News Briefs – 08/09/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Twitter Brief is here.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Biden almost dislocates a little girl’s shoulder by pulling her hand back to rub it against his genitals during a photo op. This guy has real fucking problems. I can’t believe he is this insane and evil at the same time.

In this video, at around 50 seconds, Sky news reveals that those clearing the blast site in Beirut have uncovered what appears to be an underground network of tunnels and “Panic rooms.” at the blast site. Bear in mind, the blast site was at the docks, where shipping would occur, and where those with money would not give a fuck about lowly dock workers, let alone spend tens or hundreds of millions to create connected “networks” of underground “panic rooms.” Why would they even need more than one, or connect them in networks? They weren’t for apartment dwellers, given how much they would probably cost, and how many rules and laws would probably be broken to make them and connect them under different buildings. If these were for transferring contraband for Cabal from the ports inland, I would assume right after the blast they were entered from their other entrances deeper in the city, or in Cabal denied areas, and any contraband in them was cleared out as much as they could be, and they probably blew them to stop anyone from following them to their openings. So these excavators will only find empty rooms they assume must have been “panic rooms.” And I hate to say it but networks of rooms makes me wonder if they were transferring kids and keeping them in them during transit there. No telling how dark this gets. Chances this was a targeted hit just went up, and it might have been the October surprise to end all October surprises, which was being transferred to a boat there, and was intercepted before it could make it across the Atlantic to Manhattan. For all we know, those tunnels could have worked their way down deep, and gone all the way into some Iranian nuclear lab base, maybe even in Syria.

Some think they heard the sounds of a jet just before the big explosion in this video.

The President’s twitter is hilarious today, because most of the tweets point out his taking over implementing Coronavirus relief by Executive Order from Twitter would have been unconstitutional, but for the Robert’s ruling recently on DACA, which held Obama could pass an EO, and it could not be reversed by a subsequent President, just like a law. So now Trump has accidentally been coronated King of America, and he appears set to abuse the privileged for the good of Americans, until he forces the Supreme Court to rectify their own bad ruling. And in the interim, Democrats are just completely neutered. Of course, if we get a Democrat President, say good bye to any vestige of America.

As our election approaches, we hear fake driver’s licenses are flooding into our country from all over the world.

Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income.

TikTok plans to sue the Trump administration.

West Point’s Combating Terrorism Center issued a report asking if the Q-Anon “Conspiracy Theory” is a security risk in the making.

NM Man in child porn case that closed observatory indicted.

‘A Child’s Voice’ producer John Paul Rice blows whistle on censorship and child sex trafficking.

The New York Times reports the CIA assures us there is no evidence that the app TikTok has sent any information on to China. I assume this is Cabal protecting its new safe haven in China, but it isn’t impossible the Chinese have their own splinter network going. If so, the tentacles run deep everywhere.

Repeat criminal released from jail due to Covid-19 concerns murders Maryland man right in front of his 16 year old daughter. It is really a coordination of preternatural evil. This transcends mere politics or intrigue.

Protests preceded the biggest Chicago murder wave in decades.

Gun-wielding protesters point weapons at motorists in Indianapolis as leaders stay silent. We need some sort of law making driving at high speed through such a protest legal, and another law making the obstruction of traffic  a multi-decade mandatory minimum.

A desperate Biden grasps for Gretchen Whitmer as a potential running mate. There was a rumor he has been asking people, and everybody says no because they think he is going to be an epic defeat, and they don’t want to be associated with it.

Half a million incorrect absentee ballot applications sent across Virginia, including to dead people.

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy unveiled a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s mail service, displacing the two top executives overseeing day-to-day operations, according to a reorganization memo released Friday. Post Office leadership is riddled with Cabal. I actually think some Post Offices will be found to be Cabal operations centers.

New York ‘illegally housed homeless pedophiles next to playgrounds’ in the Upper West Side. The support for evil over decency is so thorough it cannot be an accident.

Austin voted to defund the Police, and its murder rate rose 67%.

Portland cops are getting the hell out of Antifastan and retiring in record numbers. It would be different, if only they knew this was a coordinated effort to take over the country by an organized intelligence operation. Losing these guys is a loss in the war, because Cabal will now try to replace them with its own. We need to ring the bell that can’t be unrung about what is happening in this nation soon.

Mississippi trooper fatally shot working part-time job driving USPS mail truck. Strange case, as nothing was taken, it appears his killers may not have even interacted with him, and if someone just killed him on sight, you wonder if the breakdown happened by chance, or was engineered to put him right there. It is supposedly more or less solved, with three suspects in custody, and strange things happen, but like much these days, if feels weird. Plus he wasn’t a situationally-unaware civilian who couldn’t spot threats or meet them. I’d imagine cop, especially high-ranking cop, could be a dangerous job if you aren’t Cabal, because you would see things that a lot of people would kill to keep hidden.

Leftist economist Robert Reich outed as ‘NIMBY’ opposed to forced neighborhood diversity.

Twitter locks out Emergency Room doctor Simone Gold for posting non-approved COVID-19 information on their platform.

Lebanese protesters storm ministry buildings as anger over Beirut blast grows.

Hezbollah leader Nasrallah hanged in effigy by Lebanese protesters.

Beijing mobilises invasion craft along coast as Taiwan tensions escalate.

In the UK, still more illegal Muslim migrants escorted by French navy through English Channel.

Swedish Police and civilians working at a no-go Area Police station will get Police escorts to and from work.

In Italy, a group of African migrants who used a government “holiday bonus” to travel to the beach in the town of Alassio were arrested after robbing tourists and children.

British Home Office seeks military help over migrant crossings.

NASA to reexamine nicknames for cosmic objects. Black hole and Milky Way are particularly problematic. Red Dwarf is probably offensive to Indian midgets too, as is the term Infra-Red.

The 2020 Libertarian nominee ‘bitten by a possibly rabid bat.’ bought out by a huge hedge fund in a counter-intuitive purchase which has some fearing their DNA data is about to be monetized, and used against them at some point. Like buying health insurance, or sold for intelligence purposes.

More than two dozen senators call for federal government to investigate Planned Parenthood over abuse of Coronavirus stimulus funds.

A Democratic New York City Councilman says hydroxychloroquine saved his life after a near-fatal run-in with COVID-19 in March.

Police arrest 48 pro-LGBT protesters in Poland.

Three-quarters of all Americans would prefer to live anywhere but a big city.

A third of Americans would say ‘no’ to a COVID vaccine, even if it was free.

Video of a sermon where exorcist Fr. Ripperger, says that politics is now good vs. evil. It is true. It is now fostering misery, suffering, and control, vs happiness, success, and freedom. Surveillance is the same thing, if you look closely enough at what it is run in support of. I wonder sometimes if they are blackmailed or willingly a part of it.

Chinese tech giant Huawei is running out of processor chips to make smartphones due to U.S. sanctions and will be forced to stop production of its own most advanced chips as well.

Trump signs executive orders on coronavirus economic relief. The press conference was a thing of beauty. Trump manhandled the media, took the most hostile questions, ignored the attacks, reframed the question, happily said what he wanted effortlessly, ignored the reporter’s attempt to redirect attacks as he moved on, and finally, as one reporter refused to cede the mic, he just walked out, with a thank you that clearly had nothing but contempt for the fake news all throughout it. The whole time he did it, you could see him embracing all of it mentally as exercise, and you couldn’t help but think of Biden, sitting on a recliner in his basement, his brain atrophying, and what few skills he may have had once wasting away. Trump’s skill at dominating a hostile public interaction is incredible, because many people can’t even do public speaking in a small auditorium, let alone public speaking, arguing with a hostile audience, in front of the entire world, and dominating it entirely to boot. Just when America needed exactly that man, God gave him to us.

AP notes that Biden risks alienating young Black voters with his racist remarks.

Hundreds of pro-Trump protesters march through West Hollywood to Beverly Hills.

Sharyl Attkisson notes, Trump is doing better against Biden in the fake polls which show Biden leading, than he was in the fake polls which showed Clinton winning in 2016. Interestingly, one of her attorney’s in the surveillance lawsuit is Tab Turner, a massively successful, multimillionaire Democrat lawyer with a private jet, who came up in, and operates out of Arkansas, who had a minor scandal for illegally funneling campaign contributions to John Edwards, and who gave prodigiously to Hillary’s campaign in 2016. And from my reading, I’d say it is 50:50 Sharyl has Cabal in her own most trusted circle of family. Add in the judge, and you see what she is up against, if she is not a Cabal operative herself, which I would rank less than 50:50, but not impossible.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is only one way to deal with perverts

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

This is probably why Pres. Trump is taking time off away from D.C., the air defense system has been dismantled since 2017. The entire Maryland side of DC has no air defense from cruise missiles launched from the Atlantic. Sites from Virginia would be too late to defend the Capitol/WH area from Atlantic threats. And point defense systems on DC buildings are only useful against small slower moving targets, not supersonic missiles.

Patriot PAC-3 battery removed from Aberdeen Proving Ground

JLENS missile sensing blimps defunded, cancelled

And construction at Andrews AFB has removed a NASAMS site this summer
Old photos with NASAMS

New photos without NASAMS'39.0%22N+76%C2%B052'01.0%22W/@38.7960963,-76.8814677,2429m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d38.810833!4d-76.866944?hl=en

NASAMs background

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

This is enlightening if the hypothesis are true.

“RUMORS SWIRLING: President Trump’s Recent Actions Indicate Something HUGE Is About to Drop

President Trump’s recent actions indicate the time may be very close where the Deep State and the Obama gang might finally have to face the music.”

4 years ago

Teachers plotting to brainwash your children without you knowing virtually:

Right now they are mad that they cannot program your children. But they are thinking of ways.

John Nada
John Nada
4 years ago

Thanks to the commenter who left a link to this site 2 days ago. This article is an excellent synopsis of the cult of Saturn that still exists today, its adherents always trying to destroy the Kingdom of God and Our Savior, Jesus Christ.

The black cube, worshiped by Islam as the Kaaba, and by certain Jews who literally wear a black cube on their head (teffilin), and whose motif is seen in Masonic checkerboard mosaics (worn by UK police on their heads), is the metaphorical prison that binds Saturn, or Satan, for having transgressed the Divine Will.

The article discusses the apparent anomaly that modern-day occultists supposedly abjure blood sacrifice, ignoring the satanic implications of abortion, which is literally modern-day Moloch worship.

This passage caught my eye, and directly connects with AC’s observations:

“Already, we have read much of the virtues and powers of the black god. The Saturnine deity is not a deity of brute force, but of subtlety and cunning. His revolution will not be one carried out through force of arms, but rather through the spiritual planes, as well as through the quiet corridors of power.

Saturn is the god of mystery, intrigue, stealth, secrets, and malice. A Saturnine kingdom today could, for example, manifest as a powerful state where there are cameras in every room, watchers on every street, and where people have gladly surrendered their civil liberties and dignity in exchange for safety and security.

Put this way, it does not seem so farfetched. It could equally manifest as complete and utter anarchy, with the dissolution of the civil powers, and a return to tribal or feudal living.”

Reply to  John Nada
4 years ago

The word “occult” simply means secret, and as always knowledge can be used for good or evil depending on the will of user. In fact Jesus himself was an occultist who explicitly tells you that his words have hidden meaning in Matthew 13:

“And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables? He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.”

Now realize that unlike the parable of the sower, most parables in the Bible are NOT explained, so in reality the Bible is an occult book! For example, the famous parable of the prodigal son has no commentary. What does it really mean? You can read one possible interpretation at

4 years ago

put that Biden / little girl video on a 24-hour loop on a Trump website. put it in every single DJT commercial. make it an entire commercial on its own: “this is who the democrats want to be USA President.” no voiceovers, no other words necessary, except maybe “I’m Donald Trump, and I’m fighting against this crap.” beat Biden and the dems to death with it.

let people see that, and it’s all over…. which, I suppose, is why it’s been hidden away.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…cult of Saturn…”

Oh so it’s cult of Saturn that’s the problem!

Well how many TV stations, radio stations, newspapers, internet blogs, twitters, facebooks, google, you get the idea, does the cult of Saturn own????

I say let’s get rid of the Jews “first” then we can deal with those pesky cult of Saturn dweebs at our leisure.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

At the same link is an article “Italian Explosives Expert: The Beirut Blast’s Massive Red Cloud is Indicative of Lithium Metal Which is a Propellant in Military Missiles”

I don’t know what the Beirut story is but I started looking at fertilizer bob videos and found new in Afghanistan where EOD blew up a bunch of fertilizer and it had the same red cloud. It was a little more orange though but it had that color.

You know I believe a lot of conspiracies are happening but I don’t believe everything is a conspiracy. I’m also NOT trying to say the bombing is not a conspiracy. I don’t believe anything unless I see evidence to support or it makes common sense. If something doesn’t make common sense or there is a much simpler explanation I don’t believe it.

One of the best statements I saw regarding the storage of fertilizer in the Beirut dock was that it had to be a set up because dock fees for a huge warehouse are expensive and no one would let this stuff sit there without being paid. That’s a damning statement but on the other hand…it did sit there as best as I can tell which seems crazy to me.

4 years ago

US will pay for companies to bring supply chains home from China: Kudlow

4 years ago

I’m on a rather large website with millions of viewers on it.

I am totally disgusted by the ineptitude of the Trump advertisements. The Trump campaign adverts ask: “Are you a Trump supporter”, another: “Do you approve of Trump”, third: “Become a VIP member of Trump campaign”.

There is NOTHING about spreading, elucidating his achievements. Nothing about his plans for the future—and very little attacks upon the Democrats. Nothing about Defunding the police. Nothing about riots and the attacks upon our culture. Yes, a couple of days about the riots in Portland.

Overall, I’m very disappointed about the Trump campaign ads.

Does anybody else notice this?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

goper apparatchiks do most party work. they hope to outlast trump and Trumpism. the ads wont matter that much in and of themselves this year. biden is a failed candidate.

4 years ago

No more Anglo-Saxon law in this country.

One of the basic foundation of Anglo-Saxon law is precedence.

The other day, bored out of my gourd and looking to a kill time, I watched an old episode of Law and Order. I haven’t watched it in a long time and purposely don’t watch it because it is Jew produced. There is a reason for this.

The episode is about a white girl who shoots her black stud and her defense is rape. Now, the black parents of the victim are outraged and so is the Black lawyer. In one of the scenes, they have a dispute with the DA about an indictment so they go in front of a Black judge.

The DA lays out Precedent. The Black Judge says explicitly—We don’t care for precedent—I order an indictment.

This is how the Jews manipulate and change a society—Thru the Media and culture. This is not a classroom—but it is teaching the populace at large.

This is scary. It looks benevolent but it is not. The Essence of this is terrible. No respect for the Rule of Law—just Power Play. That is EXACTLY what is going on today. There is NO justification for looking at Trump’s Tax returns—but that doesn’t matter—its all a Power Play.

The Jew here is teaching the Black to jettison Anglo-Saxon law. And again the Jew skewers reality. How many people have heard of a White girl killing a black man????? Never.

But there are Hundreds of cases of Black men killing white women. OJ Simpson. Here in Battle Creek, just recently, –a black man killed his white/hispanic girlfriend. As far as I know, i have not heard a single incident of a white woman killing a black—and on top of this the white girl did this because she was afraid of her BIGOTTED White father of hurting her knowing she was out with a black stud—so its all The White Man’s fault. More of the Jewish sociopathic dreamt-up pseudo-reality.

You’ve got to understand that there are Many levels of revolution going on out there. All sorts of avenues. Is this Jew upholding this country’s values???? NO. He is undermining OUR Anglo-Saxon society thru television. IT is about HIS Jewish sensibilities. His concerns. His values—Fuck off Anglo-Saxon.

And today—you see the fruits of his labor. You are witnessing the Rejection of everything Anglo-Saxon. That is on purpose folks. that has been engineered that way. It is not only coming from the colleges—but the media.

4 years ago

From previous post: “And today—you see the fruits of his labor. You are witnessing the Rejection of everything Anglo-Saxon. That is on purpose folks. that has been engineered that way. It is not only coming from the colleges—but the media. ”

Political Science 305

A Mystery. Monarchy and Aristocracy have contempt for the lower classes; let’s call it snobbery. Natural.

But that is not the same in the Lower Classes. If kept in control they too have snobbery for the elite. But when egalitarianism is taught—A Morality enters in—and the Lower seek TO KILL the upper classes. You see this in the French Revolution; the first victim was an aristocratic lady who got up to leave after speaking her mind to the Jacobin—and someone stood up and stabbed her in the back. The Orgy of Killing continued. You see this in the Russian Revolution where they hunted down the aristocracy and the bourgeois and massacred them all.

No king seeks to kill the lower. No aristocracy seeks to kill the lower—but when the Lower classes are taught that they have been harmed just by their station—They will kill, genocide the higher classes.

This was also in Pol Pot Cambodia where glasses signified intelligent people—and they were all slaughtered. The Lower always seeks to kill, genocide, massacre the higher. Covetousness, envy leads to killing. The lesson: The Lower classes are dangerous. Madly dangerous.

In a recent Victor Davis Hanson video: Victor Davis Hanson | Trump, China and Black Lives Matter
•Aug 2, 2020 produced by John Anderson, an Australian,

Prof. Hanson says he has never seen nor heard what is going on today. It is totally new—and scary. At the end of the Video—he does say—“they are coming to get you.” Whites are being portrayed as the cause of all the harm and evil in the world. Well, the logical conclusion is that Whites have to be removed from existing. Egalitarianism ends only in murder.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

“…Prof. Hanson says he has never seen nor heard what is going on today. It is totally new—and scary…”

He’s wrong, the exact same thing happened Russia and the Jews were in charge of that also.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

“But when egalitarianism is taught—A Morality enters in—and the Lower seek TO KILL the upper classes. ”

NOT true.

It is not necessary to egalitarianism and meritocracy to kill anyone because of their class.

“No king seeks to kill the lower. No aristocracy seeks to kill the lower”

Also NOT true.

It happens all the time throughout history.

4 years ago

Victor David Hanson: “They’re going to be taking down names, …..they are not going to be gracious,…they want hunt out and eradicate their opponent”.

Vox Day: It is time for the Crusades and Inquisition.

4 years ago

“Three things are obvious to all of them. One, he will never win. Two he is up to his ass in criminality over Ukraine. And three, there is a good chance once Trump wins, and Biden is taken down hard, there will be child molestation shit tagged onto his legacy. So the rumors of people turning him down when asked may very well be right, and he cannot find someone willing to sign on to be his VP. If he cannot find a VP, either it is a show designed to make Michelle come out and sign on, out of a sense of duty, before he dies of a stroke and she slides into the Presidential candidacy as part of a show to justify the fraudulently close, or even Democrat-victory results, or it isn’t a show, and this will just be a standard, full on Trumpslide.”

This was great comedy. Obviously you are auditioning for Vox Day.