News Briefs – 05/02/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

AZ audit director Ken Bennett says the press are taking photos of license plates, faces, and name badges in the arena parking lot and audit workers are afraid they will be doxxed by the media. I’ve come to assume that most of your media people, even paparazzi’s, are surveillance and intelligence operatives for Cabal who use their information-gathering occupation as a cover.

Tennessee election security bill requires watermark on absentee ballots.

Company chosen for the Windham, NH audit was accused in 2019 of downplaying voting machine security risks and providing cover for untrustworthy companies.

Fulton County GOP leader rigs his first election to make himself win, then loses a redo of the election to a new upstart, but the party gives him the post anyway.

There is an attempt to make Section 230 apply to social media companies which charge users, while exempting Big Tech’s free platforms. A sign big tech fears paid platforms which supply users with services they actually like. I was actually just thinking about this today. You see something like Youtube, (Or Facebook, or Twitter, or Drudge Report, or Google) and it is valued at like $200 billion dollars, and you think, “Geez, I could build a site which hosts video, and  people would use it, and it could be worth something off ads, just like youtube.” No. Not even close. It is like book publishing. These are not viable business models, or at least not multi-billion dollar viable business models. You cannot make it profitable, because bandwidth and servers are expensive, ads are a meme, clicks are worthless, and the real thing is actually just an illusion, propped up by corrupt Cabal bucks to lure people in. You can charge, and it may work, but that is the only way it will work, and it will not become a business worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and see you retiring like Zuckerberg on an Island in Hawaii. Even Zuckerberg only has that because he took the Cabal ticket, and I am not even sure what he supposedly owns is his, or if it was supplied to him as part of a cover identity to support his public role as head of a Big Tech company. It only works that way for Youtube because Cabal floods money into it via ad revenue, which is just a laundered payoff with the proceeds of corruption. And Cabal only does that because it wants Youtube to sound big and impressive so it can cement the name recognition and gain control of that video posting sector of the internet. All of these companies are just pubic productions to lure people in and control what the public sees. Nothing about them is real, beyond the fact people use them because they have these conjured images as the dominant platform, brimming with success and vitality. I now view them as something akin to the domestic surveillance program, which is another entity which makes no sense to me, economically, except for the governmental corruption it facilitates allowing its masters to raid the treasury. Everywhere I look are entities that are ridiculously massive, have extraordinary costs, and yet the users are not paying anything, the ads are not selling anything, they cost massive amounts to run, and the economics that supposedly must support them just do not make any sense.

New game ‘Cuckold Simulator’ allows players to experience life as a “beta cuck” Biden supporter.

FBI spied on Giuliani and Trump iCloud chats during impeachment hearings, says lawyer. If there really is a movement to fix the things wrong with this country, as well as all the sources of the screwed up governance we have seen these past decades, and return power to the people, everything I have been saying will be vindicated openly. I do not see how they fix the problem above, without exposing and fixing the more blatant problems I have cited all these years. They are all intertwined.

Alan Dershowitz notes, in the Rudy Giuliani raid, a political organization just used the DOJ to steal privileged communications between a previous President and his lawyer.

British ex-defense official says ‘must be a reckoning’ for US bureaucrats who ignored evidence of UFOs.

‘Son of Sam’ survivor claims real shooter was a Satanic cult priestess. Note when Son of Sam claimed he was part of a satanic cult being run as some sort of intel op full of cutouts who would periodically carry out hits for their handlers, he gave the same name – the Hand of Death cult – that serial killer Henry Lee Lucas claimed he and Otis Toole were a part of. Even Manson was rumored to be linked to the cult, meaning Manson may himself , have been a Cabal op. In the article the victim mentions a journalist who was about to update his book, and name all the names, and out the story which he believed but couldn’t prove, but he died before he could do it, taking all his research with him.

US intel believed Kerry’s unauthorized talks with Iran undercut Trump.

German domestic spy agency is monitoring anti-lockdown protesters. The second you infect a society with the idea their fellow citizens would not do this to them, and that suspecting it is “paranoid,” you have created a race of slaves. Sadly a lot of people prefer living amongst slaves, if they can herd them for the masters.

North Korea says Joe Biden made a “big blunder” and insulted Kim Jong Un, and they threaten “corresponding actions.”

76,000 California inmates now eligible for earlier releases including  violent and repeat felons, with nearly 20,000 inmates who are serving life sentences, as California suddenly announces an initiative to empty the jails again in an effort to create “safer prisons.”

A French Anon explains that the recent letter advocating a coup if Macron doesn’t take action was bigger than the media is reporting. From Twitter – There was another more extreme letter which was not reported.

On Twitter, the polling in France is stunning:

French society is disintegrating — 73%

The army should intervene without being given an order to guarantee order and security in France — 49%

France will soon know civil war — 45%

In certain towns and neighborhoods the laws of the Republic are not applied; 86%

In France, the violence increases day by day; 84%

In France there’s a kind of antiracism that produces hate between communities; 74%

What they have done is lie through the media to deny there was a problem, or that people were dissatisfied. That has suppressed the drive to take action. Most have suppressed their urges because they thought nobody else felt that way. But under the surface, more and more people have been ignoring the show, and growing more and more dissatisfied, and shifting toward the side in favor of action. As they suppress action through propaganda, the pressure grows. If the media suppression is lifted at some point, expect a rebound effect, and a populace that goes nuclear. We might live to see Macron and his ilk executed, as in days of old.

Paris mayor says she agrees with the military chiefs who threatened to seize control of the country and warned of the ‘disintegration’ of France – as 18 of the officers are fired.

The Chinavirus spike protein damages vascular cells by virtue of the fact it binds to the ACE2 receptor. So they are injecting a gene into people which is causing them to endogenously produce a pseudo-hormonal substance that physically harm them, beyond the mere antibody response. Notice, you already knew that the spike protein could have a pseudo-hormonal effect because you read this site, and it was explained here a few days or a week back that such a theory just makes sense. From the article : “If you remove the replicating capabilities of the virus, it still has a major damaging effect on the vascular cells, simply by virtue of its ability to bind to this ACE2 receptor, the S protein receptor, now famous thanks to COVID,” Manor explains. “Further studies with mutant spike proteins will also provide new insight towards the infectivity and severity of mutant SARS CoV-2 viruses.” Do you think I could see this here, when it was not even my specialty, but the vaccine makers had no idea?

Israel probing link between Pfizer shot and heart inflammation in men under 30.

A new therapy binds to the active site of the spike protein, shielding it an inactivating its ability to do anything. It is basically an ACE2-like protein that floats around and binds to the spike protein before it encounters a real ACE2 receptor, and once bound, the spike protein can’t bind anything, so it is inactivated. Theoretically you’d worry it might also bind out the natural ligand, and kill that signal in the body which could be bad, but practically the results seem to indicate it is not a problem, or is much less of a problem than the virus. This is the treatment you want, and likely very similar in mechanism to the antibody cocktail which healed our glorious God Emperor overnight.

Biden wants a brutal new death tax on estates. And all of that money is being milked and routed into Cabal-entities, where it will travel from one entity to another, performing some purpose for Cabal’s control, until it ends up in a Cabal bank account.

Biden Administration denies a parking permit for the Rolling Thunder Patriots, ending a 32-year tradition.

Taliban warns of attacks on US troops after withdrawal deadline under Trump deal passes.

Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan attacked and overran a key Afghan army base in southeastern Ghazni province Saturday, capturing dozens of soldiers and killing several others.

Zuckerberg buys another 600 acres in Hawaii. I wonder how often he is out there, or if he might just be laundering Cabal funds and acting as a cover for some Cabal operation out there. That might be a good layover spot for any children they are bringing from Asia to the US.

Texas farmers say 2021 drought already rivals 2011 drought. Possible climate change marker that heralds a K-shift incoming?

A third of US software firm Basecamp’s employees resign over a politics ban at work. Note how sharp it is to do a non-partisan politics ban. Nobody is discriminated against, but the leftists are the ones who all have to flee while conservatives shrug their shoulders.

Mitt Romney booed at raucous Utah GOP convention as speakers attack the Biden agenda. On Twitter – “Accusations that Romney was a ‘traitor’ or ‘communist’ flew from the crowd like so many poison darts.”

Liz Cheney will be ousted from the GOP leadership by month’s end, predicts Rep. Lance Gooden.

OANN video – Attorney Lin Wood is looking to become the next chairman of the Republican Party of South Carolina as part of his pledge to restore integrity to U.S. elections.

Florida is set to become first state to punish social media sites that ‘deplatform’ politicians with fines of up to $250,000 a day.

Spread r/K Theory, because America will not be a country of slaves forever.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Accusations that Romney was a ‘traitor’ or ‘communist’ flew from the crowd like so many poison darts.”

Not a poison dart if it’s true. He asked the Federal gov to bail out the Salt Lake Olympic games (not a hard job btw)- which is socialism. He was definitely a supporter of socialism as Governor of Massachusetts. And he’s a China first traitor.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Other interesting news as well, there is an “emergency action” to accept Ukraine into NATO.

Conveniently timed with the US vote audits and the half assed “project Bluebeam” stuff.

A little reminder on how mad that will make the Russians.–kVgRJdU

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

I still hope NATO goes to war with Russia and Russia takes over the whole EU, killing all the politicians in the process. And also that they send a small radius nuke into the Knesset in Israel.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Only if America betrays its oath to NATO. And if Lembro comes through ok.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Thanks fren : D

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“On Twitter, the polling in France is stunning…. We might live to see Macron and his ilk executed, as in days of old.”

Somebody tell that teachers pet, that class… is dismissed.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Nice video, strangely relaxing. Some of the final scenes reminded me of the prophecies of Rensburg and Irlmaier. Who controls the Sahara, wins the war.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Thank you

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Imagine being that guy who says “but that’s Attorney-Client privilege! ” at the US Dept. of Justice. Your stuff would be in a box out in the street by lunchtime.


Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“…US investigating two possible mysterious directed energy attacks near the White House last November…”

Something I forgot. Back in the day I think it was in the Clinton administration according to Soldier of Fortune magazine where you could get some good info on various guerilla wars going on around the world they had a story on a US Presidential helicopter crash. The oddity was a guy who was very observant got to the crash before anyone else. He said the who thing was charred and all the soldiers in the helicopter were split open exactly like they had been cooked. He likened it to when you put a hot dog in a microwave oven and nuked it hard. It splits the middle of the casing.

SOF went so far as to track various directed energy weapon companies in the same area. Never heard another word about it. Nothing.

Doing a little searchfoo I found someone else remembered this. See this link. I think he got this directly from the SOF article. He said he typed it all in. Got to be from the SOF article.

here’s more. I distinctly remember this guy who saw the crash site first said the chopper and the people in it looked cooked.

Ok found it at the next link

“,,, Despite the lack of a fire, though, the men apparently had been exposed to tremendous heat.

Two of the victims’ backs were split along their spines, autopsy reports confirm. Joint ruptures at the elbows, knees and ankles, similar to a chicken leg left too long on the grill, were also noted. But there was no charring of tissue. They seemed to have been heated from the inside out…”

Someone try to kill Clinton????

3 years ago

The Tate murders were faked and the whole Charles Manson story was a branch of the CIA Project Chaos. See

I’m surprised you don’t know about the work of Miles Mathis but you gotta look into it you’re missiing out big time

thermal Lance
thermal Lance
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

FWIW it’s semi-interesting, but you better have alot of time to spare.

I go back and forth on Mathis. I currently estimate he’s about 80% full of crap, but I’ll give him this: a) he’s extremely thorough – 95 pages on the T/LoB murders is … not unimpressive b) as Mathis points out, thise crime-scene photos don’t show much blood AT ALL. and while I’ve never shivved anyone to death, if/when I ever do, I expect *much more* blood than was seen at that murder site.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  thermal Lance
3 years ago

I would put Mathis at about 50-50. What he calls the “Phoenician Navy” is really just Canaanite merchants who corrupted Israelites, much of the middle east and eventually Europe over time. Exactly as is described in the Holy Bible.

They weren’t just Phoenicians, and they didn’t just have ships. There were (and are) a whole lot more of them. Almost like a hidden civilization within several existing civilizations.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Miles Mathis does seem 50-50, but his Phoenician series (not written by him) seemed really well done. When I read it I went “a ha”, this is what the Bible means when it speaks of “mystery babylon”. In detail.

Reply to  thermal Lance
3 years ago

95% crap. His heart is in the right place but he is unable to do logic.

3 years ago

There’s a broken link on the German spy agency story here’s an alternative

3 years ago

“The Chinavirus spike protein damages vascular cells by virtue of the fact it binds to the ACE2 receptor”

Chinavirus = UNC Chapel Hill/Fauci/Lieber GOF chimera

The S1 subunit of the SARS2 spike also elicits inflammation by triggering the cytokine pathway. It has been linked to upreglulation of IL-6 (Interleukin 6), an inflammatory modulator which can act as a cytokine, eliciting inflammation in a host of autoimmune disorders as well as infection, as well as a myokine, which is beneficial, being released by exercise.

The S1 subunit blocks conversion of ACE1 to ACE2, interfering with the body’s system of vascular regulation (BP, smooth muscle tone, etc).

Paper from MIT/Harvard shows likely incorporation of SARS2 RNA into human DNA using transposons. No surprise, since around 5% of human genome is known to be made of exogenous retrovirus genomes.

S1 subunit elicits inflammation

S1 subunit induces hyercoagulability (good article)

S1 subunit induces cytokine response

S1 subunit crosses BBB

ACE2 receptors are upregulated in frontal lobes in patients with hypertension and diabetes, also dementia.

A proinflammatory response in brain endothelial cells triggered by SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins could plausibly explain the neurological complications of COVID-19. Researchers have demonstrated that the S1 subunit of the spike proteins causes loss of blood-brain barrier integrity. This finding could also explain the multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). Further, this could also mean that infection of endothelial cells is not an absolute requirement for endothelial dysfunction, as it can also result from viral protein shedding (of the S1 subunit).

MD PhD pediatrician has concerns:

The Moderna and Pfizer mRNA injections produce the S1 subunit.



My own guess is that some of the “variants” we are seeing are simply transcribed mutations from “broken” mRNA in the vaccines. The protein being encoded by the ribosomes is not exactly the configuration of the SARS2 S1 unit, but a variation, which may or may not be able to interact with the ACE2 receptor on the cell surface. Could be worse, but probably less functional.

Also, when the spike protein on the virus engages the ACE 2 receptor, it causes the cell wall to ‘enfold’ the virus, allowing viral entry to the cytoplasm. What is the effect on cell wall structure when the vaccine-produced spike protein engages the receptor? Does cell death occur, thus triggering yet more inflammatory response?

Also, antibodies only recognize the exact configuration of the SARS2 spike protein, and not the variants. So the vaccines (as with most flu vaccines) will be ineffective against variants.

One reason for not getting any flu vaccination: by the time you get the shot, the virus has already mutated, and the shot is useless.


The 4 principal concerns are:

1. Does the vaccination cause endothelial damage and lead to DIC, pulmonary emboli, microvasular damage, etc?

2. Will the S1 subunit production go on to cause autoimmune disorders 3, 8, 15 years down the road?

3. (the biggie) Will vaccination elicit Antibody-Dependent Enhancement on re-exposure to wild corona virus, the very thing that killed all the ferrets and other animals in previous trials?

4. What is the vaccination’s actual risk/benefit for someone without comorbidity, under the age of 80?

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Valensua
3 years ago

Thanks for the links.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Valensua
3 years ago

Do you think China stole research from UNC medical? Or some group from UNC went to China to do PRC/Bill Gates funded research there?

Research into spike proteins may have been the excuse or explanation UNC was using to do Coronavirus research but from what I know about the University it isn’t a Stanford, or an Oxford, or an MIT. It’s just a large public University in the American south. Getting in on the global coronavirus epidemic is a bit beyond their power level.

Are there people at Chapel Hill who have Bill Gates/Georgia guidestone views? Absolutely. But I doubt the University itself would want to participate, as it can’t profit off of any research as a public institution. Individual researchers, perhaps some from China, are a different story. We need to find those individuals, and UNC-Chapel Hill should give them up. The whole background of this smells like a PRC intel operation. If the PRC wanted legit medical research wouldn’t they go to Stanford or Duke (which is right down the road?) or to an Ivy? Why some public school? Maybe it was easier to hide work down there or to use UNC the institution as a fall-guy. I say this knowing UNC is rabidly liberal, but even the people who run the college know what they can, and can’t, get away with.

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
3 years ago

RE: UFO disclosure. Researcher Dark Journalist has been following government UFO disclosure/coverup issues for a long time. His latest here Talks about CIA involvement and attempts to control the narrative

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Nobody Special
3 years ago

Dark Journalist is a good source for shedding light on the CIA/INTEL involvement in coming “disclosure.”

The guy who runs the discussion, Daniel, is a Trump voter, though not your standard patriot, but he can get a little long winded at times.

Most of his shows are 2 hours long, which is a lot to listen to in one stretch, but often peppered with great tidbits and insights.

We are headed for the endgame guys. Not next week, or next year, but probably sooner than any of us are truly ready for.

3 years ago

I’m asking for help, inspiration, suggestions. I want to name a phenomenon. My first thought is, and I will be making this into an article, “The Black Berserker from Rodney King to George Floyd and Beyond”.
A big deal was made of Rodney King. King an ex-felon–speeding down the highway, high on drugs, gets belligerent—gets paid. George Floyd the same. AND EVEN AFTER George Floyd—there have been MANY other wanna-bes to the title of Black Berzerker. A case here in Grand Rapids in the Soviet Republic of Michioacan, (renamed because it will become a new state of Mexico), where cops pulled over a car with four blacks. Three got out, were respectfully treated, but the driver got belligerent, began fighting with cops. In the squad car, claimed he couldn’t breathe, wanted to go to the hospital, and claimed racism.

The cops found four guns in the car.

Grand Rapids is suffering from an upsurge in Black shootings.

Even after Rodney King, even after George Floyd,—-my question—-WHAT IS THIS PHENOMENA? What should I call it?

The word “Berzerker” was coined, I think by the Germans, because sometimes, Russian small infantry units would go “Berzerk”. Hyped up, wild, sometimes successful charges.

Would this term describe this above type Black behavior? I mean, this crap is NEVER going to end. I see it also spiritually,—they’re seized by a demonic spirit.

Would love to hear what readers have to say on this subject.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

berserker > norse and Germanic origins… / what you are describing are chimpouts, or apeouts for the big’uns.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

re possessed… al ghoul (alcohol) or some other ancient or modern “hooch”.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

You should think more, ponder more, read more on the subject.
Love the direction but you need to think deeper on this.
Berserker is not from Russians.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

I was under the impression that it’s called ” wildin’ ” and is generally encouraged by members of the african-american community to obtain that which is desired. It’s as if acting on any immediate impulse (sex, drugs, stuff, music) is a good and desirable character trait amongst blacks. Classic r vs. K

Word use (in African-American vernacular aka Jive)

Example 1:
” He a gud boi, he was jus wildin’ ”

Example 2:
” Dey jus wildin’ ova deya chya ”

Example 3:
AA1: ” Ima finna get some drank ”
AA2: ” Boi u wildin’ ”
AA1: ” Ya boi “

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

>word for people that never invented the wheel’s criminal propensities

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Back when we were a sane and healthy country, police who were confronted with a chimpout stopped the threat and controlled the situation – and there was an end of the matter. Once “civil rights” lawsuits became a thing, and once the DOJ began filing parallel criminal prosecutions under the guise of “civil rights” violations, then The Usual Suspects realized that they could win the ghetto lottery. Deviant behavior multiplied because it was rewarded.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions, comments. I don’t think I can use “chimp-out” in an academic article though.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 years ago

comment image

3 years ago

I wonder how often he is out there, or if he might just be laundering Cabal funds and acting as a cover for some Cabal operation out there. That might be a good layover spot for any children they are bringing from Asia to the US.

Remember that one of the early pizzagate discoveries was the tech guy doing a WiFi install for a tech mogul who discovered an apparent underground facility in Hawaii that had a constantly mutating SSID — and that mogul was linked to an eBay account that sold massively price inflated “used hard drives.”

3 years ago

OT, but of interest: “Periodical cicada Brood X (10) has begun to emerge. The first adults have been found in Tennessee.”

This website has a good map and interesting info. Scroll down for the map.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
3 years ago

The French potential civil war is interesting, because of a prophecy of Nikolas van Rensburg 100 years ago. When WWIII starts, there will already be civil wars ongoing in England, France, and a large one in Russia. The one in England starts when an English official is beheaded somewhere in Europe. Culprit not named, but in these times presumably a Muslim does the beheading. The recent chatter about Ukraine makes it sound like the Russian and French civil wars are drawing close.

Recently someone shared a Texas Arcane post where he named a type of bomb developed in the 1960’s which directly messes with the earth’s crust, which I didn’t know existed, but is the thing that Rensburg and Irlmaier say ends WWIII. Fukushima and the 2004 Indonesia tsunami may have been tests of this bomb, based on changes that happened to the sea floor and the nature of the waves.

One by one, the pieces mentioned a hundred years ago have been falling into place. There still has not been a global famine caused by drought, but that may happen soon too. Recent reports from Texas show massive crop failures due to drought (Robert Felix’ Ice Age Now website)

On the Sid Roth show, New Years Eve of 2020, (or thereabouts) I saw a clip of Hank Kunneman, who may or may not be a true prophet, but he went into a trance and said “They will not start WWIII before it is time”. Many things happening now look like an attempt to force WWIII before it happens in its due season. Hard to tell.

Not trying to start a religious argument here, Irlmaier was Catholic and Rensburg was Protestant, and their visions of the distant future were in agreement, and they didn’t touch on the fulfillment of the book of Revelation or anything like that, so there should be nothing to argue about; things will either happen or they won’t. They saw so many things that came true, they are worth paying attention to.

Irlmaier also foresaw a complete switchover (in Europe at least) to cryptocurrency, which it looks like is well underway. It will either be preceded by, or cause, a tremendous financial crash and disaster where noone has any money and noone can pay their taxes. But the cryptocurrency will not survive WWIII, because technology will regress 100 years. For those that will survive, that 100 year regression in tech is something to prepare for. Castalia Library very important for that reason.

3 years ago

Whole threat is worth a read just to see smart people dig in to stuff:

3 years ago

Scientists Are Working on Vaccines that Spread Like a Disease. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

You’ll love this:

Self-spreading vaccines have some of their roots in efforts to reduce pest populations. Australian researchers described a virally spread immunocontraception, which hijacked the immune systems of infected animals—in this case a non-native mouse species in Australia—and prevented them from fertilizing offspring.


Perhaps it will be used on two-legged pests.

More at:

3 years ago

GOP Sen. Roger Marshall, who voted to overturn the 2020 presidential election, says he’s ‘so ready to move on’