I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub
Stefan Molyneux has been deplatformed from Paypal. He still can receive crypto, and his books are still available on Amazon. Obviously a sign he is not one of them.
FBI set to swoop on Jeffrey Epstein pals alleged to have groomed underage girls.
Trump says he’ll release second ‘very important’ Ukraine call memo.
Adam Schiff says that the proceedings will not probe “sham” Hunter Biden claims.
Man calling himself ‘Epstein didn’t kill himself’ attempts to run for President. Sometimes it is a good idea if everyone is doing something to ask yourself if you would do it. I’ve noticed FreeRepublic threads have people popping up saying this again and again. It is on Beer cans, a guy is running for President. It is possible that is not all organic. At this point I am just watching, but I am slightly curious if these people all doing this are following a genuine zeitgeist that is overcoming their innate human laziness, or if this might be somehow being pushed for some interesting reason that is yet to be revealed.
Venezuelans are selling off their entire lives at flea markets, in preparation for moving elsewhere.
Look at those wacky libertarian party candidates. It is weird, because libertarianism would seem like such a logical and reasonable philosophy, which everyone should be able to rally around. Why are the libertarian candidates always such obvious wack-jobs, that nobody could possibly support? It is almost like the CIA and FBI are funneling in actors to play the role of wack jobs, so nobody will support the libertarians, and we will all remain divided. Take Wayne Lambright, who tweeted this screenshot of a domain registration page:
You might miss the two details in that pic which answer the question, so go back, click the image, blow it up, and look closer if you didn’t laugh out loud at the glowie’s rookie mistake. Obviously he has never been to the Farm and gotten extensive training. But he is typical of most CIA agents arrayed throughout our society. He looks normal. He seems to be doing what you might have done in his position. But he is not like you. He knows the secret. Things are not as they seem. To him, normies like I was seven or eight years ago look like rubes. I would assume every other Libertarian candidate you hear about has the same tabs open on their browser at some time or other, and the same bookmarks across their browser. What is a real trip is to surf his website, notice how much sense everything it says makes, and then realize he is just an actor playing a role, and is actually espousing all of that specifically to put dictatorial tyrants who want to subvert our elections in control of the population. It is a great eye-opener.
Here is how it would work if you tried to enter the Libertarian party as a candidate for President. If you are a good looking, likable, charismatic guy who gets along with everybody and who people naturally follow, you would become confused as everybody shunned you and evinced a real, instant dislike for you. You would rationalize it as them all being ambitious. Some people would sign on to help your campaign, and although they might seem to like you, they would keep screwing up. Things would go strangely wrong for you elsewhere, like a long streak of bad luck. The media would completely ignore you. Chances are you would never get anywhere near anything like traction, but if you did, they would probably just make their desire for you to disappear more obvious. Nothing works the way you thought.
Amusingly, this is Wayne’s campaign motto, showing glowies do have a sense of humor. in all lowercase, his last name almost looks like “I am Bright,” as in I glow in the dark. I can’t help but wonder if his handler and his buddies had a big laugh around the conference table when they came up with that one. Think about it and ask yourself if that is even his real name. Bright, indeed:
They said #autism couldn't be harnessed for political gain, think again!
–#WhatDoesThatEvenMean? pic.twitter.com/j4dppknqVh— A bright future Lambright 2020 (@LambrightWayne) November 9, 2019
Possibly the best example of an amygdala hijack executing a full brain reboot I have ever seen. This woman tried to knock off her ex husband with her boyfriend, and after a long trial, she is about to find out whether she will be set free, or spend the entire rest of her life in jail. Obviously when the verdict comes through sending her to jail for the rest of her life, it is a surprise, ie a violation of expectation. Her amygdala lights up, triggers shock, focuses her on it more as it lights up, amps up more, triggers more shock, focuses her more on it as it lights up more, amps up even more, triggers even more shock, focuses her even more, and on and on until it is firing at such a high rate it literally exhausts all its glucose and oxygen and is molecularly unable to continue to operate, triggering an emergency shutdown. And with it, goes her entire brain. Her eyes are open, they are sending visual impulses to the brain, but they are not being processed inside the brain. Who she is, is turned off. Without the amygdala, she is just a big hunk of meat. Never forget, you can do this to a leftist with words. In truth we do all the time, we just never push it to this point manually, with forethought and conscious manipulation – but we could:
Now that the rabbits have screwed up Sweden, they are beginning to flee. Typical outcome of leftist, r-selected urges. First they have the urge to experience mildly amygdala-stimulating diversity (which is supposed to facilitate migration), but without shortage they don’t migrate, but rather import the savages. Then as things heat up, they migrate out to safer pastures.
Demographic Jihad – Virginia Muslim doctor tied women’s tubes without their consent.
Child Abuse victims are suffering as their assaults are preserved online forever because tech companies refuse to scan their systems to automatically detect and delete established images of child molestation. Why would these companies not agree to simply install software to delete this material as it is detected? Cabal doesn’t want it.
Clusters of drug-resistant diarrhea found among gay and bisexual men.
Planned Parenthood holds a sex-ed fundraiser for all genders and ages, featuring a Sexy Floor Work Lesson, The Art of Feminine Sensual Movement, Clitoris and Pleasure Education with Planned Parenthood, Sex Ed in Washington State Informational, and a Wicked Sexy Pole Dance Showcase presented by Pole at Play. ring your four year old boy, they will welcome him and teach him a lot.
Companies already assign you a special secret social credit score that covertly appears to link your IP, Cell phone, credit cards, and customer accounts, which companies use to determine how fast your customer service call is taken, discounts you are given, and financial terms you are offered. Only buy on discount, complain a lot, and return a lot, and your score goes down, and all the businesses you deal with will know. Or buy off discount, never return and never complain and your score goes up. Do you think a guy like Eric Schneiderman, high up in Cabal, is ever going to be given a bad score, no matter what he does?
BREAKING: Iran Makes Stunning Admission Regarding FBI Agent Gone Missing Since 2007 https://t.co/dD7Nt8LNxT
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 9, 2019
The PURGE has begun. The Pravda Overlords at YouTube began their purge of any content discussing the “whistleblower.” They deleted an episode of my show because their liberal masters demanded it. Listen here & share it & you’ll hear what terrified them ??https://t.co/eQEnaZ1P20
— Dan Bongino (@dbongino) November 9, 2019
Bolivian police join protests against President Morales.Bolivian Police also abandoned their posts outside the Presidential Palace, increasing pressure on the President.
Trump administration proposes fee for asylum applications, spike in other immigration fees.
Women donations for Trump ‘surge.’
Man arrested after ‘Baby Trump’ protest balloon stabbed, deflated at Alabama-LSU game.
Trump greeted by cheers at LSU-Alabama football game.
Tomorrow night at my new time, 8 pm eastern on Fox, my one hour interview with Don Jr. Please don’t miss it on Life, Liberty & Levin!pic.twitter.com/KtnvSbWAPA
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) November 9, 2019
“Football Fans In Alabama React To Impeachment Probe”
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) November 9, 2019
Trump Has Big Plans For Dog That Helped Track ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi https://t.co/zn77BIlmu9
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 10, 2019
Mehdi Hasan: Are you just anti-Muslim?
Tarczynski: For us, Christian society is a value. Multicultural society is not a value. I lived in London & saw the fruits of multiculturalism. Christian culture, Roman law, Greek philosophers, these are our virtues pic.twitter.com/zdvfh32f3L
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) November 9, 2019
Kamala taking a page out of Hillary’s book.
2020 Democrats want to destroy millions of American jobs in the fossil fuel industry.
@realDonaldTrump won’t let that happen!pic.twitter.com/cQsFqr9jUg— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) November 9, 2019
TOMORROW: I hit the streets for another epic Man On The Street Interview. What does Americans know about Veterans Day? Do they even know that it is on Monday? This is one that you are not going to want to miss. Tune in at 8PM ET on #FoxNews #WattersWorld pic.twitter.com/u7K1RMCudX
— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) November 8, 2019
Fox News’ Jesse Watters: Impeachment ‘Boring’ So Far, ‘Not a Sexy Scandal,’ Americans Don’t Care About Ukrainehttps://t.co/4F9E7X9ak0
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) November 8, 2019
Jesse Watters nails Joe Bite Me and John Kerry in one Monologue#TheFive pic.twitter.com/bthgI2QQq9
— Bob_Ewashington (@BobEwashington) November 8, 2019
There are probably a myriad of additional reasons that Democrats have been focusing on impeachment, but none of them is because @POTUS @realDonaldTrump has engaged in impeachable conduct. The left is acting solely to protect and arrogate power. https://t.co/TPMmcLf33J
— Rep Andy Biggs (@RepAndyBiggsAZ) November 8, 2019
A total and complete circus! Just petty politicians trying to undo @realDonaldTrump's victory.
Now, if only the ringleaders would let Congress get back to work on behalf of the American people. https://t.co/FvDIoWE9P6
— Dr. Roger Marshall (@RogerMarshallMD) November 7, 2019
Real Cracker Jack reporting here. What actually happened in the room is Adam Schiff made up a new rule that day that NOTHING AT ALL can be asked related to the Intel Community. Very different line of questioning than what the AP inaccurately wrote here. https://t.co/KhdvghrN7U
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) November 9, 2019
Here's Rush Limbaugh weighing in on some of my deposition exchanges with Bill Taylor from Taylor’s transcript just released. pic.twitter.com/EcnefjpJ11
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) November 8, 2019
24 yrs ago today, the Jerusalem Embassy Act became law. It recognized Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel & required the move of the US Embassy to Jerusalem. The recognition was ignored & the move was delayed by 3 prior presidents. But not this one — thank you @POTUS!
— David M. Friedman (@USAmbIsrael) November 8, 2019
It appears Ambassador Yovanovitch did not accurately answer this question I asked her during her “impeachment inquiry” deposition under oath. https://t.co/2Ju420Pkpb pic.twitter.com/WACsyksMzW
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) November 8, 2019
Zeldin to Kent: Do you have any firsthand knowledge of United States aid to Ukraine ever being connected to the opening of a new investigation?
Kent: I do not have direct knowledge, no.— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) November 7, 2019
The George Kent transcript was just released & once again there’s ZERO 1st hand info of US $ to Ukraine being linked to specific investigations. I'm sure the Dems & media would love to rely though on the unreliable here: Taylor told Kent that Sondland told Taylor, etc. etc. etc. pic.twitter.com/5sVlPbSt6D
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) November 7, 2019
The Dems/media are desperately relying on Taylor as their star witness to show there was an impeachable offense of quid pro quo. Aside from the fact he admits he has no idea what quid pro quo even means, Taylor also admitted to me his claims aren't based on 1st hand knowledge: pic.twitter.com/nVxyd4egYB
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) November 7, 2019
This "evidence" would be thrown out of court so quickly for all of the right reasons. Here Taylor concedes to me that his ONLY substantive claim from his opening statement referencing Biden not only isn't first hand…it's not even second hand: pic.twitter.com/akYOz8jBi3
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) November 7, 2019
VP Pence traveled to Warsaw to communicate 2 points to Zelensky on 9/1 at POTUS' direction. Here Taylor agrees w/me that these 2 points were 100% in line with US law and policy: pic.twitter.com/DLb0t7jg6f
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) November 7, 2019
Volker confirmed to me during his interview that in no way, shape or form was there any quid pro quo whatsoever. pic.twitter.com/6hKXgroxPl
— Lee Zeldin (@RepLeeZeldin) November 6, 2019
STU: "The #democrats are losing on policy, losing on prosperity, and their socialist front runners are being attacked by their own side!" #MainStreamMedia #MedicareForAll #2020Election #MyTake #VarneyCo pic.twitter.com/t1vKteGgnq
— Varney & Co. (@Varneyco) November 5, 2019
STU: "The #democrats know they can't remove @realDonaldTrump from office but they'll go ahead with the #impeachment process anyways because they detest him!" #Congress #GOP #MyTake #VarneyCo pic.twitter.com/Hbp1Dk9kq8
— Varney & Co. (@Varneyco) October 30, 2019
STU: "Look what we have now! A growing #economy, full #employment, rapidly rising #wages, #stockmarket record highs! How do you screw that up? You bring in the #politicians." #Prosperity #Business #MyTake #VarneyCo pic.twitter.com/uNpQKCeK4x
— Varney & Co. (@Varneyco) October 29, 2019
STU: "Voters everywhere have been rejecting costly climate dreams!" #NaturalGas #ClimateChange #Fracking #MyTake #VarneyCo pic.twitter.com/ZyVDZDc30u
— Varney & Co. (@Varneyco) October 24, 2019
STU: "As we start the new week, look beneath the #impeachment headlines, and you'll see a full #employment economy that's much stronger than #Europe or #Japan, and you'll see a #democrat party that's struggling." #2020Election #MyTake #VarneyCo pic.twitter.com/NOrqXRteUb
— Varney & Co. (@Varneyco) October 21, 2019
Gregg Jarrett Unravels the Coordinated, Premeditated Plot to Impeach Trump https://t.co/BDOQ4WM4sK
— Gregg Jarrett (@GreggJarrett) November 9, 2019
Adam Schiff Sits on a Throne of Lies https://t.co/zsv8kBDzOq pic.twitter.com/utjfYOmUTg
— Gregg Jarrett (@GreggJarrett) November 8, 2019
The “Whistleblower’s” Right to “Anonymity” is a Myth https://t.co/qJEfr0BmmG pic.twitter.com/oYBYLvgWVc
— Gregg Jarrett (@GreggJarrett) November 8, 2019
Gregg unravels the coordinated, premeditated plot to impeach @realDonaldTrump #WitchHunt https://t.co/BDOQ4WM4sK pic.twitter.com/UDKy86CNhs
— Gregg Jarrett (@GreggJarrett) November 7, 2019
There is no whistleblower statute that permits an unelected and inferior federal employee to blow the whistle on the president, the most superior officer in the U.S. government… https://t.co/2aHmNnC875 pic.twitter.com/Sxo9Bu53XO
— Gregg Jarrett (@GreggJarrett) November 6, 2019
“#Coup has started.” Those were the words of the so-called “whistleblower’s” attorney, TWO-AND-A-HALF YEARS before the call with Ukraine. Tonight, It’s clear that the left’s disdain for #PresidentTrump has been simmering from the very beginning. #TrishRegan pic.twitter.com/IeK3Grvld8
— Trish Regan (@trish_regan) November 8, 2019
As we reflect this week on the horrific 9/11 attack, it’s important to remember how far we’ve come in combatting radical Islamist terrorist groups but also how much work is left. We stand strong against regimes that sponsor terror & encourage violence against the US & our allies.
— John Bolton (@AmbJohnBolton) September 10, 2019
Bringing the word “Nationalism” back into the mainstream – great job by Rich Lowry! Very important book. https://t.co/yQI4ylGgDb
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2019
95% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you! #MAGA #KAG2020
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2019
Thank you Lee and David! https://t.co/cztdiqqiiH
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019
A terrible lie. How can she do such a thing? https://t.co/bSvlYI7dqe
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019
GOP TX Rep Ratcliffe to Taylor: And to your knowledge, nobody in the Ukrainian Government was aware of the hold?
Taylor: That is correct. Ratcliffe: Great. Thank you for clarifying.— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) November 6, 2019
??smart guy https://t.co/cqDMqXSxh6
— John Ratcliffe (@RepRatcliffe) November 5, 2019
"The person who planted fake evidence shouldn't be the one ruling on the admissibility of fake evidence," Ratcliffe said of Schiff on Friday.
Ratcliffe: Adam Schiff Is Running A Corrupt Process To Overthrow Trump https://t.co/yUgHpUVnsO
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 1, 2019
We learn from the press today that Chm Schiff had prior knowledge and involvement in the WB complaint. He withheld this info from the American people and even from the Intel Cmte. In light of this news, it’s hard to view impeachment as anything aside from an orchestrated farce.
— Rep. Devin Nunes (@RepDevinNunes) October 2, 2019
Totally! https://t.co/VqpNDMua5X
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019
Schiff said we’d hear from the whistleblower.
But when collusion between the whistleblower & Schiff’s staff was revealed, he changed his tune.
Republicans requested the whistleblower as a witness in Schiff’s show hearings. Will he block him out to avoid people seeing the truth?
— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) November 9, 2019
If Adam Schiff blocks these witness from testifying, it will be further proof that this is a partisan political vendetta against @realDonaldTrump.https://t.co/YhgAGH9jr6
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) November 9, 2019
Things Democrats did this week: Sham impeachment proceedings.
Things they didn’t: Ratify #USMCA, fund the troops, lower drug prices, so much more.
Americans are tired of their partisan politics! pic.twitter.com/HXCCL36169
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) November 9, 2019
Must read op-ed by @RepMikeRogersAL, @RepAdrianSmith, @RepWalberg, @RepAnnWagner, @RepRossSpano, & @RepDanBishop:
Democrats “are so obsessed with impeaching @realDonaldTrump … they are doing nothing to fix real problems Americans care about.”https://t.co/vbp3TIFqOh
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) November 9, 2019
We know Adam Schiff coordinated with the whistleblower, then lied about it.
But now we have learned ANOTHER Democrat staffer coordinated with a leading witness before the whistleblower's complaint was even public.
It’s all politics!https://t.co/AlWfzeot45
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) November 9, 2019
Concerns, Opinions, and Hearsay Are Not Evidence https://t.co/9k4m9iJSjk pic.twitter.com/fLXvcF1ETg
— Gregg Jarrett (@GreggJarrett) November 4, 2019
Here’s Why The Justice Department Must Investigate Joe Biden’s “Quid Pro Quo” https://t.co/EknlC5mWnX
— Gregg Jarrett (@GreggJarrett) November 5, 2019
“He is not a Whistleblower. He is a deepstater. Let the President do the job he was elected to do.” @JudgeJeanine
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019
I recommend that Nervous Nancy Pelosi (who backed up Schiff’s lie), Shifty Adam Schiff, Sleepy Joe Biden, the Whistleblower (who miraculously disappeared after I released the transcript of the call), the 2nd Whistleblower (who also disappeared), & the I.G., be part of the list!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2019
….Whatever happened to the so-called “informer” to Whistleblower #1? Seems to have disappeared after I released the Transcript of the call. Shouldn’t he be on the list to testify? Witch Hunt!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2019
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2019
But the Witch Hunt continues. After 3 years of relentless attacks against the Republican Party & me, the Do Nothing Dems are losers for America! https://t.co/met2y8VoPe
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2019
True! https://t.co/dwdOnYAjlw
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2019
We will win big! https://t.co/ZM01nPimh3
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2019
An impactful day in Morocco, where we furthered all 3 pillars of #WGDP ??????
? Women Prospering in the Workforce
? Women Succeeding as Entrepreneurs
? Women Enabled in the Economy pic.twitter.com/pRBLm8Pvbx— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) November 8, 2019
Good luck Vince, this will be great! https://t.co/084GASJN6e
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2019
Fake News is reporting that I am talking to Mark Burnett about doing a big show, perhaps The Apprentice, after the presidency, which I would assume they mean in 5 years. This is not true, never had such a conversation, don’t even have time to think about it. False reporting!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2019
Great! https://t.co/QlLjEHUR0G
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019
Just finished reading my son Donald’s just out new book, “Triggered.” It is really good! He, along with many of us, was very unfairly treated. But we all fight back, and we always win!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2019
Thank you Andrew. Meadow was watching and is so proud of her great father and family!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019
Make America Great Again! https://t.co/ffS9kLtjxE
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019
A couple people boo President Trump at the Nationals game in DC:
The entire stadium cheering for President Trump at the LSU/Bama game:
Media: silent pic.twitter.com/nPs976RQvn
— Andrew Pollack (@AndrewPollackFL) November 9, 2019
https://t.co/KkZEHQMf8W pic.twitter.com/DWb93QBKjB
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019
Welcome to Bryant-Denny Stadium @POTUS and @FLOTUS! ?? #RollTide pic.twitter.com/D6EOeBU1CP
— Alabama Athletics (@UA_Athletics) November 9, 2019
Alabama and LSU fans welcome President @realDonaldTrump and First Lady Melania Trump to Tuscaloosa, Alabama. ?? pic.twitter.com/1odLcOQJ9I
— Kyle Morris (@RealKyleMorris) November 9, 2019
Alabama loves President @realDonaldTrump. This is what the fake news media won’t show you. #MAGA ??pic.twitter.com/qsAkePqrae
— Kyle Morris (@RealKyleMorris) November 9, 2019
But the Fake News will never show this. Thank you! https://t.co/T8grDsDRvJ
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019
Thank you Terrence! https://t.co/flwd34IsOn
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019
Great day.. great game .. great reception for @FLOTUS and @realDonaldTrump
The south knows what’s what! https://t.co/3vyYTsKQBq
— Eric Bolling?? (@ericbolling) November 10, 2019
Thank you to LSU and Alabama for a great game!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019
Such an amazing game & place! https://t.co/dGmXYxgKV5
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019
Such GREAT people! https://t.co/y5IgJXXfXf
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2019
All three major equity indices finished higher and at new all-time highs all while there are $360 billion in tariffs current on China exports to the United States.
The experts keep talking about tariffs as if market, employment, wages aren't soaring. America is winning.
— Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) November 8, 2019
The Trump Campaign just launched “Veterans for Trump.”
@realDonaldTrump is delivering for veterans:
*Signed Veterans Accountability & Whistleblower Protection Act
*Created a new White House VA Hotline
*Authorized $2.1B in additional funds for the Veterans Choice Program— GOP (@GOP) November 9, 2019
President Trump To Kick Off NYC 100th Veterans Day Parade https://t.co/skSUgkyCqB pic.twitter.com/igLzBqSNXH
— Gregg Jarrett (@GreggJarrett) November 6, 2019
On Thursday, 11/7/2019, the President signed into law:
S. 693, the “National POW/MIA Flag Act,” which honors service members who are Prisoners of War (POW) or Missing in Action (MIA) by increasing frequency of POW/MIA flag display on specified Federal properties.
?11/8/2019 pic.twitter.com/rc2aNoQWPC
— Dan Scavino Jr.?? (@Scavino45) November 9, 2019
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 8, 2019
“Stefan Molyneux has been deplatformed from Paypal. He still can receive crypto, and his books are still available on Amazon. Obviously a sign he is not one of them.”
Don’t be so sure. I doubt he could build such a following as he has on his own. I really don’t find his work or thinking all that compelling. And I say that as someone who is generally sympathetic to much of his message. They deplatformed Alex Jones and he clearly is one of them. Things never are as they seem.
Difference is that unlike confirmed zionist shill AJ, Molly criticizes Israel (and some of its gatekeeping shills like Shapiru), with great optics and in a constructive, normie frenly, and persuasive way.
BTW, here is proof that AJ is a zionist gatekeeping shill:
I think it is genuine. My wife was gathered with her siblings who range through boomer to gen x, with the millennial and zoomer nieces and nephews, and no one bought the official story. It broke the faith of a lot of the statists. The bunch ranges from literal Berkeley professor in a “studies” field to tradesmen, and no one bought it.
The official story was indefensible.
I was concerned that it was an enemy movement when de Blasio voiced concerns but then Don Jr. also chimed in.
At first I thought they were joke links, but when I looked closer, I saw that both had the correct icon attached to them. That’s done automatically in chrome based on the favicon.ico file served by the website linked.
Sadly authentic.
DGI Defector: Cuban Intelligence Behind Chile Protests
Spain: Populists Make Massive Gains, Salvini Predicts ‘Racist’ Smears by Media
Jordan retakes lands leased by Israel in 1994 peace accord
Digital Ballots Recount Could Turn Kentucky Bevin Race Upside-Down, Save Gun Rights!
Afghan presidential candidate boycotts recounting process
I definitely agree that Robert Redford is an Insider. If you have ever seen the movie sneakers, you’ll know what I mean. Consider that the CIA is confirmed to spend tons of money in Hollywood for positive image spin. Then watch that movie, and notice how much is anti-nsa and radical liberal. I definitely get the impression looking back at it now that the NSA is on our side, and the CIA is decidedly not. I think Redford is part of the CIA propaganda machine.