Jeb Bush Tells Trump To “Put on His Big Boy Pants”

Just when you thought Jeb couldn’t be any more inept:

Jeb Bush and Donald Trump clashed over how to handle the Syrian refugee crisis — and just about everything else, including whether Bush is really friends with Marco Rubio — during dueling Wednesday night town hall events in New Hampshire.

By the end of the night, Bush had even told Trump to put on his “big boy pants.”

Not really a “Rhetorical KillShot,” as Scott Adams would say.

When you are viewed as an inferior and a bit of a sperg, while losing epically to a vastly more Alpha billionaire, it would be best if you didn’t use childhood taunts like “Neener, Neener, Neener!,” to try and get under his skin. Jeb makes Pee Wee Herman look like the ultimate GNF Alpha. It is as if Jeb is giving a clinic on how not to persuade other people to support you by doing everything as wrong as you possibly could. That or the elites are forcing him to run, and this is his way of getting out of it.

This could be real, though. The problem is the Republican establishment’s political consultant world is no longer competitive. It is the ultimate r-selected environment, where you cannot be killed off. You sign on with McCain, you lose, you get hired by Romney, you lose, You sign on with Jeb, you lose, and next cycle you will have another contract helping someone else lose. This began with Bush I, went on through Bob Dole, on to the idiot working for George W. Bush who decided not to use 9/11 to beat Liberalism to death, warn Americans about Islam, and put Liberalism’s stupid refusal to recognize reality on full display. By the end of Bush’s Presidency these imbeciles had ensconced themselves, even as they had destroyed conservatism so thoroughly that a full blown socialist was elected to the Presidency.

It is puzzling that somewhere a rebellious conservative revolutionary, strapped for cash, hasn’t taken a flyer on some young hotshot advisor, and discovered a diamond.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Robert What?
Robert What?
9 years ago

There is a line of thought – and I think that the way the Republican controlled Congress have behaved since the 2014 elections gives it some credence – that the Republicans really don’t want to win. Meaning, they want to hold onto their perks, benefits and positions. They enjoy being called “Senator” or “Congressman”, and the deference. But they are happy enough just being the minority party without the responsibility of actually having to govern.

Lady Vigilant
Lady Vigilant
9 years ago

When Jeb said “Trump needs to put his big boy pants on” I just shuddered. Does
he not know how pathetic he sounded? Pity his big donors what a loosing bet they made.

9 years ago

Republicans = Washington Generals. Of course the Harlem Globetrotters get more money, more applause, and more pussy. Generals don’t win games and they don’t get promoted to Globetrotters, but they do get paid to play basketball, and that’s a lot more fun than flipping burgers.

Republicans exist to give hardworking, tax-paying Americans the illusion that gosh darnit we lost this time but we’re sure to win next time, and until then we’ll keep working and paying taxes to people who despise us.

Aeoli Pera
9 years ago

>It is puzzling that somewhere a rebellious conservative revolutionary, strapped for cash, hasn’t taken a flyer on some young hotshot advisor, and discovered a diamond.

I’d imagine that’s precisely what happened with Trump.