons build libraries, Cabal burns them. Freemasons engage in charity, Cabal exploits charity
George Washington and many founding fathers were freemasons. The philosophy of freemasonry is to teach us to be moral and to care for each other precisely so that we may have the skills and behaviors to live as free men.
I’m rather convinced that all anti-freemasonry sentiments are actually manufactured by Cabal as a way of misleading and misdirecting people. And gets people blaming the wrong thing, and if you understand Cabal’s intentions they would have every need to make sure that freemasonry was not strong in communities.
To the extent that freemasonry is current part of anything I would suggest that it’s due to them having been infiltrated and subverted.
I don’t think what we face is Freemasonry. But I do think what we face will be in Masonry, simply because Masonry is a power structure, and what we face will not let good people get together and form a power structure. It will infiltrate, take key positions, and use those positions to maintain control of the group, make sure it doesn’t find out about them and turn on them, and use any resources of the group to add to its own power.
As I understand it, part of Masonry is a promise to look out for fellow Masons, and give them preference in life. I think that kind of loyalty admirable, and have no beef with freedom of association. But I can see anything like that is going to get Cabal flooding into it. And since Cabal is a command-based organization, maybe you end up with some small quirk of circumstance making you a Mason, maybe I end up with some small quirk of fate turning me into a Mason. But once one person in Cabal says to the network, “Get into Masonry, take high positions of power, and get us control of that organization, and now the lodge is owned by Cabal, and you and I are doing stuff to support Cabal, even though we aren’t in the network.
But I think you are right. Freemasonry is not big enough to be Cabal.
I am convinced that cabal started the Masons as a false front to trick good men into working for them.
At the lower levels (which can seem like they are upper levels) they are kept busy doing good works that either serve cabal purposes or do not harm them while creating good will for the group.
As far as their decline goes, I think that their bad actions were exposed enough that they became a liability and they were then turned into a red herring and an expendable fall guy.
Loyalty is all well and good but not when it extends to acting as an accessory to crimes and too many Masons take it that far even when they are not part of the hidden cabal side of it.
“…I am convinced that cabal started the Masons as a false front to trick good men into working for them.
At the lower levels (which can seem like they are upper levels) they are kept busy doing good works that either serve cabal purposes or do not harm them while creating good will for the group…”
Agree with this completely. I knew someone who said it was fine in the lower ranks but he moved up fast and he said the initiations became pozzed at the higher levels and after he got there he distanced himself from them.
Of course he could have been lying but I don’t think he was. This guy I’m almost 95% sure was a psychopath. He was not a super malignant one but was manipulative. I’m also fairly sure he was Jewish like in old family Southern Jewish which he hid. I saw his Mom several times (really Jewish looking) and knew where she lived, (think Southern plantation. I bet they were large slave owners in the past), so…I just put it together.
I got along with him fine as I knew what he was and when he started trying to manipulate me I would subtlety point it out in an ambiguous way. That being said he ripped me off in very minor ways over many years. Not tremendously bad and so he didn’t think I would notice. It’s like he just could not help himself and it was usually after he had acted normal for a long time so I let my guard down and sure enough he would screw me over in very subtle way. To deal with him you would just have to remember, he was very likeable the majority of the time as psychopaths can be, and never let yourself be put in a situation where he could take advantage of you because…he would.
I had for reasons I won’t get into I had to interact with him frequently over many, many years and he never had any control over my life so…
As much as I rail against psychopaths I do not think all of them are totally evil. They like anyone have various levels of behavior. I do believe all of them or the majority have a potential for really horrible life threatening behavior “if” they have power over you and feel they can get away with it.
I look at it this way, we’re mostly Christians correct? How many denominations are represented just on this blog? Okay, now how about Gab?
Free Masonry is just one denomination of of the Babylonian Mystery Cult running the world into the ground in preparation for the counterfeit messiah to arrive. A fragment of Cabal, like the Jesuits, or the Knights of Malta, etc. They run things the way the Sith Empire is described, ruthless, Darwinian, and it’s always Game of Thrones all the time.
The majority of the lower tiers are dupes, and serve as camouflage for the predator initiates.
>on September 11th, 2001, their command either through direct action, or passive allowance, set in motion the burning to death of almost 3,000 fellow Americans, and triggered two global wars which would kill many, many thousands more of the finest Americans this country could make, and maim still tens of thousands more. There is no way for us to understand or comprehend this thing completely from the outside.
The Carl Duisburg Institute came up in the coof mix maybe half a year back; the one that hosted Mohamed Atta for a few years in Germany. Lots of gold in those basements, a major NSA office, and supposedly financial information on dark money used to leverage the economic blitz under Reagan/Bush: an op within an op. Bush Jr. being diverted to Texas to reestablish in person control over nuke codes after being promoted apropos if nothing on AF1, Rumsfeld testifying on the “missing 21 trillion” the day prior, Cheney being hard on Pollard’s non-life sentencing and the damage caused by Promis/INSLAW (young Bill Barr on the case, his father vacating university position for bought-credentialed Epstein) which would subsequently be the software modality allies used and repeatedly warned about prior to 9/11, Boeing ‘uninterruptible’ autopilot + those ‘art students’ and ‘dancers’, U8200 et. al. It reeks. First thread to pull was the scheduled JFK declassification which Trump balked on, and he looked a lame duck since, for whatever good he may have done beside. Beer Hall Putsch was 11/9 — a certain type’s humor at play perhaps; Schwab’s family ran Ravensbruck slave labor camps and built nukes for South Africa & Israel after the war, after all
>State/CIA/Cabal is retaliating for the military not allowing Cabal to pull its ground assets out to redeploy them in America?
Miller’s comments on the pullout deal & Trump era negotiations for contractors & SOF to help prop them up were suggestive in that direction, in tandem with the Pentagon pulling glowie procurement/funding as a result of the DOD restructuring he was in the driving seat for at the end of his term.
>and were not allowing CIA assets in to bolster the network deployed against us in America, but the truth is, it could go either way
Iran’s to have hegemony over the -stans in the Belt & Road; retaining these types to infiltrate Iran (they tend to move non-fighting ages across the borders) is desirable for either of them.
>there is a 100% chance the Cabal/CIA/FBI elements knew the attack was coming and let it happen to grab more power
The case with Lusitania and Pearl Harbor as precedent, but I’d put money on WTC 7, Pentagon (missing funds section obliterated), and the ‘downed’ flight being wildcards by 3rd/4th parties
>Putin opposes mandatory jabs,
If you follow the Nyquist/O’Connell angle, they are just the good cop blade of the scissor China forms the bad cop antipode of; migrant crises in Europe occurring with Russian planning and the aim of spooking western talent into nominally based mother Russia, ex-KGB Rolex wearing Kyril heading their Orthodox Church and all. Reds love it, Malthusian trans-humanist Anglo-finance loves it, vengeful frenulum deficient types endorse it.
>Jap birth rates
Went to multi-decade long world war after annihilating a first rate European navy at Tsushima, and only missed establishing that East Asian Co Prosperity Sphere China’s having a stab at by a hair with 70 million. They’ll do just fine in round 3 with current numbers and a tech peer in better half of Korea.
>never thought they would turn the official meds into a placebo,
They produce 80% of the meds, shouldn’t be that hard
Washington’s correspondence contains an exchange from a Frenchman inquiring whether he had heard of Adam Weishaupt’s trial, or Illuminist infiltration of American lodges; Washington replied that he didn’t think so. Around and after the Civil war, Albert Pike’s types went around consolidating rites into the vanilla and senescent boys club of the past century. I’d hazard that whatever conspicuous steganography taking its guise one sees in media and public life has more to do with profaning the holy in blue lodge guise than its founding ideals. Masons – like Jews and homosexuals – were one more in situ transnational pool of prospective recruits for networking.
RE Navy around Taiwan… It’s not going to end well for them. From a friend of mine:
Depends entirely on where the CBGs are and whether or not Space Force is going to be allowed to be involved.
The first scenario I envision would be the CBGs sitting off the Phillipine Sea side of Taiwan shooting down the incoming missiles over the Taiwan Strait. From that point on China has to somehow get troops one hundred miles to the island. If they send boats they get sunk by aircraft and anti-ship missiles. The loses are even worse if they use planes. Figure the CCP navy tries to hit the CBGs from the North and South. This is where the anti-ship missile swarms really come into play, and undoubtedly the diesel attack subs which can only be found via active sonar.
The second scenario is quite a bit worse. Space Force is greenlit to take out the Three Gorges Dam, and then whatever military bases they have remaining ammo for. And oil refineries. You get the idea. Of course this assumes that Space Force is merely being declassified and not built from the ground up, and that is my assumption.
The carriers are a trap. Sink one and find out.
“The carriers are a trap. Sink one and find out.”
Please elaborate on this.
IF you can sink a US carrier, you qualify to be bombarded from space. The reason that I believe that Trump declassified the Space Force is because he’s signaling that the US is now ready to actually USE it’s space-based weapons that were previously only to be reserved for nuclear war. Search for “rod of God” as an example of something widely believed to be under control of Space Force. Wouldn’t rule out particle beam weapons either.
There has to be a reason that China made such a big deal about development of an anti-satellite missile in the last few years, after all. Granted, the US Air Force had that capability by the 1980’s and even developed an anti-satellite missile that could be launched from an F15 just for the hell of it, so I expect whatever weapons platforms are up there to have counter measures.
China made a big deal about anti sat because they know we can’t navigate WITH GPS, and we sure as won’t be able to get anywhere without it once they take out enough of the gps constellation. You don’t need to sink a CVN when you have destroyers running into it from its own formation.
Oh, and all our ATMs and CC POS systems die at the same time, taking the economy with them, because they all use GPS for time sync as part of their encryption.
I don’t think that link is completely correct.
1. We can shoot down satellites so then finding the ACC is more difficult.
2. One comment said that any hypersonic weapon even without a warhead would split a carrier in two. Nonsense. It would most likely go right through. Not pleasant but not fatal ether.
3. Hypersonic missiles are not going to have large explosive payloads.
I don’t think the Navy has thought enough about putting out fires and stuff like that. If they can not get a good fire going explosives alone will not necessarily take out a carrier. And while I do think missiles, even hypersonic, can be shot down. If a hypersonic missile hits anything, even buckshot, it’s going to be cracked up at the least.
It occurred to me this morning that one silver lining is that there’s going to be some top notch, dirt cheap night vision goggles and rifle optics on eBay in a month or two, as long as you are willing to pay international shipping.
I’ve personally used the ivermectin horse paste.
We used it for my 85-year-old mother-in-law, who has every comorbidity you can think of except cancer. Also used it for my brother in his 60s and my niece, who is 29.
In each case, their symptoms were gone within hours. Never had to take any of them to the hospital or even the doctor. We dosed them for two days (I would do five days if you don’t start as soon as symptoms appear). No side effects.
The dosing is very easy–the amount is marked on the plunger. The amount you use is about the same as the amount of toothpaste you’d put on a toothbrush.
Before using the horse paste, I looked up all the active and inactive ingredients. All were FDA approved for human consumption. It’s basically ivermectin with a thickener to make the paste and food coloring. If you get the apple flavored, there’s also a flavoring ingredient. It doesn’t taste like apple. I don’t believe it would taste like apple even to a horse.
I bought it for $7 a tube when I got it a few months ago. On Amazon, it’s now $22.
Zelenko says that if your symptoms aren’t gone after two days, keep going for five days plus add HCQ. In lieu of HCQ, you might add quercetin with zinc. Even over-the-counter antihistamines have been shown to work in a large human trial. You need both an H2 and an H1 blocker, so people typically take 1 Zyrtec at bedtime and 1 Pepcid AC in the morning.
Curcumin has been shown to be as effective as ivermectin as well, though I haven’t tried it.
So it might be better to put it on your toothbrush together with the toothpaste. Get two jobs done at the same time.
That GATE thread is interesting, except for the Nazi stuff and flaming trolls. I checked off most of the list of coincidences (forehead scar is what gave me the willies), but I was never directly part of the GATE program itself as far as I know, because my mom kept me from the gifted track in elementary school and I stayed in regular classes where I was one of the few white kids. I did wind up going to an elite exam school, and mannnnny of my classmates were what you would think of as surveillance kids. Especially the upper tier. Your description of the surveillance operations reminds me of the files that Scientology builds on its members. Interestingly, the extensive alumni files for my school, {Edited}, were stored for many years in the office of Scientology’s head lawyer, Earle Cooley. Anyway, I’d still probably have dismissed the idea of the vast surveillance network you talk about, were it not for a strange experience I had years ago. I was bamboozled into a Section 12 by a backstabbing “friend” from {Edit}, and her boyfriend/future-husband (whose father was a high-ranking state trooper) was the only person who visited me. I wasn’t really close with him, it was kind of weird for him to go to that length to check on me, and his visit was brief and awkward. The crucial thing is that he spent the bulk of his visit randomly, weirdly telling me all about a gifted friend of his who had been monitored since childhood by nameless agencies and checked up on in person at regular intervals, until he went off the rails and crashed. I had always assumed he told me about that as a saboteur in order to gaslight me and make me paranoid, but now I’m betting he was actually divulging the truth, as if he meant for me to infer that I, too, had been similarly monitored, and that I was going off the rails and about to squander whatever “potential” made surveilling/handling me worth it.
That was definitely related. No idea if they were gloating, or trying to warn you there was more going on, and maybe help you. I tend to lean against trying to help, as in the book Chameleo, one of the followers tried to do that in a gas station bathroom, saying to the target something like, “Dude, just chill and don’t worry. Nothing bad is going to happen.” Some commander was listening and he burst into the bathroom and dragged the follower out by the scruff of his neck for breaking protocol, which is apparently always head-fuck, all the time. So it si never just you and one of them. They are always listening by some mechanism.
In my own case, I get the impression they get great enjoyment from the fact they can be extraordinarily blatant, and you still have no idea, because you can’t believe they would do anything like that, or such a coordinated organization would exist, or be so ever present. Over the years, I have seen what I can only describe as them dangling it in my face. Every time, I would take in the weirdest scene, with people I had no idea who they were, looking like they were entirely focused on me, and laughing with each other, and I would ignore it, and think there must be some other explanation. In my mom’s case, she would be out in public, and a group nearby would start relating something that had just happened in her life, as if it happened to them, and they would do it loudly and obviously, strangely so, as if they were saying it that loud to be sure she heard it. She even asked me once, puzzled, if I ever had groups of strangers saying stuff loudly as if they wanted me to hear it, and it was directed at me.
Maybe it is an inside joke how dumb society is, that they can put it right in front of us, and we can’t see it. Or maybe they do that just to show people who are nervous about doing the surveillance that they have nothing to worry about as people are dumb and will never know what they are doing.
The whole thing is very strange. And dystopian, to the point if you had proposed to Huxley or Orwell they write something like this, I think they would have rejected it as impossible.
Tim Pool
Something bad just went down near Morgantown, WV
A Moderna shipment truck crashed, hazmat dispatched, airspace shut down and now apparently Emergency Response is claiming the Department of Defense took it over
Accelerometer data reveals xyz about people. Not sure if true.
Wow. I’ll bet AI computing could do a lot with it.
How you move is one way Chinese medicine diagnoses you, and it is based on the five emotions they attach to the five fundamental states of your body which need to be balanced. Joyous people who are happy have a light, airy, bouncy way of moving. Angry people stomp and throw themselves. Fearful people are suddenly jumping and stopping, sad people are slow moving, and worry is kind of never fully stopping and fidgeting. I don’t know how senstive a phone’s accelerometer is, but if it was sensitive enough, I could see where it could tease out the emotional state.
The network of pulsing cellphones Batman engages at the end of The Dark Knight and gives Lucius Fox power to deactivate due to its threat to society comes vividly to mind.
Yeah. We don’t really know what is possible.
Fascinating. AC, is there a good Chinese Traditional Medicine book you can recommend?
Chinese Medicine is extraordinarily complex, and to really understand it (I do not), you have to go to one of the schools where you study it for a year or two, and then you spend a year or two at a clinic attached at the school, actually having a patient sit in front of you, you go down the checklists, and manually diagnose them, take the pulse, look at the tongue, take a history, and you do it every ten minutes for ten to twelve hours, five days a week for that year or two. After a while, you begin to notice “Liver Yang Rising” cases all have a very specific walk, a way they hold their head, a facial expression, a body shape, they have a specific type of decisiveness and quickness to anger, and tension coming off them, sometimes even a smell, etc. And you begin to notice specific traits for all the 40-50 different pathologies. Eventually you get to the point you are like the doctor in one book who would argue with patients on the phone when they called to make an appointment, and based on how they responded (aggressive/passive, Clearheaded/foggy, focused, or prone to get diverted, short answers/long-winded answers, vocal tone, loudness, etc), he could diagnose them to his assistant without even seeing them in person. I walked in to see a guy who was a legit master. I realized later he purposely called me to him while there were a load of people between us, and based on how I navigated around those people, where I was patient, where I jumped to get through them, how I moved, the path I chose, he diagnosed me as I sat down. The rest of the exam was formality.
The book to read to get vague idea of what it might be through anecdotes that will tell you nothing about it is Web that has no Weaver by Kapchuk (sp?).
The texts which will explain it, but which even I have no had the time to pour through because of how long they are are the Giovanni Maciocia texts. He began with Foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine, then I think it was Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and then there was Practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine. There may have been a fourth. I am still in Diagnosis, and have stalled my reading just because of this site.
It is a weird theory, because you really have to not try to connect it to western explanations when you start out. Just go with the ideas they have and the theory they teach, and weird and unscientific as it is.
Thanks AC.
“The book to read to get vague idea of what it might be through anecdotes that will tell you nothing about it…” cracked me up!
Thanks a lot, AC. This is very helpful. I found them online. One of the things I love about your site is how it stimulates the sharing of great information and resources between us here.
I actually meant that to come out a little more generous now that I reread it. Kaptchuk’s book is like a guy who knows very little about the subject’s practice, but he saw people do impressive things and relates what he saw, but it gives you no real working knowledge of the art. It is designed to impress you with the abilities of TCM practitioners, but not help you get a working understanding of the art.
Maciocia is the exact opposite. the first book is basically every detail of the theory from the ground up, with 1300 pages of theory that is very difficult to process and organize if you have no prior familiarity with it. And of course it would be very difficult to understand how to apply that theory without at least some experience seeing people who are unwell, seeing the nuances of their functioning before they are treated, and seeing the changes as they become well and rave about how they feel.
I forgot to say Maciocia’s website is here, though I heard he passed away a while back.
I should also have added there is one other text if anybody is thinking of trying acupuncture on themselves. Peter Deadman’s Acupuncture is a similar book on acupuncture, with like 700 pages that takes each point, shows where it is and how it is needled, as well as, most importantly, what to avoid in the area, like nerve bundles you don’t want to hit, blood pathways, organs located just under the skin and how far they are, and other risks.
Again, if you really want to be able to do it on a professional level, I have concluded there is no substitute for finding a school and spending two or three years on it. But you can get a good working idea of where points are, how meridians flow, and if you know that, you can actually do quite a bit when it comes to reliving discomforts that can crop up in the body. You’d be surprised how a joint like a knee can ache horribly, and will continue to ache, until you press on a point in the hamstrings or ankles, or calves, or shin, or even foot, which didn’t seem to hurt, but which was absolutely raw when you pressed on it. And even though needles are best, you can do a lot with just deep, circular massage of the points.
I think a lot of cases of stuff like knee arthritis begins as referred pain from such distant points that the brain mistakenly ascribes to the joint, which causes the brain to alter muscle contractions of the supporting muscles around the knee, which alters how the knee joint orients itself and triggers the cartilage degeneration in a process that is actually separate from the pain which caused it.
“Unscientific,” yet nonetheless true! And imagine if America had Real Healing, instead of Talmudic Quack Doctors (((TQD))) who will happily manage your disease right into the morgue, but not until your resources have been drained, and who are forbidden to cure or heal you — or to even use those two words.
It is complicated, right. Books alone will not furnish enough instruction.
Speaking of books, do you know about ZLibrary, a sort of Pie-rat’s Bey of books and articles, with 8.5 million of the former and 85 million of the latter.
I just found both Kosta Danous books there (John Chang related), and some others on TCM and other healthful topics like Nei Kung. Cheers!
I did not know about ZLibrary. I will check it out, thank you!
If anything, the accelerometer data is probably much more precise than just eyeballing it, especially when coupled with AI analysis. I really am not all that qualified to judge this, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if all of this and much more was possible.
I walk with basically all 4 ways… in a fidgety and lazy way
RE: “Imagine how they feel about the wokesters.”
Well, let’s see, my first idea came to me watching a thing about PETA. Their leadership claims to want “total animal liberation”. My thoughts were that such a thing already existed, and that we could even show them exactly what it looked like up close and personal. It’s easy, you take them to the Farallon Islands about two miles offshore during elephant seal pup rearing season, strap them into a vest filled with bloody meat chunks, kick them overboard, and start taking bets on how far they get before they come face to snout with Animal Liberation and are able to count Animal Liberation’s rows of teeth.
The second idea I had will work for a much broader cross-section. You start by zip-tying woketards together into a human chain and loading them into the back of a C130/C17/C5, something with a big cargo door in the back. That last person in the chain at the door get’s tied to fifty feet of rope attached to 200 pounds of broken cinder block, maybe remains of Detroit. Anyway the plane takes off flies out a few miles off shore, drops the cargo door, and an airman kicks the cinder blocks out, waving goodbye as the chain is pulled out of the plane one by one. The lower 48 is bordered by ocean on three sides, and Hawaii&Alaska are basically surrounded by coastline. Repeat as necessary.
Third option strictly for BLM/Antifa – gun them down in street. Then form work details from local jails and state penitentiaries. The work details will load the bodies into trucks and dig individual graves. Each grave can have a marker in granite bearing name, lifespan, and reason for death. No coffin or embalming of any kind, instead plant a tree right on top of the body. In fact do this for literally everyone in maximum security and just clear out the worst of the prison population.
Something tells me after that the illegal immigrant criminals will begin migrating to Canada or anywhere but here.
The absurdity of the state of the West:
So the LGBT globohomo cartel makes it a issue of human rights to have men (some who were jailed for raping women) be able to get jailed in female prisons where they just rape away some more. This pandering to anti-Christian faggotry and hypocrisy is a good demonstration of why the whole Western rotten political system needs to crash and burn and be completely purged.
Just wondering what your take is on possible NYC incoming mayor Curtis “Eye of Illuminati” Sliwa. See possibly staged photo op link below. Maybe he’s been doing this his whole life or maybe he is part of surveillance. The man has suffered broken jaws during the BLM demonstrations as well as multiple mob hits back in the day. Is he on the Trump team? I think this is proof that there are competing factions vying for control. What do you make of this guy?
He is a puzzle. I see no way he is amassing an army of aggressive young men without Cabal having control. If I had to guess, I would guess he was in the network. No idea if he is a good guy or not.
He has not amassed an army of angry young men. Most of his crew are now middle aged guys left over from his street patrols in the 70’s. I live in NYC, and have run into Sliwa a couple of times. He’s a genuine working class New Yorker, which means he’s also a little weird, as many old school New Yorkers are.
You can’t understand Sliwa without understanding how completely lawless and insane NYC was in the 70’s and 80’s.
Sliwa is a charismatic guy who, like many New Yorkers, had reached their personal limit with all the insanity in the 70’s, and decided to take action.
His crew hit the streets and the trains and started making citizens arrests when confronted by ever present criminal activity. This pissed off the cops, because it made them look real bad, so they routinely roughed up Sliwa and his crew, as opposed to the actual bad guys.
Remember, this was years before Giuliani actually forced the cops to do their jobs which lead to an immediate drop in crime in all boroughs. Funny how that works.
Anyway, there is no way to know who is influencing who at this point, but Sliwa has put his ass on the line in the streets for years, at a time when doing so could lead to death. He also interfered with various low level mob guys, and earned their wrath as well.
The trajectory of NYC has been so soured during the misrule of DiBlasio that anything would be better at this point, but I seriously doubt Sliwa can win in Manhattan and Brooklyn, where all of NYC’s wealth is. He can do well in the Bronx, Queens and Staten Island, but even there a win for him is unlikely.
NYC is poised for another decade or so of total, overt corruption and chaos, and that’s not counting all the vaccine mandate insanity.
It’a all downhill from here, and not just in NYC.
Copies of Dominion Voting System software used to design ballots, configure voting machines and tally results were posted online for public download after they were likely obtained during Colorado and Michigan’s audits of the 2020 presidential race, the AP reported Aug. 28. …
How many are actually Chinese ballistic missile platforms? I only ask because if I think that Space Force might be able to hit the Three Gorges Dam from orbit, how much do you wanna bet the CCP thinks that, too? Container ship ICBM’s would be the logical counter-move.
A record-breaking 44 container ships are stuck off the coast of California
I think you nailed it.
He used pH Phase constrast microscopy, darkfield microscopy, UV absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy, multiple electron microscopes, even nuclear magnetic resonance. He even lays out the specific methodology of his findings so others can replicate it.
RE: Putin the dictator
He IS a dictator. A Czar by another name. That’s how Russia rolls. Check out the Russia he has built that this girl doesn’t even seem to realize that she is revealing.
Living expenses in Russia in 2020 | Budget for a month
Life in a provincial Russian town in the Urals | Perm
She looks to be about 25 years old, and I have a feeling that the American-style supermarket that she obviously takes for granted didn’t exist when she was born.
Further comparison between Russia and the US.
What surprised me about USA 🗽 Russian immigrant
While I’m on this foreign perspective of the US kick that I seem to be on, a little perspective on the troubles of the US versus other places. The tears are real.
Cuban Goes to American Supermarket for the 1st time- Communism to Capitalism
Cuban Goes to Home Depot for FIRST TIME – DREAM CAME TRUE!
Wow Cuba must suck total balls. Imagine not being able to buy food.
One more:
FINALLY FREE TO SPEAK! First Protest Ever – Cuba Protest 2021(In Miami)
If America falls, the world falls. We have to hold the line. We have no other choice than to beat Cabal, because there’s no New World to escape to. We get our own house in order, and in the process I firmly believe we will help countries like Cuba because patriots around the world lift each other up. For the first time I think that the whole world can look around and see that none of us wants to kill each other, if we want to kill anybody it’s our own government, and again that’s worldwide.
This gentleman is 36 years old. He escaped Cuba and while I want him to go back, I want him to go back to a Cuba WORTHY of going back to. I want him to go home to a place where he can part of building Cuba into something magnificent and not the hollow impoverished shell of a place communism has turned it into.
Dr Pierre Gilbert 1995 Magnetic Vaccines (English Subtitles)
“… There were three scientists who pioneered the work of using an electromagnetic field to control human behavior. Their work began 25 years ago. These three were Dr. Jose Delgado, psychology professor at Yale University; Dr. W. Ross Adey, a physiologist at the Brain Research Institute at UCLA; and Dr. Wilder Penfield, a Canadian. …”
“… In the mid-1970s, American interest in combining EMR techniques with hypnosis was very prominent. Plans were on file to develop these techniques through experiments on human volunteers. The spoken word of the hypnotist could be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain without employing any technical devices for receiving or transacting the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.
In California, it was discovered by Dr. Adey that animal brain waves could be altered directly by ELF fields. It was found that monkey brains would fall in phase with ELF waves. These waves could easily pass through the skull, which normally protected the central nervous system from outside influence. …”
“…The American public was never informed that the military had planned to develop electromagnetic weapons until 1982, when the revelation appeared in a technical Air Force magazine.
The magazine article stated, “….specifically generated radio-frequency radiation (RFR) fields may pose powerful and revolutionary anti-personnel military trends.” The article indicated that that it would be very easy to use electromagnetic fields to disrupt the human brain because the brain, itself, was an electrically mediated organ. It further indicated that a rapidly scanning RFR system would have a stunning or killing capability over a large area. The system was developable.
Navy Captain Dr. Paul E. Taylor read a paper at the Air University Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education, at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Dr. Taylor was responsible for the Navy’s Radiation Laboratory and had been studying radiation effects on humans. In his paper, Dr. Taylor stated, “The ability of individuals to function (as soldiers) could be degraded to such a point that would be combat ineffective.” The system was so sophisticated that it employed microwaves and millimeter waves and was transportable by a large truck. …”
Mind Control By Harry V. Martin and David Caul