News Briefs – 05/19/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The New York state attorney general’s office said on Tuesday it has told the Trump Organization its investigation of the company run by former President Donald Trump is now a criminal probe. Someone pointed out Q said the first arrest would shock the world. How better to show us how corrupt the system is, and how little chance an average American has against it, than to have it destroy Donald J. Trump and level his business empire as just a purely corrupt vendetta. I’d hope for an easier path, but it looks like this whole thing is going to be as long and miserable as possible.

DePerno is shut down by the judge in Antrim County Michigan, when he rules the Democrat Secretary of State should decide what type of audit to perform, and since she felt a simple hand recount was good enough, there will be  no more examination of the Michigan election. Supposedly expected, and DePerno has the appeal ready.

Patrick Byrne claims, “You’d be surprised at the number of counties and states who are reaching out now to discuss audits of their own.”

Maricopa County urged the state Senate end an audit that is reviewing ballots cast and machines used in the 2020 presidential election. They wrote. “It is time to end this. For the good of the Senate, for the good of the Country and for the good of the Democratic institutions that define us as Americans.” 

In Pennsylvania’s primary election, the media tries to claim election officials are having problems scanning all ballots, but the reality is it was just Republican ballots. The ballots then had to be held, so they can be adjudicated later by people who will decide who the voter wanted to vote for. Also there were not enough ballots in some areas. And, when Republicans go up to the machine to vote, an introduction screen says “Official Democratic Ballot.”

Democrat law firms are suing in multiple states to overturn election integrity bills.

The guy behind the Matt Gaetz allegations just pleaded guilty to making false allegations about sex with a minor about another of his political opponents. This was his role in the machine. If you are in this area, your friends may actually have just been sent in to get close to you. In fact, depending on how dangerous they judge you, it is not impossible everyone around you may be one of them, and every turn of your relationships and how they guide your life could be coming from some central control office which is trying to fully control your path.

Bill Gates reportedly hoped Jeffrey Epstein would help him win a Nobel Prize. The article makes it sound like he was doing overnighters at Epstein’s place, as well as taking trips through Europe with him. I think he thought this was his path to promotion, perhaps to President after the Nobel. I think in his mind, he went to the top Cabal blackmailer he knew of, banged the little girls he was given, let it be documented in the blackmailer’s controlled environment, maybe did even worse, and in allowing himself to be even more completely owned, he would be put in a position commensurate with however terrible whatever he did was. He probably hoped at some point he would be told something like Biden, where he would just be told he was going to be President, and that would be it, as he waited for it to unfold around him, no matter what he did. There is a decent chance he murdered a child, IMO.

Bombshell photos reveal years of meetings between Bloomberg executives and Chinese propagandists in Beijing.

Disturbing footage of Texas abduction shows alleged kidnapper taking 4-year-old as twin brother sleeps. I would bet money the neighborhood observation post picked up on him walking around aimlessly at that hour, probably off footfalls picked up by pole mics, and they may even have been alerted he was incoming from a nearby neighboring, neighborhood observation post, which was curious what he was up to. I’d also bet they were listening as he probably raped the child, and then killed it, and nobody got involved or intervenes, even as he headed back to grab the child’s twin. There will be a lot of people who will be fit to kill when the surveillance becomes public, and it is revealed the tragedies that could have been prevented, but for the machine judging its own opsec more important than all of those lives.

People are less likely to identify as being “normal” than a “weirdo.” Probably a measure of how Cabal has made being weird seem like the norm through their twisting of our culture.

President Joe Biden will waive some American economic sanctions on Russia in order to streamline construction on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany. The question is what percent went to the big guy?

Hunter Biden and his business partners were involved in discussions about possible deals in dozens of foreign corrupt backwaters, invoking official channels like ambassadors to assist them.

Hunter Biden is cooling his heels canal-side in a two-bedroom, 2.5-bath Venice rental tht costs $17,500 a month.

Biden revokes Trump executive order that targeted Section 230.

Like Nixon, Kamala Harris has an enemies list comprised of media characters who “don’t fully understand her or appreciate her life experience.”

An unsealed search warrant application shows the FBI believes a Hawaii defense contractor illegally funneled $150k to a pro-Collins super PAC and reimbursed family members’ donations to her campaign.

Michigan Dem Governor Gretchen Whitmer under federal investigation because the plane she used for her jaunt to Florida after telling everyone else to not travel lacked the proper FAA certificate to fly her.

Border Patrol has seized more Fentanyl so far this rear than in all of 2020 as overdoses surge.

Outrage as Defense Secretary’s woke race adviser plans a trawl of military personnel’s social media for ‘extremist and concerning behavior’ using a private company to circumvent the First Amendment.

Kevin McCarthy opposes Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 commission legislation due to bad-faith negotiations and partisanship poisoning the well.

Nancy Pelosi is unhappy with Kevin McCarthy’s refusal to accept a January 6 commission.

RINO Lisa Murkowski is trying to say Donald Trump will have to testify before any 1/6 commission.

Murkowski is also fighting to pass a Democrat bill to further compromise our elections.

Rick Scott continues to plead with Donald Trump to stay out of Senate primaries. None of these guys wants an honest voice telling people who is and who isn’t in the conspiracy. This is why they go to such lengths to try to control all the outlets. Obviously Rick Scott knows all about the surveillance.

Chris Christie says he won’t defer to Trump in 2024.

George P. Bush says 2020 election wasn’t stolen.

CCP cracks down on virtual currency to prevent money from fleeing the country.

Black Lives Matter declares ‘solidarity’ with Hamas in the Israel conflict.

California bill would essentially decriminalize street hookers.

Ocasio-Cortez and 34 other Democrats objected to immigration authorities targeting aggravated felons for deportation to get rid of gang members.

The Dallas County Health and Human Services brought the military with them to administer vaccines to people who were not expecting to be vaccinated at bars and gas stations. They are trying to surprise people and catch them off guard.

COVID cases in India plummet after government promotes Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine use.

Nobel Prize winner alleges the Covid vaccine is ‘creating variants.’ It might be a question to ask – Do you want to alter the evolution of a virus which is beginning out harmless, and which will probably only evolve to become more harmless to aid its spread.

Rand Paul produces documents that show NIH funded gain of function research.

Panic as 300-metre-high skyscraper wobbles in China.

Colonial Pipeline hit by network outage just days after hack shutdown.

Hackers behind the Colonial Pipeline attack reportedly received $90 million in bitcoin from various attacks before their wallets were emptied and they shut down. 

Almost all ransomware strains have a built-in failsafe which will not allow them to install on a Microsoft Windows computer that already has one of many types of virtual keyboards installed — such as Russian or Ukrainian. People are using it as a defense.

Anti-Marxist book by ousted Space Force Commanding Officer tops charts, and sells out on Amazon.

Physicists give chances of faster-than-light space travel a boost through warp drives and negative energy.

Elise Stefanik, after taking Liz Cheney’s chair, is using the position to fight for election integrity.

Mark McCloskey announces Senate run.

Gamestop, AMC short sellers sit on nearly $1 billion loss.

Trump is to restart his MAGA rallies in weeks.

From the Desk of Donald J. Trump:

Donald J. Trump

9:09pm May 18, 2021

Republicans in the House and Senate should not approve the Democrat trap of the January 6 Commission. It is just more partisan unfairness and unless the murders, riots, and fire bombings in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Chicago, and New York are also going to be studied, this discussion should be ended immediately. Republicans must get much tougher and much smarter, and stop being used by the Radical Left. Hopefully, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are listening!

Donald J. Trump

4:52pm May 18, 2021

Good news for Georgia and the Republican Party. Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan won’t be running again for office. He was the one who, along with Governor Brian Kemp, stopped the Georgia State Senate from doing the job they wanted to do on the 2020 Presidential Election Fraud. Duncan’s fight against Election Fraud made him unelectable. His former top aide, Chip Lake, said that the Lieutenant Governor would not win another term in office. Lake said, “I think he was an accident, and this is what happens when accidents happen in politics. They become one and done.” Now maybe the Georgia State Senate and House will build up the courage to expose the large-scale Presidential Election Fraud, which took place in their otherwise wonderful State. Let them just look at the State Senate in Arizona to find out what Leadership and Patriotism is all about!

Donald J. Trump

2:45pm May 18, 2021

Joe Biden, having already presided on the worst economic recovery since World War II as Barack Obama’s vice president, could oversee one even worse. … Biden came into office with every economic feature in his favor. Thanks to Operation Warp Speed, his White House inherited the most remarkable vaccine production process in history. Because the coronavirus recession was created by preventive lockdowns and demand shocks, not underlying failures of the economy, the country seemed keen to roar back to our pre-pandemic prosperity of unusually tight labor markets and steady natural wage growth of early 2020. Love Donald Trump or hate him, there is no denying that he oversaw the obliteration of our former conception of what constituted full employment. Read the full Washington Examiner Editorial here:

Donald J. Trump

6:52pm May 17, 2021

Congratulations to Frank Eathorne for being reelected as Chairman of the Republican Party of Wyoming. It was my honor to work with you so that your great achievements can be continued. The people of Wyoming are special, and so are you!

Spread r/K Theory, because the end is not for everyone.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“destroy Donald J. Trump and level his business empire as just a purely corrupt vendetta”

Surely most of my life I’ve been thinking and saying “surely they can’t be that dumb”, and then they do it proving they are, in fact, that dumb.

So I’ll give them one last try, Arrest and imprison President Trump? Surely, they can’t be that dumb.

Look, it’s common when you’re a psychopath or a servant of our adversary, Lucifer, it’s common to think that he will protect you, but he hasn’t even protected his minion Bill Gates, one of the claimed wealthiest men to ever live. Other powerful men, perhaps protected for a season by their religious rejection of Christ, Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, also were destroyed. So being a servant of darkness isn’t a protective deal that’s kept, and you will end up just as destroyed as any other of the demonic. And to think that you’re special enough to survive the destruction that you are unleashing by your unhinged left-winged actions as a big time district attorney- surely understand you are human too, same mortal flesh and blood, perhaps lacking of the spirit- lacking common sense or empathy or foresight. Same mortal flesh, with an expiration date same as the rest of us. Do what’s in your best interest, leave Donald Trump alone, afford him the same dignity EVERY US President has received upon leaving office. Surely, you can’t be this dumb.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

well they’d like to and they would try it. they are stupid and vindictive. then again, the way they do things intimates that they know they didn’t win, they know we know, and that hell is coming.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

It’s imperative for them to make an example out of him. They want to make damned sure that this never happens again, and they will make a martyr out of him to make sure that anyone else is scared out of trying something similar.

Reply to  New Name
3 years ago

They managed to fully comp Boris the traitor in the UK. That one was very good proof that democracy doesn’t exist, it’s just bullshit theater to keep the general public docile while they take everything from us.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Maybe they’re just confidant? They literally control everything.

A drugged out thug was made a saint, and months of rioting went unpunished.

I could be raped and murdered for being a white woman, and no one outside my friends and family would ever hear about it, and my assailant could very well have no charges brought. If I manage to pull my gun and defend myself, killing my attacker, my face will be plastered around global media as the new Hitler, and my family would have to buy new identities from the black market because the government would be my biggest persecutor.

They can arrest and imprison Trump, and no one will do anything about it. Any lawyer that tries to defend him will be harassed by the alphabet agencies, if not just killed in a Seth Rich style “mugging”.

None of this ends until another leader appears to rally around, and we begin killing bad guys. 80-100 million angry voters are nothing if there’s no plan or organization, and the Machine stomps out any potential organizes.

Well, Girl Hitler

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Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

Don’t worry, the cuckservatives will wave their fingers really hard while their bowties spin around and they keep saying “someday we’ll lose our patience”, after they cheer on top cuckservative figures cheering on transgenderism on the cuckservative party, and the neoclown bucks keep rolling into their pockets while all their kids are born as Jews.

Fucking pathetic. I can’t wait to see the whole thing breakdown, the West is a rotting corpse and the filth is in full display.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Imagine making a deal with the king of sodomy (aka Satan) and expecting not to get fugged in the cornholio.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

The objective is to delay the 2nd coming and drag as many as they can to he’ll with them. Misery loves company.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I’m a bit of a doomer so here’s what I see coming: Trump will be arrested, put on trial, found guilty (not really) and sentenced to death. On national TV his life will end.

It had to be this way. Its not for everyone. But what will be the end results? A great awakening.

It’s not about him. It’s about us. We have to remember how to play the game. Their game was distraction, subversion, obfuscation. Mindsets we were never familiar with until now.

Or maybe I’m just a little bit too under the influence.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Gamestop, AMC short sellers sit on nearly $1 billion loss.”

Oy Vey, the GME shorts have already lost $5 billion this year alone and a hedge fund went broke.

It’s anudah shoah I tell ya, anudah shoah.

If wall street can’t artificially deflate stock prices by “buying” short options that don’t even exist and then get bailed out by the Fed when they lose money what can they do? Isn’t the heart of Capitalism the ability to just go into any store or property, call it worthless and then acquire it for gain by forcing the owner to sell?

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Terrible anti-Semitism, these corrupt hedge funds having losses after selling over 100% of a company stock in order to profit from it collapsing and everyone employed there losing their jobs.

Read here why this tragic anti-Semitism has to be stopped (via giving Jewish managed hedge funds all the money possible):

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

That’s a good link and adds data to my constant refrain that the Jews have stolen everything in the country. They own everything. Using capital crated out of thin air the debauched the currency while putting the productive base of the country in their pockets.

A quote.”…capital, as Milken, [Michael Milken, the “junk bond king,”], had been saying and proving for a long time, was not a scarce resource….”

No not for those with FED bucks going mostly to Jews. This is Weimar Germany all over again. If they inflate away the currency again we need to this time actually not let them get away.

The only way that people have ever dealt with the Jews successfully is to get rid of them. Deport them and never let them back in. We should get rid of the Jews peacefully if we can but by any means possible they need to go.

We need to confiscate ever single corporation that they have stolen from us, which is all of them, and then use the profits from these, or what’s left, to benefit all Americans.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Disturbing footage of Texas abduction shows alleged kidnapper taking 4-year-old as twin brother sleeps.”

Clearly the perp was insane. In California or New York they would celebrate the killing of a White child, probably even granting early release.

But that happened in Texas, on camera. The “jab” might not even be needed, just put darkie slim into general pop. He wouldn’t last 5 minutes.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

How did he get near the kid? We don’t even live in a remotely dangerous area, but there’s a security gauntlet between the outside and my children. Enough to prevent some rando scum-ape from getting anywhere near any of us.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
3 years ago

According to the article he entered through an unlocked garage. Odd that they had security cameras to capture the abduction but they left the garage unlocked.

The brothers were being cared for by their father’s girlfriend after he took off for parts unknown. He also deserves execution for abandoning his sons.

I’d be curious to know if the boys had life insurance policies and who’s the beneficiary. Possible inside job.

There is also a slim chance this is another Psi-Op to get a reaction from pissed off Whites. The killer looks almost like the 75K photo douche from the Jan 6th festivities. Smug Cabal tool doing his dork lord’s work.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Obviously Rick Scott knows all about the surveillance.”

Scott, Thune and Rubio all gotta go. This isn’t the time for the milquetoast and dainty.


Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

GOP = Gayass Overt Prostitutes

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Panic as 300-metre-high skyscraper wobbles in China.”

Hey come on guy, Asians are really smart and good at math and stuff. Go to the top of the building. What are you? racist?

The Europoid tendency towards honesty, craftmanship and conscientiousness is increasingly becoming apparent to be AS, if not MORE, important towards modern Civilization as Math skills and IQ are. Need the whole package here, not just some high numbers on an IQ test, although those are still important. But if you lack in truth, you are still lost, regardless of how high your IQ is.

Marielle Radclaw
Marielle Radclaw
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I went to USC for engineering. It got to the point when I walked into a class the first day and saw a lot of Asians I knew I’d be high on the grading curve, and I’m just a silly white gal. In my experience, they *are* smart, but they don’t think outside the box well. I don’t think China steals our IP simply because they can. On the other hand, they have a big enough population that *some* innovators would emerge, but I suspect their system tends to make finding them hard, or the really bright ones try not to stand out because, well, they’re bright.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Hey Fun News,
China is basing 5,000 troops, and ships and fighter jets in Iran.

Way to go Jews, so great that Israel sold all our Tech to China about 25 years ago.

Perfect tactics Jews, betraying the USA like that. Yet completely lacking in strategic foresight. We will see how it works out.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

jews are Asians. Chinese are Asians. looks like we know why the forever jew plan went off the rails this time. also know, however, that the jews married into several top Chinese families (see – mao). and advised them for a long long time…

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

Jews married into European aristocracy so many Whites are also Jews.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I hope the good people living in that Rothschild founded pedo haven called Israel make it out of there before it gets turned into a big pile of radioactive shit. Can’t say that territory and their managers don’t deserve it, Japan got nuked for wayyyyy less.

3 years ago

“It is time to end this. For the good of the Senate, for the good of the Country and for the good of the Democratic institutions that define us as Americans”.
Here is the lie.
The Constitution guarantees us a Republican form of government. We are not or ever have been a Democracy.

3 years ago

Disturbing footage of Texas abduction shows alleged kidnapper taking 4-year-old as twin brother sleeps……..

This is probably relevant:

Cash and Carter Gernon had been staying in a home on the 7500 block of Florina Parkway, under the care of Monica Sherrod, the ex-girlfriend of their biological father who allegedly vanished in March

Reply to  Bman
3 years ago

Did he take the sinister twin or the dexter one?

3 years ago

> Ocasio-Cortez and 34 other Democrats objected to immigration authorities targeting aggravated felons for deportation to get rid of gang members.

Too bad we can’t deport Ocrazio-Cortex asd her fellow-travelers…

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Can’t or won’t?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Deport AOC to Puerto Rico? Yes.

Right after we give them independence and stop paying their bills. Half that damn island is on welfare. The other half is on food stamps.

3 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

“The White race is over-domesticated.”

This is true and yet…it’s a good thing as long as you do not allow a bunch Jews, Indians, Pakistanis into he country. We don’t need to to become more Chaddish, violent or ruthless, we need to get rid of the animals.

You can criticize all you wish but I like living around people who are not constant assholes. I don’t like people who play constant dominance games instead of of living their own lives and leaving everyone else alone. It’s pleasant. All the people who claim we MUST have constant turmoil, conflict and always guard against everyone else are most likely the same assholes that cause all this conflict. You see this everywhere. At work you can go about your life with no problem and get your job done but there’s always some dick who loves to cause grief to everyone else. Believes he is superior because he can annoy the fuck out of everyone else but if we were all to act like him then the rest could take him in the back and leave him in the dumpster.

There was an anthropologist that lived with the Eskimos a long time ago. He asked the Eskimos about psychopaths. After much explaining about them the Eskimos said they didn’t have them around because people like that they waited til they were not looking then slipped them off the ice.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

But it is the over domestication that makes it possible to import the savages.
It also creates reliance on government and gets us anti-gun and anti-self defense laws.

A proper balance is needed and it needs to be maintained.
That is why I want to deport our leftists to Mexico instead of some place farther away, we need a hostile land border to keep us on our toes.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

“…we need a hostile land border to keep us on our toes.”


Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

This is a great point. There’s a very important line between civilizational alpha and discivilizational narcissist/psychopath. Constant, illogical playing of dominance games is a good heuristic to identify this line.

New Name
New Name
3 years ago


Pay attention to the Bill and Melinda divorce.

1) It’s obvious that everything we’re seeing in the media is organized. Suddenly, all of this old news is now news. Why?
2) By all indications, Bill was allowed to maintain his monopoly in exchange for service to the machine.
3) It appears his image was cultivated, and they rolled him out at the beginning of this pandemic to be the independent expert.
4) But the public wasn’t buying it. He doesn’t appear as a benevolent genius to save us, but a mad scientist with a diabolical plan.
5) these news stories are a sufficient justification to keep him away from guest TV appearances where he could screw things up even more.
6) Melinda is definitely being rolled out as the advocate for womens and family issues. She’s been cultivated for this.
7) Melinda definitely grew up in cabal. Take a look at her Wikipedia bio. Her high school and her university.
8) So, it’s time to destroy Bill, take the fortune, and put it even more aggressively to work on cabal issues while re-branding Melinda as a tough, successful, take no shit, independent woman who will advocate issues that will further undermine and control the family.

3 years ago

Eugenics Professor Carol J Baker M.D

“An infectious diseases expert ‘joked’ that a good way to eliminate vaccine refusniks, who overwhelming tend to be white people, is to simply “get rid of all the whites in the United States”.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Carol Baker looks like a Jew

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Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

She is one.

3 years ago

Hey Anonymous Conservative, are you ever going to do articles again? I use to enjoy reading the articles 2 or 3 years ago. I don’t mind the news with opinions. An article on the election of 2020, the vaxs or more on r/K would be a great read. Anyway if you are too busy that is fine.

John Calabro
John Calabro
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Thank you for the reply. By the way I type in Google anonymous conservative blog the website did not come up on the 1st page of results but Duckduckgo it was the very 1st result (as it should be). They are really cracking down at the moment. I know the Palestine videos and the news on it is being targeted.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

He’s right. I tried this months ago and your blog was way down the list on Google (several pages over in fact) while DuckDuckGo was close to the top.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I tested this just now and got your books and your blog at the top on Google. Maybe it remembers me and spoofs my search while not giving your site to anyone mot known to it. ???

I tried several proxies but…google doesn’t like them and refuses to give results.

I rarely us google “except” google does great work when you are looking for a specific set of keywords or are looking for a quote within a site. That’s the only time I use it but it is excellent in that role.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

It was eye-popping when you analyzed the story about Hillary and the Choco-Doc interacting at that rally. Ditto for the story about the attempted “intervention” by vehicle on DJT.

3 years ago

This is interesting because the nazi party literally helped Israel getting established (the Haavara Agreement):

3 years ago

Take a look at this:

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Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

The authenticity of this is disputed.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

This is the source, I do not know if this is a real channel.

3 years ago

A bit of comedy to release some stress:

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3 years ago

K is coming.

71% Of French Say “We’re Full”: No More Immigration