News Briefs – 07/19/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Since Biden took office, 20 more US personnel have suffered the ‘Havana Syndrome’ illness in Vienna, Austria. This is not a conventional intel actor, because all the big players know that one, this will be uncovered at some point, and two, then the gloves will come off and the retribution will be brutal. At the top, everyone knows that the level of technology kept from us lowly plebes creates a Mutually Assured Destruction type of détente, where everyone does not want to open that can of worms because it will get everyone killed, or at least crippled. Supposedly even characters like Soros are viewed as too high to hit lest you anger one of the top powers and set off a round-robin of technological assassinations that decapitates all the powers in the tit for tat that would result. If I was in CIA and they did this to my people, I’d want to Polonium the water of everyone involved. Everyone agrees to steer clear of shit like this for that reason. But not this actor. They are not even afraid of the Cabal ground-surveillance, which is probably saturated in Austria, from spotting them and revealing who is doing this. I have been analyzing the ground surveillance for years now, and I do not see how even the Russians could possibly pull this off when there is someone on every street corner, roving vehicular and foot, extensive pole surveillance tracking everyone and creating a searchable record, accessed private surveillance systems, and probably aviation and satellite like you would not believe anywhere these attacks begin. Whoever this is, they play by their own rules, without fear of exposure or retribution. All I can think is it must be Cabal, and CIA, and all the Western agencies are so thoroughly corrupted, along with the United States government, that Cabal can hit these people, and then gangstalk them and break in their houses to rearrange furniture when they arrive back in the US, and nobody can stand up for them. Notice whoever this is, apparently hasn’t hit any Russians, probably afraid Russian intel services are not compromised and would hit back, and Cabal doesn’t have an on-the-ground surveillance machine in Russia to run cover and help warn of any possible exposure before it arrives. There is a desperation to this though. I’d think if Cabal were not in danger, they would have ten other ways to achieve these objectives without making these waves. For all we know these could be death throes.

Billionaire Ethereum co-founder says he is quitting the world of cryptocurrency due to personal safety concerns, but would not say if he had received specific security threats, just that he felt unsafe. The problem with being in this guy’s position is you cannot create security, because you cannot run counter-surveillance, because you are always buried under surveillance. Cabal has a level of surveillance-ever-presence that makes trying to secure your position against them nearly impossible. And even if Cabal doesn’t decide to pull the trigger on you, the constant ever-presence of Cabal’s surveillance makes detecting any rival surveillance operation from another group which shows up targeting you near impossible. You just see surveillance everywhere. So even if some lone militia sent in three guys who were obvious amateurs who you would spot in two seconds,  in preparation for snatching you, and you see them, you will just assume they are Cabal because it is everywhere. You see that type all the time anyway. Even if you hire the best professional security, and it isn’t compromised by Cabal, it will run into the same problem. It will not be able to set up detection of attacks at the counter-surveillance stage, so you will always be waiting for a highly prepared, surveillance-prepared attack which you just hope you can shoot and scurry your way out of. It is an incredible problem, much worse at this guy’s level, and I can’t blame this guy for just wanting to bail.

Jeffrey Epstein ‘befriended’ his first victim with Ghislaine Maxwell at an exclusive $38,000-a-year arts camp in Michigan when she was 13 years old, under the guise of them offering scholarships to artists. This was about disabling the non-Cabal kids with potential. I’ll bet this girl was a gifted artist, in addition to being pretty, and if it had been a meritocracy, she would have taken a high position in the world. These wolves got around, and started targeting kids early to control who rose, what with that picture of Jon Benet Ramsey at a kiddie beauty pageant, with Ghislaine just happening to be talking to somebody in the background.  Poor Jon Benet’s photographer was even nailed on Child Porn recently, and I’ll bet his positioning was no accident, and he was greenlighted to molest certain kids. This machine has really been a threat to any non-Cabal member’s kids, if they had any sort of potential. And it was lurking everywhere.

Jeffrey Epstein may have had links to Israeli leaders, according to The Rolling Stone. Ehud Barak was filmed exiting his Manhattan mansion, which might even have been a visit from a superior officer, and not a social visit.

New leaks reveal an Israeli spying company released phone spyware used by numerous countries to target journalists, dissidents, and others, many of whom were subsequently murdered, like Jamal Khashoggi, and a Mexican journalist caught at a carwash and killed. From the article – “… once a phone was infected with Pegasus, a client of NSO could in effect take control of a phone, enabling them to extract a person’s messages, calls, photos and emails, secretly activate cameras or microphones, and read the contents of encrypted messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal.” As well as GPS, contacts lists, and any data on the phone. The scary part is all they need is a phone number, and within moments your camera and mic are on and transmitting, your GPS is in their hands, they have all your messages and contacts from the phone, and they are essentially standing looking over your shoulder as you do anything on the phone. Multiply that by all your associates in your contact book, which they take, and you have a real problem.

The 26 year old host of the She Rates Dogs comedy podcast was killed Saturday morning after being mowed down at around 2.20am at he crossed Croft Avenue in Beverly Hills, by the driver of a white BMW who failed to stop for him. I don’t know what the streets look like in Beverly Hills at 2:30 AM, but if there are not many vehicles out around that time, the chances go up his local team took him out. As you will see on the surveillance page, even ReviewBrah, who was just a kid that took a selfie video as he ate fast food and described the experience, had a team assigned. This thing controls who the faces you see are, and if you get too popular, they will do what they have to, to control the celebrity environment.

California simply did not list Conservative Radio host Larry Elder as a candidate in the recall election against Newsom. It is assumed they will claim he failed to meet some requirement, but chances are he has been judged a threat that black democrat voters might support, so they simply denied him a candidacy and will find the reason later. It would have taken too long to gin up a phony bimbo eruption like with Herman Cain.

Pennsylvania election audit gets embraced by GOP candidates on the campaign trail.

As Arizona audit winds down, auditors are still denied access to Maricopa County routers – the County has claimed that turning over routers would constitute a security risk.

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, said the state Senate doesn’t have the ability to recall electors for the Nov. 3, 2020, election, after a fellow Republican lawmaker called for new elections.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger called for Fulton County Election Director, Rick Barron, and Registration Director, Ralph Jones, to be terminated from their positions immediately following reports of voter fraud in Georgia’s largest county, saying, “Fulton County’s continued failures have gone on long enough with no accountability. Rick Barron and Ralph Jones, Fulton’s registration chief, must be fired and removed from Fulton’s elections leadership immediately. Fulton’s voters and the people of Georgia deserve better.” That is the way it will go as the audits complete. Once fraud is shown, the Cabalites will realize Cabal is not in control, and they will rush to stab Cabal in the back to show everyone they were not a part of this thing before it crashes and burns.

A video about the Republican wins in special elections in Texas and Georgia, where Republicans won in districts “won” by Dementia Joe in November or where Republicans sharply increased their margins of victory from before. No need to watch the video, just an indicator a lot of the fraudsters may be afraid to do fraud now.

Google will remove your account if you have content questioning election results. “Misleading Content Do not distribute content that deceives, misleads, or confuses users. This includes: Misleading content related to civic and democratic processes: Content that is demonstrably false and could significantly undermine participation or trust in civic or democratic processes. This includes information about public voting procedures, political candidate eligibility based on age / birthplace, election results, or census participation that contradicts official government records.” You will publish the government narrative, or you will not have an account. This is what Trump interrupted, and it is why the domestic surveillance machine I saw had no compunction back in 2014 pushing everyone around openly and killing cops. If Hillary won in 2016, this would have been ten times worse by two years into her tenure, and we were heading for full control by the end of her term, probably with the Cattle cars with the restraints, and FEMA camps out west for us. It wasn’t going to matter if everybody saw the surveillance, or it pissed everyone off. I think this is them, trying to enact what they can of that plan, in hopes conditions change and it offers them some sort of advantage when it happens.

Wisconsin could have the next forensic audit of the 2020 election.

Two more Texas Democrats test positive for COVID-19 in Washington, D.C., for 5 total cases, all of which were vaccinated.

Amy Klobuchar says they can pass voting rights as ‘election infrastructure’ with reconciliation. I would say it will be a good test of whether Patriots are in control, but it is so unconstitutional, I could see them being allowed to do it just to demonstrate how thoroughly they tried to subvert our Democracy.

A good article contrasting Roger Stone who did nothing and got scores of heavily-armed agents breaking down his door in the early morning hours to snatch him up, and Hunter Biden, who has done everything from lie on a Form 4473 to buy a gun, to molest his underaged niece on video, to launder bribes for his father, and he is untouchable.

The National Guard said this week that if it does not receive the $521 million reimbursement for its help protecting Washington, D.C., following the Jan. 6 insurrection it will hinder the readiness of the guardsmen to respond to other situations. One interesting thing I noticed. The fencing around the Capitol is coming down now, and I have begun to see signs the ammunition shortage is suddenly ending. I wonder if the ammunition shortage was engineered years back as part of the script, partly because years back the script writers feared that blatantly rigging an election could have set off a Civil War, and they underestimated the degree to which Q would dampen the drive to act, the apathy of the public, and the patience of patriots. Maybe the fencing wasn’t a response to events, but a response to what they thought events would look like ten years ago, when this was scripted.

The Biden administration lashed out at Iran on Saturday for accusing it of delaying a proposed prisoner swap to force a quick resumption of indirect nuclear talks.

Creator of the mRNA vaccine tech tweets out“So, I hope that this is hyperbole and an over-reaction, but last night an experienced journalist told me that I need to get security because I was at risk of being assassinated. I do not know how to even begin to think about this. I am just a middle class person. Security??!!?? How am I to pay for security?? I do not have a sponsor. I am not being paid for any of this work. This is all volunteer.” And therein lies the rub. Nobody can really afford security in this world unless they are funded by Cabal. And if Cabal is funding you, you don’t need security. As the article subtly points out, he has been talking with Tucker, who might be the source. I am sure six or eight years ago when I began writing about what I saw out there, a lot of people here thought I was nuts. But I wrote all of that knowing that the trajectory I saw indicated that in the next few years, people would begin to see what I was seeing, for better or worse. Even more importantly, I think r/K will prove historic at some point, and those historians who look here will get additional datapoints on this period, and realize just how many Americans were not only fine with this type of a world, they were eager to pitch in and help build it for their thirty pieces of silver. That is important to understand. You must police your ranks for traitors assiduously, and not buy into any tolerance bullshit. Tolerance is how traitors buy themselves room to operate. Hopefully whoever looks back on this will also realize I may be crazy, but I also knew what was going on, and would try to inform people as best I could here, regardless of all other concerns.

Alex Berenson reports on twitter – The newest Israeli data indicate ~complete vaccine failure on every level. Remember: Israel used only the @pfizer mRNA shot and followed Pfizer dosing schedule. This data, from the @IsraelMOH telegram account, show nearly all serious cases and deaths are now among the vaccinated.

Nearly a third of staffers at New York City hospitals are still unvaccinated.

Vox Day highlights Aristotle’s quote on “they who cannot be instructed,” He then highlights a twitter vid of vaxxers standing in line, patiently waiting for their deathshot, who are not swayed by a guy being wheeled out on a gurney in violent convulsions right past them, from his shot. I thought I might have heard the guy whisper, “This means it is working, right?”

Pentagon develops implant that could help detect COVID under your skin. We’ll get pressure at some point to get implants that do far more than they say, probably to help stop a pandemic. This might even be the most likely method of how they try to make everyone take the Mark of the Beast. You have to do it to protect everyone else during a pandemic.

Disturbing video shows images floating around, purported to be of vaccinated blood, possibly with graphene like tubes and clotting, vs normal unvaccinated blood. This type of thing can be easily faked to discredit the already overwhelming evidence showing that you are best served avoiding the virus and avoiding the vaccine until this thing burns itself out very soon. So I’d want to see a better source. But it’s possible, and out there, so I include it here.

Kamala Harris visits Walter Reed for ‘routine’ doctor appointment days after meeting with infected Texas Democrats.

Monthly vaccine doses will be offered to long Covid sufferers to help more than 1 million Britons beat the illness’s long term form. This is probably, from the elite’s perspective, just an experiment to see what mRNA transfections will do if done repeatedly over a sustained period of time. The interesting part of this article is this : “More than one million Britons are said to be suffering from long Covid, with studies suggesting 400,000 have been hit by symptoms for more than a year.” That is basically the gold standard of a bioweapon – disabling troops or civilians it is deployed upon, so they will need to be tended to and cared for, and thus use even more resources. I wonder what the chances are, on an infection evolving naturally to bypass the immune system enough to remain disabling for a year, vs a disease being engineered in a lab for that purpose.

Over 25% of COVID-19 patients report symptoms up to 8 months later, study finds.

Former Obama administration Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said that Americans who have not received a coronavirus vaccine should not be allowed to work or have access to children and be limited on where they are allowed to go.

Sky News host Cory Bernardi says French President Emmanuel Macron announcing “compulsory COVID-19 vaccinations” is the first step in an “authoritarian wave set to sweep the world.”

French set fire to a vaccination center.

Protesters want ‘freedom’ amid Macron vaccine push.

Canadian church that faces $50,000,000 in fines is still locked out of their building.

Appeals court allows CDC to enforce plan on resuming cruises.

Texas Democrat who tested positive for COVID tweets about making the rest of us suffer with a mask mandate.

Hyper realistic masks can fool about one-fifth of people. Were the Mission Impossible movies showing a tech that was operational back then?

Project Veritas released video of a whistleblower exposing toy manufacturer Hasbro partnering with “Conscious Kids” to force Critical Race Theory (CRT) upon its employees during mandatory trainings.

Apple releases new emojis – including one of a pregnant man.

Megafire in Oregon and 60 wildfires in 10 US states, 800,000 hectares of forest destroyed so far in Siberia, the world is a burning torch,

Catastrophic floods claim lives of more than 150 people, leave more than 1,000 missing, in Europe.

Water shortages in Iran cause wave of protests.

Nearly 100 Q-anon-aligned candidates ran for Congress in the 2020 election, according to watchdog site Media Matters for America, with dozens of others running for governor, state legislature seats and county offices.  NBC is horrified in the article.

NY Post columnist likens Psaki’s discussion of getting facebook to censor people for the administration to ‘fascism.’ No doubt, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot which they had a situation like the leftists in America.

Brazil’s Bolsonaro leaves hospital after treatment for hiccups caused by 2018 stabbing but warns medics he probably won’t stick to their required diet, saying, ‘I hope within 10 days to be eating BBQ ribs.’

Reps. Chip Roy and Thomas Massie demand answers from Attorney General on harsh mistreatment of Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol protesters.

Lindsey Graham suggests GOP ‘leave town’ if Dems push their $3.5 trillion budget plan, to deny them a quorum and prevent them from passing anything. Why didn’t they leave town six months ago?

California Appeals Court overturns anti-misgendering law on First Amendment grounds.

General Mike Flynn launches a new website with a message for Americans: ‘Have courage.’

I have just become aware some of President Trump’s statements are actually available on his site in the news section (which also features news articles) for anyone who has not signed up for his email alerts. I’ll put them here, as  morale boosters to end a post with. I think to get all the statements though, you still have to sign up for his website’s email alerts.


Congratulations to Doug Collins on his new book, The Clock and the Calendar: A Front-Row Look at the Democrats’ Obsession with Donald Trump. A great look from behind the scenes of someone who was there fighting the good fight—in Impeachment Hoax #1. Thank you Doug, for always being there—and supporting the MAGA Movement!


Crime in our Country is escalating at a pace we’ve never seen before. At the same time, people are pouring through our Borders totally unchecked. Jails in other countries are being emptied out into the United States. This is far worse than anyone thought during the Fake Election!


Joe Biden kept talking about how good of a job he’s doing on the distribution of the Vaccine that was developed by Operation Warp Speed or, quite simply, the Trump Administration. He’s not doing well at all. He’s way behind schedule, and people are refusing to take the Vaccine because they don’t trust his Administration, they don’t trust the Election results, and they certainly don’t trust the Fake News, which is refusing to tell the Truth.

Spread r/K Theory, because rats desert ships that sink.

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3 years ago

“More than one million Britons are said to be suffering from long Covid”

Technically probably true. Hoever keep in mind that nobody is talking about the racial identity of these “britons”.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Joe Biden kept talking about how good of a job he’s doing on the distribution of the Vaccine that was developed by Operation Warp Speed or, quite simply, the Trump Administration. He’s not doing well at all. He’s way behind schedule, and people are refusing to take the Vaccine because they don’t trust his Administration”

President Trump, even if you were still in office we still wouldn’t take these shots. It has nothing to do with trusting politicians. These shots are experimental and the people pushing it are legally protected if they cause harm.

Please stop pushing this garbage before you get lumped in with the same deep state you say you’re opposed to.

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Sorry AC, Trump has lost me because of this issue. I don’t care who is getting screwed by the vaccine. The fact that he is still taking pride in this atrocity, and still pushing it, is evil.
At a bare minimum, he just needs to StFU about this subject. Best case scenario, he needs to expose it to all the people.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Sterilization will be more sudden.

We are told this in scripture,
Like a thief in the night He will come,
only those who constantly watch will be ready for the Groom.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I am not completely convinced as to Trump’s dedication to Christian principles, or how he understands them. But I have not seen any evidence that would indicate he would have these kind of luciferian darwinist tendencies. This is not 1933 Germany, where a relative unknown can pull off that kind of deception. Trump has been in the spotlight for 50 years. If anything, he has been dragging operations out and playing rope a dope with the specific purpose of avoiding unnecessary death, imo.

It’s interesting to note, without drawing any conclusions, that during Covid we had no problem conceiving the immensity of a coordinated conspiracy, from fake CDC data to fake experts to fake social media posts.

And yet when it comes to the vaccines, we cite CDC VAERS data, experts, and social media posts as “proof” of danger.

Seems having it both ways here is problematic. Just throwing that out there, as a word of caution. Fear seems to be the common denominator.

And the effect seems to be to undermine Trumps base, which should also give us pause.

There was never a need to dive into the information wars to asses risk, as long as you understood there was an information war ongoing. Treat covid like any virus, and most likely forgo the vaccine through normal risk assessment. Trumps position is irrelevant.

One of Trumps problems is that when you have a conspiracy theory base, they’ll always be wondering about you too, in the back of their mind. And this can be easily exploited. But it seems he is sticking to his guns without giving any specific explanation. Understandable, since anything he says will be twisted. So we are in a position which is admittedly uncomfortable with little choice but to trust him and that his information is better than ours.

If people get upset that they are not being told the location of all the troops in order to make them feel better, because they are entitled to “Truth”, well, it doesn’t work that way. There’s your Truth.

I am an old hand when it comes to conspiracy, and so I know the ropes a bit. I’d like to think I’ve earned some credit for instinct. Trump seems to be trying to speak truthfully (or rather, “not falsely”) yet strategically, while walking a mine field of radically divisive and manipulated perceptions of reality, while trying to take down a criminal empire that is still wearing plenty of suicide vests, while keeping his hair combed.

This has operational fingerprints all over it, and is running in parallel with the audit operation. As the screw tightens on one, the heat gets turned up on the other, almost like a game of chicken. Cut him some slack. War is messy. Information war doubly so. I’m sticking with Trump.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“But what if getting the sheep to “accidently” self-sterilize is the only way to save all of humanity? I could see a scenario where being the person who alters history would not be the nicest happiest course to have to follow”

AC, how could getting humanity to self-sterlize be a method to save humanity? Do you not love your fellow humans, why would you want them sterilized?

To deny men and women a chance to have a happy family is truly evil, is in not? Are you in your right mind?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“And even if I wanted to change His plan, I could not anyway.”

God sometimes changes His mind you know, look at King Hezekiah:

1In those days Hezekiah became mortally ill. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz came to him and said, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Put your house in order, for you are about to die; you will not recover.’ ”

2Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD, saying, 3“Please, O LORD, remember how I have walked before You faithfully and with wholehearted devotion; I have done what was good in Your sight.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly.

4Before Isaiah had left the middle courtyard,a the word of the LORD came to him, saying, 5“Go back and tell Hezekiah the leader of My people that this is what the LORD, the God of your father David, says: ‘I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears. I will surely heal you. On the third day from now you will go up to the house of the LORD. 6I will add fifteen years to your life. And I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria. I will defend this city for My sake and for the sake of My servant David.’ ”

God told him, via a prophet, he was going to die. Hezekiah prayed, and God changed His mind. Same with the King and people of Nineveh.

So, don’t think that God allows evil, and we are powerless to stop it. And judge evil when you see it too. r-selected, k-selected, eugenics is always evil.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Yes and No. People have free will. When things get bad (as in capital A- Apocalypse level bad), K will arise naturally as every human has the wiring in them. Getting that wiring in the brain to develop will be very wild though.


Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I’ve never seen this one. Sally popping out babies at 1:05 haha.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

DT’s DOD Shakeup judy prior to the election and NSAM 54-57 [mentioned in passing by Wood]; this was hand delivered by Col. Fletcher Prouty, of JFK historiography fame

Esoteric Biographical details (was aquainted with Gov. Conelly, ‘court psychic’ woman of multiple sucessive administrations, Nixon letter; MIT uncle’s review of Tesla material for Vannevar Bush et. al.)

Much has been made of DT’s friendship with JFK Jr., a la the “Punished Trump” meme, but less of the deeper roots through Cohn’s circles to McCarthy – family ally of the Kennedy’s, only switched to Rep. in ’44, likely due to military contacts feeding him Venona Decryption material – the first and biggest question mark of his administration was not releasing the JFK files in toto, and what bearing this may have had in the strangeness at the Bush Sr. funeral, or even the execution of the NSAM orders of JFK to fold clandestine paramilitary capacity into the military under the Executive Branch’s aegis, with its “transnational threat reorientation” . . . There isn’t need to attenuate the breeding rates of people that aren’t breeding to begin with (leftists); unless Coof winnows the cargo cult nations to the point where they have no quality of life tourists for NGOs to send north, this is wishful thinking.

>the cold, hard reality, and decided to do what had to be done to save our civilization from r-selected degeneration genetically.
Jason Reza Jorjani suggests as much, but includes the active measures in the West by its own security establishments to make hedonism preferable to romantic socialist revolution as part of that too — suppressing consumer markets to funnel the maximum to State military and tech projects is a sort of K-selection of a human hive (better for the transhumanist coomers pining for the singularity immortality as well). ‘PsyOps’ is an improper coinage from the German Weltschauungskrieg: worldview/visionary-conflict. Paperclip Axis personnel had truly global networking and access between the two blocks, and a massive dark money warchest offshored by Borman & Co. to draw on for this scale of engineering. One would think this breakaway society, unfettered by the usurious profit motive against ‘zero point’ energy technologies, might prefer a systems collapse of the host to starve the parasite, where only the ‘eusocial’ and discerningly K-selected predominated in the ashes; the level of open convergence since FDR’s unilateral recognition of Red Russia suggests more than tacit consent and facilitation . . . after a certain level of cosanguination in the body politic, debriding becomes impossible, or else this eponymous contra-They would have bolstered Legacy Americana against it.

3 years ago

Technology is always a two way street. Technological warfare are like tracers they work both ways. Ince something is known to be feasible others are half way to building it themselves.
What if advanced war tech cabal uses, like energy beam weapons technology, because they suppresses its distribution and crush any invention and research not under their total control, is a vulnerability due to consequences unintended of iron fisted technology control?
What if there are people or an organization who are smart enough to get inside cabal tech systems and survieliance, that they too are inside anyones devices and data storage, because they are insurgency and open source not fettered by interior cabal controls they are more advanced and are using cabal tech vulnerabilities and cabal has no internal tech defense. Maybe cabal has enjoyed such a tech and surveillance monopoly for so long it is very far behind in counter tech technology.
May be it is an institutional fossilization factor, like all monopolistic institutions, and presently there are people using this to advantage.

Go back to when Trump stepped up to lead America away from cabal, the machine treated Trump like a joke, sure, you would expect that visable public front, but how did Trump get as far as he did particularly beyond the early stages where cabal could more easily stop him?
Unless Trump is some form of control and i’m not saying he is, but to make a point, he got past the gate keepers and they consistantly have never stopped undeestumating Trump and MAGA. They vouldn’t stop Q, or busting up of their child trafficking conduits, rolled up the domestic drug trafficking conduits, shit hillary lost, their next long established sequential regime administration, i would say cabal has some serious internal problems if those and a slue of other key crucial operations are stopped. Maybe cabal is great at the peeping fucking pervert tech end of things but its no where omnipotant in all things. Great at false flag, crisis as a means, they do the marxist protracted struggle/revolution shit well, though still lot of it looks like they are amatures and are instruction manual smart, and ideology trumps strategy and tactical imperatives, much what you would expect from people who have no prior boots on the ground protracted struggle and communist insurgency experience. And employing their glowie and gangstalker network for wet work is fraught with its own unique problems.
As you say AC and i believe you are dead nuts on target, they had she who they thought could never lose, lose and it was like they got their legs swept out from under them, it shows, to the point their domestic American ground game almost collapsed, most likely from the well of free money spigot being shut off by Trump’s doctrine of economic security being national security thus a bulwark against cabalistic influence and power.
Thats a shit ton of strategic mistakes on cabal because it was vulnerable to blindsides, or its flanks left exposed and Trump and his people did the OODA Loop on them with precision. How could they nanage that is a question, the only answer is they are inside cabal, or at least the domestic machine in real time.

If so, here’s another observation: where are all the old hands these days? Particularly but not limited to the clinton regime glowies and allies? They where infesting the yellow media complex as public expert nedia darking pundents and pieholes, and suddenly they have all gone absent? Brennen and hillary, the two lovers, Rosenstien, Barr, Meuller, sme particularly vile specimen’s from the seamp are gone silent, and when i realized this, it was suddenly obvious the major cia 5th column tv networks are solely dependent on their syndicated talking heads, nary a previous regime mouthpiece is present who have been staples or hurredly “hired” as expert consultants to do spin damage control.
Where are they all gone to? For instance Breenen was burning up the opinion oages with his missives of ideological diatribe dresses up as super glowie patriot, suddenly all comms are shut off. Even hillarie’s foul crotch dropping has shut her piehole and running silent. Even eric potholder is no where to be heard of lately, which there is much to celebrate for as that psyco is one vile piece of shit. These are particularly entrenched life long operators they all go back at least to clinton regime days, and are found in almost every false flag and crisis as a means event or operation.
Has anyone else noticed this also?

If there is any veracity to these things they tend to point towards a trajectory of being taken out of the domestic machine operations and influences, which could indicate somebody fights for us and has a network themselves.
But what really strikes me if late is i get the amygdalae sense the obiden regime is being systematically isolated and denied assets outside its direct family operations, and it is increasingly ignorant or blind to aspects of the effects of its actions.
If i was say a strategic part of counter cabal operations, I would recognize. ertain weaknesses and mistakes characturistic of the domestic machine since the advent of The God Emperor. Even in the smallest action there’s a dictum that is key to the success of any battle.
“When one starts a battle, it sets off an avalanche of activity. The good commander is able to predict where the avalanche will go, and have his responses already in place.”
I dont see that kind of level of effective command and control in what I can see of the domestic nachine running things, more the characteristics of an rganization that is reacting instead of initiating to events, and where it is initiating, it seems to be contained, almost like somebody wants the regime to say and do ideological things, yet inhibiting or limiting, and even giving it free tange so everyone can see withtheir own eyes how vile and evil cabal and its domestic actors are behind the curtain.

That all paints a picture cabal has major weaknesses, is clumsy, its network is inadequate to the threats it faces. It is great at what it does when it faced no serious pushback or resistance, and maybe thats a critical point, in otherwords as Mike Tysonput it “Everyone has a plan till it gets punched in the face”. The timeless dictim “No plan survives contact withthe enemy” strikes me as particularly germane.
And may be that is why Trump emplores the Deplorable’s and Patriot’s in general to refrain from violent redress, partly because once that line is crossed there can be no turning back, the mother of all can of worms and tempest in a teapot, but pimarily, the good guys got this, Trump’s saying here, hold my beer I got this, sit back and enjoy nemesis.

As you say AC there is stuff happening and we can not see it for what it is, but we see effects and consequences and can only infer and to make educated and ignorant guess’s as to what it all could be. Exactly what i’m doing expressing my thoughts here.
The K Strategist in me intuits a consistant pattern of anti-cabal action that is below the radar yet something has to account for strange and inexplicable things which can not be denied because your looking right at these inexplicable things, and what is the inquisitive thinking part of the mind naturally does with that data.
And it is your fault AC, i throw you under that bus, in appreciation for your critical thinking and unsung genius. Yeah dude! Kudos. And thanks for the fun too, seriously, it is exciting and edifying and refreshing to have a source of insights thinking and a body of connections which in turn inspire others, instead of gloom and doom and outrage porn, but instead constructive positive stimulation at last in a desert of ignorance and malice the machine created for us good folks civilization to slowly waste away in.
Which begs a question why it hasn’t memory holed you already. Is IT leaving you free run because it finds you and your audience a useful humint source, where its better to have you under total coverage rather than let a keen mind go feral, open source leaderless LIC? Where it can train its shills and agent provocateurs to a finer level of expertize? Garner indights into the dangerous ones thinking, a direct poop on mindest, like an early warning intell source? Because they have memory holed many patriotic blogs, mine for one, then abruptly stopped, as if they chose who to leave running for the afore stated reasons?
Somehow it makes a kind of sense the machine is being isolated by way of its assets outside its direct coverage operations being picked off. The idea being instead of directly attacking the survieliance machine, deny it it’s resources, eventually bypassing it to leave it wither on the vine. That to me is the smart effective strategy employing tactical resources most efficiently, similar to MacArther’s and The Marines Pacific Island hopscotch campaign in WWII against the Japanese.

To top things off it always been a wonder to me that if the visable assumed overlords of cabal are indeed the hierarchy we see meeting in Davos and the Brettonwoods Conferences up in NH at the Mount Wasghigton Hotel, the lot of them are top management types, not as a rule hands on potentates, if so the question becomes how cognizant are they of the nuts and bolts operations of their cabal, how out of touch they are in the timely sense of motigating circumstance at the network gangstaljer and glowie level, how are such tyrants if at all, blinded by their hubris and sense of omnipotance? These are important considerations thru history of the tyrant and his regimes, and legend and phrophecy all consistantly point towards that monumental hubris and its arrogance as tyrannies’ downfall. Can you say timing of The God Emperors return, and the legend of the concept of how Water Empires are vulnerable from an unexpected effect of the appearence of a single influential character inside the empire’s domain.
Trump certainly fits that legend and effects of his actions have destabilised long time cabal statist quo.
What if those energy beam weapon attacks in Austria and other venues are targets of anti-cabal operations, a wittling away of not only human assets but for demoralizing effects. What if the capitol fence is because the machine is defending itself from anti-cabal operations. It would make sense the domestic machine needs safe inner sanctums such as its swamp because without such it is detrimentally hog tied, it needs the swamp as it is a most key resource for its destruction of America. The fence is akin to a barbwire belt screening its trenches like a WWI battle zone. Besides, they palsi hag demanded machine gun emplacements to go along with the fence.

This shit cant be nade up. It is all real things that exist or took place. How any of us interpret a larger vision of events can be debated. The idea more and more of us are more or less on the same page is critically important, and it seems is a valuable supporting dynamic for the good guys fighting for us dirt people. Universal support is a most powerful weapon, it is the unique power of consent. Cabal can never possess such power. All cabal has under its hood is power to threaten and power to hurt. Yet even if the machine puts a pistol to your head and says it is going to blow your head off if you refuse to comply, if even one of us defy and refuse to comply even in death we win, because ultimately tyranny can not tolerate a single event of defiance, specifically the withdrawal of peoples consent. Look at the conundrum the glowies are facing holding the 1-6 MAGA people political prisoners. Its employing that power to hurt in order to make people comply and create fear that forces people to provide tacit consent. That works with those already bending a knee, yet it backfires on the machine if only because it reinforces the validity of resistance and creates way more cold anger to what it has already caused. It substantiates peoples opinions, vindicates good folks perceptions of this evil thing in ways nothing else can. And if the glowies release those folks it creates for itself the perceptions it is illegitimate. As WS Lind states, 4th Generation War is war for legitimacy. Cabal ain’t loking very legitimate and its war for legitimacy is a losing propersition, which it proves daily now that the cat’s out of the bag on cabal and its conspiracy.
How’s IT going to force compliance with the poison vaxx, take our guns, herd us and crowd us into enclaves and trains and camps, with its almost non existant legitimacy and barely adequate manufactured tacit consent?
What about preference cascade? Growing solidarity among the dirt people? The only thing makes sense is the machine jumps the police state shark and goes full retard employing force and violence on mass scales. So the question then becomes is what human tesources will it employ? Its vast gangstalker network, incorporating the alien invasion army its building currently? Has the ammo drought been due to the machine building ammo and small arms/gear stocks for arming its minions who it will send hither to assault us good folks?
I mean how else will IT fight the largest armed to the fucking teeth civilian population ever created? One thats armed itself exactly because it knows it is a dangeeous world cabal runs, an army of K Strategist rising?
Only can speak for myself, though in others i know it is a sense too, something has changed, my gut is in a different defcon state, the state just before it drops in the pot time. No uncertaintly or thinking about it. I feel calm, prepared as i can be for what is coming, got no doubts and know who and what I am and nothing can tell me what my priorities are. Most of all I’m at peace with the possibility of killing, that killing time is real close, particularly I will not dishonor myself and have faith I’m in great company that there are uncounted numbers of us who rise to the challange and we prevail. But hope it is short and we can indeed preserve what needs to be saved, rid ourselves of the evil breathing down our throats. Really root it out this time, and do so with such ferocity it will fear to try again for at least a thousand years. We can do this. Only us good folks can do it. It is our ourview as the dirt people. We have done this. That this is as it should be. Out of this we become more anti-fragile than before. That is as it should be too somehow with no doubt. This is our great country, we built it with our blood and sweat. America belongs to us. We belong to America too. It is a package, a great profound package deal. With great Patriots in AC’s and Trump’s mold we Win. Time for some payback boy’s.

Reply to  D.C.
3 years ago

Lot of good stuff here.

Name (required)
Name (required)
3 years ago

“Two more Texas Democrats test positive for COVID-19 in Washington, D.C., for 5 total cases, all of which were vaccinated.”
This is no surprise. The handout they give you with the clot shot explicitly tells you that it will not protect you from getting the chinkypox, nor keep you from spreading it. The hand out doesn’t mention there is a very real chance that it will cause antibody enhanced disease, and kill you.

Reply to  Name (required)
3 years ago

Clot Shot +1

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“… ‘Havana Syndrome…Notice whoever this is, apparently hasn’t hit any Russians…”

In Lebanon when they kidnapped Russian personal the Russians kidnapped some of the relatives of the people involved and started cutting pieces off of them and sending them to them until, they let them go.

3 years ago

I grew up in Beverly Hills. Croft Avenue is near Beverly Hills, but not in it. Judging by the look on the map, it is near Melrose Avenue, which was (who knows today?) a bustling retail district. In my youth, I believe it was pretty quiet at night. I doubt that’s the case today.

This would be unusual in BH itself. In that area in 2021?

3 years ago

The article linked to about JonBennet Ramsey and Maxwell keeps stating that Maxwell will not want to go to jail and will sing like a bird. My question is…who is going to ask her to spill what she knows? Corruption is so deep that I seriously doubt that they will push her for information, and in fact will do anything to prevent that information from getting out. She will either be suicided or allowed to keep her mouth shut and a story will suddenly appear about how she really wasn’t involved.

3 years ago

Some comments by Benjamin Fulford on blackmail, honeypots, and surveillance. Begins at 35:30 of the video.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

“General Mike Flynn launches a new website with a message for Americans: Have courage.”
Pfft. We don’t need courage. We need people with money, resources and platforms to start fighting back more. Most of Conservative, Inc. is playing along with the “Biden won” narrative, attacking anyone of their own side raising any questions even more than the Adversary does. The GOP is completely neutered and comatose. And lately I have the feeling that the main fighters on our side (like Flynn) are just morphing into America First, Inc- another control scheme like the William Buckley era conservatism that forever compromised and only punched right.

I’m tired of being called a digital warrior by people who seem to have no concept of troop morale. Just one legal foundation filing lawsuits against the anti-white racism flooding the country would do a lot of good, and inspire others to fight. Taking over one of the major news outlets and broadcasting actual truth would help as well. That should have been job #1 five years ago. I’ve got a lot of people watching Newsmax (yeah, I know you don’t like them) and OAN, but it’s an uphill battle. A big player, like say NBC, suddenly telling the truth would change the game overnight.

Instead, Posterity was ignited on fire by at least two generations, and I’m left wondering if I should hire someone to teach my children Russian in anticipation of what seems to be a swiftly arriving omega situation as my family calls it. That’s where it becomes too dangerous for us to remain in the US as opposed to anywhere else. Take up Putin on one of those land grants. I’ll farm pigs in Siberia before I let the monsters in charge here hurt my family.

Fred Sanford
Fred Sanford
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

“Pfft. We don’t need courage. Blah blah … start fighting back …”
Uhhh …. that takes courage. Derp.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

“I’m tired of being called a digital warrior by people who seem to have no concept of troop morale. Just one legal foundation filing lawsuits against the anti-white racism flooding the country would do a lot of good, and inspire others to fight. Taking over one of the major news outlets and broadcasting actual truth would help as well. ”

I’m with you Marielle. We need lots of effort by people with money willing to fight for the cause of right.

But you have to stay and fight it out. The Spartan saying, “Stand, Win or Die”. Our Duty is here.
Thank you Marielle for your fighting spirit and your reactionary actions.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Always beware of a pig farmer.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
3 years ago

Those with access to cement kilns, as well.

Fred Sanford
Fred Sanford
3 years ago

“This might even be the most likely method of how they try to make everyone take the Mark of the Beast.”
According to the Book of Revelation, the Mark isn’t coming real soon, as it occur’s after WW3, the beginning of the Woes and the rise of the 10 nation Empire (who will institute the Mark). Billions will be dead before the Mark comes to pass..
Prophecy will come to pass exactly as foretold.

3 years ago

“Apple releases new emojis – including one of a pregnant man”

Use it to fat shame fat guys.

3 years ago

Explosion occurred at a factory on Tuesday in Dengfeng, Central China’s Henan Province, with loud noises and flames. Local emergency management staff have rushed to the scene. No reports of casualties so far: media

3 years ago

Israeli strikes in Syria, then rockets fell in N Israel from Lebanon, Israel responds with artillery fire

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

The Jews are idiots. They are constantly attacking everyone around them. Constantly trying to parasite on everyone. Constantly trying to undermine the civilizations of everyone. At some point, and this always happens, people get fed up and will do anything to make these psychopaths stop. People end up in a rage towards the Jews because they will not act like decent humans but act like psychopathic animals.

They are mentally ill, possible Neanderthals, who if they do not learn, and they probably won’t, they will go the way of the neanderthals.

And good riddance.