Evo-Psych Banned at Facebook

You know r/K is destined to change the face of politics when rabbits who see it are so overwrought they go all Galileo on you for insulting the religion of SJWism with science.

Traffic here was increasing apace, and sales were what they always are, but suddenly I noticed an extra $200 in the bank account for r/K, above what I was expecting. Somebody didn’t bill me for something, so I checked around. From email:

Hi Facebook Advertiser,

It looks like your ad account was used to create ads that violate Facebook’s Advertising Guidelines. Facebook’s policies protect everyone on Facebook and help make it a good experience. As a result, your ad account has been permanently disabled.

Here’s why your account was disabled:

User Trust

Ads may not promote a business model or practice that is deemed by Facebook in its sole discretion to be unacceptable or contrary to Facebook’s overall advertising philosophy or to any applicable law, including but not limited to ad content that creates distrust with users.

All claims in ads must be adequately substantiated. Any offers promoted within an ad must not be false, deceptive or misleading or contain spam. Ads must not contain or promote illegal products or services. Ads must not offend or violate the rights of any third parties.

Ads must clearly represent the company, product, service or brand that is being advertised. Products and services promoted in the ad copy must be clearly represented on the landing page, and the destination site may not offer or link to any prohibited product or service. Additionally, ads can’t suggest false relevancy to generic offers.

If you believe your account has been disabled by mistake, you can appeal here.


The Facebook Ads Team

Now Yahoo and Facebook both have banned a scientific idea. You can see the power of amygdala, when rabbits get frightened.

I was already meaning to move advertising from facebook, but I’ve had a lot going on and it always seemed to be at the bottom of the pile. Facebook is kind of funny in that you eventually wring all the positive effects out of it, and I assume from the fact I didn’t notice the cessation of traffic here that had happened. I tossed in the appeal, which I would assume will reverse the ban, but I probably won’t go back to it for a while anyway.

It is a good sign. r/K triggers major cognitive dissonance among rabbits. When they see it, they can’t argue against it, they can’t think about it, and if they think they can get it shut down to make it go away, they will do anything to try to accomplish that. There is no other idea in politics that can do that, and there is no other idea which spreads so spontaneously. r/K will change history someday, and if it hits at the right time, I could see it resulting in an affirmative societal attack on leftism which will make the anti-communist 50’s look like a love note. There is nothing which would fortify the foundations of our civilization more.

Unfortunately for them, this will probably only triple my traffic once I finally begin dumping my money into a new ad venue which I haven’t already exhausted.

So to the rabbit, thank you for the push – I needed it. I have been meaning to get off my ass.

But don’t think because of this I will stop and intervene to keep you from getting beaten into a bloody pulp when the savages begin rampaging. You will officially be on your own, and I will enjoy watching what happens. Try to make your demise interesting for me.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Now that’s funny right there!