News Briefs – 04/11/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Key FBI officials failed to review an intelligence file identifying Christopher Steele’s ties to Russian oligarchs and were later advised some of the information he provided agents in his dossier appeared to be misinformation planted by Russian intelligence, according to declassified information made public Friday.

Bill Barr says evidence from the Durham probe is ‘troubling,’ and the report of an investigation is ‘likely.’

Total Coronavirus death toll globally reaches 100,000. All during massive lockdowns across the globe with total government and populace attention. And it is an undercount, because from China to Italy, they are all undercounting. Trump has massively reduced the death we should have seen.

Drivers entering Utah will need to complete an online travel declaration form starting Friday.

WHO seeks a $1 billion funding boost from international governments.

New federal projections show huge spike in coronavirus infections in the summer if current lockdown and social distancing measures are lifted after planned 30 days. Nobody can project anything, because nobody has any idea how many people have already been infected because we haven’t gotten antibody testing up and taken a look.

A Chicago phlebotomist said Thursday that 30 to 50 percent of those tested for coronavirus have antibodies, and 10 to 20 percent of those tested are carriers of the virus.

Study shows 15% of German town has Coronavirus antibodies already. New York may be similar, or a little higher if the virus hit America before we knew. It would mean if it were to spread linearly, you’d have five months more to get to 90%. It wouldn’t spread linearly but it also wouldn’t need to go that far to begin to die back due to herd immunity, especially with social distancing and masks. So the light at the end of the tunnel is probably closer than we would think.

Poll shows 72% of Americans won’t attend sports events without vaccine. Coronavirus has an R0 over five with that 28% who would attend, and the R0 drops to just over 1 with Social distancing per Dr Birx. Let that 28% get infected and either die or get immune (and we are probably halfway there according to the above study), and I would guess the R0 would drop to 1-point-something normally with the rest and no social distancing, and probably fairly below one with social distancing policies. So Trump opening things up in May, with all the proper precautions like masks and hand-washing, suddenly looks just about right.

Fauci expects ‘real degree of normality’ by November election. Means those who play the Stock Market should be trying to figure out the best buy-in time between now and then.

US coronavirus deaths projected to peak Sunday.

Boeing plans limited return to work next week after coronavirus shutdown.

Gov. Greg Abbott is preparing an order to begin re-opening Texas businesses.

Surgeon General says some places may be ready to reopen on May 1.

German study shows coronavirus mortality rate of 0.37%, five times lower than widely reported numbers.

Trump admin. to allow retail pharmacies to administer COVID tests.

New Jersey loosens restrictions on TrumpPill for use in nursing homes.

Remdesivir shows mild benefit in a preliminary study on the worst Coronavirus patients. I wonder how many of the media people trying to kill TrumpPills have some financial interest in companies developing vaccines and new treatments for the disease.

New TrumpPills study shows 92% cured in 10 days, 3% required more than 10 days of regular hospitalization, .98% had to go to intensive care to get cured, and .47%  died, but all the less than half a percent who died were 74-91 years old, likely with comorbidities.

French President Macron faces calls to allow wider use of hydroxychloroquine in coronavirus fight. Why are politicians sticking their noses into medicine and doing it to forbid the release of a genuine treatment for this pandemic?

Macron holds surprise meeting with French doctor behind hydroxychloroquine study above.

Doctors are taking Hydroxychloroquine off label as a prophylactic, which means the movement to keep regular citizens from taking it might be like telling regular citizens to not use masks – they are preserving the supply:

Progressives unveil wish list for next Coronavirus stimulus bill, complete with abortion funding, surveillance, and mail-in voting.

Poll shows a majority of Democrats want to drop Joe Biden for Andrew Cuomo. So the party-members are primed to let somebody else get substituted.

FDA has been blocking Trump and moves needed in the fight against the Chinese Coronavirus.

EU Court of Justice rules Poland Hungary and Czech Republic broke EU law by not accepting the flood of migrants Brussels wanted to send them.

Obama joins the Democrats’ push for vote-by-mail. Trump will not allow it. He can’t. It is tempting to think Trump may be a psyop. I have seen so much compromised, I know it would fit perfectly, and even be a perfectly designed way to lead us to continue to partake of the show, and think we have a player in it, somewhere. And yet, I think they could get away with voting by mail. We would fight like hell, but if (((They))) beat Trump and got vote by mail through, would any of us take to the high ground and begin picking any of (((Them))) off? Could we even find one of the leaders, or are the highest ranking members known to us the lower drones like Pelosi, and Biden, and McCabe, whose deaths would accomplish nothing? (((They))) could do it and we would not even know who (((They))) are, and yet Trump will stop it. I think if Trump was one of them, he would “Bush” us, let it happen, and then tell us he is going to take the high ground, and just accept that the system worked how it had to, and we need to accept that vote by mail is a thing now.

Washington Post reporter found dead in his apartment. No further details, but he covered government and politics.

DOJ review finds material errors in two more 2019 surveillance applications. Interestingly the virus outbreak has halted the reviews of other FISAs because of social distancing requirements preventing in-person investigation.

Supreme Court to hear a case on whether the state can seize firearms from other residents of a house where one individual is Red-Flagged.

Virus-panicked liberal gun buyers are getting angry when they discover their own gun control laws won’t let them arm up.

California governor praises Trump’s efforts to help state amid coronavirus crisis.

Now New York Governor Andrew Cuomo blasts WHO for not warning about coronavirus.

Trump says, “We are going to have an announcement on the World Health Organization sometime next week. As you know, we have given them approximately $500 million a year, and we are going to be talking about that subject next week. We’ll have a lot to say about it.”

Young Turks employees vote to unionize over Cenk Uygur’s strenuous objections.

U.S. Sens. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) sent Inspector General of the U.S. Postal Service Tammy Whitcomb a letter urging the Post Office IG to open an investigation into absentee ballot irregularities for the Wisconsin election held on Tuesday, April 7.

Some Bernie Sanders supporters say they’re not ready yet to back Joe Biden in the fall. Their amygdala trigger is the powerful forces of an establishment steamrolling them as if they are nothing. Joe Biden is the embodiment of a powerful establishment steamrolling them as if they are nothing.

Even Chris Wallace can’t see how Trump could be beat. The virus actually kind of froze things two months ago, when Trump had achieved political-God-like status. Because the virus has been made out to be so formidable, nothing that has happened could possibly be seen as attributable to Trump’s leadership, and given how bad things are right now, everyone seems to feel we will need a President of Trump’s ability to guide us back now more than ever. If the virus was supposed to take Trump down, it may very well have prevented anything from dinging his perfect reputation for supreme competence.

Trump predicts record rebound due to ‘pent-up demand’ and historic stimulus.

Spread r/K Theory, because no plan survives first contact with the enemy.

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4 years ago

Interesting news!!! :
Yesterday the guys making the OutofShadows documentary that you linked made a youtube livestream 20 minutes before the realease, and at the of the end of the livestream they prayed. The guy making the prayer asked to pray for the people involved in the doc, Trump, and ALSO, for General Flynn, he conveyed he had a hunch about General Flynn and said to pray for him. Is General Flynn QAnon? I think we are reaching the awaited happening!!!

Other might-be-related news:
Yesterday Trump gave a Covid briefing at the WH and he said something that caught my attention at the end. You can watch it yourselves on youtube. He was talking at about the US reaction to teh covid and at the end he said:

“The American people have been so disciplined, it´s been my honor to be their president, I´ve said it before, I´ll say it again, I´ll say it always, It´s been my great honor to have been their president, and I have a big decision coming up, [pause], and I only hope to God that it´s the right decision, but it will be based on the, uhm, the input from a lot of very talented people, very smart people, and people that love our country. Thank you all very much, [turns away], thank you, thank you very much.”

Was he talking just about coronavirus measures, or might he also be alluding to something else? Why did it seem to me like he was implying that he is no longer going to be president, am I paranoid? Is this related to General Flynn?

About the doc:
I watched the doc and I thought it was great, and the clear voices make it easy to translate for youtube subtitles, so I can share it with a few more people that don´t speak English.
On the other side, I´m afraid that we the readers of this blog are aware most of what it says, the disconnect will be to big for most people,, and they will just file it away. Here in Spain, I´m constantly probing my friends, family, and people that I meet on my day to day live to different degrees, to see how can I make them see the truth, and I realize the programming from mass media is very strong and ubiquitous, mass repetition of the same memes from TV and newspapers is so efective.
I have a hard time redpilling (for lack of a better word, it´s turned into a gimmick) people, and I´m not as persuasive as I can, but I´m slowly getting results with my brother and close friends. My boomer parents are lost beyond measure.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  P.
4 years ago

Flynn is not Q

Reply to  P.
4 years ago

“The American people have been so disciplined, it´s been my honor to be their president, I´ve said it before, I´ll say it again, I´ll say it always, It´s been my great honor to have been their president, and I have a big decision coming up, [pause], and I only hope to God that it´s the right decision, but it will be based on the, uhm, the input from a lot of very talented people, very smart people, and people that love our country. Thank you all very much, [turns away], thank you, thank you very much.”

Watch from 2:08:00 onward or so. The big decision he is talking about is re-opening the country. He does not regret the lockdown and he would have preferred to avoid killing 2.2 million people. He is not ending his presidency.

Watch it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago


You may be right…I just don’t think Trump is resigning.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

The invisible enemy knows they are fugged, and so as an attempt to try to maintain control via intimidation, they showed themselves to the people who started to reject the brainwashing program their bosses pump on everyone (the gangstalking and all that shit, if they truly wanted to get intel and use it in the most effective way, they would remain in the shadows, and invisibly steer people into the directions they want, the fact that they have came out and started to show themselves AND big names have started to get fugged over over the last years (No Name, Biden, Maduro’s cartel) AND people are waking up exponentially to their most powerful weapon (Jewish collective power) AND that they have failed at silencing Patriots on a mass level (yes they can make us uncomfortable and threaten us and all that shit, but they are still LOSING like the faggots they are) show us two things, IMHO:

The whitehats planned things in a way that allowed the gaybal to feel like they had already won, and as such, filled them with even more hubris than usual. This is why timing and patience is so important, they controlled judges, politicians (executive and judiciary), general attorneys and state persecutors, lawyers, bankers, whole banking institutions, central banks, education system, academia, MSM, Hollywood and all other mainstream entertainment, big tech (social media), publishing, police, intel agencies, big pharma, health services, etc.. They had total virtual control over all aspect of the WHOLE general public, while only directly employing into their criminal conspiracy perhaps some 5-10% of the population. That is a pretty big achievement, and even more impressive is that those 300 families at the top of the pyramid (the pedo cannibals that rule the gaybal) use those strategically placed 5-10% as levers in order to control the rest of the general population, basically creating a mass of useful idiots out of the WHOLE general population via controlling the gate-keepers (celebrities, teachers, religious leaders, etc). It didn’t matter if you were on the left or on the right, every side of every issue had their controlled opposition ready to pincer move you into spinning on your wheels for your whole life.
Now, all of that has gone to shit, BUT, the timing of the whitehats seems to had been planned in a way that lead the gaybal to believe that they still had a chance to fight back, but that BAIT was deployed in order to induce the gaybal to make moves that ended up SPEEDING UP their demise. At the center of this war are the hearts and MINDS of the general public (as in, one of the victory conditions of this war is that the general public rejects their social conditioning and start researching and thinking critically about EVERYTHING, because basically EVERYTHING has been weaponized against them/the general public/EVERYONE), and certainly it is frustrating for the people who are deeper into their own research that so many normands in the general public still have so much to learn (so many redpills to swallow), but think about it, you cannot make people see, you can only point them in the direction of the thing you want them to see, and what better way to redpill the masses then to induce the enemy to use EVERYTHING they can against the general public?

They are completely fugged, and they know it, but some of the upper echelons of the gaybal will try to go down swinging, and that will only speed up their demise, and make the consequences worst for them. It is not a coincidence that not even 1 week after the indictment of the Maduro cartel, 3 very high level collaborators had already surrendered to US authorities. Those were the smart ones, they know they are finished, and that the more they try to fight the inevitable, the worse it will be.

Think about it, all of the shit they are throwing at us (not us on the micro-level of the readership of this blog and other Patriots with the gayngstalking and their homo threats, but us in the sense of the whole Humanity) it’s an act of desperation, they need to remain secret and operate in secret in order to keep their power long enough to be able to subdue everyone in the world once and for all (then they could operate openly, as resistance would be futile), the fact that they have been progressively getting sloppier and sloppier not only regarding big targets like Trump (the piss dossier in peach mint, and the retarded Jew coup, and all the other bullshit) but also on the local level with ABSOLUTE PATRIOT CHADS who know too much and question too much for their liking shows that they know they are in trouble and that they don’t really know what to do besides throw more mud at the wall in an ever increasingly retarded way and hope something sticks.

All their excuses are retarded, and now that everyone is waking up, fear and intimidation (and possibly violence) is the only plays they can make. But at the end of the day, they are fugged, and the more they try to use the only plays they can play now, the worse the backlash against them is going to be.

This whole thing reminds me of something an US Sambo instructor used to write in his blog: you cannot make the road shorter, only longer. And perhaps this “slow” way is the only way to NOT make the road longer, the road being the absolute victory over the gaybal leadership and their entire network, and one of the conditions to that absolute victory being “the general public will have to decide for themselves to train themselves into the habit of questioning everything and thinking critically”. This might seem impossible at first glace, but that seems to me to be one of the conditioned responses to this problem that the gaybal has programmed all of us with, because in reality, there is one very simple and powerful way to get EVERYONE in the general public who is worth a shit to decide for themselves to start questioning everything and think critically: you simply show them that if they don’t do it, evil networks like our present day gaybal will come into existence again, and their children and their children’s children will be in danger. If you show the gen pop that only critical thinking and pro-active questioning will stand between literal demon-like pedophile cannibals and their children and grand-children, you can bet that the people who are worth a shit will listen to reason and decide to get into the habit of doing it.


New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Don’t underestimate the impact of OUT OF SHADOWS. It’s been a huge viral hit and while it says nothing really new it puts all the pieces together and convincingly explains it. It’s a devastating red pill.

As a work of propaganda it’s flawless because the two big ideas it communicates is that Hollywood/MSM are LIARS, they are CONTROLLED, and they are DISGUSTING. Distrust and Disgust are powerful, powerful emotions. It’s a major blow to the influence of both the MSM and Hollywood, who are cabal’s biggest resource.

More importantly it leaves the viewer with many questions: who are these evil people, and what do they really most want? And it sets them up for understanding just WHY something like 9/11 would have been done. And it does all of this without fingering the usual suspects, by which of course I remain those who Q tells us are saved for last.

In the stealth war, OUT OF SHADOWS was a neutron bomb. Trump dramatically weakened the enemy’s influence over a million people in 24 hours.

Reply to  map
4 years ago

Okay yes. My mind wanders too much sometimes

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  P.
4 years ago

P. says,”…I have a hard time redpilling (for lack of a better word, it´s turned into a gimmick) people, and I´m not as persuasive as I can, but I´m slowly getting results with my brother and close friends. My boomer parents are lost beyond measure…”

I think the easiest path to redpilling people our world wide situation is building 7 on 9-11. There’s just no explanation for a building with fires on a few floors to fall with all side horizontally equal the same speed as a rock falling in air. This means the building, falling the same as the rock. had the exact same resistance to falling. It could ONLY have been supported by air at that point.

Now this when it is pointed out is obvious to anyone with any sense. They may resist at first because it shatters their world view but once they hear this they can not unhear it. They will remember because it’s so graphic and easy to remember. You MUST emphasize that the building fell with NO support at all but air. Then it’s easy for them to see that the Jews, who own all the media, can easily see just as well as anyone else the same thing and say…nothing. That they owned the buildings and made a pile of money blowing them up just amplifies the point.

4 years ago

I ‘play’ the stocks markets so, FWIW, here’s my two cents. Everything below refers to the S&P 500 unless otherwise stated.

As of now, I ***think*** there will be another leg down, probably similar to the first in terms of size and duration. So, we’re talking hard and fast for a period of 4-5 weeks. After that, as the saying goes, the bottom’s in. Stock market indices don’t tend to have V shaped bottoms. You would most likely get a double bottom or inverse head and shoulders pattern. (These are technical analysis terms but simple enough to understand if you want to learn more, just google the terms and do an image search.)

What I can’t do is say when those 4-5 weeks hard down begin. All I can say is sooner rather than later.

Aside from the above though, the stock market *is not* the economy. How/when the economy recovers is a different story and I don’t know what that story is.

I’ll post another update when I think the bottom is in. (Or thereabouts.)

None of the above is to be taken as investment advice, you should only seek investment advice from a licensed professional, etc., etc., etc.,

George Wallace
George Wallace
4 years ago

“New federal projections show huge spike in coronavirus infections in the summer if current lockdown and social distancing measures are lifted after planned 30 days. ”

This was debunked by Brietbart as the “leaked” report was based on now dis arded models from March.

4 years ago

1st America the Beautiful quarters of 2020 features a fruit bat mother and her pup

4 years ago

“I wonder how many of the media people trying to kill TrumpPills have some financial interest in companies developing vaccines and new treatments for the disease.”

I’d say most or all of them, they are projecting that very motive onto him.
You can read them like a book if you understand their tendency to project.
It’s one of their worst weaknesses, it comes from being unimaginative and generally stupid.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

The CDC and FDA have no interest in developing any “cures” via medicine for any disease. Why, the money that flows to them from the medicine that keeps you alive and suffering. Who loves the suffering? You know who and why. If you do not read the Bible. They are vaccine centric but only to the extent to keep the sheeple under control. There is a vaccine for Ebola but it is still expermental (six years now) so everyone in the affected areas cannot be vaccinated. Remember as Gates and Faucci said there will be a vaccine in the future. SARS and MERS have been around for a while (20 and 10 years) but no vaccine (both Corona Virsues). What is being waited for is the ability to include a transponder chip in the so called vaccine.

Then like it or not you will have several things 1. the mark of the devil IN your body, 2. Your internal passport that can be scanned by anyone anywhere with equipment. 3. It will be like the current flu vaccine and have to be renewed every year and you will not be able to move about your neighborhood never mind the world without your annual permit. Are you or have you become one of the 20 million plus who were identified in the early 70’s as those who had to be eliminated for the commie (devils) rule. This will allow you to be identified and locked in place and if you move shot.

4 years ago

I hope the Trump admin and farmers see this suggestion given this situation:

Farmers should get dehydrators ASAP. Turn all their fresh milk into powdered milk for Full Cream and Skim to make it storable and sellable to everyone.

Unless Farmers turn all their perishable goods into non-perishable all that agricultural output will be wasted.

4 years ago

Hehe, the Out of Shadows documentary just went from 700k views to over 1Mil in about 2 or 3 hours.

Also, Q just posted a link to it, so it will go very VERY viral really fast. It’s a good documentary that has perfect optics for the normands, what a wonderful work.

4 years ago

More data on the connection between China and Jewish collective power: – “Communist China was created by the Jews and serves their interests.”

October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tsung declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF. Jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung, the communist dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese (mostly Christians) during his brutal reign. Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ. Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance).