News Briefs – 02/26/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


 The Tweet is above. Bob Iger’s face is below:

 So one day to the year from that post, Iger at Disney is out. Makes you wonder about Q starting his posting on October 28th, saying he can’t act immediately for obvious reasons, but in a few days it starts.

The Tweet:

It is going to be biblical? Did Q know? Locusts, plagues, a famine soon, will war follow? A part of me wonders if (((They))) might have pulled these tricks over the millennia, and the Bible was cataloging them. It probably would not be difficult to breed up a large enough captive locust population in a lab to seed something like this and get it off the ground, even in antiquity. Likewise, even in primitive times, you could use prisoners to culture a plague. War would be easy for Cabal, as would famine, either through locusts or other means. It just seems strange to me that as we are closing in on the Awakening, all of this hits as once. It could be coincidence, but it doesn’t feel like it, and the enemy has always been more organized than we would think.


I swore I hit publish on this, but it didn’t take again. Sorry about that.

Another refinery blows up in LA.

Buttigieg is sick, cancels several Florida events. He is gay, so if Corona virus was going to hit one of the Democrats, it would be him. If he is sick enough today to start canceling events, he was sick last night. Which means he may have infected the entire Democrat slate. Bernie, and Biden, and Steyer, and Bloomberg, and Warren, could all be dead in a week. Hillary might have to step in, as the only electable candidate. Do you think she has satan on speed dial?

Glenn Beck says, Obama era DHS whistleblower Philip Haney wore a thumb drive around his neck. Says Haney was a close friend, a total patriot, and that he definitely didn’t kill himself. at 5:45 he says Haney kept a thumb drive around his neck with his insurance policy of data he had accumulated on treason under Obama. It is tough for normies to grasp just how bad it is, but this guy being murdered is no surprise at all if you understand the size and scope of the machine, because something like this can be done by (((Them))) with literally no risk. That is how big it is.

The coroner for the Amador County Sheriff’s Office in California on Monday criticized the spread of “misinformation” surrounding the death of Obama administration-era DHS whistleblower Philip Haney, saying it is “extremely premature and inappropriate” to deem it a “suicide.” On top of that, the Sheriff’s office says they haven’t either.

A key juror from Roger Stone’s trial was questioned in court on Tuesday over allegations that she prejudiced the jury.

Supreme Court weighs whether encouraging unlawful immigration is a crime.

Corona virus’s stats – 81,225 confirmed cases worldwide, including 2,769 fatalities.

Trump faces ‘black swan’ threat to the economy and reelection due to Corona virus. When facing something bad, amygdalae calibrate to expectations. If you face a bad situation, but you expect to avoid it entirely, the long term effect is to amplify the amygdala-pain if the bad thing happens. If you face a bad situation, and you immediately recognize you will be hit by the worst case scenario, then anything short of the worst case scenario will feel like a small win to the amygdala. I do not know if Trump would be better playing this off to protect the market, or to begin to set lower expectations, so if they happen, we are ready, and if they do not, it is an enormous win. Hopefully Trump will hedge against the political ramifications of any widespread pandemic situation, and view everything from the perspective of what it will look like in four months if there is a panic. If viewed from that perspective, he should now not only be portraying himself fighting wildly – he should be urging other people to limit unnecessary gatherings like Mardi Gras to protect themselves and the country, and to be cautious to help us defeat this. People will ignore it, and later he can blame them for the spread, and others will look like they failed him and the country, while he was fighting. Push for more border tightening, enough the Democrats will stop it, saying it is critical to keep it from entering through the border. Demand money for Corona test kits for Border Patrol to test migrants they catch. It would probably get denied, but that makes it the Democrats who exposed us to the threat. Looking farther forward, to when a vaccine or drug is found to fix it, he should then be able to take credit for having pushed wildly for that now. Set up some sort of quick-reaction task force now to speed the search for a vaccine or cure, and speed the bureaucracy and cut the red tape for whoever develops it, to look proactive, and speed the discovery and implementation of a fix. Have a prevention task force meeting, to say we are on top of it, and it looks good. And publicize all of that. What he should not do now is portray it as being no problem, and set expectations that we will not see it. His posture should be that it is a threat, he thinks it can be beat if we all do our part and the democrats don’t impede him for partisan reasons, and he is doing everything to fight it and keep it from being a problem. If it is contained, and it might be, he can claim it as his success. And if it isn’t, it looks like there was no way to avoid it and nothing he could have done because of the Democrats.  Highlighting any illegals who are caught with the Corona-virus would work to that end as well, so getting tests to the Border Patrol should be on the agenda, as well as maybe helping Mexico identify cases in the migrants they stop, for publicity purposes. Also it pays to highlight how the China tariffs have helped to decouple us from China and reduce our risk of exposure to economic effects there. Hopefully he knows something we do not, though. If he helps us actually dodge this bullet, he really will be the God-Emperor.

Rogue CDC official pushing the coronavirus panic button, saying severe disruptions were inevitable, is Rod Rosenstein’s sister. I have told you Cabal is a family affair, they are raised in it, and they are used operationally at the earliest ages. If somebody comes to you now, and says, we’re going to wreck the Constitution, shit on all the freedoms every service member who died fought for, kill a few cops, and render elections meaningless as we flood the country with low IQ who foreigners who will fuck it all up, you’d blow the whistle in a second. But if you are raised in the group, if your family is in the group, and if it is a choice between your family and friends or everyone else, loyalty is a pretty strong force offering a moral counterbalance. Added to the threat of how they can fuck up you (and your loved ones you leave behind if you leave), and all the wealth they can give you, it will push you to support Cabal. By her age, you are so deep, and your kids so dependent on it (and threatened by it) she almost has no choice but to put her kids in, and then they are raised in it, and it seems normal, and they have the same problems.

Larry Kudlow says US has contained the Coronavirus and the economy is holding up nicely.

CDC raises South Korea travel advisory to highest level.

Food donated to Chinese city under COVID-19 lockdown is wasted or stolen by authorities.

U.S. military says soldier based in South Korea tested positive for a new virus, the first U.S. service member infected.

South Korea reports 169 new coronavirus cases, total tops 1,100.

Dioceses in northern Italy suspend Mass during coronavirus outbreak.

Given estimates made by health officials, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told senators on Tuesday that America could need 270 million more face masks to fight the new coronavirus at home.

US health officials say human trials on coronavirus vaccine to start in 6 weeks. Trump’s staff should be getting him into a position to take credit if it works. A part of me wonders if this was a bioweapon, if intel had gotten samples years back and developed a vaccine in secret, as well as a plan to get it out fast if the weapon ever went operational. Every government might have a whole library of secret vaccines to their competitor’s weapons. Now, they are rolling out the vaccine fast, as planned, and by the summer it will be taken care of. Might explain why Trump sounds so certain this will be stopped, and how this vaccine is moving so fast.

All 16 of Vietnam’s coronavirus sufferers cured.

Senior IOC member says Tokyo Olympics may be canceled due to coronavirus outbreak.

Secretive South Korean church linked to country’s corona virus outbreak held meetings in Wuhan until December 2019.

Iranian MP Mahmud Sadagi also announced that he had contracted the Coronavirus. On top of the Deputy Health Minister.

Tenerife hotel with hundreds of guests locked down in the Canary Islands because of a visiting Italian doctor who tested positive for Corona virus.

Flight attendant diagnosed with coronavirus might have serviced trips between Seoul and Los Angeles.

Brazil confirms first case. We’ll know if it can survive the heat soon, because this is a confirmed case, meaning they were probably spreading over the last ten days, and some they infected were probably spreading in Carnival. So no rise in cases this week or next in Brazil and this will die in the summer up here, and Trump will be proven right yet again.

23 year old US soldier in South Korea tests positive, in quarantine.

Cayman Islands denies entry to the Meraviglia cruise ship because 2 of its crew members aren’t well.

14% of those recovered in Guangdong tested positive again.

Coronavirus showing resistance to earlier antivirals, seems to be evolving.

China keeps changing how they count the numbers making comparisons with the past difficult.

Young white women are not immune:

Bernie Sanders once wrote  toddlers should run around naked and touch each others’ genitals.’ Alisyn Cameratta was gobsmacked. So it hits leftist amygdalae, and is a violation of expectation.

Sanders’ chance of another hospitalization between now and November alone likely remains between 30–35 percent. I’d almost wonder if this was a Cabal threat.

Bloomberg shares polling with Dems showing Sanders would jeopardize House majority.

Bloomberg in debate claims Russia is ‘helping’ Sanders in Democratic race.

Ocasio-Cortez suggests a Bloomberg presidency would pave the way for ‘a worse Trump.’ In other words, if Bernie gets elected, he is going to make sure there can never, ever be another Donald Trump elected.

Progressive group: Sanders has proposed $53 trillion in new spending (and new taxes to pay for about half of it).

New national poll shows Sanders surpassing Biden with African Americans.

Joe Biden says he’s a ‘candidate for US Senate’ in latest gaffe. “My name is Joe Biden. I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over. [slurs words]..if you don’t like me, you can vote for the other Biden — give me a look though, okay?”

Poll finds three-way Democratic contest in Florida with Mike Bloomberg the slight leader.

Local emergency declared in San Francisco amid coronavirus concerns.

Africa is pretty much fucked – “Coronavirus – Virus: See di list of kontris wey don get di COVID-19 disease as e dey spread” From the article – “As medical researcher and goment officials all ova di world dey look for cure and medicine to take contain di virus, di tin still dey spread from one kontri to anoda.”

Loophole could allow double voting in California Primary election. Change your information and you get a new, legit, vote-by-mail ballot. Nobody would figure this loophole out and exploit it though.

James Clapper says, Trump’s ‘purge’ reminds me of North Korea.

Sweden has seen a 1,500 percent documented rise in gender dysphoria in teens since 2008. This is being done to them. I don’t know how, maybe cartoons that are too stimulating to the amygdala, or the massive dopamine rushes from modern tech, or drugs, or some sort of MK Ultra manipulation. I’d love to know if it is purposeful, or part of an experiment.

Bernie Sanders promises $1.5 trillion for ‘free, universal’ child care, preschool.

Earthquake risk prompts order to drain big dam south of San Francisco.

Inquiry finds pedophiles in the UK government were allowed to abuse children for decades.

Ilhan Omar got a book deal for a memoir which will come out soon.

45% of blacks at Harvard admitted through illegal race preferences. So plebe, that is why you got straight “A’s” and did not get in. It is just liberal stupidity, and not that there is a secret society that gets first dibs on everything, and which is discriminating against you in an organized, coordinated fashion so they can rule over you for a foreign conspiracy of trillionaire bankers. Media coverage is money to them, so if you see a story, it is almost certainly there to program you, and make you think the way (((They)) want you to think.

Reddit forcibly removes half the mod staff of The_Donald and replaces them with Reddit Approved mods.

Dallas bed bugs expert says he treats 5 to 10 rideshare vehicles per week. The wonders of immigration. Cheaper than hiring an exterminator would be leaving the car in a sunny parking lot with the heat on. Bed Bugs are killed by high temperatures. I think 130 does it.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s security plans are ‘unworkable’ as the Met Police is ‘severely lacking trained officers’ warns ex-protection officer as bill rockets to £20m-a-year.

Top Marine stresses need for more female infantry officers, research on 1-year paid maternity leave as one of the Service’s most important matters.

Syrian refugee escapes civil war, is fatally shot while delivering pizzas in Baltimore.

New York City Subway crimes, including felonies, rise sharply since last year.

Illegal immigrant charged with raping Maryland girl, 11.

Death toll rises in New Delhi as Hindu mobs attack Muslims. War. Locusts bringing Famine. Pestilence spreading. “Then I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, “Come.” I looked, and behold…”

A Pentagon Police Officer on patrol observed a man standing next to a vehicle striking a cigarette lighter to a piece of fabric that was inserted into the vehicle’s gas tank.

Eric Trump slams Sanders: ‘He has three accomplishments, two of which are naming post offices.’

Ignoring leftist outrage, the Village People say Trump is welcome to play their music at rallies.

US military says it killed terrorist leader who planned attack that killed Americans in Kenya.

Supreme Court rules for Border Patrol agent in suit filed by Mexican family over cross-border shooting.

In Mississippi, eight Democrats and Independents switch to Republicans.

In a Cincinnati church basement, black women take a class together: learning how to fire guns.

GOP flips another Democrat held seat in a Kentucky special election.

Poll shows, Democrats are underperforming with black voters.

Trump Job approval 52-47 at Rasmussen.

Morning Consult Poll: many Democrats see their party heading over a cliff.


Spread r/K Theory, because winning and losing depends on expectations

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4 years ago

Do you think she has satan on speed dial?

Satan knows not to call her, she’ll call him.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago


4 years ago

Brazil confirms first case.

Broker-Anon warned that his CDC/WHO contacts were hoping against hope that it wouldn’t get into the Amazon and back into the bats there to mutate.

Gird yourselves with the Full Armor of God, boys, truly ITZ coming now.

4 years ago

You made it.😅

4 years ago

Africa doesn’t seem to have any yet. Not on that list anyway.

Reply to  mobiuswolf
4 years ago

With the amount of diseases running amok in Africa, how will they will they even be able to tell if someone croaks from mexican beer virus or something else?

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
4 years ago

Good question. I figure it’s probably rampant already, unless the heat defeats it, and they are oblivious. They’re having fun with locusts as well.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
4 years ago

“…With the amount of diseases running amok in Africa…”

With all the diseases they have in Africa Africans may just be able to shrug this stuff right off like it’s nothing.

4 years ago

I don’t know if Q is actually referencing this by using the phrase “Love and Light” but since pretty much nothing Q says is accidental, let’s pull that thread. This is a common phrase used in new age spiritual and ET enthusiast groups who claim to have the more “woo woo” version of contacts. Basically telepathy. Arguably most famously, or at least most thoroughly and rigorously, the concept was explored by, you guessed it, by a group calling themselves “love and light research” or L/L research for short. They were most active in the 70s and early 80s.

Of their work, the most influential was their “law of one” series of books. Available for free now:

The claim in the contact was they were talking to a positive ET race, basically angels, named Ra through one of the members, Karla. A session from this Ra almost always began referencing love and light. Just like Q did in this post. It was also was a common topic of questioning. If I were to describe this book, I would call it a “college level” crash course in metaphysics, compared to most other discussions available being more akin to kindergarten.

Here is what one of these sessions actually sounded like:

Just food for thought.

4 years ago

Was a little worried about missing AC this morn, glad you’re still here.

M in the 517
M in the 517
4 years ago

Anyone who has spent any significant time with The Entertainment Lawyer well knows that Robert Iger is a congenitally-deviant piece of excrement.

It’s hard to think of a punishment too severe for Iger.

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

OT – Why was the Vietnam war?

Official ideology talks about fighting communism. My guess is that it was an attempt by cabal to kill a lot of Americans and punish the Vietnamese. The Vietnamese were anti foreign influence, which meant that they were anti-Cabal.

I’d guess cabal was also behind Pol Pot and the genocide in Cambodia. Pol Pot went after the leaders, the educated, the upper class. To be replaced by whom?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

I’m hardly one to trust the government but the Vietnam war made a LOT of sense. At the time the Commies were breaking out everywhere. They had up to or more than 30,000 nuclear warheads aimed at the West. Vietnam is right across a very strategic area with a lot of trade. Also if Vietnam fell then the old domino theory is perfectly valid. It damn sure happened in Cambodia and Laos. Right across from Vietnam is numerous other countries which if in total were lost would cut off the West from the east. The people in Asia certainly believed this because, it was true. While we were fighting Vietnam other Asian countries were fighting off all the other commie attacks all throughout Asia.

I see stuff written about the Vietnam war and it never fails they don’t talk at all about the whole picture. The Vietnam war was a war to stop the spread of Communism in Southeast Asia. In that aspect it won some and lost some. Vietnam had nothing to do with oil or Colonialism. Any look at a map would show it’s vast strategic location for the Communist. It has one the best ports in Asia. They talk about Tet defeating us. Nothing could be further from the truth. It ended forever the Viet Cong in the South. From then on all the attacks were from the North.

From Jerry Pournelle,”…And in Viet Nam the North sent 150,000 men south with as much armor as the Wehrmacht had in many WW II engagements. That was in 1973, and of that 150,000 fewer than 50,000 men and no armor returned to the North, at a cost of under 1,000 American casualties. Most would count that an outstanding victory…”

“… (Alas, in 1975 North Viet Nam had another army of over 100,000 and sent it South; the Democratic Congress voted our South Vietnamese 20 cartridges and 2 hand grenades per man, but refused naval and air support; Saigon predictably became Ho Chi Minh city as we pushed helicopters off the decks of out carriers in our frantic evacuation; but that is hardly the fault of the US military)…”

The South lost when they ran out of ammunition. During the time we were fighting in Vietnam all the other Asian countries with their own Commies attacking them were fighting also. Many of them won. The ones that fell like Cambodia paid a harsh price. By all measurement of what we went to Vietnam for we didn’t lose. It did stop the spread of Communism to all Asia. Rarely in any wars do you get all you want.

The Democrat party has been saying that the Vets fought a losing war when in actuality the Democrats directly are responsible for the loss of South Vietnam. There are only a few highways leading South and they were packed with tanks and troop transport in ’75. It would have been a complete turkey shoot like the war in Kuwait. We even had battleships at that time that could have pounded them from the coast. If we would have attacked it would have probably caused them such a defeat that they would have never attacked again maybe even the government of the North would have been overthrown by the people for such incompetence. Unfortunately the Nixon was gone and Ford was directly told if he helped the Vietnamese with air power he would be impeached.

The idea that the Vietnam vets died for nothing is a huge psyops by the Democrats. The South had defeated all the guerillas. All they needed was support to hold off the North and the Democrats sold them out. If the South Vietnamese had not fell it’s very likely that the Cambodian Genocide would have never happened.
The Democrats had said the war was lost so many times that they had to prove it so by actually losing it.

We need to stop telling the Vets they died for nothing. Millions and millions of lives were saved by their sacrifice.

4 years ago

New Coronavirus Case In Sacramento County May Be First From Unknown Origin

4 years ago

Leaked Docs Reveal Covid-19 Infections Up To 52 Times Higher Than ‘Official’ Figures In China’s Shandong Province

4 years ago

Erdogan Vows Turkey Will Not Take Step Back in Syria’s Idlib

4 years ago

I think your readers aren’t the forum type.

I’ll keep posting there for a while longer but it needs a reason for people to go there that it doesn’t seem to have right now.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Kek, I had forgotten it exists since the last time you mentioned it.
I can see the forum having a use to archive articles that might be blocked in some countries, in a easy to find manner.
Wasn’t it you who couldn’t read some archive sites because of your ISP?

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
4 years ago

That’s me

The forum would also be useful for semi-realtime discussion without having to wait for AC to approve comments but not many people here seem interested.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

I will be hosting the graphs I have shared via archive on other image servers and share the links there so you can see them too fren.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
4 years ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
4 years ago

“…I had forgotten it exists…”

Me too. Shame, shame….

4 years ago

RE: Bedbug tip

I have an uncle that adopted several kids. One of their friends tracked bed bugs into the house and one of the living room lazeboys. Dad had an idea and they carried the chair out back and covered in in black trashbags and let the California sun do it’s thing. Was a lot cheaper than an exterminator.

4 years ago

Sam J is going to be really happy about this one: – “Success! New Survey Shows Over 100 Million Europeans Believe A Secret Jewish Cabal Controls The World”

>Encouragingly, the results were based on relatively affluent  and middle class White Europeans, and did not include the much more antisemitic Muslims who live in these ‘no-go zones’ that were not included because even the jewish survey takers were afraid to go into them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
4 years ago

YES. Eventually as the word leaks out at some point we will be able to get rid of the Jews. That’s why I always go on and on and on about what has happened to rectify the Jew problem in the past. Maybe some day someone will see my rants and come to the same conclusion I have. The only way to deal with these people is to get rid of them. Deport them. Let them do what they will in their own shitty little country but we don’t need them or want them.

Never lose hope. The Germans were in way, way worse shape than most of the West and threw off the Jews. For a while anyways but these are different times. We could get rid of the Jews, any immigrants that have taken public funding and all the refugees and we would be in good shape in very short order. They do not control the narrative completely anymore and never will for history after the beginning of the internet. Even if they censor the internet distributed intranets are here and more and better are coming.

For all those that say the Jews are not the only problem. Sure I’m with you on that but they are the nucleus of MOST of the problems we can readily identify. So let’s get rid of them “first” then we’ll deal with the rest at our leisure.