News Briefs – 10/02/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q’s posts are here.

Twitter Brief is here.


There is bad news for those of you who were hoping to have the best comment of all time on the blog – Phelps has pretty much wrapped that one up with this gem yesterday-

Re: Presidential Debate Commission is talking about installing mic cutoffs, to prevent back and forth between candidates.

Trump walking over behind Biden and shouting “WROOONG” into Biden’s mic is going to be the part of this election that everyone remembers for centuries.

“Calm down Joe, I was just using a working mic, I wasn’t trying to smell your hair.”

I am actually hoping the Debate Commission installs mic cutoffs now, just so we can see that. Holy fuck.

President Trump said he and First Lady Melania tested positive for COVID-19 after his close aide, Hope Hicks, tested positive. If they did catch it, I would assume, given all the precautions designed to protect them, it would have a high probability of being the recent more contagious mutation that is far less virulent, and produces much milder symptoms. Although the chances might be even higher that the Coronavirus is a scam and they will all be fine. But it can’t hurt to give the President and First Lady a quick prayer to be safe.

In 2016, Steve Scully, the moderator of the next Presidential debate, posted on Twiter, “No, Not Trump, Not Ever.” Impartial debate moderator? Sounds legit. Lets give him a button to let him cut the President’s microphone off. I wonder if the President, or a friendly spook in the area, could exploit Secret Service access to disable the cutoff surreptitiously. Nothing would drive that moderator crazier than the violation of expectation that would come from hitting his little button, and it not working.

Pic that is supposed to be Joe Biden posing for a picture with Steve Scully’s, the next debate moderator’s, young daughter. Guess where Joe’s hand is? President Trump would be doing the world a service if he delivered an old fashioned physical beatdown right on national TV.

Wife of Boston Marathon hero Police Officer breaks her silence and claims Biden touched her inappropriately and made suggestive comments. A Biden two-face pic at the link. In men that asymmetry is actually associated with dementia, though for some reason not in women. But Biden’s problem is deeper. He is evil. These incidents are not sexual – he is using that to make people uncomfortable, and unhappy – that is the motivation. He feels less angst when he sees unhappy people. Strangely, he is almost a carbon copy of my narcissist Bob – to the point I was filled with raw hatred during the debate, because of what I saw under the surface. I hope Trump gets him the death penalty for treason. That would be an epic end to the story.

Joe Biden was so exhausted from his ‘whistle tour’ that he called a lid and shut everything down before noon on Thursday.

Biden won’t condemn Antifa terrorists, and says Antifa is “just an idea,” but the URL takes you to the “Biden for President” donation page.

Nancy Pelosi raised the possibility that she might become acting president if neither President Trump nor Democratic nominee Joe Biden wins enough electoral votes to declare victory in the election on or after Nov. 3.

Cryin’ Chuck Schumer says, ‘I’d love’ to make D.C. and Puerto Rico states, and ‘Everything is on the table.’

Some New Jersey residents have received ballots meant for people who have moved out of the state and for deceased voters.

DC voters are being sent mail-in ballots for ex-residents.

Thousands of caravan migrants push into Guatemala. Is this supposed to be a part of the biennial surge that hits every election year, and gives us Acute Flaccid Myelitis outbreaks? Come to think of it, I have only heard of one ACM case this go around, so far, now that President Trump has clamped down on the border.

In April 2018, President Trump issued an order to the National Archives to continue keeping thousands of CIA records relating to the John Kennedy assassination secret until October of 2021.

An American champion cyclist was suspended from his team for posting a pro-Trump tweet. We are told it is rabid liberals, which is almost a meme at this point, but it is, IMO, just as likely this is the conspiracy trying to control the narrative, using crazy liberals as cover. Fight those little lies they feed you, and hide behind, so you can see the reality as it is.

Tom Arnold shares Hope Hicks’ private cell phone number after she tests positive for coronavirus. The other side is really not human. If it ever came to it, you wouldn’t need to feel bad at all.

House Conservatives call for a probe of China’s ties to Black Lives Matter co-founder.

The Joe Biden team is desperately scrambling to put people on the ground to reach voters, including in surprising ‘battleground states.’

A Nevada judge approved an $800 million settlement on Wednesday between MGM Resorts and its insurers and the families of the victims of the mass shooting at a country music festival in Las Vegas in Oct. 2017.

Amazon blocks sales of Proud Boys shirts with ‘stand by’ or ‘stand back’ on them.

Washington emergency responders, first to use SpaceX’s Starlink internet in the field, say, ‘It’s amazing.’ But they are fighting fires because there is no rain.

Game 1 of NBA Finals sees lowest viewership in recorded ratings history.

Proud Boys founder announces he’s suing Biden, CNN and ‘reporters who call the multiracial patriotic group white supremacists and Nazis.

Four news organizations file a motion to toss lawsuits from Nick Sandmann, and they were all denied.

Americans increasingly believe violence is justified if the other side wins. So the level IV plates just might be a thing after all?

Two huge wins for the GOP in the courts – Maine blocks illegal Democrat ballot harvesting as Texas blocks straight party ballot option.

Legislation introduced by Rick Scott prohibits mail-in ballots from being counted more than 24 hours after election day.

Trump’s winning the voter registration battle against Biden in key states.

Top pro-Trump super PAC edges out leading pro-Biden super PAC. Even with Cabal breaking every piggy bank for the big fight.

According to Gallup, Trump’s job approval rises to highest level since May, with a majority expecting him to win. That is what happens when you effortlessly dominate a debate, and your opponent looks like a terrified rabbit in immense pain through the whole thing. OAN ran shocking footage I had forgotten about. It was from when Paul Ryan debated Biden, and a cocky Biden just disabled every attack Ryan had, and kept him from getting any word in edgewise, by laughing loudly over him every time it was Ryan’s turn. Freeper PJ-Comix replayed some of the video here, as well as John Karl gushing over it. You couldn’t even hear what Ryan was saying at times, and Biden was enjoying getting away with it. And when Ryan finally got in some criticism, Biden said it was “stuff,” the moderator asked him what he meant by stuff, and Cuck Ryan helpfully said it was an Irish phrase, and everybody laughed at Biden calling him a liar, as Biden said it meant “Malarky.” That was what Biden was hoping to do this time. But it did not work out like that for him with our Almighty God Emperor, who changed Biden’s entire mien, from bemused and in control, to angry, frustrated, helpless, impotent and whiny. Just a brilliant performance by an absolute master.

Rasmussen shows Trump’s approval rises after his dominant debate performance.

Newsweek says, Donald Trump’s disapproval rating falls six points over three months.

60% of attendees of Trump’s Minnesota rally were not Republicans. People know, this guy is out there brawling with everyone at great cost to him and his family, just for us and our nation, and they all love him dearly for it.

Trump up 47-44% over Biden in Iowa. In a poll where lots of Trump supporters are keeping their love secret, to avoid getting their house burned down, and the media is trying to say Biden could win.

Spread r/K Theory, because God loves the God Emperor as much as we do.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

Bolsanaro was fine, and more recent than Boris Johnson so it’s probably that variant going around elite circles. But what happened to Boris Johnson is still a risk. How do they vet doctors taking care of the President? At this critical junction no liberal doctors should be allowed around the President, or really anybody in the administration. Pray for the Trumps everybody.

4 years ago

Market futures are down this morning, but I take that as a good sign. Even CNN must admit that the markets are worried that something might happen to the President and futures are reacting accordingly. The CNN story tries to spin the narrative of course. But the provided graph tells a different story.

Everyone knows that Trump is good for the economy and Biden is not. And so those who want to have a strong economy will be voting for Trump.

4 years ago

“Americans increasingly believe violence is justified if the other side wins.”

Us Anglo-Saxons that care, have causus belli, a cause for a just war, if Biden/Harris get elected with a Democrat congress.

They plan to give amnesty to all illegals and open borders. That is ethnic dilution—soft genocide.

Joe Biden, in his own words said, “The whites will be an absolute minority come…” The man right there with conscious thought makes certain two things—the permanent disenfranchisement of the Anglo-Saxon and again planning, pushing to genocide us WASPs by race-mixing.

Their plan to pack the Supreme Court, to make Democrat territories states in the union, get rid of the filibuster. Which all means the permanent establishment of the Democrat Party which is Marxist.

Is not the saying how California goes the rest of the nation follows??? Yes. California is the prelude. Past is Prelude. What they did in California–they plan to do for the rest of America.

The Anglo-Saxon has perfect justification to go to war if Biden/Harris are elected.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Wow Wheels, the Pope would call you a heretic and excommunicate you, then have you burnt at the stake.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

Marxism is everywhere Rex. I’ll even do you one better: the last righteous Pope was Pope Pius X—all popes thereafter have been Masons or Marxists, i.e. globalists, into that “Brotherhood of Man” of Jewish Messianism.
The Anglican Church is no better, nor any national Protestant denomination, and the Orthodox in some way are included as well.

The Righteous have always been persecuted. St. Maximos the Confessor spent a large part of his life in jail or in exile.

I’m hoping to turn it around. We are all working to turn it around.

4 years ago

Being the “Pagan” that I am, I have no problem with burning a pinch of incense to the God-Emperor’s genius.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  robertpinkerton
4 years ago

Well, burning incense is a pagan ritual, not a Christian one, so go ahead.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

It’s also a Jewish ritual.

4 years ago

Nothing would drive that moderator crazier than the violation of expectation that would come from hitting his little button, and it not working.

It wouldn’t even occur to him, because they never give him that button. His button is just a cue light that goes off in the audio tech’s booth and the tech cuts off the mic.

If the guy standing behind him nods OK when the light goes on.

That guy is who you want to know the name of.

4 years ago

“President Trump said he and First Lady Melania tested positive for COVID-19 after his close aide, Hope Hicks, tested positive”

Sounds like a good excuse to hunker down for a month.

4 years ago

> President Trump said he and First Lady Melania tested positive for COVID-19

That could be very bad or very good.

32 days until the election. He’ll be over it either way by then. A major win for HCQ is possible.

An acquaintance got COVID; she said it was just the flu, but she was absolutely miserable for a while. Not the best thing to happen while campaigning… on the other hand, if he’s miserable, he might decide to pass some misery on to his enemies.

“I have a pen, a phone, and a box of tissues…”

4 years ago

On the third debate, he should walk and grab the mic and say, “My fellow Americans, I am Q+ and the Storm has arrived.” Drop the mic on the floor and walk out of the debate.

4 years ago


1) VD points out – quite reasonably – that Trump’s “covid” scare is probably not what it seems. a need to go underground, maybe. an epic “I’m cured!!!” moment for the cameras just when things seem to be at their darkest. something yuuuge. with incredible tits. whatever is going on, we are reminded that “the official story is _always_ a lie”

2) speaking of official lies, ‘Trump reclassifies JFK kill docs’ is actually kind of irrelevant. the proof Kennedy was shot & killed from the front – “oswald” and the TSBD were *behind* him when all shots were fired – is right smack dab in the middle of the warren commission report. where media and TPTB have steadfastly refused to comment on it for 55 years now – not even to debunk it.

*proof*, mind you, not blurry polaroids or scratchy audio tapes or lists of mysterious coincidences. sworn, expert, **unrebutted** testimony from the most relevant witness of them all

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

CDC reduced quarantine requirement to 10 days. ten days for trump means Columbus day return. ten days of darkness?

Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

Sting, I like your argument on JFK, could you expound on it, the nature of the evidence\proof with citations to the official findings?

Reply to  No
4 years ago

SS agent Clint Hill is the key. (he was the guy who climbed onto the trunk of the car post-shooting to push Jackie back in) the WC screwed up and asked him what he saw inside the car. he said he saw “a giant fuckin exit wound in the back of JFK’s skull.”

he saw this from 3 feet away, 3 seconds after the shooting stopped. there are no witnesses more expert than Clint Hill.

the dipshit DS WC lawyer who asked him the question – who, naturally, later became a US Senator, what’re the odds? – then ran away from that topic like a scalded dog. “Do you like movies?? what’s your favorite color?? no more questions! the witness is dismissed forever!!!!” like that

_but Hill DID NOT_ use the words “exit wound.” he told the truth (!), but he didn’t use the magic words, so the lie could still be adhered to, and his testimony safely buried in the oddly unindexed WC report. 57 years later, it goes unreported and unremarked upon except in places like this.

see also the story of how Bobby Hargis got spalttered by and later had to hose bits of presidential brain off his motorcycle, which is a neat trick for a cop who was behind & to the left of JFK during all shots fired.

4 years ago

Hey AC,

Have you heard about this?

MUMS MAKE [produce]A P0RNO[for their children, no seriously]

4 years ago

Swedish government faces battle to stay in power as labour talks fail

4 years ago

White House insists Trump is ‘hard at work’ and next debate is still on