News Briefs – 07/22/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


New York Times runs cover for the Flight 800 coverup. Reporter wrote a story about the decision to destroy all of the Flight 800 evidence, and claimed James Sanders stole parts of the plane for profit. She was told of the error by this reporter, and then James Sanders sent her a bigger letter explaining the missile evidence and showing the FBI has classified the tests on the residue which proves it was a missile, and the Time’s response was to update the article with a different minor detail, but continue the coverup of the important facts. Reporters are assets of this intelligence operation. Being in the conspiracy is how they get the jobs, not GPA or ambition. You could have a lifetime goal of being a journalist, go the journalism school, get a 4.0 GPA, and the doors to that profession would be entirely closed. And eventually you would see one of the 2.1 GPAs who was following you through the grocery store get signed onto CNN for a seven figure contract. After they got a degree in Womyn’s gender studies.

A European anti-vax group is claiming to have done a controlled survey and found the vaxxed emit an abnormal electromagnetic field. This is regardless of whether they got the mRNA vax or the non-mRNA peptide vax, the degree of abnormality appears to be related to how long they have been vaccinated, and as time progresses, it extends from one shoulder at the vax site to both. Released in three languages here. I have no idea if this is legit. For something like this I would have to replicate it myself and see it with my own eyes. But if it were legit, there is actually a brand new field, possibly coincidental but maybe not, called “Magnetogenetics,” focused on creating genes for proteins which accrete iron and exhibit magnetism. And it is apparently making great strides. The mRNA tech being used, maybe even in the non-mRNA vaxes would be consistent with the time effect, where as time went on, the mRNA in the cells would have produced more and more of the magnetic proteins. And obviously the only way you would get any measurable magnetic effect would be to have mRNA coded for the protein (possibly with reverse transcriptase to burn it back into DNA and extend the effect more permanently), and have it just burn off more and more magnetic protein. You could not inject a stand alone compound other than genetic blueprints to be burned off, which would magnetize you, or do it increasingly over time. So I am intrigued we are just now seeing this effect described, just after the mRNA tech which would make it possible comes online. I’m bothered by this if it is real. They are pushing this vaccine on everyone to separate the compliant from the uncompliant, and this thing is giving the compliant a measurable electromagnetic signature which grows over time, can be detected at a distance, and could be used to determine who is compliant and who is uncompliant from a distance. That would not seem like a good thing. Unless the aliens are coming back for their tenth generation harvest, and they are just planning to make a few sweeps over the planet with super strong magnets pulling everyone up into their ships to drop them in a flash freezer for later. I’d love to know what having magnetic proteins distributed throughout the brain cells would allow them to do to cognition from a distance. Note that in brain surgery, they can do everything from disable memories, to stimulate smells and tastes simply by pressing on parts of the exposed brain. This might allow you to do that at nearly a cellular scale. You might even be able to ablate parts of the brain, and eliminate behaviors, or memories, or urges without ever going inside the skull. Even a metal detector, which fluxes a magnetic field to create a detectible counter field from inducted current flow in metal objects would probably jiggle these molecules, and alter the firing of those nerves. MK Ultra will have a field day with this.

The North Carolina Board of Elections denied a request to examine voting machines for modems, citing overriding federal authority under the Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency.

Keshel and Clements say Biden had an estimated 675,000 fraudulent votes in Texas and the actual vote was likely a 55% – 43% blowout for Trump.

Pennsylvania’s top election official has decertified the voting machines of a small southern county that disclosed that it had agreed to requests by local Republican lawmakers and allowed a software firm to inspect the machines as part of an “audit” after the 2020 presidential election.

Mike Lindell announced on Wednesday he was offering $5 million to any “cyber guys” who can prove the election data he’ll present at his upcoming “cyber symposium” is not valid.

Marjorie Taylor Greene says there is intelligence the CCP is creating bioweapons that target by race. Lets send all our DNA over there so we can find out where our fourth great great grandparent twice removed was from. We may actually need to vaporize that continent at some point.

CIA taps top Bin Laden ‘hunter’ to solve the ‘Havana Syndrome’ mystery. Article just rehashes what we know, and then notes the official they have assigned is unnamed.

Men accused of Whitmer kidnapping plot say FBI set them up. This is why you don’t just have to understand intel if you are planning rebellion. Anyone can become a target for any reason today. There was a guy in a rural area who bought the house next door, and somebody in the network wanted it and was angry he bought it instead of letting them buy it. For the next decade, he learned the difference between imported and domestic car horns, because everybody in the network blew their horn as they passed his house. This is the ABC news article on it. For them, it felt like everybody was in a club they never knew existed. You can’t form a gun club, or political group, or any organization without understanding this club will sneak in under false pretenses, and either try to take control of it, or destroy it.

Disturbing video of Ed Buck groping unconscious man who died of overdose played in court (Schiff’s BFF). This was posted to Free Republic, so don’t give me shit about the source. Interesting parts, so you don’t have to click through to the gay site – In the room where Buck injected guys, was “a collection of Halloween-style masks and a red tool chest allegedly filled with meth pipes, syringes and sex toys…” According to another article, the tool chest was a big roller, like they have in garages, so it wasn’t just a little box he carried into the room, he pushed it in. Buck gave a paralytic to one guy, who couldn’t move, until Buck began toward him with a buzzing powersaw like the TV Show Dexter, at which point he got enough adrenaline to get up and flee. So there may be a few others who didn’t make it who we don’t know about. Buck recorded everything himself, and one gay organization person who saw the videos said, “Ed Buck is Jeffrey Dahmer 2.0. Quote me.” So there may be more to that than has been made public. His handler next door must have had quite the show each night, if he was into horror shows.

Biden can’t even fill an auditorium beyond half full for a CNN townhall event.

During his Wednesday night CNN town hall, President Joe Biden talked about a “push to eliminate” 9mm pistols that have an ammunition capacity beyond that of which the left approves.

Biden will push Ukraine’s president to ‘tackle corruption’ when he visits White House.

Democrats move to pass a law to prevent Trump becoming House speaker.

Leading Democrats oppose Biden plan to end house arrest and potentially return inmates to prison after the pandemic.

Pelosi rejects two Republicans, Jim Jordan and Jim Banks, picked by McCarthy to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection as part of the Jan 6th commission.

Republicans pull all five members of the Capitol riot committee to hit back at Pelosi for rejecting Trump ally Jim Jordan and Jim Banks over the ‘integrity’ of the investigation.

Rep. Liz Cheney tore into House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy in a press conference Wednesday, calling his handling of the proposed Jan. 6 investigation “despicable and disgraceful.”

McCarthy hints at GOP-led Jan 6th probe, and claims Pelosi’s panel ‘lost all legitimacy.’

President Joe Biden’s pro-migration deputies have already wasted roughly $2 billion of Pentagon funds rather than extend President Donald Trump’s border wall, says a new report by a GOP senator.

A video, posted by RNC Research, shows ATF Director Nominee David Chipman sitting in a kitchen, mocking first-time gun buyers, saying, “In their mind, they might be confident, thinking they are die hard, ready to go. But unfortunately, they’re more like Tiger King, and they’re putting themselves and their families in danger.” Some people you can look at them, and see the childhood environment which formed them – the searing events which were so affecting that even as an adult, removed from that environment by decades, they still exhibit the facial expressions they exhibited in those searing childhood experiences. I rarely see photos or videos of Chipman where I do not see a small boy, surrounded by hostile peers teasing him unfairly, as he futilely tries to argue back at them. You can see it in this story, where he doesn’t argue facts or reason, but focuses on a teasing, demeaning ridicule of others. Once developed, it is a very dangerous psychology to hand any sort of power to.

An Israeli military intelligence officer who died in prison had deliberately endangered a “big secret”, a top general said. No more details than that, though they claim they stopped the release of the big secret, and it sounds like he was trying to be a whistleblower to something like WikiLeaks. Whistleblowing is very difficult these days, as most outlets which blow whistles are actually last lines of defense of the machine, placed there to do one final review of the whistles about to be blown which made it past the surveillance net, and all the other safeguards. If your secret is big enough, your best bet is finding a good internet cafe you can access wirelessly from a place the surveillance around it will not notice, and drop it online in several places with requests to spread it.

FBI files on Tupac Shakur murder show he received death threats fromthe Jewish Defense League, which had extorted money from ‘various rap music stars’ by making ‘death threats’ and then offering protection for a fee.

Senate Republicans on Wednesday used a filibuster to shut down a more than $1 trillion infrastructure bill that President Biden brokered with a bipartisan group of senators.

48 Canadian churches have been vandalized or burned down in the past two months, and woke white people seem to be the culprits. They are shutting down uncontrolled means of communication, like the lockdowns and the deplatforming. I wish I knew if this was done regularly historically, even with fake pandemics, as unrest approached, or if this time is different, and possibly means some bigger issue is coming which they don’t want us able to talk amongst ourselves about.

Vox points out that according to the numbers on the Texas Democrats who fled to DC, the vaccine is not offering any protection at all. I would offer an alternative hypothesis, based on the lack of adverse effects we see among our elite class. The fact they have no protection, and there are not a certain number of them wandering about while flopping and twitching, or shooting people fingerguns with a cigar jammed in one side of their face to mask cases of Bell’s Palsy, says to me they are either being given covertly swapped saline jabs by Cabal’s machine, or they are just finding friendly doctors to give them the paperwork saying they have been vaccinated, without jabbing them, as they tell the rest of the plebes they need to get the shot.

An anon hypothesizes the Delta variant was so named because is is just adverse reactions from the vaccine being injected into the Deltoid muscle.

Rand Paul says Fauci intimidates scientists from contradicting him because ‘he controls all the funding.’

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) announced he will send a letter to the DOJ asking for a criminal referral for Dr. Fauci for lying under oath to congress about funding of the Wuhan lab.

Over at Vox Day, a look at the latest sob story from a Hospitalist about all the people she sees now dying from COVID who beg her for the vaccine, but she has to tell them it is too late as they cry and ask why they didn’t get it sooner just before they die. And how this major story covered by so many outlets is easily shown to be completely fake using the data which shows zero Covid deaths where she is. The Mexicans aren’t the only ones who are not sending us their best.

The new lawsuit alleging there were actually 45,000 vax deaths so far reveals CDC has a secret database where those who get vaxed are tracked down and queried actively, rather than having to hunt down VAERs, and CDC is hiding the data.

On top of that, 4,115 fully vaccinated people have been hospitalized or died with breakthrough Covid-19 infections.

And, CDC just added 6,000 new death reports in VAERS. More than double last week’s total, so it is accelerating faster than vaccinations are increasing now, implying these are delayed kills, and it could be even faster next week. UPDATE – After this began to take off online, CDC is now claiming this was an error, and according to this article they have reduced the number even beyond what it was last week, so over a hundred of those who were dead last week appear to have been resurrected.

Author of retracted study on harm of mask-wearing by children says removal was ‘political.’

Boris Johnson is facing his biggest backbench rebellion to date over his plan to introduce compulsory vaccine passports in September.

China rejected on Thursday a World Health Organization (WHO) plan for a second phase of an investigation into the origin of the coronavirus, which includes the hypothesis it could have escaped from a Chinese laboratory.

The city of Anaheim, California, canceled an “America First” rally to be led by Reps. Matt Gaetz and Majorie Taylor Greene citing “values” as the reason for canceling the rally, which violates the long-established constitutional principle that the government must be content-neutral with regard to any regulations applied to speech and assembly.

A majority of Republican voters say a ‘fresh face’ would be stronger than Trump in 2024, says a new poll of Republican primary voters by former Amb. John Bolton’s Super PAC. Note Bolton’s PAC is paying salaries, probably to his family members, so he will get paid for this, even though it is so ridiculous we have to laugh at it.

American women to be forced to register for military DRAFT, according to revision planned by Senate Democrats. Note that a hallmark of shifts toward r-selection is the reversal in sex-specific dimorphism and behavioral traits. r-selected females get bigger, stronger, and more aggressive, to provision and protect the offspring they raise alone. Given enough r-selection, a nations would end up with an all female military and a nation of thin, effete players trying to covertly impregnate any female they happened across, and then fleeing from any paternal duties.

US Women’s Soccer Team Took Knee During Anthem Before Getting Spanked by Swedish Team 3-0 in Olympic Opening. Less twerking their asses in the lockeroom, and more practicing soccer. That video of them shaking their asses just looked nasty.

Victoria’s Secret is getting back into the fashion show business after backlash over its one-size-fits-all definition of sexy killed off the annual extravaganza two years ago. Only now it will be trannies, gay guys, and plus-sized models.

A succinct Vox Day on Ben Shapiro, worth filing away.

Government could run out of cash in October or November if debt ceiling isn’t raised.

McConnell ‘can’t imagine’ any GOP senator would vote to raise the debt ceiling.

CCP hackers targeted US pipelines.

Explosion reported at factory in China’s Henan province. One story was flood waters made it into some sort of aluminum foundry and exploded, but the explosion looks to have a fairly serious blastwave.

George W. Bush was elated to find out that his mother trusted him enough to show him the fetus she kept in a jar.

The Chinese army warned that a stricken dam in the centre of the country “could collapse at any time” after being severely damaged in torrential storms that killed at least 12 people and brought the region to a standstill.

Russia unveils new ‘Checkmate’ stealth fighter jet at air show. There was speculation a few days ago this could be something maybe like a Tic Tac, but apparently not.

Ted Cruz blocks 60 diplomatic appointments in a move members of his own party call ‘fruitless.’ Might this relate to a pending change of Presidents?

Seemingly safe GOP incumbents who didn’t support President Trump at critical moments, are getting competition from primary opponents.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) on Tuesday insisted he will not implement another statewide mask mandate as calls for reinstating such restrictions grow nationwide.

Michigan repeals emergency powers law Gretchen Whitmer exploited for endless, unilateral lockdowns.

Larry Elder wins in court, and California must put him on the recall ballot. They wanted him off for a reason. He might do it, if the election fraudsters are too afraid to rig it.

Statements from President Donald J. Trump, from the news aggregator:


Paying close attention to the Wyoming House Primary against loser RINO Liz Cheney. Some highly respected pollsters tell me she’s toast in Wyoming after siding with Crazy Nancy Pelosi and supporting the Democrat Impeachment Hoax. And that’s just the beginning! This is a “hot” race with some very interesting candidates running against her. Remember though, in the end we just want ONE CANDIDATE running against Cheney. I’ll be meeting with some of her opponents in Bedminster next week and will be making my decision on who to endorse in the next few months. JUST ONE CANDIDATE. Thank you!


Big election coming up on Tuesday, July 27, in Texas. Go out and vote for Susan Wright! Susan is outstanding, and her late husband, Congressman Ron Wright, is looking down and is very proud of her. She will serve the people of the Great State of Texas in the 6th Congressional District very well. Susan is for Strong Borders, Pro-Life, Pro-Second Amendment, Great Education, and will fight to bring back Free and Fair elections. Susan has my Complete and Total Endorsement. She will make our Country proud. Vote on Tuesday!


Republicans must take seriously the effort by Democrats to completely change America through the Reconciliation Process. Democrats are now suggesting that budget reconciliation can be used to pass Mail-In Ballot legislation as well as trying to include Amnesty in their infrastructure package. The infrastructure package has little to do with infrastructure as we know it, bridges, roads, tunnels, etc., but is a dramatic expansion of Government that will cost much more than the $3.5 trillion being discussed. Don’t let this happen!

If Amnesty is included in the infrastructure package, there will be a run on our Southern Border the likes of which we have never seen before. It will be a signal that says “come to America now, because you will soon be a citizen.” Providing Amnesty to illegal aliens, in the history of what already is considered the greatest Border catastrophe, will result in disaster beyond our gravest nightmares. No country can pay this price. Will lead to ruination!

Any effort to dictate national Mail-In Voting will be a disaster for our Country and for conservatism. There will never be a Republican elected to high office again. I urge every Republican to fight this and deny Democrats a quorum if that is what it takes to make sure that the Democrats can’t use reconciliation.

Republicans must push back for the sake of our Country and, far less importantly, the sake of the Republican Party!

Spread r/K Theory, because more Trump is better Trump.

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Unless the aliens are coming back for their tenth generation harvest, and they are just planning to make a few sweeps over the planet with super strong magnets pulling everyone up into their ships to drop them in a flash freezer for later.”

I hope they vacuum seal me beforehand. I’d hate to get freezer burn.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

>maybe even in the non-mRNA vaxes would be consistent with the time effect, where as time went on, the mRNA in the cells would have produced more and more of the magnetic proteins. And obviously the only way you would get any measurable magnetic effect would be to have mRNA coded for the protein (possibly with reverse transcriptase to burn it back into DNA and extend the effect more permanently), and have it just burn off more and more magnetic protein. You could not inject a stand alone compound other than genetic blueprints to be burned off, which would magnetize you, or do it increasingly over time.

HAARP & CERN et. al. have geomagnetic impact at a planetary scale; last solar minimum there was the Ghengis Khan chimpout and Black Death — planning for such recurrences one might scale up entrainment tech accordingly.

>I wish I knew if this was done regularly historically, even with fake pandemics, as unrest approached, or if this time is different, and possibly means some bigger issue is coming which they don’t want us able to talk amongst ourselves about.

Apropos the above, were Trump indeed a villain playing the heel – the scorpion in that snake story – “Remember me for Warp Speed” and unguarded “We’ll use the military to distribute them.” statements late in the campaign were signaling assent. Crop yields tanking and solar flares, USM projections for populations and ‘new coastlines due to climate change’, ect.

>An anon hypothesizes the Delta variant was so named because is is just adverse reactions from the vaccine being injected into the Deltoid muscle.

From physicians known personally: there’s been an issue with rushed and inexperienced RNs: 1.) not going deep enough, and 2.) injecting during extraction, leaving serum above the muscle. Discussion typically restricted to prolonged soreness at the injection site, and only speculation on increased fluish symptom severity as well.

>Note that a hallmark of shifts toward r-selection is the reversal in sex-specific dimorphism and behavioral traits.
A profane alchymical Rebis for the morlocks, like-unto-g-ds singularity for the eloi.

> deliberately endangered a “big secret”, a top general said.

A chimera state: Switzerland in the Levant for the Anglo-Redshield banking imperium; Legacy Soviet infiltration vector for dual-agent NeoCohen types. “We think of ourselves as an Israeli company.” — Would selling on F35 tech, and how to Trojan Horse it be sufficiently big? StuxNetting US infrastructure in prelude to a Smurfhelm Blue Dawn peacekeeping mission by Sino-Russian mediated Hurricane Katrina type door knocking campaign? They’ve been using distancing language towards the US for some time now, “strategic partner” rather than “ally”, much less greatest ally.

Microsoft Israel and U8200

History of Sino-Soviet relations with Levant

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

The only store left untouched by the South Africa riots was the book store.
From unz

They’re going to start starving soon. No one will stock stores to be looted.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

you mean they got to the work boot store too?

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Every day events get crazier and crazier. Something very bad is going to happen. This can’t go on, not that it can’t get worse but it can not go on like this.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

AC what have you been saying for years now.

They’re just now coming around to it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I had google adwords for a cleaning business for quite a while.

I would vary the amount I paid per click, change the times the ads were promoted, and messed with a number of variables to see what worked, what types of impact different changes made, etc.

My bills ALWAYS stayed within 5 percent of the $100 range – roughly $98-$103 every month.

Nothing I did with the ads ever made any difference. And, the various ebb and flow of my customer activity was never correlated with the ad cost, either.

So I concluded that the ads weren’t doing anything but allowing google to remove $100 bucks a month from my pocket, and stopped them.

And that didn’t affect my business, either.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Probably should outline general theories on this you go under for the edification of passers by.

And so where is this money actually coming from and going to?

Some thoughts:

A substantial fraction comes from government graft that is laundered in some way.

Cheap fiat loans combined with the cantillon effect would be another.

(especially using the former) Establishing corporate monopolies maximizing prices, then redirecting portions of its revenue. Pharma companies most exemplify.

Paying the ceos of the above outrageously to plausibly explain why money ends up in the shittiest places through their “philanthropy’

To what ends?

Promoting globohomo and other propaganda. Controlling the narrative to help preserve the current order, or advance it further.

Paying all the employees overt and discreet. NGOs, HR, Diversity hires, surveillance, rioters, pantifa, migrants etc. Many categories overlap in one person.

Special Access programs for developing new tech? Toilet seats don’t actually cost 60,000 dollars you know.

Anything else?

Reply to  Atavisionary
3 years ago

I think the real purpose with advertising is to hypnotize the public with very subtle mind control techniques like color hypnosis, subliminal messaging, sound vibrations, archetypes, etc. If there were a single “source” of messages, like in the Soviet Union, the op would its cover more easily. Whereas fragmenting the messages through pseudo-independent actors, supposedly competing against one another, and hiding their true motive under the veil of profit, makes it harder to attribute ultimate responsibility to a single actor.

3 years ago

I finished a master’s degree in 2019 in data analytics, thinking I saw a clear path to better paying job. I won’t share all the details because I’d dox myself, but it definitely made all the logical sense in the world. Graduated top of my class, was lead author on a paper accepted for publication. But while some of my dumbest classmates have easily found high paying work, I have barely gotten interviews. It feels like an invisible hand is pressing down keeping me in exactly the same place and that could be God, who knows all the secret things I can only guess at, but – Data analytics has been heavily involved in both the election fraud and COVID. After reading your comments about the field of journalism being a closed club, I’m thinking the ‘hot’ field of data analytics may be also. In both instances (election, COVID) it seems the analysts are massaging the data to say whatever they need it to say.

Reply to  Kelly
3 years ago

>But while some of my dumbest classmates have easily found high paying work

I believe it. Lots of people in a similar boat….

But also keep in mind, even if not actively involved in the club, dumbasses would also be more easily deceived whether to get kompromat to be pulled into the club or just so they don’t ask too many pertinent questions. Dumbasses would never be preferable to a business in a world which worked as we are told, but they would be preferable if the way it worked was as AC suggests.

Reply to  Kelly
3 years ago

Kelly, LinkedIn is comped too. Not only do the assholes vacuum up your data and personal network, they then disappear your job applications into NeverNever Land. You will get no interest whatsoever. It’s beyond statistically valid and very creepy. Never trust “big data”.

Reply to  Kelly
3 years ago

Once you have enough data, it will say anything you want.

Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
Reply to  Kelly
3 years ago

That’s right Kelly, there’s been screwy stuff going on heavily in these fields for decades, and it’s only gotten worse. Engineering professionals can testify on hidden walls and very weird secret groups. And it only gets worse, until there’s a war or major recession.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Kelly
3 years ago

Might be a good idea to try to figure out how to monetize your IQ, expertise, and education in an independent setting. Being gainfully self-employed is something I have experience with. If you’re a subject matter expert, you may be able to hire yourself out at far better rates that you’d think. Some questions you might want to ask yourself at rising levels of ambition:

-Can you sell your services on freelance platforms like Upwork or Fiverr? Data is trending up fast (looks like machine learning is next). Those platforms are great.

-Can you convince people to pay you to get into top-tier programs or to teach them the ropes? Education or course-building for people needing help with a data career. Many people willing to give up money they’re earning at a dead-end position for a position with more room for upward mobility. Check out how people in data (I know this is big in data engineering, for example) are structuring their courses and you can emulate them. Calculate how much money they might be making per cohort they take in.

-Can you help companies save substantial amounts of money using your data analytics? Freelance consulting. Plenty of people/companies willing to pay money to save more money. But this will require you learning how to find your ideal clients and sell to them.

This is, of course, assuming you’re not a shill. All of this may sound overwhelming, but take it one step at a time, prayerfully and biblically (KJV). Also, you might be surprised at what you’re capable of. My clients keep coming back to me for my hypercompetence and extremely quick ability to adapt. Even I get surprised at what they pay me to do at times (things not even close to my expertise) just because they believe I’d do a much better job than them.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

Also, consider looking into becoming an expert witness for litigation. There are a lot of cases that need deep analytics for damage valuation, and if you can get into that, the rates are pretty good. If you start out in an agency, they pay competitive (and bill $500+++ an hour for consulting.) Once you get a few cases under your belt and build a book of clients, you can either hang your own shingle and go out on your own, or you can demand an equity position in the agency.

You’ll be an academic pariah, but since the business itself is adversarial, there is less from for the “club” bullshit. There’s always someone not in the club, and they have to hire experts too.

Reply to  Kelly
3 years ago

Amazon is hiring, drop your email if interested.

3 years ago

> Pennsylvania’s top election official has decertified the voting machines of a small southern county that disclosed that it had agreed to requests by local Republican lawmakers and allowed a software firm to inspect the machines as part of an “audit” after the 2020 presidential election.
So, the state decertified the results rather than acknowledge the county went for Trump.

“It was a fair and honest election…”

3 years ago

> Democrats move to pass a law to prevent Trump becoming House speaker.

[reads link] They might try it, but there’s no way that can stand Constitutional scrutiny. Whoops, wait, never mind; the Supremes will rule for the Left, as they usually do.

The document that was once our guarantee of liberty is now our shackles; it could only work if everyone was playing by the rules. And now we know it’s all just Calvinball behind the scenes; there are no rules.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

not that laws or the constitution matter anymore, being the mere skinsuit they are… bbut this sounds like a bill of attainder.

3 years ago

They are pushing this vaccine on everyone to separate the compliant from the uncompliant, and this thing is giving the compliant a measurable electromagnetic signature which grows over time, can be detected at a distance, and could be used to determine who is compliant and who is uncompliant from a distance. That would not seem like a good thing.

Until it is time for the noncompliant to hunt down the compliant, and someone releases OpenDetector on torrent sites that can be built out of parts scavenged from common chinesium electronics.

Then we’ve got out own little detectors right out of Aliens.

And they are going to have a real hard time getting informants into our groups at that point.

3 years ago

You might even be able to ablate parts of the brain, and eliminate behaviors, or memories, or urges without ever going inside the skull.

3 years ago

> The city of Anaheim, California, canceled an “America First” rally to be led by Reps. Matt Gaetz and Majorie Taylor Greene citing “values”

I often buy from some vendors in Anaheim. I will now be buying lesser-quality parts at higher prices, from somewhere else. And I will write them letters and sending them by USPS to explain why.

3 years ago

> A majority of Republican voters say a ‘fresh face’ would be stronger than Trump in 2024, says a new poll of Republican primary voters by former Amb. John Bolton’s Super PAC.

Bolton is a back-stabbing douchebag. Which doesn’t mean he might not get Party support; the entire Democratic Party knew the Clintons had shafted everyone they’d ever done business with, but somehow thought they’d be immune.

We know Bolton by his actions. Though the memories of some people seem to be tragically short.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

it’s called pollaganda for a reason

3 years ago

> American women to be forced to register for military DRAFT, according to revision planned by Senate Democrats.

Actually, I 100% approve of that. They wanted their equal rights; that’s their equal responsibilities.

The draft ended before my number came up, but I still remember the bitches who were gung ho for the Equal Rights Amendment, but hell no, the draft wasn’t any part of that.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I think it stupidly much similar to anything we have in mind. This is a way to avoid the issue of having to make women who “identify” as men register for the draft while not making men who “identify” as women register. Now, everyone registers and the trannies can continue the lie.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

that may well happen but TRX has it nailed and it is a race mixing and inferior military approach

3 years ago

Over at Vox Day, a look at the latest sob story from a Hospitalist about all the people she sees now dying from COVID who beg her for the vaccine, but she has to tell them it is too late as they cry and ask why they didn’t get it sooner just before they die.

If you are about to go on a vent, you don’t have the breath to beg for anything.

Did they beg in ASL? Was it interpreted by Koko the Gorilla’s handler?

Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

It was telepathy. With an invisible friend who was dying of Covid.

Very sad,
Very sad.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

some of those posted there lately look like bogus setups for him

3 years ago

One story was flood waters made it into some sort of aluminum foundry and exploded, but the explosion looks to have a fairly serious blastwave.

If you haven’t seen what goes in an aluminum smelter, it’s almost mind boggling. Giant electrodes are plunged into bauxite, and then insane amounts of electricity are poured into them, until the bauxite goes molten and the aluminum starts cracking out of it.

Between the insane amount of electricity and pools of molten aluminum that take days to cool, I don’t doubt that a sudden wall of water would cause crazy steam explosions. Add in that powdered aluminum is itself deflagrable, and it could be what we see.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Me too. Phelps had some very good observations about the drone footage of Epstein’s island a few years ago. I also can’t recall him ever bragging about having a super high IQ or making grandiose claims about his mission in life etc.

Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

I have a high IQ. I’ve never cared to seriously quantify it (beyond the BS online quizzes.) In the VD categories, I think I am probably VHIQ but not UHIQ. I know some UHIQ people, and they are fun to be around. I think I am fun for them as well, because they can actually have a conversation with me. It’s crazy lonely to be on the UHIQ end of the 2 SD barrier. I’m just low enough that I can still talk to midwits. (I can wizard average and below average people, but I can’t really have a conversation.)

As for mission in life, it’s to have a happy family and leave a legacy for my posterity — starting with a name worth having. If God has any other mission for me, I’ll probably find out about it in the last 10 seconds or so of this life.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

IQ is the caliber of the gun. And wisdom is the accuracy of the gun onto the target.

Its good for High IQ people to have Wisdom. It ensures a very effective use of IQ just like a High-Caliber Gun properly aimed at the bullseye.

Lack of Wisdom is why so many so called intelligent people act like total fools. Rationalizing error rather than coming to knowledge and application of the truth.

Reply to  info
3 years ago

Yeah, that’s why I said that in my King of the World scenario, I wouldn’t base agency solely on IQ.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

all electrical operations, even on you, are mini-foundries. or real ones.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It’s very difficult to get it out any other way and finding pure aluminum in the wild is almost impossible.

The imperial crown of Sweden was made of Aluminum because it was such a rare and valuable metal.
Now it is cheap trash thanks to science.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I have had a capital I Interesting life, despite their best efforts.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Phelps is like me I bet, spent way to much of his youth watching “how things work” on the history channel (back before it went woke/stupid)–

I betcha the boy even “liked” to read the encyclopedia too!


Reply to  whiteguy1
3 years ago

Literally read the encyclopedia, front to back. Multiple editions, between my grandmother’s house and the sets in the TAG classroom.

Did watch a lot of How Its Made but I also have a job that exposes me to tons of different industries (and they ways that failures happen, physically and financially.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Worked the potline at a Kaiser Aluminum plant on summer break. Can confirm.

Plant closed down now.

3 years ago

About the spending bill

>He accused Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer of ‘playing games’ by scheduling the vote without having final text of a bill
>’This vote is not a deadline to have every final detail worked out. It is not an attempt to jam anyone,’ he said
>Senator Mitt Romney said up to 12 Republicans could vote for it then as they expect to have details of the bill worked out over the weekend

Ya, and I bet the bill will be 10s of thousands of pages. How long would it take you to read a 1000 page novel that you actually like? Now imagine this dry boring shit with all the evil shit hidden somewhere in the middle of it? Its absurd. All this shit is pre-written months or years in advance, and I bet none of these asshats ever even read it. They just need the order to vote on it or not. This shit is so fucking corrupt.

After every one in cabal meets the firing squad, some changes should be made. Legislation shouldn’t have more than one topic, amendments are random unrelated shit shouldn’t be allowed. Page limits for a single bill, such that all the congress critters can actually go through it completely in a reasonable time before voting on it. Test congress critter comprehension of it before letting them vote on it making sure they actually did.

3 years ago

According to this video, the vaccine rollout is the experiment. Multiple dose levels being manufactured, and data kept on where each goes.

There have been stories on problems with MRI interaction with the embedded magnetic particles. I can’t find that link right now, but it is plausible. Then consider that 5G uses a small angle, steerable beam. Once everybody is dosed, at the max level that allows continued function, we are all hostage to the 5G network.

3 years ago

“So, the state decertified the results rather than acknowledge the county went for Trump.”

its the machines, not the results, and the link didn’t work when I clicked on it, so I have no idea what “decertify the machines” mean.

I find Democratic discussions on how to stop the audits encouraging, its a sign they are the real deal and not another psyop. However, I think what will happen is that the media will just report that the audits all showed Biden winning. The one way that might not work is if they show fraud in the congressional elections, where there is precedent for litigation.

People are too focused on the presidency. The Democrats should also not be worried about Trump becoming Speaker and then succeeding Biden at some later point (the idea has a lot of entertainment value, but also a lot of practical problems), and should be worried about keeping their majorities in both houses.

My guess was that the cabal strategy was a sort of batman gambit in that they did election fraud in such an over the top way in 2020 that Trump and the courts would block it, then bring on accusations that Trump and the courts were stealing the election, using the 2000 playbook, but this time with riots. Then someone steps in out of the wings “to restore order” and brings in a new form of government (note that European governments are in fact moving to get rid of this “democracy” stuff). So Trump documents what happens but leaves office anyway, and the courts mostly won’t even hear the cases, and the Biden administration has to be run as if its a normal presidential administration.

3 years ago

“48 Canadian churches have been vandalized or burned down in the past two months, and woke white people seem to be the culprits. They are shutting down uncontrolled means of communication, like the lockdowns and the deplatforming. I wish I knew if this was done regularly historically, even with fake pandemics, as unrest approached, or if this time is different, and possibly means some bigger issue is coming which they don’t want us able to talk amongst ourselves about.”

This, but in this story and others you’re missing a huge part of the equation.

The spiritual world is real. Estimates from the old theologians are that 90%+ of creation was spiritual while only 10% or less was physical. Our enemies know they serve evil spirits. They have been attacking God through His people for centuries, removing us from the sacraments and filling our minds with lies. Shutting down Catholic Churches is about shutting down access to the sacraments. Communion, confession and the rest are real. The Mass is the most important thing in the world, and our participation in it is the most important thing we can do as humans. This is why the corrupt Church hierarchy, shut them down in Covid, and why others are burning churches now.

Meeting and talking on Sundays can have value, but we’re in a spiritual war. You fight a spiritual war with spiritual weapons. Going to confession, receiving Communion are the most powerful repeat use, even daily, weapons we have.

If you are from a recent offshoot branch of Christianity that doesn’t believe in the Mass, look up Eucharistic Miracles. Really dig into them. You can start with the video below. This is part of the most important truth our enemies work to keep us from with their lies.

10 min intro

35 min case study with chain of custody and blind scientific tests

3 years ago
3 years ago

Lance Welton always seems to have pretty good articles. This one on south african black tribes and the ongoing possible collapse.

3 years ago

Here is an excuse to hit someone: swatting. “accidents” we are told.

3 years ago

FBI completely behind plot to kidnap governor whitmer. False flags aren’t surprising at this point, but good to keep track.

3 years ago

When new orders come in, NPCs switch attitudes without thought. What is true, what is hypocritical, what the ultimate consequence will be is of no concern. They exist only to follow orders.

3 years ago

“An anon hypothesizes the Delta variant was so named because is is just adverse reactions from the vaccine being injected into the Deltoid muscle.”

I thought it was interesting that Delta is written as a triangle (pyramid).

The official explanation seems sensible enough, however.

The WHO announced a labeling system for “Variants of Concern” in May based on the greek alphabet…alpha variant, gamma variant, etc. in order to not be racist by naming them after their location of origin.

No word yet on how the Greeks feel about that. But assuming that Delta is the fourth variant, that means we only have 20 more to go 😉

3 years ago

Torba thinks the Ben & Jerry’s scandal is a psyop to distract from Israel spying on our phones

3 years ago

One thing that has come out of covid and the lockdown is that there has been a revealing of just how large a percentage of the population is NPC. The mask has ironically unmasked the NPCs.

If we make it through this and are able to rebuild a healthy functional society, we as a society are going to have to study the NPC phenomena. Are they literally NPCs? Some form of philosophical zombie? Or is it merely an extreme form of gullibility and submissiveness to authority?

The first step would be to discover a method to identify NPCs. Something akin to the Voight-Kampff from Blade Runner might have to be developed. We would also need to try to identify the cause of the condition, and determine if it can be cured or prevented. Possibly a truly functional and beneficial education system might help, as opposed to the harmful mal-education system we currently have.

If the NPCs can’t be cured, we will have to think about their place in society. They definitely should not be allowed any sort of authority or power, as they will just become puppets of yet another puppet master. Similarly, it might be wise to not allow them to vote in future fair elections, for similar reasons.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Lots of people don’t have inner monologue:

Nor can they visualize like unto 3D movies in their head with sound and touch. Are they really Automations of flesh?

Reply to  info
3 years ago

I don’t think so.
I think they are just extreme examples of instinct and emotion based personality and intelligence.
Based on my theories I would expect them to be exhibitionists near the extreme pole of one end of my 2nd dimension of the r/K spectrum.

But some of them choose to turn themselves in to NPCs.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Do you have a link to your r/K model? Asking for a friend.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

For Macaque Mentality:

comment image

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Thank you. Intuitively, I’m not sure if the sneaker/exhibitionist dimension is as powerful as r/K. I see the shadows of how this dichotomy are significant, but I haven’t pinpointed how exactly this might be the case. For example, I can see both sneakers and exhibitionists choose to live in either centralized cities or in rural neighborhoods for vastly different reasons. But I see that the sneaker/exhibitionist dimension has strong parallels to passive/active personalities (respectively). I can see sneaker/passive K permimeter defense manifesting in very different way compared to exhibitionist/active K perimeter defense.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  starets
3 years ago

> The first step would be to discover a method to identify NPCs.

List of innocuous questions inquiring about various red pills combined with questions designed to measure freethink, compiled into a psychometric scale that indicates the ability to seek truth and see through the narrative?

> We would also need to try to identify the cause of the condition, and determine if it can be cured or prevented. Possibly a truly functional and beneficial education system might help, as opposed to the harmful mal-education system we currently have.

Plus real parenting. Not the [daycare ==> gradeschool ==> afterschool programs + sports ==> TV/Streaming] NPC factory we have. My family was extremely poor and my mom refused to have other people raise us (or us to be latchkey kids at a young age) so my parents picked us up after school and took us back to their work (often with a quick trip to the library b/c I would never stop bugging her with random questions) until late at night. Looking back, this was a huge boon, as I was detached from the NPC factory system at a young age (minus video games and Saturday morning cartoons).

> If the NPCs can’t be cured, we will have to think about their place in society.

I would love to hear a story about someone here having cured an NPC. I’d imagine it’s more a long-term process of slowly/subconsciously recognizing a feeling of something being wrong, then a moment of epiphany like Sam J. shared about his awakening with 9/11. Most people I’ve talked to that has taken a number of red pills always have started with this pattern.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
3 years ago

“…a psychometric scale that indicates the ability to seek truth and see through the narrative?”

Something like that. I can only imagine how hard it would be to design a test that was accurate enough to be usable and fair.

“Plus real parenting.”

That is key to so many things. That is why proper parenting has been attacked and distorted by media and by ‘experts’, going back at least to Dr. Spock, probably long before.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  starets
3 years ago

> I can only imagine how hard it would be to design a test that was accurate enough to be usable and fair.

Usable and fair might take some time to get to statistical significance (just need sample size) but a working prototype? Not hard. Most “psychometric scales” start off as asspulls. Academia is an absolute joke. I’ve been thinking about this today and I’m not sure how this can be useful (if someone found a legit usecase I’ll begin development). I’d imagine that most people who’d appreciate this have already developed a fully developed NPC radar. I know I have. And the ones that don’t have a radar likely wouldn’t care enough. I’d appreciate it if someone proved me wrong.

Reply to  starets
3 years ago

The biggest problem in our society is that there are too many people given agency without the capacity to administer their own agency.

If I were king of the world, I would implement a graduated system. You would have full citizens at the top, and then varying levels of agency in the residents below that. There would always be full employment for citizens, because one of the jobs would be to act as loco civicus for residents. Bring back the pater familius system so that a citizen could act in loco for the residents in his family, but if a resident needs something that requires higher agency, they have to have a citizen OK it. People with no citizen in their family would be assigned a citizen to act in loco when they need it. This would give you full employment for citizens, to boot.

Buying some skittles? OK. Buying a car? What is your agency level? Are you allowed a license? Are you taking out a loan? All of that requires approval by your loco civicus (which would be shortened to LC pretty quickly.) “I’m thinking about moving out of here. I gotta talk to my LC about getting a new apartment.” “I wanna quit my job but my fuckin LC won’t let me. Got arrested last time I walked out.” “My LC said I couldn’t get new titties, even though I saved the money! I’m gonna try to test for citizen again next year.”

People who showed some ability to manage their own affairs would be allowed to. If you are 30 and pay your rent on time and don’t get into trouble, you can decide where to live, work, and what to buy on your own. You only need an LC to approve risky shit like car loans, raising credit card limits, and putting money in the retail stock market (rather than managed funds.) If you are a fuck up who can’t manage to keep enough money in your wallet to feed yourself the day before payday, then your LC might have you on a daily allowance — where you literally can only withdraw a certain amount of money a day. Your LC might need to control your bank account and pay your bills for you before you get access to the cash left over.

There also has to be vertical mobility. Maybe there is a Heinlein “service guarantees citizenship” system, but I would like to see a system where you have a list of qualifications to be considered. I used to want to make it all about IQ, but now I see how many high IQ fools there are who shouldn’t even be allowed near the wheel of a car.

It should be qualities that show IQ and contentiousness, with an emphasis on the latter. You’re financially independent? No run ins with the law? Got a couple of kids who are doing well in school? The new business your LC approved is doing good? Apply for Citizenship. Become the pater familius for your family. Have a jury of citizens (just like a legal jury now) look at your application, go over your background check, interview you, and then decide. (Spouses of citizens get the privileges of citizenship even if they wouldn’t qualify, so there is a hell of an incentive to marry a citizen. I don’t see there being many single citizens out there. Their spouse is their LC/PF.)

Of course, now that you are a citizen, you are on the hook for voting, taxes, military service, jury duty, community service requirements, and you have to wear a sidearm. It can be pistol, or a sword, or just a good sized knife, but as king, I require you to be armed, and to physically respond to the Hue and Cry.

Get convicted of a serious crime? Lose citizenship. Go bankrupt (personally insolvent)? Lose citizenship. Approve too many things for residents that go sideways? No show your civic duty too many times? Show cowardice by allowing yourself to be mugged or by not helping someone being attacked? Lose your citizenship. Allow a serious crime to go by you without responding? Now you get executed. A citizen’s dignified execution, but dead none the less.

Of course, I would also be reducing the due process for residents. Due process for a citizen stays, but for residents, it’s way more administrative. The Bill of Rights is for citizens. If your LC says you are going to church, you are going to church. And no protests for you. Ever.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Top tier.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Interesting idea. Some degree of that may be necessary.

However, I think what you propose is conflating ‘being an NPC’ with ‘being a general screwup’. I think the distinction between the two conditions is necessary.

Some, and probably many NPCs are what society would view as competent people. They are able to hold jobs, and manage their affairs and property. They are ideal cogs in the machine; able to do as told competently, with no danger that they might have an original thought to disrupt the process of the machine.

That is the danger that has to be guarded against, allowing NPCs to reach positions of power and authority. Power and authority that would be wielded without thought or conscience, and would be controlled by the ‘machine’ rather than control the ‘machine’.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  starets
3 years ago

> That is the danger that has to be guarded against, allowing NPCs to reach positions of power and authority. Power and authority that would be wielded without thought or conscience, and would be controlled by the ‘machine’ rather than control the ‘machine’.

In my reading of Phelps’ system, protection against this danger is built in. This is because the increased level of “capital-R” Responsibility should demolish the Peter Principle over the long-term as long as it is truly enforced. I’m of the believe that true NPCs don’t have the volition/agency to consistently make “the right calls” in ambiguous situations. They’d get weeded out unless they had access to someone to make the real decisions for them in real time.

I have to add, I said Phelps’ system was top tier because I’ve never read anything quite like it. When I take it at face value, I don’t see a weakness. But real-world viability? I don’t see it. That’s why it’s a “king of the world” thought experiment.

law of one
Reply to  starets
3 years ago

The NPC problem is clearly, at least to me, metaphysical in nature. Or spiritual in natural. Same thing really. Most religions touch upon this issue one way or another, and I view the different ones as communications by different teachers addressing different people’s at different times and places, but with a basically consistent goal of helping to alleviate this issue with universal truths. Honestly, I don’t think the concept of infidel or you are going to hell if you don’t believe my specific branch of a religion is valid. That said, some attempts at communicating truths have been better than others. While some have been quite badly mangled by human leaders despite being quite good initially. In any event, the best current discussion would be the law of one linked above. In short, the whole point of this experience is the experience of polarity. Positive and negative mainly, but male and female, light and dark, etc etc. So in short, you have to pick one of the two, will you polarize spiritually in a positive manner or a negative manner? You have to pick one or the other and stick to it if you want to advance and move on to the next thing.

The NPC is someone stuck in the vast sinkhole of indifference. Neither being all that positive or all that negative. For example, the Sopranos gives a fictional example of what this might be like. He loves his family and does what he can for them, while also committing self-serving crimes and killing others for his job. That is extreme, but you get the point that such a person has not decided how they want to be in a consistent way and cannot advance until he does. You might notice most of our media is oriented towards promoting this sort of mixed polarity messages where the protagonist is neither very good nor very evil. This is the NPC mindset. It could also be called the repeater mindset, because they have to keep being reborn over and over again until they figure it out. It also so happens that such make better slaves because they have little in the way of internal guidance or principles. They also aren’t much of a threat for position to the more consciously negative slave owners running things since they aren’t actually polarizing negatively either.

In short, each person has to decide for themselves to polarize and which way. They best we can do is make information available to help them decide to do so. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

I wonder what the hell is wrong with people like Ed Buck. It’s bad enough it’s Men but even with Women how can someone get pleasure out this sort of behavior abusing people? I wonder just how many people are there out there that this sort of thing excites them?

Now I can see abusing people if they deserve it. Tit for tat. Getting what they deserve. Vengeance. But I don’t get abusing people who don’t have it coming. This is sick.

I see this sort of behavior and it baffles the shit out of me why that wold be fun.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

A day or two after I read your article on narcissism, youtube started throwing up videos on the topic of narcissism. I think in the third of fourth was this charismatic pentecostal Christian woman. She was casting out a narcissistic spirit, and she did what many such do, she told it to name itself. It named itself Lucifer. It immediately resonated; the Bible only describes Lucifer in a few verses, but it perfectly describes a narcissist. When dealing with a narcissist, you are dealing with some of the most powerful of spirits.

This morning a dream came to me. It was like it was showing a little bit of the system, how it worked, and the motivations behind it. They used to create eunuchs to serve the king. Turning women into adulterers is a way of creating eunuch type men without physically removing body parts.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

So is the top of the Washington monument.

“… I’d have never thought they use electricity to get it out…”

It’s like massive large scale electroplating or rust in reverse.

Just for fun on the same subject. You can take rust off of iron stuff the same way. You put the thing to be de-rusted in a borax soap solution. Attach a battery charger to the rusted iron article and a ways away from the article stick a coat hanger n the water attached to the opposite polarity of the battery charger or DC power source.

Make sure you have coat hangers everywhere you want rust removed in a straight line. Rust removal works in straight lines won’t curve. It will place the rust on the coat hangers. Great for motorcycle or car gas tanks.

3 years ago

On yesterday’s thread, at 9:17 PM, “starets” made an excellent comment, and I am giving the handle of the commentator and the time so people can do a control-F to find it, though its far enough down in the thread that you can just go to the bottom and scroll up, and the responses are also worth reading.

Now here is a point about comments. I saw the starets comment, then I looked at a long comment in this thread. This comment seemed to me to be insightful, then halfway through there were a few off topic claims about American independence from the British crown and th formation of the USA that I knew to be bs because I am well read on this period. Then looking at the rest of the comment, I noticed that it was a wall of text that didnt’ really make any coherent points, and the off topic claim made about history caught my attention, precisely because no assertions of fact were iin the rest of the comment. The comment was almost certainly generated by a bot. Contrast this to Phelps’ response to the starets comment yesterday, honestly I think much of the Phelps response is insane but obviously a good deal of thought went into crafting it and it was worth reading.

I have not gotten into specifics on the comment in this thread I thought was done by a bot, partly to avoid trashing another commentator, but also because I just looked for the comment and saw that it s was removed. So A.C seems to have caught that it was a bot generated comment. But it may be worth reposting it in full, along with a long comment by a real person, for example the one by Phelps, so peolle can see the difference and learn how to spot bot generated comments.

Brattleboro Boy
Brattleboro Boy
3 years ago

“contentiousness”: I am contentious AF, should be in charge of everything.