News Brief – 11/11/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Instagram to test hiding likes to reduce stress. I thought this was interesting because the news story I saw spoke of all the people developing anxiety issues over their like numbers. Anxiety equals amygdala, and amygdala is what drives behavior. Stop and think about what was going on, and how it was conditioning people. Imagine I am a 13 year old girl on Instagram. I begin posting my life on there, and develop this neurotic desire for likes. Soon, it is almost Pavlovian, with thousands of likes feeling like a euphoric victory, especially if I am picturing growing an audience and being like Kim Kardashian, and making $30 million per year one day. Little do I know, down the street, Cabal intelligence has an observation post, and has been given orders to experiment on controlling my behavior. I post a picture of myself at the range with my dad, or in a MAGA hat, and I get almost no likes, because my Cabal-intelligence/surveillance team goes into the Instagram backend and artificially suppresses my like numbers. I post a picture of some tranny with a positive message approving of it, and none of my friends like it, but Cabal, on the back end, makes my likes skyrocket, and it looks like the post has gone viral and suddenly the world loves me. When kids are posting everything online, you can begin to affect how they perceive every aspect of their lives. The products they use, the music they listen to, the cultural things that indicate interest in, the clothes they wear, their style, their hobbies, their social circles, their acquaintances, everything. Because it is all amygdala, and you have just created a mechanism which hacks right into their amygdala and programs how it will respond to various stimuli. Add in comments, and you can even steer them, if as they are wondering why one post got so few likes you comment on how you wish they had done something else, because then you would have liked it. It could even work as a form of covert communication with Cabal assets, to let them know what you want them doing and what not to do. They won’t do this to every single person, at least not until a highly functional AI is online and can do it for them. But for now, they can pick anyone who takes part in that system, and they can control their behavior to some degree, and maybe quite a lot.

Nikki Haley says top Trump aides tried to recruit her to help subvert the President. She says Kelly and Tillerson were the culprits. No telling if she is truthful about Kelly, if he was misguided, or even if he might have been a double agent working for Trump and testing his people for willingness to turn. It is all a hall of mirrors.

Alexander Vindman testified he disagreed with the President’s policy, so he unilaterally told the Ukrainians to ignore the US President.

Spectator looks at how in his first year at Yale, Ciaramella was already an activist, trying to get Yale to keep a radical Islamist professor who was using poetry to romanticize suicide bombers. In your freshman year of college, were you a activist? He was Secret Society from the very beginning. I’d love to know who his parents were.

Mollie Hemmingway at Fox News steps up and says Eric Ciaramella’s name on air.

Wikipedia bans all mention of Ciaramella.

Graham says Impeachment is ‘dead on arrival’ in the Senate if House bars ‘whistleblower’ testimony.

John Bolton gets a $2 million book deal.

Robert Redford rails at Trump over climate change. It would be totally insignificant except for his interesting history prior to acting, where he dropped out of college, floated around European countries with no obvious source of income, and then effortlessly rose in Hollywood, all in a very CIA-esque way.

Even Alan Dershowitz says Democrats are trying to create crimes out of nothing and it should frighten Americans.

NY Times admits a “tidal wave” of mass immigration handed Democrats the state of Virginia. A tidal wave that was, in part, facilitated by corrupt Republicans who were owned by Cabal and working against us all along. You do not corrupt the system that thoroughly, with left, right, and libertarian, and keep all honest men out of high office, without a major, kick-ass surveillance operation branching out invisibly throughout the population.

Ex-Clinton strategist says Bloomberg getting in will not stop Hillary. Could Bloomberg have thrown his hat in just to try and scare Hillary out? There is chatter now it was just a trial balloon and did not go over well, so he may not get in.

The left is beginning to turn on billionaires. As K draws near, the primary focus of (((Them))) will be to find entities which the public can be focused on, and turned against, to get us focused on fighting each other, rather than (((Them))). There will be racial, religious, and ethnic divisions inflamed, and specific groups, most prominently the rich, successful, powerful, and famous will be demonized in the eyes of the masses. I expect Jews will be demonized last, just as the festivities really begin. Given how little we know about who (((They))) are, and how completely (((They))) and their finances are hidden through trusts, shell companies, and legal entities, at present it effectively means either society will leave the urge to bloodletting pent up as K happens and lash out at nobody, or, or we will do exactly as (((They))) want and distract ourselves on the victims (((They))) have chosen. I doubt pent-up is an option.

Warren’s Medicare for All is enraging organized labor, because she needs their Health Care money too, to pay for all the free healthcare for illegals.

Oxford Islamic scholar accused of raping women allegedly told a victim she had no idea how powerful he was. If you were doing Cabal’s bidding and pushing its narratives, you see what you were allowed to get away with.

Muslim woman says it is Islamophobic to celebrate Christmas because it is offensive to Muslims.

San Francisco elected a radical leftist District Attorney whose parents are Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorhn, and who wants to free criminals and prosecute police and ICE agents.

Self-driving Uber car that hit and killed woman was not programmed to recognize that pedestrians jaywalk.

Some researchers propose diseases may have kept Neanderthals and early humans apart, until less sexually-selective Neanderthals interbred, passing immune genes to humans which allowed them to move into Neanderthal territory and begin out-breeding them. Maybe.

Young blood company is back up running after FDA warning. Be interesting to see the results, but I would bet if done long term, it will produce strange inflammatory issues and cognitive decline. That said a real treatment for aging which rolls things back to 30 and lasts for half a decade at least will probably happen in the next 70-100 years, and possibly a lot, lot sooner, depending who is working on it and how.

A deal between the Tories and the Brexit party is still on the table as talks are held.

Leftist unrest over “inequality” targets churches in Chile.

Venezuela’s Maduro condemns the ‘coup’ against Bolivian ally Morales, who has stepped down.

Iran’s Rouhani unveils massive internal corruption allegations. This was how Saudi Arabia changed tack to join Trump and began the Storm.

Spread r/K Theory, because power needs to be used.

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Pale Rider
5 years ago

Speaking of Robert Redford, have you ever seen Sneakers? Very anti-NSA. Also anti-Republican and pro-radical left. Given how much the CIA funds Hollywood, I bet you are right, he’s a CIA plant.

5 years ago

The “Islamphobia” of Christmas is a game by (((them))) to make sure people keep worshiping exactly the way (((they))) want, instead of the God actually desired.

Hear the word which the Lord speaks to you, O house of Israel.
Thus says the Lord:
“Do not learn the way of the Gentiles;
Do not be dismayed at the signs of heaven,
For the Gentiles are dismayed at them.
For the customs of the peoples are futile;
For one cuts a tree from the forest,
The work of the hands of the workman, with the ax.
They decorate it with silver and gold;
They fasten it with nails and hammers
So that it will not topple. – Jeremiah 10:1-4 (NKJV)

What am I saying then? That an idol is anything, or what is offered to idols is anything? Rather, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons. Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than He? – 1 Corinthians 10:19-22 (NKJV)

You can look at the “put Christ back in Christmas” as the foreshadowing of how (((they))) think the orchestrated shift to K will go. (((They))) set up the targets and folks end up fighting over things that don’t actually matter, or shouldn’t actually matter, but folks take the prompting just like (((they))) hope and go at it with a zealous passion.

It doesn’t help that so many folks have fallen to the temptation of being a grifter, finding some exploitable portion of the population to leech money off of, and then using the internet to take that search worldwide, while also protecting them from fallout should anyone actually have a grievance about the business practices.

More and more volatility.

5 years ago

[Ed Note to Bman : Mad props for your ability to craft a nuclear comment. I’m mildly editing this comment, for reasons I’m hoping you will see and are cool with. I’ll explain more somewhat in the reply, without being too specific. In short, I think there is a lot more to what is going on there than you see on the surface. For Trump’s people monitoring the web for feedback, this comment was a lot more pissed, and I am seeing that sentiment toward Kim elsewhere over what happened there. I have no idea if you are stress testing a system and want that or not, but it is out there.]

Have you guys seen the TP-USA event with Kim and Don Jr.?

Kim’s a cabalite…
Gavin Newsome’s Ex Wife.
Worked for La Raza.

She has the fricking nerve to call us Incels who couldn’t get a date. Outrageous, considering she can’t get a lead or a job without sucking 6 miles of dick.

That was a fucking disaster. Jr. should have told that cunt to shut her trap and sit down. Instead we get a lecture from the whore, that we can’t get any.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Regarding the nuke…’s just how I am. My wife says, “My balls are always on fire.” On the edit, no issue here. It’s your site.

I get what you mean on the role. I would do anything to protect my family.
I understand the Kumbaya (Civic Nationalism) approach they are taking and the reasons for it (Unite vs. Divide). They are using the existing gatekeeping method of getting the group think buy in. The problem with that approach is that people are waking up fast to how they are getting screwed over and now can spot the gatekeepers, especially his hard core base. Once spotted, our role is to destroy/expose the gatekeepers.

The launch code execution (3-2-1-Boom) for me was having Kim G. insult all the males in the room……who could have smoked her security team and then done whatever they wanted to her. Women don’t have the first clue. Once the social construct is destroyed, they will get the worst of it. I can see it so plainly and it’s horrifying.

5 years ago

The Zone had Robert Redford figured out a long time ago:

“You were nice. You made me trust you.”

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

A few times I’ve said that I feel that AC may be assuming things to be more complex and mysterious regarding cabal than they really are. More than once, I’ve heard him talk about how many Americans are “in on the secret” and that they have ‘pledged their loyalty” to some foreign organization. In my view, it’s 1000x worse than that.

Most cabal participants that I know of have absolutely no loyalty to anyone. Some of them in particular fields have convinced themselves that they are serving a worthwhile higher purpose. For example, police officers who feel that the entire bill of rights makes their job too challenging. Or that they just deserve better pay. But at the end of the day, they are just Skinnerian meat robots bouncing around based on fear of punishment or desire for reward. Nothing more.

But the real problem with all of this is that these people essentially have no souls whatsoever. It’s been carved out of them. They are indifferent to the pain they inflict. And our government and civil service is absolutely loaded with these zombies. Yes, zombies.

Even if you get rid of the command and control, we’re going to be left with a society that is like a log hollowed out by termites. It might look normal from the outside, but a stiff blow and the entire thing falls apart.

My view of all kinds of professions and institutions in this country is forever altered. Because even if the command and control is eliminated, our schools, police departments, legal system, and more are filled by people with really no loyalty to anything whatsoever.

To overcome this will take a decades long campaign that will need to be absolutely full spectrum to regain a sense of honor, decency, morality, integrity, a sense of being a part of something more important than ourselves. Since these people have been programmed for decades by media and educational institutions that push the values that make this cult possible, we are talking about an integral part of the battle being the creation of decades worth of new popular culture, school curricula, etc.

Now you understand why they take out potential artists and intellectuals who they fear that they might not be able to control.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

I hate to say this but a Civil War II is what would shock our zombie classes back to morality in a much briefer timeframe. The cost is sickening and the John Titor story is fascinating for the glimpse it provides into where we may be headed.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Huck
5 years ago

Absolutely insufficient because our population is more than asleep. Our society is far worse: it’s transient. Even the highly successful our transient. Which means very few live in the community of their births. And that they keep moving around. Which means so many of them have any long-term connections to friends or their community at all. Which is what makes them so easy to target, manipulate, and exploit. And does a number on one’s ability to detect good guy from bad guy.

Socially, our society is a mess. THere’s no quick wake up from this nightmare.

5 years ago

White Helmets ‘MI-6 Co-Founder’ Found Dead In Turkey

5 years ago

Q team?
Or the other side wanting a state funeral for a distraction?

Jimmy Carter Hospitalized For Brain Surgery

5 years ago

South Africa: Special Tribunal Receives First Cases to Recover Government Funds

5 years ago

Ukraine, rebels say pullback in the east is completed

5 years ago

Evo Morales leaves Bolivia to take asylum in Mexico

5 years ago

EU unveils sanctions plan to hit Turkey over Cyprus drilling

5 years ago

comment image

Donald Trump Jr. Will Run For President in 2024 and He’ll Likely Win Republican Nomination, GOP Strategist Says

5 years ago

Putin, Merkel say Ukraine’s Donbass should get special status

Red Sunset
Red Sunset
Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Every time I see Donbass, I read it as Dumbass, FWIW.

5 years ago

Remember when Salvini Matteo got taken out by a woman? Seems to be happening to Junior. Damn, he needs to distance himself from her.