Twitter Briefs – 09/30/2020

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President Trump’s twitter feed (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

Don Jr’s Tweets (May not display properly on the main blog, unless you load this brief’s page by clicking on the title):

This was interesting – Joe Biden tweets this as a joke about him needing drugs and earpieces to get through the debate, but it is the same unknown boutique brand of ice cream Pelosi had to show everyone in her freezer. I’ve never seen that icecream anywhere. It is almost like that brand is significant somehow within their clique. I’d almost wonder if there is somebody in the ice cream company who does distribution of something for Cabal like drugs and they hide it in the ice cream to ship it, and when they send these pictures, it is an inside joke of sorts.

Spread r/K Theory, because even two on one, POTUS cleared out the joint.

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3 years ago

When I lived in Chicago, it seems to be a big deal when Jeni’s ice cream first arrived. All the clues in liberal types knew they were supposed to like it somehow. It’s made in Ohio. I’ve tasted it, and frankly didn’t think it was at all worth’s the hype. Not even as good as a Haagen Daz or a Ben and Jerry’s.

Max Cherry
Max Cherry
3 years ago

The Jeni Ice Cream, doing a quick run down of twitter images from September 30 to February 8:
-A drawing of a customer covering one eye with Pluto Bleu flavor. The petals are a peach flesh color, pink in the carpel area. Ice cream flavor does not have pink color in it.
-A birthday icecream cake with waffles that has a child with a birthday outfit, by himself. Hansel and Gretel?
-Much of the art is that hipster type simple art, can turn on a dime to the Satanic edgy stuff.
-Retweets of SoJo causes.

In the pocket of Cabal

3 years ago

A forgotten gem regarding international business mogul Hunter Biden: