I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub
Megyn Kelly interviews Ashley Bianco over the leak of the ABC footage showing Amy Robach saying the network killed a story on Jeffrey Epstein
Kelly: “Did you leak the tape?”
Bianco: “I did not”
Kelly: “Not to anyone?
Bianco: “No, never”
Kelly: “At anytime?”
Bianco: “No” pic.twitter.com/oT0xBaz7vX
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) November 8, 2019
James O’Keefe says Ashley Bianco, the woman who CBS fired was not the Whistleblower who gave him the tape. I got the impression from that tape it was all orchestrated at the behest of Amy Robach to cover her for her involvement in gathering intel on what Giuffre had, and if so, it will be either one of her staffers who released it, or her directly.
. @JamesOKeefeIII tells me there is more video coming. When asked about ABC’s motivations for killing the Epstein story, he quotes Amy Robach "there were a lot of men in those planes.” #DanaRadio
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) November 8, 2019
Fox legal analyst claims alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella could be ‘implicated’ in FISA report.
Nunes demands Schiff testify in private as part of House impeachment inquiry.
Hundreds of records could fall in next week’s cold snap.
First case of dengue fever spread by sex confirmed in Spain. As the r-cohort becomes more and more sexually liberated and active, and elements of it continue to grow weaker and less fit with weaker immunity, we may see a lot of other diseases begin to get an evolutionary foothold as sexually transmitted diseases. Interesting.
Facebook scrubs all references to alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella.
Germany plans to ban gay ‘conversion therapy.’ But current transgender treatments, which have trannies dropping like flies from suicide don’t require any review.
Liz Warren says, “Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy.” It is very strange. There are not enough such freaks, to make it wise politically to appeal to them as a constituency, especially when doing so makes you look so weird to the rest of regular America. And yet they do it. There is a reason for it, and I assume it must speak to a facet of the mechanism we do not understand.
Pedophiles ‘born not made’ claim in new scientific study could see child molestation established as a ‘sexual orientation.’ Or, it could cause us to rethink periodic Eugenical purges of our populations.
Venezuelan death squads have killed over 830 people, most of whom were regime protestors. I would assume this does not include the ones poisoned, infected, irradiated, and so on who will look to have died of natural causes in a nation with piss poor medical and little in the way of nutrition or electricity. This is why you cannot have a free society, unless it is schooled up in understanding surveillance/intelligence, and domestic surveillance/intelligence is limited by a population who knows all about it. All along, as protests were happening, and unrest was building, Venezuelan domestic intelligence was cataloging who was who in the nation. If you jumped into politics, hoping to make a change for the better, you would have either proven yourself successful, and immediately gone on the top of the list, or you would have, at best, failed, and been put farther down the list. All of these people killed, did not just have a death squad get their name and go out and kill them. They were cataloged, by people following them, informants who got close to them, the whole network embedded in the society. When the death squads came, they moved when these people did predictable things the surveillance had noted them doing, which would put them in a place where they were vulnerable, and the death squads had the upper hand. If there had not been the surveillance, I am not sure the death squads would have gone out and taken the risks. Surely it would have been immeasurably more dangerous, and the odds would have shifted immensely toward the targets. And don’t think any nation doesn’t have it. When the big collapse comes, unless it has been eliminated, it will only serve to allow the people who fucked everything up to solidify their hold on power even tighter.
Columbia professor who fled communism resigns, says university is becoming communist.
Jury in Roger Stone trial packed with pro-Obama, anti-Trump jurors.
Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety PAC spent a record $2.5 million to flip Virginia from red to blue. Soros was dumping cash to, so Virginia must be important to the Cabal’s hope to save itself, I would imagine.
Eric Holder was thinking of jumping into the Democrat presidential primary.
A push by President Trump and conservatives to investigate Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine as part of the Impeachment is running into stumbling blocks from congressional Republicans. If Trump wanted it, he would make it happen, so I assume this is more of the script leading up to the big reveal.
Wall Street Journal title : “Meritocracy’s Waterloo? The University of California may scrap admissions testing.” This is the final stage, where Cabal just gets admitted, and you do not, and you think it happened randomly, and have no idea there is a Secret Society.
BBC journalist who did specials on Britain’s child sex gangs got cancer and died at age 48.
Families of Cartel assault victims say the attack was deliberate, but they do not know why they were targeted. I wonder if it was retaliation for assumed US intel help catching up with El Chapo’s kid, or even if El Chapo’s son passed through that area and they thought the family might have informed.
Hello @ICEgov, I know that this will probably be an unpopular post, but I want to remind you that California has been issuing drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. Maybe you should seize that database and get your asses to work out here?
— ??????? | ??????????? (@xfiltr8) November 8, 2019
1. if you wonder why 90% of the media are so anti-Trump – CNN, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC, ABC, LA Times, etc…
consider this:
in 1975, there were 400 journalists and editors under CIA payroll.
(official Data)how many will be today?
4000 ?
40,000 ? pic.twitter.com/tU1Lx8NiJi— Greg Rubini (@GregRubini) November 7, 2019
— Qnited States Patriot (@EpicDoyle) November 8, 2019
Joe Biden: “I believe in the second amendment but nobody says you can have a rounds — a magazine with a hundred clips in it…”
“We protect geese more than we protect, no joke you can only have 3 shotgun shells when you go shooting for geese”
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) November 8, 2019
Disney employees among those arrested in Florida child pornography sting https://t.co/uyuCXGz7D5
— LIVE Breaking News (@NewsBreaking) November 9, 2019
BREAKING: Newly released transcripts show ex-Trump NSC official and Democrat Fiona Hill acknowledged in impeachment testimony she not only had a prior close working relationship with dossier author Christopher Steele, but had contacts with Steele during the 2016 campaign pic.twitter.com/2JCXQTBVWF
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) November 8, 2019
BREAKING: On pp 176-177 of just-released transcript, Fiona Hill asked to name NSC analysts who worked under her heading Ukraine desk & she names Vindman,then Catherine Croft before suddenly forgetting "who was before her."The person she conveniently "can't remember" is Ciaramella pic.twitter.com/YtXnfQssTR
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) November 8, 2019
BREAKING: What was former RNC chief and Trump chief of staff Reince Priebus doing meeting Clinton operative Paul Begala for lunch in September? pic.twitter.com/8eF2nSxk7A
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) November 8, 2019
Ex-French Ministry of Culture official indicted for spiking drinks of young women with diuretics to see them urinate in front of him. An investigation revealed that he kept a document on his computer, which listed over 200 such instances. This lasted for 10 years! pic.twitter.com/7i7Et05pSh
— RT (@RT_com) November 8, 2019
Harvard Wants Students To Bone Up On Oral And Anal Sex, Stop Judging Fatties https://t.co/OLn8CEAwNV
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) November 9, 2019
Kaboom!~ Every Original Wikileaks file LIVE and in living color, all in one place, most of them never published until right now. Source: Original Wikileaks Server from inception to 2016. WL on Steroids. WikiServerfile 43,477 Files, 4,419 Foldershttps://t.co/MwNAZbvSVe
— George M Nasif (@GeorgeMNasif) November 8, 2019
Warning to democrat politicians, You best Run and Hide now….. Word is out , No mercy !!! still more to come. Just getting warmed up.
— George M Nasif (@GeorgeMNasif) November 8, 2019
I don't really know what this letter means.
From the file angela-merkel.pdf in @GeorgeMNasif's latest wikileaks dump.
Can anybody explain it? pic.twitter.com/KoOCCc2HBt— André van Delft (@AndreVanDelft) November 8, 2019
She is being told to close her accounts with her investor because the money is being hidden in off shore banks, for tax fraud reasons. there are more documents, THE DNC is up to their ears in fraud with the same company.
— George M Nasif (@GeorgeMNasif) November 8, 2019
Original Marlboro man dies at the age of 90. I remember somewhere reading that somebody did a study on cancerous tumors taken from smokers, and the vast majority of those taken were all shedding Tobacco Mosaic virus particles. If true, it made me wonder if the problem with tobacco was not so much the chemicals in tobacco leaf smoke, or even the inflammation it likely produced, but rather it was that of the many human cells exposed to smoke from TMV-infected leaves, a few would eventually absorb enough viral DNA to actually begin producing TMV, and somehow in some people one cell would find that viral DNA uniquely screwed up the human DNA machinery enough that it triggered uncontrolled cell reproduction, which progressed to a tumor and then cancer.
British Labour support collapses in the North as voters turn on Corbyn.
A herd of ravenous goats which ate underbrush, creating a firebreak, is being given credit for helping to save the Reagan library. If you killed all the predators of deer, like mountain lions and coyotes, and even imported problem deer from suburban communities all over the US, so they would over populate in California, you could probably say goodbye to a majority of the wildfire problem very, very quickly. They would do what those goats did, all on their own, all of the time.
Donald Trump launches ‘Black Voices for Trump’ coalition for 2020.
Navy employee sentenced to 40 years in prison for child pornography offenses with multiple victims.
Trump says, “Little Michael” Bloomberg will fail. I almost think he is trying to manipulate Bloomberg into getting in.
Trump has appointed 25% of all Circuit Court judges. It just dawned on me that by letting vacancies build up and not confirming judges under Obama, the Storm architects were letting Trump appoint a slew of judges so when the indictments are unsealed, they won’t entirely clear the benches. Trump’s carefully vetted (maybe with NSA-intelligence) judges are certified Cabal-free, so they will remain, and Courts will not be totally disabled and unable to hear Storm-related cases.
Putin invited Trump to Russia’s Victory Day parade, and Trump says he’s thinking about it.
Trump says he will not campaign against Jeff Sessions in Alabama. Only a shocker if you do not read Q.
Let’s send a loud message to the liberal elites. It would TRIGGER our haters coast to coast if we made the NYT list! This is the book that liberals don’t want you to read or share with others. Get your copy now! https://t.co/HKA9knF0Ko
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 3, 2019
Listen to the podcast I did with @IAmJericho about my new book #Triggered here. We had a really fun conversation, so check it out!!!
https://t.co/i6pGEV1fRC https://t.co/n2spMPLM0C
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 8, 2019
Don Jr is the most powerful and energizing conservative leader not currently in elected office https://t.co/Y0LrWizUKl
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 8, 2019
Big crowd in Destin for ?@DonaldJTrumpJr?! #OpenGaetz pic.twitter.com/IKKHjI5oGY
— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) November 8, 2019
A great day in Northwest Florida with ?@DonaldJTrumpJr? & ?@kimguilfoyle?! #Triggered pic.twitter.com/dDFIrI3YxG
— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) November 8, 2019
Liberal Privilege https://t.co/WF9dhg2v5C
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 8, 2019
Watch @seanspicer discuss how @DonaldJTrumpJr triggered the hosts of The View yesterday: pic.twitter.com/bCCWoXRdaD
— America First (@AmericaFirstPAC) November 8, 2019
Here's video of The View's @WhoopiGoldberg literally defending Hollywood child-rapist Roman Polanski as not being guilty of "rape-rape" on the same network that protected pedophile-rapist Jeffery Epstein.
It's almost like @ABC and @TheView are truly a match made in heaven!!! https://t.co/d4dJQAXnKR
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 8, 2019
??? pic.twitter.com/VTFT5FmgwS
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 9, 2019
Glad people on here were able to speak up and get some public sentiment against allowing someone to castrate a child on a whim.
The fact that it actually got as far as it did is scary enough and I’m sure this BS will continue and get worse.
At 18 let them do what they want. https://t.co/WXsv44OvM9
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 8, 2019
BREAKING: IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index increased to 52.9, the 2nd straight monthly gain, including among independent voters. Index has now recorded a score in positive territory for a record 38 consecutive months,suggesting consumer spending will remain robust into near term.
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) November 8, 2019
Russia will cooperate with US to explore Venushttps://t.co/h4WY1rpPIB
— RT (@RT_com) November 8, 2019
The “Whistleblower’s” lawyer called for a “coup” almost as soon as President Trump took office.
All the more reason why we need to hear from the individual who started this whole impeachment sham.
The “Whistleblower” should testify under oath and in person. https://t.co/oSwhWuXm3j
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) November 7, 2019
Nadler says he is only concerned about the “appearance of an open mind,” admitting this impeachment process is pre-baked, unjust, and inevitable.
Nadler just admitted that facts and fairness mean nothing to Democrats. pic.twitter.com/VOaJp4LyKu
— Rep. Doug Collins (@RepDougCollins) November 8, 2019
Democrats are so obsessed with impeaching President Trump that they're doing nothing to fix real problems Americans care about, like border security.
From @RepMikeRogersAL, @RepAdrianSmith, @RepWalberg, @RepAnnWagner, @RepRossSpano & @RepDanBishop. https://t.co/MqBV27AcDH
— House Homeland GOP (@HomelandGOP) November 8, 2019
“Mark Levin blasts Adam Schiff, claims 'the law is on the president's side' on Ukraine” https://t.co/GhO065fd8X
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 9, 2019
As the Black Voices for Trump coalition launches TODAY in Atlanta, remember that with @realDonaldTrump as President:
Over 1.2 million new jobs have been created for African-Americans and the poverty rate among African-Americans is at its lowest level in HISTORY.
— GOP (@GOP) November 8, 2019
"We created 9,000 opportunity zones…8 million African-Americans live in opportunity zones, yet every Democrat voted against giving these black citizens the future they deserve. The Republicans got it passed." – @realDonaldTrump #BlackVoicesForTrump pic.twitter.com/Qqij3tylDR
— Trump War Room (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TrumpWarRoom) November 8, 2019
Republicans only have til Saturday to request witnesses for ALL open hearings.
–@RepAdamSchiff decides WHICH witnesses testify, if any
-Schiff decides WHEN witnesses testify, if at all
-President’s counsel still excludedDoes this sound like due process?
— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) November 8, 2019
"@AdamSchiff is a corrupt politician, that's not giving us due process… and despite all that we're kicking their ass."
— @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/7S08Z79j4s
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) November 8, 2019
I will be announcing the winners of the #MAGACHALLENGE and inviting them to the @WhiteHouse to meet with me and perform. Good luck! https://t.co/3PYzOvYz17
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 8, 2019
MSNBC asked a group of Black voters whether @realDonaldTrump is good for Black Americans:
?Record low unemployment.
?The wage gap for Blacks has closed.
?Passage of the First Step Act."I think that's great for Black people." – Kaaryn Walker. #BlackVoicesforTrump pic.twitter.com/rFXsfvZes7
— Trump War Room (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TrumpWarRoom) November 8, 2019
"Democrats want to invest in green global projects. I want to invest in Black American communities." – @realDonaldTrump #BlackVoicesForTrump pic.twitter.com/n3OCAN6DxA
— Trump War Room (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TrumpWarRoom) November 8, 2019
I don’t know why they got lazy with appointing judges under Hussein. Granted, they are lazy and incompetent, but that can’t explain it. I know they didn’t do it for GEOTUS. I assume they were so confident Hillary would get in, they left vacancies for her to fill.
I think they wanted a radical Demoncrat Senate to install crazy leftists.
Brilliant explanation. Makes perfect sense.
“Facebook scrubs all references to alleged whistleblower Eric Ciaramella.”
I don’t ‘do’ Facebook, but couldn’t people get around this by calling him Eric Cinderella? 🙂
> Jury in Roger Stone trial packed with pro-Obama, anti-Trump jurors.
Jury selection is a cornerstone of criminal trial proceedings. If the jury is indeed “packed”, Stone’s lawyer is at fault, and subject to censure. Stone might even be able to get a mistrial decree out of it.
Stone’s lawyer did object to some of the jurors based upon their anti-Trump bias. The judge denied those objections. If appealed, it will be for judicial bias/influencing the juror selection process.
> Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety PAC spent a record $2.5 million to flip Virginia from red to blue.
That’s pocket money; more than that gets spent on mayoral elections in large cities.
To achieve such success with such a tiny investment is a big deal; worth obtaining available records and studying them. More likely, though, it’s mostly hype.
> Trump’s carefully vetted (maybe with NSA-intelligence)
The NSA’s “primary customer” is the President; it’s part of their founding charter.
Flip side: given the FBI and CIA no longer conceal their partisanship, why should he trust the NSA? Since they operate in the shadows by default, they would be the first logical target for corruption.
He would trust them if they gave him a reason.
Like, say, they walked in on Day 1 and said, “Here is all the evidence of FBI and CIA corruption. All is not lost, however — we have a Plan.”
I think it’s pretty clear that Trump has been in contact with people for a long, long time. I’m quite sure that the entire purpose of The Apprentice was to refine his TV appearance and begin what we might call a subliminal campaign to build a foundation for his presidential campaign. Trump was selected years, perhaps decades, before he ran.
That dengue fever article talks about gays contracting this disease and spreading it around.
“Liz Warren says, “Black trans and cis women, gender-nonconforming, and nonbinary people are the backbone of our democracy.” It is very strange. There are not enough such freaks, to make it wise politically to appeal to them as a constituency, especially when doing so makes you look so weird to the rest of regular America. And yet they do it. There is a reason for it, and I assume it must speak to a facet of the mechanism we do not understand.”
If they can force their followers to accept and embrace the freaks they can make them do anything.
If they can force the rest of us to surrender to the freaks they can force us to do anything.
It’s also a form of birth control, same as the trendy gay movement. You have women who want to be more masculine and have feelings of loathing toward femininity -including the idea of giving birth- and of course, men who want to be women will never become pregnant. -Makes me wonder how many people in the surveillance system are child free? People with children don’t have time, unless they neglect them and give up most of their family life for something that shouldn’t be worth dick. Once you have them, then they are number one. It can’t be a coincidence that I’m being harassed in the workplace by people of whom 9 out of 10 have one or less (mostly less) children. A lot of them have also never been in a meaningful relationship and are in their middle age still acting like ‘super wicked cool college kids who like to party’. In other words….perpetual children. -Or perfect candidates to be in on it.
“Ive haven’t cleaned my room in weeks. All I do is beat my meat (and watch my neighbors). I get nothing done ’cause I’m a coomer.”
Liberal Privilege https://t.co/WF9dhg2v5C
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 8, 2019″
Pork Hyperinflation Sends Chinese Consumer Prices Soaring Most In 7 Years
Buy McRibs and tank the Chinese economy. LOL!
Ukraine, Russian-backed rebels begin Donbass village withdrawal
Bolivia military says won’t “confront” the people as pressure on Morales builds
U.S. seeks to charge asylum seekers and hike fees for immigration
Good to know, thank you.
Researchers Have Developed A Virus That Can Kill All Known Cancer Types
Can’t go into details without doxing myself, but in the case of at least one Article III judge I can affirm this with 99% confidence.