News Briefs – 05/21/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Dominion responds after Pennsylvania election officials report a “coding error” with voting machines that had Republican Primary ballots appear to be Democrat Primary ballots, but they assure every Republican their ballots would be counted despite being labeled Democrat Party.

Arizona Auditor had said a key election database was deleted, and he recovered it, the media reported he admitted he just didn’t know where to look to find it, and it was never deleted, and now he is coming forward to say the media is lying outright, and it was deleted.

Trump allies seek to import Arizona’s election audit to Georgia.

Mike Lindell has hired private auditors to uncover voter fraud in key states.

Patrick Byrne writes –

OK. I told you you could expect two hand grenades (both on the order of the release of our book “The Deep Rig”) before the end of May. Now I have one piece of additional information:

One of those hand grenades gets thrown May 28. *

*I wish to note that my use of the phrase “hand grenades“ is metaphorical only, not literal. America is going to get a chance to show why it is the exceptional country: we are going to beat this, and it’s not going to take firing a shot.

Lawmakers promise legal action after Pennsylvania Primary election irregularities.

During an interview on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Lue Elizondo, former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, said the U.S. government is in possession of “exotic material” from UFOs.

Feds are now investigating whether Andrew Cuomo let his family jump the line for COVID testing.

Cuomo never gave a significant portion of his book windfall to charity like he promised, and what he did give was just used as a tax break for two years. And the book was written by state workers on state time, at his direction.

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh gave $100,000 to a private trust for Joe Biden’s grandchildren and spoke with the then Vice President in 2016 ‘to explore lucrative future work options’ with Hunter as a middle man.

VP Kamala Harris ‘broke her own campaign ethics pledge by keeping assets hidden in a tax-protected trust’, her 2020 tax disclosure reveals.

Video shows Biden administration ‘secretly’ flying migrant children into Tennessee.

White House Press Spox Jen Psaki was cornered by Fox News when asked why Joe Biden killed the Keystone XL pipeline in the United States but green lit the completion of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline through Europe. There is no ideological explanation, beyond raw corruption.

Biden’s CBP Chief defends releasing illegal migrants into the U.S. without court dates, saying it cuts admissions processing time.

The House is hearing House Bill 125, to essentially end the centuries-old practice of home-built firearms for personal use and to ban existing home-built firearms.

NBC’s Chuck Todd was Amy Klobuchar’s landlord, and didn’t disclose it during interviews and coverage.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot defends excluding white journalists, saying there is ‘systemic racism’ in the media.

The House on Thursday passed a $1.9 billion spending bill to upgrade Capitol security. It is possible there is a threat, the exact technological nature of which we are still unaware.

George W. Bush doesn’t think it’s ‘necessary’ to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.

U.S. Treasury proposes a global minimum corporate tax of at least 15%.

Putin vows to ‘knock the teeth out’ of foreign enemies as US and Russia clash at Arctic summit after the Kremlin revealed its polar military base. Would this happen with Trump?

Jews getting attacked by Muslims in Manhattan.  Always surprising the Jews didn’t oppose all Muslim immigration while they could have.

Pelosi suggests she may bar unvaccinated, unmasked Republicans from the House floor.

U.S. reports fewer than 30,000 cases for five straight days, with the nation averaging 1.8 million daily vaccinations.

The Japanese Red Cross is refusing donations from people who have had to COVID vaccine.

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan is launching a $2 million lottery that will hand out dozens of $40,000 cash prizes to vaccinated state residents — with one grand prize of $400,000.

COVID is surging in Seychelles, the world’s most vaccinated country.

The British Army will punish military personnel who decline to be vaccinated against Covid-19, the Daily Mail has reported.

Treasury calls for doubling IRS staff to target tax evasion, crypto transfers. There is also the possibility this is in preparation for targeting conservative groups and businessmen.

NY State Police search Rochester Mayor’s home as part of a criminal investigation. Looks like her hubby was dealing drugs. He is under arrest.

Lori Arnold is both the sister of Tom Arnold, and the mastermind of a massive drug dealing empire which stretched from Iowa to California. And she is getting her own cable special about it all. I’m telling you, if you managed to evade the surveillance and did this yourself (you wouldn’t), but if you did, you would not be out and about free as a bird, let alone getting your own TV special. Can’t imagine what it is which makes the Arnold family different, but something must.

Department of Homeland Security has put $500,000 on the table to fund research projects aimed at determining how violent extremists are infiltrating the police.

Waco Police pledges to increase women officers to 30% by 2030. Again, it has nothing to do with women, or equality, or even leftism. If Overton windows got pushed just a little more toward retardation they would hire quadriplegics, just so the populace gets acclimated to the idea nothing has anything to do with meritocracy or capability. That way they can appoint anyone they want to any position, and you will never question why the people you see in high positions are completely unqualified, as those doors are shut to you.

In the lead-up to Pride month, Lego has released its first set which celebrates the LGBTIQIA+ community, called “Everyone is Awesome.”

Trans golfer who played on men’s college team wins women’s title, and now eyes the LPGA.

PBS station defends drag queen skit for kids, calling it ‘performance art that can inspire creative thinking.’

Greg Abbott’s primary challenger Don Huffines blasts him for allowing child sex changes in Texas.

Navy labs to reopen case on Cold Fusion.

Russia warns Israel it won’t tolerate more civilian casualties in the Gaza conflict. Seems like Russia is always dancing to a different beat from the Cabal-controlled western countries.

A defamation lawsuit against social media giant Twitter is accusing the company of unevenly enforcing its internal censorship policies depending on the political slant of the content in question.

In Florida, a proposed rule that will be weighed by the State Board of Education aims to control the way history is taught in Florida classrooms and prevent teachers “indoctrinating” students.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott  signed the “heartbeat” bill into law, banning abortion in the state once a fetal heartbeat can be detected.

An international court has ruled that Iceland was within its rights to deny parental rights to two lesbians who obtained a baby boy through surrogacy in the United States.

US Navy enrages China by sailing warship into disputed waters in the South China Sea before defying Beijing’s threat to ‘expel’ it.

Judge blocks the Biden administration from doling out grants based on race and gender.

A McLaughlin & Associates poll found voters would support former President Donald Trump over Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 general election.

From the Desk of Donald J. Trump:

Donald J. Trump

12:41pm May 20, 2021

See, 35 wayward Republicans—they just can’t help themselves. We have much better policy and are much better for the Country, but the Democrats stick together, the Republicans don’t. They don’t have the Romney’s, Little Ben Sasse’s, and Cheney’s of the world. Unfortunately, we do. Sometimes there are consequences to being ineffective and weak. The voters understand!

Donald J. Trump

9:31pm May 19, 2021

A loan of $1.2 billion has closed on the asset known as the Bank of America Building (555 California Street) in San Francisco, CA. The interest rate is approximately 2%. Thank you!

Donald J. Trump

7:58pm May 19, 2021

Stick with Kirstie Alley! She is a great actress, loved by so many people, and a true original. She is also strong and smart. Many millions of people greatly appreciate her support of our Country. Thank you Kirstie, you are truly appreciated!

Spread r/K Theory, because everything you see is deception, not ideology.

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3 years ago

Well, my supply of Hopium is long gone. While I’ve closely followed the post election shenanigans, and agree there is plenty of evidence that the election was stolen from Trump, I’m done with the foursome of Powell, McInerney, Byrne and Lindell. They are CONSTANTLY saying”. We GOTS DA GOODS”. “Everyone is going DOWN!!” “Release the Kraken.” I think they are all just trying to sell books, run for state offfice and really have nothing. Hell, they ay even be Cabal, keeping the attention of millions while other things are happening behind the scenes. Not sure what other things, since it seems the present admin is doing everything in our faces. Anyway, quit following those 4 peeps. They are up to no good. YMMV

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Lost hope just as the audits are spooling up? Just as we’re about flip the tables? Just as we’re about to take control of the board and run It? Guys, I’m not pretending to have inside info, but I am good at connecting dots. “Optics are important” – meaning the military CANNOT act without PUBLIC proof. The second the Pentagon moves in to arrest people in DC China holds an emergency meeting of the UN security council and declares that a military coup is taking place in the US. China controls 97% of antibiotics to the US, and the supply chain is pretty much that bad up and down the line, so what happens when China gets unprecedented economic sanctions approved in the UN and the WTO against us? Why do you think the Pentagon let Biden pretend to be president, but also let the soldiers disrespect him at every turn?

“Give the government back to YOU, THE PEOPLE” – let me ask a question, if the military had swooped in and magically arrested everybody and reinstalled Trump, how long do you think it would take Cabal to take back over once Trump is gone? NOBODY would have woken up. By losing initially, and then dropping out of sight, Trump has managed to refocus MAGA off of him directly and onto the idea of retaking the government at every level. Instead of a superhero president we have an entire MOVEMENT taking over school boards, county commissions, state legislatures….. heck, you know how ridiculously tiring it was listening to moderates/sheep repeat the lie that election fraud large enough to change election outcomes was a myth? Well, guess what’s about to happen? The audits are about to prove that it’s actually ridiculously simple to do once you have all the key positions in the system, and that it’s happening in all fifty states. BOOM.

Optics. The election system will be proven beyond a doubt to be hopelessly compromised in the most public fashion for all the world to see. Optics. The military can act, take over, and declare new elections. And guess what? All those MAGA people now throwing their hat in as candidates will be in position for the MAGA rallies to introduce them to the people. Understand what’s happening?

Q provides just enough inside baseball to give conspiracy people a place to rally and share information. Their information goes out to the public. Trump lets the steal happen as a sting operation. The public gets to see it all, and the Anons are there to shed light on it every step of the way. That’s the Awakening. That was The Plan the entire time. WE ARE THE PLAN. For MAGA to mean anything after Trump, we have to take it back without him.

And the plan is working.

Understand this means that if you don’t have a MAGA candidate that you feel comfortable voting for, congratulations on your candidacy, the job is yours until you’re history or you find someone better. When the audits come to your state VOLUNTEER. We can take the country back without firing a shot through prayer and doing the tedious work – it’s like defusing a bomb, you do it one wire at a time. Understand, this has never happened before in human history, and America is poised to be the first. Understand how BLESSED we are.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I appreciate your enthusiasm, but the stone cold reality is that if the MSM doesn’t cover this, and they won’t, and if Faceborg/Twitter/YouTube censor it, and they will, then the majority of the public simply won’t know any of this is really happening.

Folks like you think that because you are aware of what’s going on, that means millions are as tuned in as you.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

I encourage everyone to do what they can and volunteer as this guy suggests, but the idea that cabal is simply going to roll over, or let it all come out in the open is utterly ridiculous.

Best to work at the local level, as this guy suggests, and burrow in there.

It could be years before any headway gets made, but don’t do it thinking Emperor Trump is riding to the rescue any time soon.

And for God’s sake, stop referencing Q like it’s the bible.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Movements need leaders, though. From what I see on MAGA based social media, everyone is frustrated and rudderless. The Adversary controls everything. It’s not 1776, or 1861, where you can gather up the local boog boys and grab your muskets. If the conflict goes hot, civilization as we know it is over. Civil War 2 is a race war in a couple days and a world war by the end of a week.

And, honestly, if the truth ever does come out, I think a lot more people then you think will ask, “Why didn’t you just shoot the motherbleepers sooner?” Preferably in a Samuel Jackson voice.

Everyone who lost a job, a business, a loved one, or some major aspect of a life, will have hard questions for the supposed white hats.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Conflict will go hot, there is no way it won’t, unless some IMHO very unlikely series of events transpire. Massive deportations will have to happen in various Western territories or said territories will not be under Western control. Those people living there have access to a lot of fire power and ammo, and they won’t leave voluntary. War is unavoidable, and it has started already, se already have the treasonous politicians coercing everyone into poisoning themselves with genetic modification lab experiments.

Until the people who are controlling the treasonous Western politicians get taken out (legally, off course), tyranny will only increase, and the more hot the impossible to avoid hot conflicts will be.

Some areas like Idaho and others will probably not see much action, as soon as the globohomo armies and mercenaries arrive they will be faced with 4th gen warfare insurgency tactics, and lose anytime they try to take out and subjugate the residents.

People in most European Countries are fucked, and will either become gimps or martyrs, if they fail to escape in time. Lots of conflict will break out, and hopefully Russia will be able to take over large parts of the territories currently being subjugated by the supranational European Union mafia.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Movements don’t need leaders. Leaders are too easy to pick off.

Movements need cells.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago


Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I think Lowell makes a good point.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Quality post!

Montrezl Harrell
Montrezl Harrell
3 years ago

Lovely Warren?

I guess it’s not quite as inappropriate as the usual made-up urban gibberish given name with multiple apostrophes and phonetic errors, but still.

Words in current use as adjectives being used as given names are almost always tacky. That is cross-cultural.

Reply to  Montrezl Harrell
3 years ago

One of my favorite old-timey southern names is Lovey. Lots of southern grandmas and great grandmas with names like that. Just chiming in because it reminded of that.

Reply to  Stephanie
3 years ago

It’s a Loveyly name : DDD

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“During an interview on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Lue Elizondo, former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, said the U.S. government is in possession of “exotic material” from UFOs.”

Exotic material? Ayyy Lmao.


Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

On Lego, Trans golfers, PBS and sex changes in Texas.

Leviticus 18, 20, 21
Deuteronomy 12, 16, 22

The Bible is very clear, how far have we strayed from this direction?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Can’t imagine what it is which makes the Arnold family different, but something must.”

She still did some heavy time. The Arnolds probably aren’t cabal proper but are considered “the help”. As such, after Tom’s paying a heavy, heavy sum to the cabal lawyer’s guild, Lori had her time reduced to a “manageable” amount. Most who have done less are in for far longer, some for life. And Lori’s sin against cabal seems to be she did not cut them in enough financially.

At the end of the day, the Arnold’s are just waspy White people from Iowa. Our country, and Cabal, has a new feudal system, and the Arnolds are lower ranking, at best. Slant their eyes, nap their hair or put a -stein at the end of their name and have them eat a few babies, and the FBI would have been clearing the way for Lori and her meth running.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Jews getting attacked by Muslims in Manhattan. Always surprising the Jews didn’t oppose all Muslim immigration while they could have.”

Read the Old Testament. There is nothing the Almighty hates more than a prideful Jew. Islam will be used as a vehicle to reduce their number by millions. China, Russia and Iran all have set their eyes on the destruction of Israel. That China was built up by Jews for so long, and Jews have cultivated Islam in the West has only sealed their fate. Both actions the Jews undertook came from pride. Not changing course years ago, came from pride. Not punishing or ostracizing the liberal jews who undertook these deeds came from pride. These are the first fruits of pride. Don’t interfere, let the Lord do His work.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“…Read the Old Testament…”

Forget the old testament. It’s the ranting of the Jewish war god or at least Jesus thinks so.

Christians are always going about God and Jesus will. Well are they Christians or Jewdo Satanist? Should they follow the satanist Jews or Jesus. Choose.

Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”

– John 8: 42-47

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Jesus obviously knew of the Old Testament (the Tanakh) and approved of it, he only talked about it literally all the time in the New Testament.

Matthew 5:17
Matthew 12:42
Matthew 13:13-14
Mark 2:25
Mark 12:10
Luke 10:26-28
Luke 18:20
Luke 24:44-46
John 5:39

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I read all of these and while it didn’t change my mind I realize I did make a mistake after reading over what I wrote. It’s actually.

“The ranting of the Demonic Jewish war god”

This is not that difficult. What does it say.

John 8: 44

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Jesus also said concerning the “prophets” which you reference.

Hebrews 1:1-2

1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds

Gary Morgan
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

>Forget the old testament. It’s the ranting of the Jewish war god or at least Jesus thinks so.

I am sat here shaking my head. There are no jews in the scriptures, full stop.
Nothing jewish, the descriptor is a recent invention, by…you can guess….the sons of Satan.

God’s people are Israel, a people, not a piece of land. He didn’t give them Israel, we ARE Israel, He gave us Canaan, and soon gives us the world.

To call Him ‘the Jewish war God’ will surely make God smile, because it is such a silly notion.

The old testament is the one that foretells of Jesus, the end times, the day of wrath, the meek inheriting the earth, the promise of resurrection, all the big stuff.
Plus of course is lays out the laws of God, the ones that Yahshua told us would not pass, not a jot nor tittle, til heaven and earth have passed.
So I would suggest spending less time on your yt vids and random websites, and a lot of time in the scriptures, because, as I keep saying, time is short, and there’s only one way through what lies ahead.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

pride and hating wypipo, and to a degree, any majority anywhere.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

This. You don’t want to be God’s instrument of wrath against the Hebrews. He always destroys that instrument after He uses them to bring judgment on the Hebrews.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago


That’s because of the arrogance of those who were used as an instrument of Wrath rather than being humble as they should:

5Woe to Assyria, the rod of My anger;

the staff in their hands is My wrath.

6I will send him against a godless nation;

I will dispatch him against a people destined for My rage,

to take spoils and seize plunder,

and to trample them down like clay in the streets.

7But this is not his intention;

this is not his plan.

For it is in his heart to destroy

and cut off many nations.

8“Are not all my commanders kings?” he says.

9“Is not Calno like Carchemish?

Is not Hamath like Arpad?

Is not Samaria like Damascus?

10As my hand seized the idolatrous kingdoms

whose images surpassed those of Jerusalem and Samaria,

11and as I have done to Samaria and its idols,

will I not also do to Jerusalem and her idols?”

12So when the Lord has completed all His work against Mount Zion and Jerusalem, He will say, “I will punish the king of Assyria for the fruit of his arrogant heart and the proud look in his eyes. 13For he says:

‘By the strength of my hand I have done this,

and by my wisdom, for I am clever.

I have removed the boundaries of nations

and plundered their treasures;

like a mighty one I subdued their rulers.

14My hand reached as into a nest

to seize the wealth of the nations.

Like one gathering abandoned eggs,

I gathered all the earth.

No wing fluttered,

no beak opened or chirped.’ ”

15Does an axe raise itself above the one who swings it?

Does a saw boast over him who saws with it?

It would be like a rod waving the one who lifts it,

or a staff lifting him who is not wood!

16Therefore the Lord GOD of Hosts will send a wasting disease

among Assyria’s stout warriors,

and under his pomp will be kindled

a fire like a burning flame.

17And the Light of Israel will become a fire,

and its Holy One a flame.

In a single day it will burn and devour

Assyria’s thorns and thistles.

18The splendor of its forests and orchards,

both soul and body,

it will completely destroy,

as a sickness consumes a man.

19The remaining trees of its forests will be so few

that a child could count them.”

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Yesterday I saw where “Palestians” were in the Diamond District of New York yelling at Jews and generally being obnoxious. They were in a Porsche Cayenne. Wearing bright red shirts and shoes. Yes, Palestinian refugees running around in Porsches. Well, they had to be Palestinians, right? I mean, they were waving Palestine flags. Obviously there’s no such thing as false flag attacks.

3 years ago

Today’s tidbits — 2021-05-21 Fri — COVID19 smoking gun gloat, SEALS find Bill Gates kiddie dungeon, Israel accursed Edomites

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

Found new evidence that the Jews did corona based on wonder Jew and his chicken vax. It’s this link

but I’ll post the whole set of evidence and links.

It’s clear to me the Israelis did corona. A Israeli researcher said immediately after corona had really broken out that they, in a Cohencidence, just happened to be working the same strain in chickens and could have a vaccine in 6 weeks.

Even more telling is that since we’ve not heard a thing from these people. Why are the Jews getting vaccines from Russia and elsewhere instead of their wonder Jew and his chicken vax??? I suspect the vaccine researcher that said this could not contain himself from precounting the shekels he was going to rake in on vaccines but someone told him to shut the hell up as it’s easy to note that the viruses for chickens and humans are different and how odd it would be that they could have a vaccine in 6 weeks.

Combine the chicken vax Jew with this research on corona,

“…The new feature engineered into the Wuhan coronavirus has, “the potential to cleave specifically viral envelope glycoproteins, thereby enhancing viral fusion with host cell membranes,” conclude study authors.

This feature results in, “higher pathogenicity, pronounced neural symptoms and neurotropism in infected chickens,” according to the paper…”


Combine that with the major outbreaks in Iran???, almost immediately, among their leadership???

Ding, ding, ding. That did it for me. The Jews did this. They think they’re so smart in their psychopathic animal infected brains that they make easy to see mistakes.

Unz who has been pushing “the Americans did it” are just self deceiving themselves or trying to keep the whole world from realizing that the Jews are trying to murder them all and don’t want to be included. Both tell the truth about a lot of things but this is too hot for even them.

Who benefits? Saying Americans did this is just stupid Jew talk like we see all the time. They just spout nonsense and repeat it constantly. The Americans in no way at all could benefit from this nonsense. First they are not so stupid as to believe it could be released in China and not make it’s way to the US. Even our brain dead government is not that stupid. And the US would be tempting a vast blow back that can in no way even remotely counter any benefit they could gain. And at that what exactly could they gain compared to the risk? The US is a declining empire they want stability not chaos.

The Chinese worship stability and the illusion if not fact that their leaders have every thing under control and everything is good. How does a virus that has a function in it that affects Asians more so than Whites. If they did it to attack Whites you think they’d take that out or try something different. They didn’t do this and that function that effects Asians more than Whites means it’s very unlikely whatever they were experimenting on that was not it.

But the Jews…everyone has heard, or should have, about the Jews plans to move from the US. They even had public papers printed from a think tank studying the move. It’s also widely thought that the Chinese in some way told the Jews to fuck off or screwed them in some way. At the least letting them know they were never going to move to China and run it like they have run the west.

This is classic Jew behavior. Text book. Psychopathic attack. Cook up a virus to attack the Chinese and Iranians while they have clues already to make vaccines then blame it on the Americans. The Jews are mentally ill enough to do this.

Unfortunately for them the Chinese were very quick and stopped it. Over time corona, declared by over five different viral research centers tied to government lavatories to have evidence of being engineered. They promised papers outlining this then all of them removed them.

The virus has started to fall apart and be less lethal just like weaponized viruses act because they are less stable so now the plan is to vax us to death with vaxes with unknown consequences. Other mRNA vaccines have caused serious damage and death to people that they were tested on. Search “Pathogenic priming”.

We don’t know the final outcome of this one. If it’s like chicken mRNA vaccines it turns out this causes the virus to become vastly more lethal as it reduces symptoms for the vaxed but does not suppress the virus itself.

Knowing the background of the Jews, weighing all the odds and most important “who exactly profits from this” and the only people who fit the situation is the Jews.

The Jewish universe is good for Jews. It is a curse for others. In the US, as Jewish influence has grown steadily since 1968, the lives of ordinary people have worsened. A good time for the Jews is not a good time for mankind. The blessing of the Jews is a curse for others. The regimes that are “good for Jews” are rarely good for anybody else.

Israel Shamir

“They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.”


Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Former FBI Director Louis Freeh gave $100,000 to a private trust for Joe Biden’s grandchildren and spoke with the then Vice President in 2016 ‘to explore lucrative future work options’ with Hunter as a middle man.”

“White House Press Spox Jen Psaki was cornered by Fox News when asked why Joe Biden killed the Keystone XL pipeline in the United States but green lit the completion of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline through Europe. ”

Warren Buffet is making a killing shipping oil on his trains. The pipeline will directly take money from his pocket and he gives a lot of campaign funds.

The Sopranos – Kicking up to Tony Soprano

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Many lessons regarding the modern world to be learned via The Sopranos. Conspiracies, deceptions, betrayal…it’s all there.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Russia warns Israel it won’t tolerate more civilian casualties in the Gaza conflict”

That’s aggressive. I wonder what weapons systems Russia has come up with that we don’t now about? What exactly could they do to stop them? I’m in favor but not sure how they will pull it off. Hard to stop bloodthirsty psychopathic Jews.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Russia bombing the knesset and every Rothschild controlled central bank would be a good start.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…Arnold’s are just waspy White people from Iowa…”

I could have sworn they were Jews.

“…16. People think I converted to Judaism because of Adam Sandler’s “The Hanukkah Song.” I was born and raised Jewish…”

Jews are heavily involved in drug smuggling.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

He may be Jewish, but I believe he converted to it when he married Roseanne Barr.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

>”Jews are heavily involved in drug smuggling.”

Oy vey, not letting criminal Jews smuggle drugs is anti-Semitic.

Jews in America have been prominent in the narcotics underworld since the early twentieth century. As Rich Cohen notes:
“The first major American drug dealer was probably Arnold Rothstein
… [COHEN, R., 1999, p. 131]

3 years ago

“Always surprising the Jews didn’t oppose all Muslim immigration while they could have.” Islam is Judyism on steroids.

3 years ago

> Can’t imagine what it is which makes the Arnold family different,

I looked at Meat Loaf’s page on Wikipedia the other day. It’s… interesting. Meat Loaf Aday is a minor talent; three or four decent songs, all from decades ago, but otherwise not much. Yet he moved from stage to movies to rocker, somehow hooking up with people way out of his league, and coming away with chunks of money each time. There’s “right place right time”, “kiss the right butts”, and “just lucky, I guess”, but Aday made a career of it.

Not long ago, I would have thought it was luck. Now…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AC, in my view that is what Ancestry dot com is about. Getting people to do the work of researching enemies via bloodlines for the cabal by the dumb rubes themselves.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

So is it demons? It sounds an awful lot like demons. And if you don’t think it’s demons why not?

3 years ago

> The House on Thursday passed a $1.9 billion spending bill to upgrade Capitol security.

Someone will do a study, they’ll post some more security guys, and the rest will evaporate, a few million here, a few million there, as prizes and payoffs.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

that is their approach to everything.

3 years ago

>Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan is launching a $2 million lottery that will hand out dozens of $40,000 cash prizes to vaccinated state residents — with one grand prize of $400,000.

The winners will purely random and not cabal payouts for sure.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Peace Be Still – 20210521
May 21, 2021
2 Timothy 4:1-5

Guys, this injection could very well be as bad as this. This is a beta test for unveiling the mark, of that I am sure, but this thing by itself could also be a beta for the tech that will be used in the mark itself – the transhuman nightmare of nanotech taking over every part of the body, including the brain. As he says, the zombie apocalypse is currently underway, and eventually that tech will turn the humans who take it into a hive mind always connected to the wireless grid that will decide what their reality is. This is why the elect will be immune to the lie, if you don’t take the mark you won’t be able to be remote-controlled, your thoughts will still be your own.

From what I’m seeing we are not there yet, but for instance there is a vid floating around where a guy who got the Astrazenica shots is now appearing on bluetooth connection lists for his phone and his car.

DARPA lists this as a research goal on their own website:

Guys, the Best is Yet to Come. I believe that. I believe that America will rise again, more glorious than ever, not as a nation of conquerors but as a nation of warrior monks who will take the Gospel to all the Earth for one last great push for the Kingdom. I don’t know how long it will last. Could be only a generation, could be more.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Not without completely changing the system. It’s too susceptible to psychopaths and their retarded lickspittles.

“Could be only a generation, could be more.”

Meanwhile my children becomes a persecuted minority in their own homeland.

I’ll flee with my family to Russia before I let that happen.

3 years ago

This explains really well why civic nationalism is just another globohomo scam, and why cuckservatives are useful idiots (or willing and aware opponents) against real anti-globalist Nationalism:

comment image

Cuckservativism is worse than worthless.

3 years ago–JYnSE

Pakistani Foreign Minister named the Jew live on CNN. CNN Journo predictably has a melt down.

3 years ago
3 years ago

The benefits of perma-nofap:

comment image

I am not a expert on any of this, so perhaps AC can call out any bs the graph might have on it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

AC I am currently incel. I have no idea of the mechanics but I masturbate infrequently with a gap of between 15-40 days each typically. I try to abstain from porn but I succumb every so often and it is when most unintentional masturbation happens.

I feel the worst in the next 3-5 days after masturbating. Low energy, motivation, if no zinc higher chance of getting sick, low ability to focus/concentrate, want to play computer games all day to distract myself, harder to do things which require concentration, zero caring about girls, harder to motivate myself to work out. It would make sense with it crashing dopamine, however, I am unsure about testosterone.

I am potentially getting girls or a girlfriend. If that is so, I wonder if sex would be different.

Reply to  kid
3 years ago

Yes. It is different. You’ll fall asleep right after, but when you get up an hour later you have the opposite effect.

3 years ago

Precrime, straight out of the realm of dystopian science fiction movies such as Minority Report, aims to prevent crimes before they happen by combining widespread surveillance, behavior prediction technologies, data mining, precognitive technology, and neighborhood and family snitch programs to enable police to capture would-be criminals before they can do any damage.

Curiously, I had one of my gaybal snitch family members tell me these exact words: “They are now doing here the American model of pre-crime.” This was over 1 year ago, before the whole scamdemic fraud. My response to this was “This has nothing to do with preventing crime, they [the IC] are the biggest criminals, they are the biggest drug traffickers, nobody moves anything without the IC knowing about it, so that means this is about them preventing their organized crime activities from being taken down.” The reply to this from the gaybal snitch was: “That’s dangerous to know, but you don’t have kids, so that’s OK, right?”. I took this as a threat (which it was).

So basically, there you have it, the whole gaybal secret society Stasi surveillance program is being legislated in order to damage control and push the gen pop to accept it. It’s already in place, not only in America, but here in Portugal too, so if they are willing to push it out into the public like this, it means that tyranny is going to increase A LOT. Whitehats better hurry up with their shit if they want to prevent all the predictable consequences from allowing this shit to get rolled out and legislated. Once peaceful solutions stop being a possibility, the only answer becomes obvious.

I hope Russia nukes the parliaments of every single EU capital, our politicians are traitors.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

That makes sense.
Sorry for the faggy backpilled tone, I was kinda spiraling yesterday and didn’t catch myself in time.

3 years ago

Great comment from the Stasi precrime program article:

Whitehead’s article is prescient, but it doesn’t quite get to the heart of the matter: namely, that kidnapping and physically torturing dissidents draws too much attention in modern ‘democracies.’ Quiet, plausibly deniable neutralization is the order of the day, which is why these highly criminal programs have existed for at least 20 years on a national scale.

Many targets call these campaigns ‘gangstalking’, but the reality is that they’re little more than the Stasi’s Zersetzung program, on steroids and with better technology. Just as they were in East Germany, various sadistic behavior-modification techniques are employed against innocent Americans to ‘neutralize’ via infliction of learned helplessness and much worse.

While the agencies and media may parade an actual person every once in a while to tout the ‘preventive’ success of their criminal endeavors (and stoke fear and division), the programs’ real usefulness lies in identifying vulnerable people who can be tormented into violently lashing out against their communities, thereby stoking fear among the populace who, in turn, beg the government to take what few liberties we still enjoy. Liberty is almost dead and our inaction ensures that hell awaits our children.

MASS SHOOTERS Aaron Alexis, Myron May and Gavin Long all claimed targeting by Zersetzung-style programs. is a good site for more information and archived news reports on the subject of modern ‘domestic counterintelligence’ operations and other criminal state-sponsored terror campaigns.

3 years ago

We may get to the point where we must force people to get Covid vaccines for the public good

There is a reason why journists tend to get targeted when civil wars break out.