Q-Anon Posts – 07/20/2020

News Briefs are here.

Twitter Brief is here.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub





Trump and Q posting at the same time.


The image is twitter’s control panel that allows them to manipulate trends.

They are starting with Republican candidates because it will make sense to people. My guess is they will gradually work it out to any Republican politician, then any Democrat politician, then media people, and eventually back to regular citizens. For the newbies here, just begin processing this thing will be much, much bigger than anything anyone normal would think possible. To open the door fully now would just leave everyone unable to believe the truth. But I can’t see them cracking this door, and not eventually taking it to David Patterson, and then Tom Bauerle, and then on to the full truth.








Spread r/K Theory, becauseFBI Director Flynn has a certain ring to it, and you know you would never hear that if Cabal was still power or the Storm wasn’t real.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

Wray wray pulled a better call (((Cabal))). I’m guessing that’s a pretty big deal.

4 years ago

China is a Country very Thirsty for Oil:

Oil shortages is also the major reason why Nazi Germany ultimately lost:

4 years ago

Trust Sessions… right.
Just wait a little longer – August 2019 is going to be hot… or maybe it’s code for 5 Augusts from now something meaningful will be attempted against Cabal.

At this point I have only the smallest shred of belief in Q, and that is out of a desire for it to be legitimate. The overwhelming likelihood is this was a deception from the beginning to keep true patriots passive, thinking a powerful shadow organization exists and is working in the patriots’ best interests. There may be warring factions of elites, but it is unlikely any such faction is on our side.

The time has long passed for Trump to unleash the nuclear option of total disclosure for the American public. In the meantime people are losing their livelihoods, becoming impoverished, suicides, families destroyed. Also it’s given more time for Cabal to seed ideas of deep fake video so if disclosure ever does occur, it can be dismissed by the mainstream.

Tucker and Rush seem to be aligned with us, but they are allowed to have a large audience on mainstream platforms. They surely have bumped up against the deep state in much the same way Scalia did. Rush even had an aside some months ago about an international organization with a description closely matching how you characterize Cabal on this blog. If he believes that to be true, then he must surely think it is the most important issue. So why spend so much time on other political theater? Why not make his show into a quest to discover who Cabal is and where they are? Are Tucker and Rush controlled opposition to the extent that they will never go far enough to motivate their listeners to action, and allow enough time to go by so Cabal can deal with those listeners easily on a massive scale when the technology to do so is ready.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I respect your position, and I sincerely hope to be proven wrong, but Q has pulled too many punches.
In fact, Q, or whoever Q represents, hasn’t actually seriously hurt anyone in actual power.
As I’ve said before, WWII was finished in 4 years.
What have all of these white hat elites opposed to Cabal been doing for the past 2 generations?
These so called white hats have been living the high life while the country has been systematically deconstructed at every level.
Q is a faction of the elite, and desires our collective passivity so as to not upset the apple cart too much, just enough to leave Q’s team in power.
Q has mentioned “we have it all.”
Then dump it all, or relevant portions, into the public domain NOW.
Release all relevant, and still classified, info on JFK/RFK assassinations, on 9/11, on the missing trillions, on espionage networks operating in the U.S.
Trump doesn’t even have to sign his name to it.
Just start anonymously gifting the video and declassified documentation to the handful of trusted journalists. If those journalists are too frightened, then hack the big 3 social media sites and put it all on the table.
But no, we have to wait… just a little bit longer. It’s always right around the corner… except we never actually turn the corner.
Q knows the truth, and has access to proofs, but always dangles the carrot as a means to direct the sheep to keep holding back and waiting for a savior.
I want Q to be real, but I don’t have a lot of faith right now. Cabal might be desperate, but Cabal also controls the vast majority of ALL of our institutions.
The white hat insurrection should have taken place back in the 60’s, when the nation was still functional and whole.
Now, the U.S. is like a carcass, and the buzzards are circling while the Q faction of the elites instructs us to sit on our hands and watch the show.
Not a good sign.
I hope to God I’m wrong.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I’m not sure if anyone here goes on Instagram, but it’s been on fire recently with all the citizen journalists digging & posting on pizzagate, wayfairgate, Hollywood pedos, child trafficking child abuse, sra & Hollywood rich elites, families Olof the elites, etc. everything. Q anon has told us we have everything. That’s the internet. Social media. Movies. We must do the digging. We must inform our friends and loved ones. This shit is overwhelmingly deep. WWG1WGA.

Reply to  Dave
4 years ago

>”As I’ve said before, WWII was finished in 4 years.”

The West lost WW2. And then WW3 started immediately after. The Jewish European banking cartels won (they are the original modern zionists and they were financing both sides of the conflict).

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

I’m sorry Lembrador—but the West ENDED with the American and French Revolutions!

What do you think “New Order” is on the Seal of the US??


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago


Reply to  AGS
4 years ago

What would you have us do differently if Q is a fake out?
What are we not doing because of Q?

I have never had anyone answer those question.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

After consulting with over 9000 experts from all around the world, with a combined IQ of over 6 million, the answer to both those questions was determined to be:

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

What would large numbers of decent people be doing now if Q never posted a single thread?
How many highly motivated people have been sitting on their asses for 4 years waiting for the trials to begin?
How many patriot networks would have been generated if people hadn’t been sitting on their hands waiting for the Storm?
I know several well connected people who have worked at high levels in finance and industry, with ties to defense contractors, and they say the back door talk is that Q was a LARP that got out of hand, and has now been hijacked in order to paralyze otherwise highly motivated conservatives from active participation in local and regional politics.
Is that absolutely true?
None of us knows.
But I’m no longer holding my breath in regards to Q.
We keep waiting for the Storm while the bad guys detonate the entire country at warp speed.
Something ain’t adding up.

Reply to  Dave
4 years ago

“What would large numbers of decent people be doing now if Q never posted a single thread?”

I asked you and you didn’t answer, most people involved with Q were doing nothing or doing far less effective things than they re doing because of Q.

“How many highly motivated people have been sitting on their asses for 4 years waiting for the trials to begin?”

I didn’t know that researching the corruption and evil that Q has helped to expose was sitting on your ass doing nothing, thanks for enlightening me.
I do know that sitting around doing nothing or doing far less effective things is what many Q followers were doing before Q came a long.

“How many patriot networks would have been generated if people hadn’t been sitting on their hands waiting for the Storm?”

Qanon is the greatest patriot network ever created and its members are not sitting on their hands doing nothing.

If Q is LARP it has backfired spectacularly.

Please tell me what it is you would have people do that they aren’t doing.

TLDR Don’t be a dave, Dave.

Reply to  Dave
4 years ago

Q brought loads of clarity towards what was really happening to lots of people (I include myself on that category).

And Q never told people to sit on their ass, just to not start going vigilante.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Dave
4 years ago

“…the back door talk is that Q was a LARP that got out of hand, and has now been hijacked in order to paralyze otherwise highly motivated conservatives from active participation in local and regional politics.”

I’m curious, because I’ve seen people post this claim for years. Alex Jones says this whenever Q comes up. If Q is nothing more than a LARP that got out of hand and/or was taken over, can you tell me during which post or range of posts this occurred?

And how exactly does Q “paralyze otherwise highly motivated conservatives from active participation in local and regional politics”? The “media” is running articles about the danger of Q candidates. Seems to me like Q is having the opposite effect. Are you trying to say that a bunch of disconnected conservatives would have handled things already if Q hadn’t come up? I don’t see that.

No One
No One
4 years ago

Have you read day of the rope?
One option but doesn’t even have to be that organized. What if every patriot who got a near term terminal diagnosis took out the worst piece of $π|+ in their opinion? Maybe that’s the priest or principal who molested kids in that town, maybe it would be Epstein or Maxwell or Wexner, or Soros or his kids maybe it’s Lois Lerner or Comey or Weissman or the creepy DC pizza guy or Kevin Spacey or one of the multitude of kid raping movie director types or just the worst of the local gangstalkers. Everyone do their own research and take out the worst you can.

If once a month a patriot took out a piece of trash our so called justice system was “overlooking” or “prosecutorial discretioning” or “sweetheart plea dealing” the world would be a better and much more just place. And a lot fewer kids would get raped.

Or we could just wait until an anonymous letter makes it all better if we just Trust Sessions and wait and do nothing. Let’s not take our country back, let’s wait patiently for the government who has so thoroughly and completely been subverted it deliberately fails at the basic functions of justice that it actively protects Epstein, to suddenly pivot because of a letter and make the american myth real.

Don’t say no one has ever answered those questions.

Reply to  No One
4 years ago

That was not happening before Q, Q did not prevent that.
And most Q followers do not have a near term terminal diagnosis.

That still doesn’t answer the questions.

Reply to  No One
4 years ago

” What if every patriot who got a near term terminal diagnosis took out the worst piece of $π|+ in their opinion? ”

Did anyone else notice that this is the storyline we are being fed about the lawyer who they say killed the judge’s kid?

Are THEY trying to get people to do this so they can portray us as dangerous nutjobs who need to be taken out?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

From the latest Q drop:

“Next: more ‘act of violence’ frame-ups”

Reply to  No One
4 years ago

One last hit, one last cigarette:


No One
No One
4 years ago

That was intended to be a reply to farce’s questions, but I think the primary reason it doesn’t happen now is that “the government” will take care of it, we don’t have to. The secondary reason is even those awake enough to get past the primary reason are waiting on Q to drop pixie dust on it any day now,so even we don’t have to do it.

And You’re right it can’t be done and gotten away with, but I am wondering why even those with nothing left to lose don’t do it on their way out the door.

Of all the hundreds of girls Ghislaine and Epstein raped, not one even absentee father heard about plea deal and delivered something more akin to justice?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  No One
4 years ago

Maybe they did?

After all “Epstein didn’t kill himself”