News Briefs – 11/12/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at,8599,1918738,00.html

Now I am wondering if the tech mounted and plugged into the broadband internet at the poles all over the US, monitoring even conversations in houses, is actually plugged into Google’s AI. It is possible the humans are out there not monitoring individuals, but rather are acting as protection for the tech, on the poles, and maybe even mounted on their cars and their clothes. This may even be what is behind the push for 5G. They need more bandwidth. I’ve said for a while now, they are taking in too much data, the operation is too aggressive. If this was all going to regular human analysts, they could do as much with far, far less, and far less exposure. I think it is going into an AI. If that AI is in China, that is very, very bad. It seems like every time we begin to get a handle on how bad this is, we get thrown for a loop and find out it is even worse.

Bear in mind, with enough training, an AI like that will not just learn how to look, but also how to alter. It could predict a child needs to die, to get one of the Cabal’s assets into the Presidency 20 years hence. It would even figure out how ever less intervention could produce the same effect by getting others to kill the child, without even knowing the machine moved them to do it.

And it is apparently being run by a Cabal so ruthless even the Chinese will not fuck with them in their own nation. At least for now.


Just a quick note on blog comment policy. With respect to the Trumps, please do not criticize or speak disparagingly of any first degree Trump family member by blood or marriage on this site. They are probably all the Republican Party has at this point which we know will not be compromised, so don’t let any enemies who lurk here hear any potential criticism or gripe which may arise at any point that they could use to formulate strategy to try to divide us. I deleted two comments from first-time concern trolls two weeks ago and a week back which I suspect were some sort of beta-test of attacks on Trump policies designed to split conservatives. They were bogus, but I figure I should establish this as a policy now in the event a regular commenter has an issue with something Trump says or does (which I have had myself, only to find out it was simply his strategy to defuse some push for something I didn’t want), and wants to vent here.

For a long time this movement had no leader, which is why I felt free to jump in to the debate here and push r/K. We now have a single leader who is more competent than any other that any of us will probably see. I assume everything within two degrees of separation from President Trump is done either at his behest or with his acquiescence. Also, there has been some friction lately on 4Chan with protestors who claim to oppose Charlie Kirk fucking with Don Jr’s book signings for his new book Triggered. That Trump controls everything means, Charlie Kirk’s “moderation” is probably part of his plan. Charlie doesn’t write policy. He makes no decisions. He will have only one possible effect, which is to expand President Trump’s voter base, and get us more voters supporting the big man, who is the only guy creating policy and making decisions. More voters for Donald Trump is good. Ergo, protesting Charlie is not good and fucking up Don Jr’s events is worse. I’d attack Fuentes here, but he is bringing more publicity to Don Jr (in outlets which only will comment on Don Jr if it is about him being attacked), he is probably selling a few more books for Don Jr, and if he really becomes enough of a problem he needs to be dealt with, President Trump can do it with one tweet, and he will.

Trump has made this site kind of irrelevant, except as it serves the readers here with an interesting data point or two, and gives Trump’s people one more ear to the ground. But our enemies are here too, looking for insight into how to split some of our movement from the Trumps. Plus, although I have yet to see anything I disagree with from them, I would be shocked if one of the younger Trumps doesn’t make some mistake at some point, because as life has taught me, nobody is born knowing how to deal with everything they encounter. You have to jump in and fuck up left and right for years to learn the ropes, until knowing what to do is second nature. The only reason Trump himself has been perfect, and can step in front of a hostile Fake News and handle them with ease every time, is he jumped into everything from business to reality TV and learned the ropes for decades before he got there. With him you see the finished product of decades of experience. I expect Don Jr’s forays now are practice to polish his abilities for in five years, and when he is President I expect we will see Eric begin doing what Don Jr is doing now. Until then, give the Trumps room to operate and do whatever they are doing, and trust in it to work out in the end, no matter what it looks like at first glance.

Plus, it is worth noting, Trump has taken a position where he was subject to technological attack designed to kill him from something built into the structure of the Oval Office, he has had two hijacked-car-assassination attempts we know of, a missile appears to have launched at Air Force One as it passed over Whidbey Island, and he and his family stay away from windows at the White House according to accounts. Before he ran, there was a surveillance state built like nothing you can imagine, we saw pictures of cattle cars fitted with human restraints on social media, Fed agencies were buying ammo and arms at record paces, and Hillary was saying she would blast Russian fighters out of the sky in Syria, setting up a World War. We were heading to a bad place, and he stepped up for us. Give his clan space, and let them operate.

I appreciate the commenters here. Many make the site more interesting than I possibly could. This site just gets too many eyes from those at the top on the left, and I’d like to see us all on the same page about the Trumps when the liberals are looking. Plus that way I know it is only concern trolls from the left I am dealing with when the attacks come.

British founder of the White Helmets and former member of MI6, is dead – takes a swan-dive out a Turkish apartment window at about 4AM. It is funny because it is almost exactly the opposite of the military. The Military will give everything to bring every man home alive, while Cabal is killing its own people at the drop of a hat to cover up its own crimes. Good vs evil, and light vs dark in every respect.

State Department corruptocrats are whining about how Pompeo is playing it straight at the State Department, and not trying to betray President Trump.

Twitter suspends users for naming the alleged whistleblower.

YouTube and facebook are deleting content with the whistleblower’s name as well. the whistleblower’s picture, and remember, the CIA eagerly hired him, but told Eric Prince he wouldn’t be a good fit.

YouTube changes terms of service to let platform delete videos and accounts at its ‘sole discretion.’

Supporters raise $40K to help man who deflated ‘Baby Trump’ balloon.

Want to know why Michael Hastings could be killed, Sharyl Attkisson could be framed for having classified documents, and there will never be a peep from anybody in the media?

Elizabeth Warren, Corey Booker, Tom Steyer, Marianne Williamson, John Delaney, and Joe Sestak all took questions and participated in a town hall discussion at a Presidential event. Their combined crowd looked like this.

Peter King is retiring from Congress.A lot doesn’t make sense about his story, like he is retiring because his daughter is moving, but he wants her to move back and take over his seat.

New Jersey man gets Red Flagged for anti-Semitism, launches class action lawsuit in response. The problem with these laws is they will produce a slippery slope, to the point that a simple analysis that the US is going to head to civil war, with citizens killing citizens, will be seized on as evidence of being unbalanced, and get you red flagged in leftist jurisdictions.

Almost 2700 people in Florida have been ordered to turn over their guns and ammunition and banned from having any more for up to a year.

Respected Canadian broadcaster is fired from a decades-long career, after saying immigrants should follow national custom and wear a poppy on war remembrance day to honor veterans. On the one hand, this is the problem. We import immigrants who come for the money, but have no idea what the nation stands for, and no appreciation for the citizens who allowed them in. On the other hand, it is Cabal who brought those immigrants in, just like it is Cabal who had this patriot fired.

Four African migrants charged with brutal rape of 13-year-old Swedish girl in Sweden. Again, you want to fight the migrant issue, but Cabal is the root of the problem.

Somebody is bowhunting homeless people in San Francisco. Two hit and hospitalized, one woman was missed.

Bernie wants to turn VA hospitals into abortion clinics.

San Francisco’s new commie DA says they will no longer prosecute public urination. I thought the legislature wrote laws and the machinery enforced the will of the people as expressed through the legislature, but what did I know. Every official a king.

Jimmy Carter hospitalized due to a small brain bleed, supposedly from his recent falls.

Neil Young says his US citizenship application, which he filled out to vote against Trump, is being held up because he uses marijuana.

Sprite ad depicts family members helping young people dress in drag, bind breasts.

58 bodies found in Cartel mass graves near Mexican tourist town only 60 miles from Arizona. Without a wall, this will be coming across the border in raids at the Apocalypse.

A deep freeze hits from the Rockies to the east coast.

Majority of NH primary voters give thumbs down to Bloomberg.

Google is covertly gathering up health data on millions of Americans. I will bet it is going into the AI. As I would bet are recordings from inside many, many people’s homes, transcripts of phone calls, a record of all connected mailing addresses, emails, social media, and everything else.

Sara Carter says the Horowitz report will be damning and criminal referrals will be likely.

University of Virginia cancels 21-gun salute to appease snowflake students.

The prosecution’s ‘star witness’ in Roger Stone’s trial proved ‘difficult’ for prosecutors.

Mitch McConnell is about to steamroll through another 30 Conservative judges by the end of the year.

Wonder just how much the phrase “Enemy of the People” can trigger amygdalae as an out-grouping attack?

Former Deputy Italian Prime Minister Matteo Salvini (Lega Party, League) and Giorgia Meloni (Fratelli d’Itali party) led a massive Trump-like pro-freedom rally attended by 150,000 in Rome, to stand up to Italy’s new radical left government.

Far right surges in Spain, although Socialists still manage to win most seats, albeit short of a majority.

Farage and Johnson will work together to defeat Labour in Britain.

Supreme Court to decide if it is illegal to encourage illegal immigration.

Spread r/K Theory, because the Cabal is the enemy.

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5 years ago

What difference does it make how many books Don Jr sells or doesn’t sell? He’s already set for life.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

At this point, I’m at a loss for who could possibly replace GEOTUS besides his son (God Emperor Donald II?) Unless he’s training up others, it seems like as soon as he leaves office, we’ll be right back to status quo cuckservatism.

I read Don Jr.’s book on Saturday. It’s basically his story mixed in with cultural analysis. The cultural stuff made me yawn because I’ve been following along at home and already know all of it, but his story and anecdotes from his life and his part in the campaign were interesting, and a way to differentiate himself from his dad.

I don’t personally have much use for Charlie Kirk, but he’s apparently become a great friend to Don Jr and was a tremendous asset to the campaign. Assuming Charlie is honest and not put forward as a gatekeeper, he expects everybody to love him and cannot handle when people go off script. Once he starts getting questions like “What does gay stuff have to do with conservatism? How does it make us stronger?” Charlie has no response.

After I finished “Triggered” on Saturday, I spent Sunday and Monday plowing through Neon Revolt’s “Revolution Q”. THAT was a VERY good read!

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

Better question: If book sales are generally cover for Cabal payments, and A/C has repeatedly stated that no one buys/reads books, at least not enough to justify their huge advances (which I agree with), what makes this book sale any different?

M in the 517
M in the 517
5 years ago

Grapes finally got canned. He’s said a lot of edgy stuff on The Coaches Corner on live TV across Canada over the years, but this is what got him sacked?

Meanwhile, blackface Trudeau still is PM.

5 years ago

Hello, long time reader. I agree with you about not attacking Don Jr. I wanted to say that I do know for a fact that Fuentes disavows attacking Don Jr., I can provide you the video evidence if you wish. What I know from observing the groyper-war for a bit is that he’s going after Kirk and TPUSA (two of the largest chapters have already dissolved). Kirk was a never-trumper just like Shapiru, and he is one of the gatekeepers of the fake-MAGA right designed to keep young conservative males on reservation and away from Christianity and Nationalism.

This should not be taken as criticism of you, or an attack on Don Jr, who I look forward to voting for in 2024. I think you were quite right *not* to attack Fuentes, and I disagree that Kirk is “part of the plan”, but it’s your blog so I won’t enter into an argument over this.

Reply to  peanut834
5 years ago

I’m of a similar mind. I think Don Jr is getting bad advice, needs to talk to his father (and Father) and get back on a solid foundation. I wouldn’t be surprised if he trusted his publisher to arrange the book tour with Kirk (falsely assuming that they would want the book to be successful.)

Also hilarious (language warning):

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

This is why it is so hard to understand what is going on, because you can’t take anything at face value. I can’t believe they would be so stupid to use someone that has the cuckservative mindset. I think you are closer to the truth. Kirk is probably playing a role. Another way to get to the bottom of it would be to find out who is paying TPUSA’s bills.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Hold Fast, AC. We’re here with Trump or GTFO. I believe firmly that Trump/Q is our last real chance to fix America and the world. In fact, if Trump is not our man then we are all already truly fucked, so the Never Trumpers are just piling on. I’d rather go down fighting. Burn the fucking ships.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Btw, further to my prior comment, Vox Day does an excellent job of moderating Comments on his excellent Vox Popoli site ( mostly by accepting no bullshit and immediately nuking the bad apples – shills, concern fags, the usual naysayers dragging down the team. Your commenters are fewer in number but add a lot to your superb work. Sustain this haven.

Reply to  Huck
5 years ago

concur. better too vigorous/ruthless moderation policy than too tolerant. if we want to read shills & concern fags, well …. the controlled opposition has a whole BUNCHA guys all lined up for us to turn to

Reply to  stingaling
5 years ago

I don’t want a “Safe Space” but it’s just as bad to allow posters who are on a site in bad faith to remain.

Reply to  peanut834
5 years ago

Agree with peanut834 100%.

5 years ago

The prosecution’s ‘star witness’ in Roger Stone’s trial proved ‘difficult’ for prosecutors.

This is bad for the state. Stone might actually walk. Even with a packed jury, if your first witness is a buffoon, then the jury is likely to think that your entire case is run by buffoons, and this is the best that you’ve got.

When you are the state, you should be in slam dunk mode for the first witness. They jury has heard nothing but your side, there’s been no cross of the witness, there’s been no dissent but the Defense’s opening (which the judge tells you over and over isn’t evidence) and now you have this? If you aren’t 100% before the defense has even asked a question you’ve got real, serious problems.

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

Ann Coulter is now saying that Trump must go.

Several months back, several of us here expressed our thoughts that she was cabal and that this kind of “coming out” was to be expected by Ann. My only surprise is that she didn’t wait until a little later in the campaign.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

I’m sure Trump is just offering a deal to make the Demoncrats look unreasonable when they won’t agree to anything but total amnesty and open borders.
It will also make it their fault that the “Dreamers” get deported.

Francisco Franco
Francisco Franco
5 years ago

“Charlie Kirk’s “moderation” is probably part of his plan. Charlie doesn’t write policy. He makes no decisions. He will have only one possible effect, which is to expand President Trump’s voter base, and get us more voters supporting the big man, who is the only guy creating policy and making decisions. More voters for Donald Trump is good. Ergo, protesting Charlie is not good and fucking up Don Jr’s events is worse.”

Establishment “Conservatism” (The Losing Right) hasn’t conserved one damned thing over the past 60 years. It can’t even conserve the lady’s room or even speak out against the LGBT grooming of children. When did “conservatism” become about salad tossing Israel, promoting degenerate gay sex, and fully opening the borders to displace and replace white people-the ONLY demographic that voted for Trump and the GOP??? Who actually believes this shit and is brought into “the movement” as a result?

What makes you think that Trump is perfect and never makes mistakes??? His appointments have been total unmitigated disasters and he seems afraid to appoint anyone like Kobach to actually implement the MAGA agenda.

Trump wants more immigrants in the “largest numbers ever,” and ignores the fact that they vote 80% left. He’s dooming the country by failing to deal seriously with the existential threat of R-selected scumbag immigrants or the looming fiscal catastrophe caused by the ***CRIMINAL*** Health Care Extortion racket.

Also don’t forget that Trump Jr’s girlfriend, formerly married to rope-worthy scumbag Gavin Newsome, makes the same arguments as the left does towards the Winning Right-that they’re a bunch of incels without any legitimate grievances.

Reply to  Francisco Franco
5 years ago

Trump has reduced immigration both legal and illegal so far.
He hasn’t won the war yet and must deal with allies who are not as good as he is but he is turning things around.

5 years ago
5 years ago


5 years ago

With health data. Every single non-communicable ailment or disease can be turned lethal.

5 years ago

Taiwan seeks return of ‘criminal income’ from frigate scandal

5 years ago

AC: “…has made this site kind of irrelevant”
Wrong. Incorrect.
You’re a smart man, but *this* stopped clock is right this time. You are a perfect instance of what Vlad Tepes Blog describes as the new Samizdat.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Don’t underestimate the value of this daily news update. The gatekeepers have been effective. Yours is one of the only good news aggregators. The infogalactic one is also good, but not updated as much.

5 years ago

Salvini was not the Prime Minister, he was the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of the Interior.

5 years ago

Kek, looks like there is the possibility that the Butlerian Jihad is going to become a real thing. Uncle Ted was right.

5 years ago

Moldova’s government falls after losing no-confidence vote

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

There’s a charismatic, middle-aged, polyglot British dude—his handle: “Bald and Bankrupt”—who posts unconventional YouTube updates from across the former Iron Curtain. (He was recently in Bolivia, which was sort of weird and unwelcoming to him.) Anyway, his visit to Kishinev, Moldova, explains a lot.

If I understand correctly, Moldova is basically split between those citizens who would like to reunite with sister country Romania (in EU) and those who support the heavily Russia-integrated status quo.

The pro-EU government has now just taken a dive. Here’s one Bald’s Moldova updates: “Nobody Visits This Country…Find Out Why.”