News Briefs – 08/13/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Mike Lindell was physically attacked by the elevators of his hotel. No other details, but the impression was it was an Antifa-type waiting for him, based on Bannon saying Antifa attacked him outside his hotel too. He seemed to not give a fuck, saying he has lived among all kinds, and had guns pulled on him and a sword put to his neck, presumably during his crazier days. If you come under this, cultivate lethal capability, and make sure it is obvious you wouldn’t think anything of putting evil people in the ground on a moment’s notice. Because they are watching, that will go in your file, and it will make them cautious about doing something like this. Still, shocking this conspiracy is this bad in America.

An associate of Mesa County CO Clerk Tina Peters had his home raided last night by state officials, and they took all the computer equipment in the house, even that from his four children. They had a former prosecutor at the cyber symposium who is now a law professor, who went on later in the show. He gave a presentation where he, side by side, told the story of a gangland murder he prosecuted, and the vote-steal of 2020. What he showed was the gangland murder was solved very quickly, and they knew what happened, but there was a long period where the perps covered their tracks, thought they had gotten away with it, and moved on with their lives. Meanwhile, they had made all sorts of mistakes, left evidence which he and his team slowly assembled and cataloged, and people involved freaked out and slowly sought out deals with the prosecutors to save themselves behind the scenes. He made a great case that is exactly what is going on right now with the 2020 election steal, and it is silly to think such a massive crime, with so many actors, would be solved, prosecuted, and reversed in a few months. He also pointed out how in her press conference, the Colorado Secretary of State, who ordered the above raid as retaliation for that County Clerk participating in Lindell’s symposium, had a hand which was shaking uncontrollably. He said as a prosecutor, he loved that, because he knew it meant she was clearly terrified, and when the prosecutions started, she was a goner. He was very exhilarated and giddy talking about it. The video is here, you can see her hand tremble first at about 1:50 as she turns the pages of her statement. At 6:33 as she is gathering her papers, her left hand is shaking so much as she moves it to the outside, it looked difficult to grab up the papers. She answers questions at 9:00. Regarding her statement, it has been said only this leftist bimbo’s office has the password she is talking about (though Dominion probably does as well), so if it was compromised, it is impossible the County Clerk could have done it.

Mike Lindell’s cyber experts noted CISA deployed Albert Sensors in all 50 states, and these sensors should have detected all the suspicious network activity associated with packet-transfers involved in the hacking. I was curious what these were, so I looked Albert sensors up and turned up this article describing them and this article, noting CISA deployed them across all 50 states and two territories, and they are indeed designed to detect suspicious internet traffic that might represent hacking into our elections. What I found myself wondering was if our voting machines are completely disconnected from the internet and fully air-gapped, why did we need Albert Sensors, and why did we even have the Center for Internet Security devote itself to trying to protect our elections from internet hacking? If our voting is completely disconnected from the internet, having CISA involved is a bit like having NASA get involved in issuing hunting tags. If you want to fuck with the head of someone arguing the election couldn’t be hacked over the internet because everything was disconnected, ask them why CISA got involved.

Jim Watkins says on Twitter – “If you have not seen enough evidence to know that down to the municipality level we need to clean house across our entire nation, then you never will see it. If you can’t see it, then you are the problem not the solution.” The thing is, this is an intelligence operation, which for at least decades, and maybe centuries, had a constant objective of infiltrating key power positions and taking them over, and then using those positions to take over and occupy more positions. It sounds crazy to say a Town Councilman would be part of a shadowy conspiracy which took over the entire US. Who cares about a Town Council seat? Or a school board seat, or a High School Guidance Councilor? But that is how long this thing has been operating. It made all its primary objectives decades ago, at least. Probably made it through all its secondary, tertiary, and onward objectives. So it kept going, for decades, and as it took more positions, more positions became easier to take. Finally, it reached this point, where the dude who cuts lawns next door is recruited in and spying on high school kids the machine has identified as a threat.

Whistleblower provides proof from Detroit center that election machines were connected online, including a photo.

Mesa County (CO) elections are decertified by leftist Secretary of State after bogus investigation of the only County Clerk who began to investigate fraud in the state.

Hannity says he was offered a copy of the latest Hunter Biden laptop, but his lawyer made him refuse it because sources told him in contained multiple media recordings of child porn.

The White House is using ‘spacing constraints’ as an excuse to limit access to Biden Q&As.

White House and DNC infighting reveals Joe Biden is planning a 2024 campaign.

Biden won’t release Delaware visitor logs despite 17 trips home. How many trips?

California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder recently said in an interview that, “I do believe that Joe Biden won the election fairly and squarely.” Disappointing, though in California it is possible he felt he had to say it. But it will cost him a lot of support.

Australia locks down 431,000+ people in the Capital over just four Covid cases.

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett turns down a request from Indiana University students to block its vaccine mandate.

Deadly Lambda variant could be vaccine-resistant, new study says.

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine just 42% effective against infection amid delta spread, preprint suggests.

In Israel, the third day in a row with over 5,700 new cases, and 421 in serious condition.

Mississippi asks Biden administration to send military hospital ship. And this gets worse in the winter, that is when any ADE will really take off. Also notice, we are sending thousands and thousands of COVID positive migrants somewhere in the country, and all these conservative states are getting hammered by COVID.

After Obama’s super spreader event, Martha’s Vineyard show a 14-day change of +1,014% positive Covid cases.

Most people who now die with Covid in England have had a vaccination. The article is literally written to argue that this means it is working.

Research shows a cholesterol drug reduces COVID infection by up to 70% and its already FDA approved.

After holding her position for over three decades, the Principal Flute of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra (BSO), Emily Skala, was fired following a second instance of spreading misinformation related to COVID-19 on social media.

CDC’s own stats show 1,270 premature fetal deaths following COVID shots but they recommend pregnant women get COVID injections anyway.

A shocking new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reveals that when pregnant women are given covid vaccinations during their first or second trimesters, they suffer an 82% spontaneous abortion rate, killing 4 out of 5 unborn babies.

Two visitors to Hawaii from the United States mainland were arrested Sunday for falsifying vaccination cards, the governor posted on social media Wednesday afternoon.

COVID fatality rate hits lowest level on record despite media hysteria over Delta.

Pope Francis’s “Right-hand Man” Parra may have a scandal involving “sexual predation against seminarians, adultery, and even a deadly sex game…[that] ‘might even be a scandal surpassing that of McCarrick.”

U.S. asks Taliban to spare its embassy in the coming fight for Kabul.

U.S. troops sent to evacuate personnel at Kabul embassy.

Poland pushes through new media law that angers the U.S. because it prevents firms from outside the European Economic Area, a group of 30 nations, from owning a majority stake in media companies based in the country. Apparently the answer to “Qui?” in Poland is US media companies. I told you the surveillance in other countries is part of the same organization. The media is too apparently, and those countries are figuring that out.

Biden’s Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s stepfather, Samuel Pisar, was a “longtime lawyer and confidant of…Robert Maxwell,” Ghislaine Maxwell’s dad.

Barack Obama’s recent Martha’s Vineyard 60th birthday bash boasted an A-list guest list, and according to one author, Meghan Markle is upset she didn’t make the cut.

‘Airpocalypse’ smoke from massive wildfires in the Siberian regions of northern Russia reaches North Pole for the first time ever.

Craziest video ever – a hawk swoops down and catches a rabbit. Then a deer rushes out and rescues the rabbit by stomping the hawk to death. That is a K-selected deer, who is driven to protect their own. Don’t ever think those animals in the woods are dumb, or lack understanding, or can’t think like you. They may not want to deal with with the magical bipedal wizards who emerge and vanish in their woods, but they know who you are and have a level of understanding and personality, and sometimes even loyalty and love, which would surprise you.

The Supreme Court on Thursday night lifted New York’s pandemic-related ban on residential evictions, siding with a group of landlords who said their rights were being violated.

Pentagon releases religious exemption guidelines for bypassing mandatory vaccine.

Cuomo’s exit isn’t stopping the push for answers on nursing home deaths.

New York Supreme Court sides with Project Veritas in suit against New York Times.

Lawmakers in Texas have blocked a Chinese billionaire’s push to build a 15,000-acre wind farm on a large swath of land he purchased after news of his plans drew the attention of a conservancy group.

Texas voting bill passes the Senate, now waits for the Texas House members who fled to be returned.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here. You can also get more statements via email by signing up here.


RNC is meeting in the wonderful city of Nashville, Tennessee this week. I look forward to working with them to win in 2022 and beyond. The RNC members, Ronna and Tommy, are doing a great job!


Had our 2020 Presidential Election not been rigged, and if I were now President, the world would find that our withdrawal from Afghanistan would be a conditions-based withdrawal. I personally had discussions with top Taliban leaders whereby they understood what they are doing now would not have been acceptable. It would have been a much different and much more successful withdrawal, and the Taliban understood that better than anyone. What is going on now is not acceptable. It should have been done much better.


Derrick Van Orden is running for Congress in Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District. Derrick is a former Navy SEAL Senior Chief who bravely served and defended our Country. He strongly supports our Military, Veterans, Law Enforcement, and he will always fight for Secure Borders, the Second Amendment, and our incredible Farmers. Derrick has my Complete and Total Endorsement!


The people of Wisconsin are lucky to have a strong and great leader like Representative Janel Brandtjen, who issued subpoenas for Brown (Green Bay) and Milwaukee Counties, and all of their election evidence and so-called results. Wisconsin shows many (to put it mildly) signs of cheating in the 2020 election, and people want answers, now. We still don’t know why Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, a New Yorker, had multiple keys to the Election Day counting rooms, and a City of Green Bay employee ID when records show he was never employed by Green Bay. A Milwaukee election employee even acknowledged dropping off just the margin of ballots needed for a Biden win at 3:00AM. The Great American Experiment cannot withstand corruption. We must demand our elected officials follow the law, and WE MUST HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. All eyes are on Wisconsin as they begin their election audit. Hopefully Republican Speaker Robin Vos has the integrity and strength Wisconsin needs to support Rep. Brandtjen’s efforts. Our Country is counting on it!

Spread r/K Theory, because the elections were rigged.

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3 years ago

“Mike Lindell was physically attacked by the elevators of his hotel”

I know what it actually means but I just can’t help imagining the elevators coming alive and attacking him.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Read it the same way. I was thinking, “shit, hacking the elevators was a pretty good plan.”

3 years ago

Don’t read too much into the name. They are the de facto computer security folks states ask for help.
The sensors are a new development for me though, had no idea they deployed them.

3 years ago

I would love to see the video of the former prosecutor’s presentation at the symposium. Does anyone have a link to that?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I hope you’re right! I did some digging — the former prosecutor’s name is Davie Clements, and here’s a link to his presentation (quite riveting!):

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

We can’t wait 2.5 years.
The damage to the country will be irreversible by then.

The prosecutions can take longer but the reversal of the theft must happen this year.

Reply to  Swanzinator
3 years ago
Reply to  Swanzinator
3 years ago

Another backup link

3 years ago

> Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett turns down a request from Indiana University students to block its vaccine mandate

A really good lawyer could make the case that ISU is abrogating its contract with the students, and therefore should return their money. Which the students could return to the organizations that loaned it to them, and get a job instead of diving into debt they may never be able to escape from.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Actually, it should be an easy case to prosecute. The government contract signed with Pfizer shows that the govt doesn’t know what is in the vaccines, nor the efficacy, nor the side effects. Therefore, there is no premise for mandating an unknown chemical of unknown composition and unknown side effects.
Section 5.5 is the operative section.

Reply to  Thedawg
3 years ago

Agreed. This should be a “strict scrutiny” case, right? Given that this is an admitted non-sterilizing vaccine that doesn’t slow spread, I’m not sure how it could survive that standard.

3 years ago

> Deadly Lambda variant could be vaccine-resistant, new study says.

And in what way would this differ from all the other coronaviruses?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I think what he means is what I’ve been saying from the start — coronavirii mutate quickly (the spike proteins especially) which generally makes vaccination for them impossible long-term. It’s exactly why we can’t create a common cold vaccine.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Comment from another blog,”…since the CDC admits that you can obviously still get and transmit Covid when you are vaccinated, how are vaccines supposed to give us herd immunity, I mean even theoretically? And doesn’t this also mean that the vaccinated are a greater threat to the unvaccinated than vice versa, since the vaccines prevent more serious symptoms, so that there will be a lot more vaccinated people wandering around feeling OK but still shedding the virus? Not being sarcastic here, I’m honestly confused about how this is even supposed to work.”

My comments,

You’re absolutely correct and the dangers you noted are 100% real. There will be NO herd immunity from the present vaccine. Look at this link from the radical conspiracy theorist station PBS.

“This chicken vaccine makes its virus more dangerous”

From the article,”…“With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. There is no human virus that is that hot. Ebola, for example, doesn’t kill everything in 10 days,”…”

“…“Previously, a hot strain was so nasty, it wiped itself out. Now, you keep its host alive with a vaccine, then it can transmit and spread in the world,” Read said. “So it’s got an evolutionary future, which it didn’t have before.”…”

This is of course exactly what the covid(corona) vaccine produces.

I think lots of people are confused by the sequence of of virulence of corona or covid. It does not have to be that way. There’s a very clear logical explanation for exactly what we see.

1. There’s a vast amount of evidence that corona was engineered.
2. There appeared to be a lot deaths at the beginning.
3. A viral researcher said that engineered viral weapons break down their lethality even faster than natural viruses so that would account for it’s strong virility in the beginning and it’s rapid decrease in vitality such that some people are saying it was a scam and there was no danger ever. WRONG. I personally know someone who got corona and he told me he almost died from it.
4. The new vaccine they have is making the corona stronger and more virulent because it DOES NOT defeat it. It allows it to mutate in the vaccinated host so even stronger versions of corona can persist.

It’s a crime that this is going on. Read the link I provided above about the same sort of vaccine used on chickens. Nice little profit center for the vaccine makers cause now instead of burning out the virus it makes it so none of the chickens survive if they have not had the vax.

There’s also the problem with Search “Pathogenic priming”.

Will the same thing happen to humans? Maybe.

It may well be that all these deaths from the vaxed is from pathogenic priming.

I know that I will not be vaxed unless it is under the most extreme extremities.

Phelps is exactly right and that corona type viruses have these problems of shifting AND problems with pathogenic priming was a KNOWN problem well before the outbreak of corona.

If you look at this from the aspect of the chicken viruses I linked in the story on PBS if they want to really spread a lethal virus fast, super fast and NOT have it doe out then do exactly like the chicken virus and vax people, like the chickens, so that they become spreaders of the super kill shot virus. They don’t all die and in the process spread viral material all over the place.

If you see a mass outbreak with lots of deaths, and they will try to hide this, wear mask even if they are far from perfect, take zinc and quercetin. And if it gets really bad take ivermection if you have it. Lyponised vitamin C should also help. They have been cases where the C has saved people dying of pneumonia.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Thank you sir, this was a very clear and useful writeup.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

> I should make clear, I don’t endorse all the articles I put here.

I know. I was snarking the idiots who wrote the article.

If something I say comes across as uncivil, it was not directed at you. If I have some pressing need to disagree or point out that YOU’RE TOTALLY WRONG WTF WERE YOU THINKING?!, it will be in the mode of civil discourse, not “trying to punk the moderator.”

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

The Lambada variant makes you dance

3 years ago

> fired following a second instance of spreading misinformation related to COVID-19 on social media.

It’s the new Doublespeak: truth (or even doubt) is now “misinformation”

The Ministry of Truth is ever-vigilant…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Holding a parliamentary debate on planned vax passport “would expose people to conspiracy theories,” so the heaf of Quebec’s provincial government will just ram it through the legislature with full opposition support.

3 years ago

> Biden won’t release Delaware visitor logs despite 17 trips home.

[reads article] Those are supposedly his private residences, and therefore his private business. The Secret Service will control and log access, but that’s Biden’s private business, not public information.

*However*, if he’s using those residences for government business (as in “face to face meetings”, not “phone and email”), then, yes, that *is* part of the President’s official itinerary, and therefore part of the official records of his term.

The article mentioned Biden had “partially” opened access to his official White House logs, which implies that they had been removed from public access at some point. So it sounds more like he’s trying to hide somethng by holding meetings on his personal properties instead of at the Capitol, which is the proper place for such things.

What is it the Left likes to say? Oh, yes. “You have nothing to hide if you’ve done nothing wrong.” Alas, Dopey Joe seems to have plenty to hide…

3 years ago

> Biden won’t release Delaware visitor logs despite 17 trips home. How many trips?

The same number as number of EO in his first day in office, signed just a few hours after Trump said good bye in front of 17 American flags. 🙂


3 years ago

Noticed something weird with the comments here.

On the 8/10 post, I left about 5 comments. An hour or so later, one of them made it through. Comment count was 44 or so.

Looked back again where comment count is 77 or so, and now none of mine are there, including the one that I saw on 8/10.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Delete them all, God will know His own.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

>I am getting a lot of people posting blackpilling comments attacking Trump and Lindell from the bots and shills which I don’t let through. Each one was blackpilling on Trump or Lindell or the storm, so I assumed they were shills.

Good call. One tell is if its almost the same exact comments across multiple platforms. Those style comments, almost identical, pop up constantly on 4chan, ruqqus, probably reddit, twatter etc etc. Too common, too similar, too much lack of substance to not be a forced meme.

Especially when the evidence LIndell et al are bringing to light is pretty impressive. Dismissing it in two sentences [and no cites or otherwise backing up of shit opinions] is either an idiot repeating the shills or shills themselves. Don’t let the door hit their asses on the way out.

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

We know that multiple Federal agencies have had agents posting as provocateurs and blackpillers, even before they started outright hiring “influencers.”

Then there are the foreign agencies doing it, and “tech corps” like Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. engaging in their own propaganda.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Most people who now die with Covid in England have had a vaccination. The article is literally written to argue that this means it is working.”

English people dying? That means the jab is working. It’s supposed to kill English people. That’s what it is designed to do.

3 years ago

Re: “Biden won’t release Delaware visitor logs despite 17 trips home.” How many trips?

Yes, looks like coding. Is it?

For starters, both Biden and the NYPost have a robust history of delivering coded messaging, so that gets my attention.

The numbers stand out as well.

He made 17 trips in 6 months. (17=classified, 6=cabal)
18th and 19th trips to be made next week (post declass?)

But then again, these are just numbers. However, the photos in the article are more suggestive and provide more evidence that this is code.

The first photo shows Biden riding a bike, passing a doggie poop scoop station.
dogs=trusted and controlled assets; defecation=evidence accidentally left behind). Unlike the other riders, he is wearing a helmet (protected)

The second photo shows him confidently strolling through a graveyard as he exits a Catholic church with a purple coat in his arms (purple=Vatican/Rothchild)

The first photo, could be argued, is just a standard public relations photo to project a vital and healthy Biden on vacation, and the poop scoop station is just a happenstance part of the background. Although I doubt a professional photographer would miss something like that.

But the second photo leaves little doubt in my mind that the intentions are coding, unless casually strolling through a graveyard is something presidents would normally do. And when have we ever seen Biden wear a purple coat?

All together, I’m pretty confident this is code. As to what it all means I would only be speculating, the message is not meant for us. Too many questions to draw any conclusions.

Who is the message for? Is it significant that he is carrying the purple coat, instead of wearing it? In his left arm, as opposed to his right arm? What other important details am I missing? etc

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

And letting us know who really is in charge…..

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

What first comes to my mind is this is flagging so the article is aggregated more easily so the scrutinizers don’t have to read every little thing that is written. Smalls down their work load? Just a thought.

Reply to  B.Chiclitz
3 years ago

He dare not wear it supposedly at church before God and ancestors and ‘ghosts’ (in the graveyard).

He’s not ordained by God, he knows this! Maybe he is begging for a chance to legitimately wear it or he’s just being a smart ass at how he thinks he outsmarted and fooled everyone, even God, and is sticking a finger in the people’s eyes at how powerful he is.

The emperor wears no clothes.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: K animals attacking predators to save other species

There are now multiple videos up of hippos attacking both crocs and hyenas to save antelope and zebras. Hippos are by far the most dangerous animals in Africa and have no qualms about stomping people to death just for being too close.

3 years ago

Hope this SEAL Senior Chief is better than Crenshaw.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Bryan Lunduke just condemned LBRY and Odysee for what sounds like demon possession. The whole Odysee community is in shellshock over what Odysee corporate just did ON PURPOSE.

With Rumble now paying leftists to attack their own content creators on Rumble, and Bitchute being caught blocking certain posts, that literally leaves GabTV as the only vid hosting that we can trust. That’s it, just Gab is left.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I hope you can find another one.

One of the places I share things has foolishly blocked all links to GAB and I was planning on using your Odysee to post your vids there.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Thank you Farc. Truth to tell I never dialed in the video quality settings correctly for Odysee, and needed to re-render them in 720p medium quality to get them to play without stutter. I think Bitchute is probably the best of my bad options at the moment. They censor vids that meet the UK’s new definition of hate speech. I’m a DiY channel so a lot less of a worry for me.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Good info. Thank you.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Jewish doctor tells rabbis to their face that they’re the problem, along with the governments of Israel and the US. This is the guy who first spoke up about HCQ after Trump mentioned it.


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

“Jewish doctor tells rabbis to their face that they’re the problem, along with the governments of Israel and the US.”

This is too little, too late. And let’s not even remotely pretend that the governments of the west are in any way representatives of the people of the west. They are run through and through by the Jews.

I have said repeatedl, til I’m sick of repeating it, that the Jews as an aggregate, in their effect on a country, are in no way distinguishable from a tribe of psychopaths moving into your country. It’s just a fact and has held true for thousands of years. We have an actual papyrus from the Roman Emperor Claudius described them as “the fomenters of a universal plague.”

The majority of Jews know this. They know at the least that they work together against the country they reside in and against all humanity and they do nothing. It’s their people and they should be the first to come out and stop the large number of psychopaths that infest their population but they don’t. There’s maybe 10, 20, 100 at the most that do or try to but that’s not enough. That they come now and pretend that they are doing us a favor after it’s become so dire…they’re too little to late and they deserve the same fate as their Spath brethren.

This is why I say they all need to go. There’s just not enough of them who are willing to reign in the worst of their kind and it’s not incumbent on us to weed through them all when they are such a major problem that they are murdering everyone with their engineered virus and their kill shot vax.

It’s foolish to treat the Jews as individuals when their actions are those of a group super organism.

They all need to be gotten rid of. Deported or whatever as long as they have no more control over our affairs in any way what so ever.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Nothing has changed with the Jews for thousands of years. Anyone who somehow thinks you will make them change and become decent should read this written in 42 AD or there abouts.

The edict of Claudius

” I now order the Jews not to agitate for more privileges than those they have long enjoyed, and not again to have the unprecedented insolence of sending out their own ambassadors as though they were living in a separate state, and furthermore I order them not to force their way into the games and contests held by the gymnasiarchs and cosmetae while they, the Jews, reap the profits of their own special privileges and, living in a city that is not their own, enjoy all the bountiful advantages of that city; furthermore I order the Jews not to import, or bring in to Alexandria by ship, Jews from Asia Minor or Egypt, a procedure which must necessarily excite in me the gravest suspicions. Otherwise, if the Jews do not obey, I will by all means take vengeance on them as being the fomenters of what is a universal plague throughout the civilized world.”

It’s the same story over and over. The only 100% proven cure for dealing with these people is to get rid of them. Remove them. Deport them. Works every time. Is guaranteed to to be good for the children,, makes the Sun shine more pleasant and even Whites are Whiter. It’s the cure.

If you want to understand what’s going on right now it would be hard to find a better source of understanding than reading Revilo Oliver’s “The Jewish Plague” that I linked.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
3 years ago

Found out why no flights out of Mexico to Canada until September 9. East Indians are routing through Mexico to get to Canada, avoiding the travel ban. The ones on this plane barely speak English and they look pissed. September 20, stuff gets real in Canada.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Mycroft Jones
3 years ago

Maybe just a coincidence. On September 20, Jewish holiday of Sukkot starts. On that day, the prime minister of Canada has said he will dissolve Parliament, triggering snap elections, leaving Canada without a government for a while. The purpose being to allow new, stronger COVID measures to be brought in without the normal procedures. And the day after that, September 21, the ban on direct flights from India ends. Indians flood back into Canada. It has been remarkably stress free and relaxed in Canada since the India travel ban was put in place over a year ago.

To those in Canada, use this time now to prepare food supplies, make sure your place has no leaks and has good insulation. And to quote Dana Coverstone, “Brace yourself, brace yourself, brace yourself.”

A friend visited India. In one of the villages he visited, they showed him the guns, several hundred years old, that their ancestors had used. They were very proud; they had fought under the British on US soil, fighting against the USA during the Revolution. England has been using Indians as agents for a very long time.

3 years ago

Looks like all the symposium video is available here

3 years ago

Jill Biden Seen Publicly (and Wearing a Walking Boot) For the First Time Since Foot Injury

More at:

3 years ago

I’m still on a news fast, but was just searching for generic Russian vids on yt, and came across this, watched it and I think it would be of interest for the frens here who are still big on politics news:

As always, much love and God bless you.

3 years ago

Fraternal Order of Police steps up, backs officers facing termination for not wanting to get vaccinations

3 years ago

The video of the deer attack – I saw this video as a metaphor. I have a dream dictionary and looked up hawk, deer and rabbit. Under hawk – surveillance. Deer said strong spiritual walk or sure footedness (!) and rabbit said multiplication.

I have a book called the rabbit and the elephant: Why Small Is the New Big for Today’s Church. Because they multiply faster.

This gives me hope re the surveillance….and the Church in the days ahead.