News Briefs – 11/14/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q today.

Twitter Brief is here.

As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


President Trump’s campaign lawyer asks patriots to sign petition for Barr to join millions of Americans in demanding State Legislatures audit the vote.

NBC does a desperate hackjob trying to portray Dominion’s fraud problems as a Q-anon conspiracy theory.

Congressman Louie Gohmert has stated that one source says the U.S. Army has seized servers for a voting data company called Scytl in Germany.

Gohmert’s video said he had just made an official request for the data on Scytl’s server to our whitehat intels right before the story popped about the server being grabbed, and he is not sure if our side grabbed it because of his request, or if the blackhats grabbed it to scrub data when they heard he was looking for it.

Gateway Pundit does an article claiming a source confirmed it, but it might just be Gohmert’s statement above, padded with a lot of supposition.

An anon who seemed like a LARP on 4Chan said the military grabbed the servers in Germany long before anybody even knew there could have been servers in Germany. (That was the thread, here is the screencap to save time.) He seems to indicate that the intention all along was to throw the election to the House and Senate, where Trump and Pence have the votes to win. Makes sense given Mil Intl probably wouldn’t leave that to chance, and unless they were going to hack the election themselves, that would be the only means of certainty that Trump would assume office. According to him, Trump is in full control, and the Cabal is fucked from every angle in every orifice. Though he also says there may be some deal-making, rather than streets flowing with blood and public executions, which I would find disappointing.

American votes get sent to a server in Germany, and many machines have a malware program installed called QSnatch, which can give anyone on the internet the ability to enter the machine and change vote totals. Cabal central record keeping is in Frankfurt? I’d still love to know where our full surveillance files get stored. Wherever it is, somewhere somebody has set up some incredible storage capacity, likely with incredible power requirements. It might even have been distributed in all of those industrial buildings all over the world that kept catching fire.

Milwaukee elections chief lost elections Admin flash drive in the morning hours of November 4th when Democrats miraculously found 120,000 votes for Joe Biden.

Analysis conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies’ Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler finds that the nation’s importation of at least 14 million immigrants  over the last 20 years has drastically altered electorates in a number of states, particularly in Georgia and North Carolina. George W Bush’s support of Cabal’s immigration plans kicked this off.

More than 130 Secret Service officers are quarantining either due to testing positive for COVID-19 or close contact with infected co-workers. Bear in mind, Elon Musk took four Covid tests in one day and two were false positives. So the rising Chinavirus numbers could just be tests rigged to pop a false positives, flooded into the system randomly. It might help explain why there is no increase in mortality. And if you could replace tests designated for Secret Service with a pallet of false positive tests, you could diminish security temporarily, and/or get one of your people who was previously stuck in a lesser position bumped up into a more critical position to fill the void temporarily.

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar (D) on Friday said she would not order a recount her state’s election results. Philly is a weak spot.

21K deceased people on voter rolls, with evidence of voting activity after death.

Alan Dershowitz says, ‘I do think that Trump will win the Pennsylvania lawsuit,’ so PA is Trump’s.

Even Democrats investigated Pelosi-linked Dominion Voting for bad security and Chinese parts.

Arizona Republican Party files a lawsuit to enforce a hand count by precinct.

An experiment testing the veracity of Nevada mail-in ballot signature verification reportedly resulted in an 89% failure rate, raising concerns about the integrity of the state’s rapidly implemented universal mail-in ballot system.

Trump attorney says Dominion worker claims 100 thousand Biden ballots brought in back door.

In video from 2016 the alleged Antifa activist and Dominion Voting Systems CEO admits that Election officials have access to Manipulate the vote.

Trump supporting IT specialists and data analysts identify more than 43,000 ineligible out of state votes in key swing states.

Republicans warn against possible ‘vote by text’ plan for legislators in the House.


CIA Director Gina Haspel was left out of intel meetings today with President Trump. Haspel is refusing the President’s direct orders to declassify any intel on the Russian hoax.

DHS boss Chad Wolf defies Trump order to fire cyber chief Chris Krebs. All assets deployed? The way the news is today, it could be entirely fake, but the story is out there.

The Pope calls Joe Biden to congratulate him on winning the election.

Pro-Biden glitch now also suspected in Georgia’s vote-counting software.

Election observer Shane Trejo witnessed drivers bring in 50 boxes of “absentee ballots” after midnight deadline into Detroit TCF center at 3:30am.

Republicans say thousands in Wisconsin may have circumvented voter ID requirements.

96% of Dominion Voting Systems political donations went to Democrats.

Only one credentialed GOP monitor allowed for each ten counting tables in Georgia hand recount.

Defense attorney for Jeffrey Epstein dated top prosecutor who helped secure 13-month sweetheart deal for the pedophile. I’ve said before, Cabal values the most committed operators who are the most able to manipulate the human terrain. And girls who bang on command have a lot of power, because normies just assume that would be a very uncommon trait, and if they meet a girl who bangs, they assume it must be a sign of deeper investment. In those circles, it might even be seen as a trait worthy of respect, as their whole goal is compromising the outsiders.

Worth remembering – GA Senate candidate Jon Ossoff has been paid money by a Chinese pro-CCP media company in Hong Kong.

Joe Biden transition official wrote op-ed advocating free speech restrictions, such as hate speech, burning Korans, and “Russian narratives” that criticize liberals. Flag burning is perfectly OK.

Outgoing Syria envoy admits hiding US troop numbers from the President when he was trying to draw down forces, but he also praises Trump’s Mideast record – now that he thinks he has been defeated and removed. But when he could, he directly acted against the government we elected. I’d expect he’d get prosecuted in the near future.

Serial killer known as the Yorkshire Ripper dies after refusing COVID-19 treatment. Maybe. But serial killers have a spot in Cabal operations. I think it 99% likely all serial killers get picked up in the process of killing and disposing of bodies. All it takes is a moment of doing something unusual being picked up by the ground forces who are monitoring everywhere for anything unusual. I’ve seen several cases that indicate that once that happens, that serial killer will get brought under the machine’s thumb, and I assume used to dispose of bodies, or kill a Cabal target or two here and there. So did this guy get sick and deny treatment, or was he Whitey Bulgered?

California set to reopen strip clubs before churches.

Northam imposes additional COVID-19 restrictions; limits gatherings to 25 people.

Pelosi responds to backlash after ‘little people’ are told to cancel Thanksgiving, while a viral tweet shows her a planning lavish party for new Democrats in Congress.

Gov Newsom apologizes for attending a 12-person dinner party at the French laundry.

D.C. Mayor tightens lockdown, then ignores it herself because ‘all’ her activities are ‘essential.’

Lori Lightfoot defends attending Joe Biden street parties but calling for canceling Thanksgiving. She says it felt different to her because it felt like people needed to celebrate.

Billionaire Charles Koch says he regrets funding the Tea Party because it gave rise to Donald Trump.

Charles Koch congratulates Biden and says he wants to work together on ‘as many issues as possible.’

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer seeks shutdown of Great Lakes oil pipeline. Because she is liberal and “Muh Environment.” But what if some entity was paying her to do that so they would make more money? I wonder who all is in her family, and capable of receiving payments. Watch the wives?

Whitmer says Michigan may require new coronavirus measures as cases spike. Who makes money or gains power off of this?

Carrie Symonds holds the ‘real power in No 10’, body language experts say: ‘Dishevelled’ Boris Johnson ‘lacks any authority’ while his fiancée is ‘by far the most confident’ and watches him like a ‘naughty schoolboy.’ Where you really saw this dynamic was when Jack Dorsey showed up on Joe Rogan, IIRC. Rogan would ask a question, and Dorsey looked terrified, as he would shot a timid glance at some Indian lawyer-girl on the side, who would then take charge and answer confidently. It was clear she was his superior, and he was looking for her approval.

From ‘This Is Us’ to ‘Law & Order,’ network TV shows push Black Lives Matter and Anti-Cop messages. Not coincidence. The tentacles of this machine are everywhere.

Joe Biden tells Jesuit group he’ll raise refugee ceiling to 125,000 annually.

Fox Corporation shares down 12% since Election Day, 6% yesterday alone, since hopping on the ‘Biden elected’ media bandwagon.

Gambling sites refuse to call election for Biden, leaving $600 million in limbo.

Trump administration reaches deal with pharmacies to make COVID-19 vaccine free.

Trump to rush drilling leases in Arctic before Biden takes over. It is a good cover to rush through leases while leftists think they have won.

Al Qaeda’s No. 2 Abu Muhammad al-Masri is shot dead by Israeli agents on Iranian street at behest of US on anniversary of attacks he masterminded on American embassies which killed 224 people. He was killed by Israelis at the behest of the US.

Brazilian President on coronavirus: “I regret the deaths. I really do. But we’re all going to die someday. There’s no use fleeing reality. We have to stop being a country of fags.”

Trump rips Cuomo, says NY won’t get COVID-19 vaccine until governor OKs it.

Justice Samuel Alito gave a strong and impassioned speech to the Federalist Society National Lawyers Convention on Thursday, where he condemned efforts by the left to take away religious freedom.

Archbishop Viganò says the US election still not over, and Americans must pray for a good outcome.

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro asserted Friday that officials were operating under the assumption “that there will be a second Trump term.”

Republicans are well positioned to take the House in 2022, which will be a harsh election for Dems to defend. Add to this analysis, Census redistricting, Democrat exposure, and the elimination of voter fraud.

Jonathan Turley says, rumor has it John Durham has ‘material undisclosed’ by special counsel or DOJ watchdog.

Trump confidant tells LifeSite the president has all the proof needed to show massive fraud, vote switching.

Byron York says President Trump is “confident” he will win reelection.

President Trump’s closing words to Byron York were – “Never bet against me.”

Spread r/K Theory, because the darkness will make the light seem even brighter.

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M in the 517
M in the 517
4 years ago

I would pay $1,000 for a pay per view broadcast of Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald dick-slapping Ben Collins.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  M in the 517
4 years ago


4 years ago

AnonC, have you seen this?

Perhaps the key now is to look into techniques for breaking brainwashing or abuse-mindsets? What if the right could somehow deploy widespread “brainwash breakers?”

What the media has been doing for the past four years might literally be one step under full MKUltra.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Waking up EVERYONE needs a bloodbath… but what about the wobbling normals who have only just been pushed into the PTSD zone by the last four years of press terror?

I think this craziness is heavily dependent on “being in the majority” (that’s why the press is so insistent on, in unison, saying “experts have proven there is no electoral fraud”)– basically the Asch conformity experiments have been weaponized.

But in those same experiments, it only takes one person breaking the conformity to destroy the effect. Which makes me wonder if there’s literally some kind of psych technique to break what the media has done (how do you undo stockholm syndrome? How do you undo MKUltra programming? Are there techniques?) because breaking it in only 1% of people might have a cascading effect as the perceived majorities and bubbles pop.

I’ve been reading infidelity websites, because the psychology of infidelity (they call it “affair fog”) is similar to what you see in media-hypnosis. With affair fog, you can VERY frequently snap the person COMPLETELY out of it with shock– often serving divorce papers does the trick. You get a Jeckyl and Hyde effect. I’m wondering if there’s some way to deliver that effect en-masse, and would like to see bigger brains tackle it.

Reply to  Sunspot
4 years ago

There is a technique for that alright, it’s called publicly hanging the media and big tech traitors and destroying censorship so we can redpill the Normies without Jewish interference.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Sunspot
4 years ago

That would explain how they choose people to target. The kind of people with the psychology to burst the bubble of the official narrative. The kid who shouts that the emperor has no clothes. Most normies go along to get along.

Reply to  Sunspot
4 years ago

“Waking up EVERYONE needs a bloodbath… but what about the wobbling normals who have only just been pushed into the PTSD zone by the last four years of press terror?

I think this craziness is heavily dependent on “being in the majority” (that’s why the press is so insistent on, in unison, saying “experts have proven there is no electoral fraud”)– basically the Asch conformity experiments have been weaponized.”

Exactly. The genius about the Art of War’s precept to “Win without fighting”.

Is to encourage us to look for tricks that would minimize the need for bloodshed and collateral damage.

Often when confronting a big and strong enemy. Hitting his/her weakpoints could cause the entire enemy to crumble for example.

Nothing is without weak points. Or vulnerabilities that cannot be exploited.

4 years ago

“Wherever it is, somewhere somebody has set up some incredible storage capacity, likely with incredible power requirements. ”

Cabal is very big in Norway and in Costa Rica, both of which have cheap and abundant hydropower and good internet backbones.

Reply to  Anonymous
4 years ago

How do you know it is big in Norway?

4 years ago

Please stop calling the transfer of votes from Trump to Biden a “glitch.” It’s not a random occurrence, it’s a behavior directed by intent. The use of the word “glitch” is intended to minimize the reaction to a willful act of fraud.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

! This claim about the word debunked has been disputed

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I’ll give it a shot AC! — Somebody “glitched” my daughter’s friend’s car last summer. It was later found as a “partially un-burned” hulk near the location of a “mostly peaceful” protest. The possibility that “friendly joggers” were responsible for the “glitch” have been completely “debunked”.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago


I also find the calling of our enemies “Lib-tards” or other monikers of that nature causes us to underestimate the organizational ability of that which opposes us.

Well organized weaklings can still overcome the strong.

It is the group that is strong even as the individuals composing it is weak.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago
4 years ago

California set to reopen strip clubs before churches.

Strip Clubs may be a priority because of the intel gathering possibilities.

4 years ago

One more for the glowies (don’t open frens, it’s a disgusting pic of a post-op tranny):

comment image

PS (still for the glowies): I’m either going to redpill you, or break you. Remember you’re here forever now.

4 years ago

Proof VoxDay was right about Boris waifu being a gaybal asset:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

On this theme, watch this…..the movie the Burbs is literally about a conspiracy theory that is true.

Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

I didn’t post that link…..weird.

Can you guys see it now?

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Should start calling them “Blue Sparrows.”

4 years ago
4 years ago

Re: Republicans are well positioned to take the House in 2022, which will be a harsh election for Dems to defend……

I’m not completely certain that the Democratic party will still exist as a legal entity by this point. Hear me out.

If it were me, I would long ago have begun building the case that the entire Democratic Party is a criminal syndicate, maybe a terrorist organization, foreign intelligence service – whatever the evidence best fits because there are legal mechanisms in place to declare all three of those types of organizations illegal and membership in them or employment by them is automatically illegal and makes every single person involved an accomplice. Literal guilt by association, and you can pick and choose who you want to burn and who isn’t worth the time or just a dupe that should be cut loose.

What if those sealed indictments haven’t been unsealed because the crimes they are for hadn’t happened yet? What if the entire strategy of Q was to goad the Democratic leadership into doing this, make them absolutely terrified of losing everything and going to prison, only to find that their attempted coup via unprecedented and blatant election fraud using every conceivable means possible was what they planned to get them for all along. I’ve been rewatching Burn Notice lately, so maybe I’m just seeing things because that’s the plot of almost every episode of the early seasons, but I think it could be a real possibility.

They wouldn’t trust Q or Trump as a friend offering to help, but they would trust both as enemies out to destroy them no matter what, and then over-react. They cannot get out of the hole that they have dug but they seem dead set on continuing to dig. So they have them on actual crime of fraud, but then they also have the corporate media and various state government officials in the coverup
of it. Even Fox News is technically part of the coverup.

Think about it, Q always said “we have it all” but never said “we can have evidence that is admissible in court.” Military courts have a looser standard of evidence, but there still is one, so even military tribunals would result in fewer convictions. But if you could nudge them towards a full blown multi-state coup, and document the whole thing including all the people involved, you own ’em.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Well, how many hundred thousand sealed filings are we up to? That might give an idea just how far this goes. Dave Janda has maintained that the majority of the sealed indictments will stay sealed because there just isn’t the resources to prosecute and house all the inmates according to his sources. The dividing line will be human trafficking and sexual predation, and all white collar criminals can go away with the understanding that they stay away because they ever try to re-enter politics the sword hanging over their head will be loosed.

That anon who recently posted claiming to be CIA said much the same thing.

Different subject, there’s no way to legally place an online bet for Trump in Oregon. We can bet on sports here, but you have to use the app offered by the state government, which only allows betting on sports teams. It will cost me as much in travel expenses to drive South to place the bet legally as I would be betting and I don’t have that much left in my paycheck. 9 to 1 odds. Even after taxes that would be a nice chunk of change, and I’d do it purely as an act of faith not in Trump but because I believe Trump is anointed for this task. Sucks.

Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

No deals.

They can’t be allowed to walk away with their stolen wealth or they and their children will rebuild the network.

The closest to a deal we can afford would be banishment to some place we will never ever allow immigration from.
Everyone else must be tried, convicted and executed.

President Elect LembradorDos6Triliões
President Elect LembradorDos6Triliões
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago


No deals. And the go to argument that you can always use to destroy shills and cucks that push for being OK with deals is: all nazis got punished for their collaboration with the nazi regime, even those that said they were just following orders, the same standard applies now to the enemies of the West who conspired against the Republic and the People.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Here’s what I know, it’s what others have said.

Mark Taylor – this guy : – has prophesied first that Trump would be president, then American energy independence would be achieved even calling for less than $1 a gallon gasoline which happened in parts of the US, and now he says that Trump will get a second term and a total of five supreme court judges, so two more. The second term will involve the National Guard putting down civil unrest. There will military tribunals that make Nuremberg look small, quick, and quaint. The final version of the Supreme Court will overturn Roe V Wade tearing up the contract the US government made with Ba’al. From there he has also said that God has seen everything that we have done, he’s seen the sacrifice of every American serviceman for the sake of non-Americans, every bible put in non-American hands by Americans(numbers greater than any other people), and seen every good seed Americans tried to sew around the globe, and that we have never received a harvest for any of it. The harvest is coming back seven fold. As that is happening the US will be positioned in much the same way England was for the invasion of Europe in WW2, and it will be not to free the people physically but for one last push to take the Gospel to all nations, and the Boss has said that he wants a billion more souls won before he pulls the trigger on the rest of Revelation.

There’s some other stuff that important, but that paints you a general picture. They made a movie about Mark, and he said that the only part they really got wrong was election night 2016 – Mark was a wreck in reality because of doubt. In the movie they have him and his wife bored and going to bed early. This time around there is no doubt in his voice.

VoxDay has predicted that the US will break up in the 2030s. I have no idea if he is correct, but I greatly respect his intellect and would not bet against him on this. He is also focused on creating stable European societies that can last centuries instead of generations. If Mark is right it doesn’t matter because the whole world has less than fifty years in it’s current configuration before Gods reformats it.

Q fits into all of this. More than anything Q is focused on returning justice to the United States. Justice and righteousness, and from there everything else will flow. As America goes so will go the world, for a time.

4 years ago

Civil War in Sweden might start soon:

4 years ago

Norway loses ground in the war against free speech:

4 years ago

More Jewish tears because of the Pentagon advisor that says the truth about Israel:

4 years ago

Mandatory reading on why gaybal chose pedo Joe Biden as their candidate against Trump:

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

ds/cabal will certainly take that as a consolation prize

4 years ago

WTF, I had no idea I was in the US already. Watch this guy naming the Jew on a street interview at 2:24:40 :

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

They edited it out.

4 years ago

Not verified, but might be legit info:

“Hey guys, was listening to some newsmax this morning when they mentioned one of their writers is Alan Dershowitz, I found this alarming since he was Epstein’s lawyer and friend. Upon digging I’ve found that the CEO of newsmax (((Christopher Ruddy))) is also involved with Robert Maxwell through friends and lawyers. Just putting this out there that newsmax is most likely a controlled opposition.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago


My theory, one that I’ve discussed elsewhere, is that this is a civil war within Cabal.

Something happened, either a betrayal, an overreach, or a falling out over the direction of Cabal policies and operations led to a split, along with corresponding resources.

It’s not impossible that this rogue Cabal faction has become default white hat, even if they may not be entirely sincere. It would also indicate that they are extremely powerful and probably explains how Trump manages to fight the federal bureaucracy so well.

The point is, Biden can’t be seated. The Democrats can’t be allowed to turn America into a satrap of China, or pack the court, get rid of the filibuster, and run a vote-fraud machine that can literally manufacture votes for any candidate. At the very least, you would never have any Republican in office again.

This arrangement gives up the ghost to readily and basically admits that America is some Potemkin village. It simply can’t stand.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

And Newsmax was spreading the rumor that Kushner was telling Trump to concede.

President Elect LembradorDos6Triliões (won with a margin of over 6 million votes, despite voting machine taking more than 1 hour to validate each vote, and having to wait for them to cool down before taking out the ballot to put another in)
President Elect LembradorDos6Triliões (won with a margin of over 6 million votes, despite voting machine taking more than 1 hour to validate each vote, and having to wait for them to cool down before taking out the ballot to put another in)
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

I didn’t believe that either.
Anyway, Kushner has no place in the WH, he is part of Chabad.

4 years ago

“Serial killer known as the Yorkshire Ripper dies after refusing COVID-19 treatment. Maybe. But serial killers have a spot in Cabal operations. I think it 99% likely all serial killers get picked up in the process of killing and disposing of bodies. All it takes is a moment of doing something unusual being picked up by the ground forces who are monitoring everywhere for anything unusual. I’ve seen several cases that indicate that once that happens, that serial killer will get brought under the machine’s thumb, and I assume used to dispose of bodies, or kill a Cabal target or two here and there. So did this guy get sick and deny treatment, or was he Whitey Bulgered?”

Or did they fake his death and give him a new ID?

4 years ago

> some Indian lawyer-girl

It would be interesting to know who she is… if she was directing events in realtime, she wouldn’t be a flunky.

Someone like that would leave a trail.

4 years ago

“Republicans are well positioned to take the House in 2022, which will be a harsh election for Dems to defend. Add to this analysis, Census redistricting, Democrat exposure, and the elimination of voter fraud.”

We can’t and mustn’t wait that long.

Trump MUST expose the fraud in EVERY state and EVERY race so we get the House NOW.

4 years ago

More proof from the UK that voting won’t save the West, and that the Jewish genocide of the Western people is still moving along at full-speed:

4 years ago

Antifa getting beat up after beating up random people early in the day:

IMHO it would be much better if the Jewish financiers, and the yids in mossad controlled msm that run cover for these retarded antifas were the ones getting beat up (as a preparation for getting publicly hanged after). It is nice to have some people protecting our side from the antifa retards, but until their bosses, financiers and organizers get legally executed, antifa will keep recruiting into their jewish domestic terrorist apparatus.

4 years ago

Interdasting thread on how African Blacks see US Blacks:

4 years ago
4 years ago

Another one for the glowies (don’t open frens, it’s a disgusting pic of a post-op tranny):

comment image

PS: thank you AC for letting me torture my assigned glowies with the truth of what they are defending when they follow the orders that force them to stalk people like me instead of doing real work protecting the West from Jewish subversion (which is at the origin of all the main issues the West is facing today).

4 years ago
4 years ago

“But what if some entity was paying her to do that so they would make more money? I wonder who all is in her family, and capable of receiving payments. Watch the wives?”

Something about this video is pointing to something hiding in plain sight:

Reply to  info
4 years ago

Interesting…Follow the wives.

4 years ago

Traitor Jew being a traitor Jew (as usual):

4 years ago

Really interdasting post by St. Efan-of-the-argument:

NOT LembradorDos6Triliões (pls no arrest)
NOT LembradorDos6Triliões (pls no arrest)
4 years ago

Oy vey, what a shame, why do people meke memens like these?

comment image

Perhaps Isreal should get even more money from the Western people, after all, 500 million per year from Germany and 4 billion from the US are still not enough to have a budget surplus of over 10 billion (Israel having a budget surplus of Only 10 billion for 5 years in a row is a clear sign of Western anti-semitism, oy gevalt stop being nazis and open your wallets you Hitlers), and blowing up Palestinian civilians to steal their land is very expensive, it’s very anti-Semitic to not send Israel all the money you have stupid goyim.

NOT LembradorDos6Triliões (pls no arrest)
NOT LembradorDos6Triliões (pls no arrest)
4 years ago

/ptg/ is ANGERY at cerno, and this was posted:

can anyone confirm if this is true?
I had never heard about this before, but if true it raises the probability of cerno being a mossad asset considerably.

NOT LembradorDos6Triliões (pls no arrest, would never commit the crime of NOT thinking exactly 6 quadrillion Jews died in the WORK camps) )
NOT LembradorDos6Triliões (pls no arrest, would never commit the crime of NOT thinking exactly 6 quadrillion Jews died in the WORK camps) )
4 years ago

Reposting since it seems nobody is talking about it yet:


HART INTERCIVIC, INC. – Oakland county (MI), Lancaster, PA & Delaware County used these machines, not Dominion Voting Systems.

Oakland County was implicated by the blessed poo algorithm video.

“Another election machine manufacturer, Hart InterCivic Inc., which has the only wireless-enabled system to receive EAC’s certification, didn’t return messages seeking comment.”

>Klobuchar & the rats ran the ‘election security’ screening in March 2019 (including DOMINION AND HART CEO’s!)


Some anon had a full BloombergGov license for work. It reports that Hart Intercivic is owned by Hart Intermediate Holding Company – he wasn’t able to dig any farther. It just (((disappears))) at that point.. Possibly a shell company?

>Dead End.. Until…

4 shell companies tied to a single voting machine patent
Hart InterCivic, Inc.;
H.I.G. Hart LLC;
Hart Investment Holding Company, Inc.;
and Hart Intermediate Holding Company, Inc.

Bonus: Mitt Romney bought into them in November 2012?

Key Players:
Julie Mathis – CEO as of 2019
Phillip Braithwaite – Previous CEO; now CHAIRMAN of the BOD
Jim Canter – CTO as of 2012
Pete Lichtenheld – SVP of CUSTOMER success (knows systems inside & out) as of 2001
Lawrence Norden – Brennan Center exec pushing for the adoption of the tech
Gregg L. Burt – former CEO & BOD president. May be the leader of the shell companies

Read the 4chan thread, it has sources and much more in it.

NOT LembradorDos6Triliões (pls no arrest, would never commit the crime of NOT thinking exactly 6 quadrillion Jews died in the WORK camps) )
NOT LembradorDos6Triliões (pls no arrest, would never commit the crime of NOT thinking exactly 6 quadrillion Jews died in the WORK camps) )
4 years ago

Never forget the 600000000000000000000000 (and if you do, you will get arrested or fired, that’s what democracy is all about):

4 years ago

And as expected, the Jewish terrorist groups are now accusing Trump supporters of the violence they have been committing:

Notable post:

On the very first nights of the riots, there was a girl in Minnesota who was abducted. Despite being reported to the police, including multiple reports of a “topless female in distress in a car with three men,” she was found in the early morning, raped to death in an abandoned vehicle. And she may have even briefly escape and left us quite a haunting picture to remember her by. And that was day 1 of the 2020 black lives matter riots. The irony is this girl was very likely on the same side as these degenerates, right up until she was being violent beaten in a car. I’ll never forget or forgive them, not because I care about the girl, but because they have the audacity to claim to me their innocence despite the overwhelming presence of their guilt. Fuck these people. I hope for them the worst is yet to come and the proud boys are just getting started. It’s time for them to repent.

4 years ago

So, we know the elephant in the room… Pro Law and Order, anti Cabal Cops have all quit or do not care. Sorry, tonight’s video evidence from DC shows that we have ‘Crossed the Rubicon’ on the blue. In Demorat cities, we patriots have been backstabbed by the blue-too many times to ignore. They do not support patriots. Blue Pensions Matter, they defend their pension not your patriot on the front lines of a peaceful protest. Fuck the POPO. It turns out your asshole pedofile gym teacher got a job with the DC Police. Wow. I kind of knew that already for a few decades but nice to see the obvious confirmation. Brothers I have so much to say…

4 years ago

“Though he also says there may be some deal-making, rather than streets flowing with blood and public executions, which I would find disappointing.”

No fucking deals, Q.

4 years ago

Members of the Jewish terrorist group antifa getting arrested for violence against Trump supporters:

4 years ago

More proof of why the whole world needs to learn the verifiable facts about the so called holocaust:

Jewish collective power needs to be denied this psychological warfare weapon.

4 years ago
4 years ago

German doctors expose the covid 1984 fraudulent psyop:

4 years ago
4 years ago

Weimericans realize now that Jewish terrorist groups will have to be stopped with an iron hand:

President Elect LembradorDos6Triliões (won with a margin of over 6 million votes, despite voting machine taking more than 1 hour to validate each vote, and having to wait for them to cool down before taking out the ballot to put another in)
President Elect LembradorDos6Triliões (won with a margin of over 6 million votes, despite voting machine taking more than 1 hour to validate each vote, and having to wait for them to cool down before taking out the ballot to put another in)
4 years ago

Just read the replies, it’s really fun times:

President Elect LembradorDos6Triliões (won with a margin of over 6 million votes, despite voting machine taking more than 1 hour to validate each vote, and having to wait for them to cool down before taking out the ballot to put another in)
President Elect LembradorDos6Triliões (won with a margin of over 6 million votes, despite voting machine taking more than 1 hour to validate each vote, and having to wait for them to cool down before taking out the ballot to put another in)
4 years ago

Another one for the glowies (don’t open frens it’s a disgusting pic of a post-op tranny (this one is dilating lol)):

comment image

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
4 years ago

Arrest warrant to be issued for Matt Hancock today… ?

We shall see eh?