News Briefs – 11/05/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump. __________________________________

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Some thought this might be related to the Project Veritas release:

From here: “One British official with knowledge of Barr’s wish list presented to London commented that “it is like nothing we have come across before, they are basically asking, in quite robust terms, for help in doing a hatchet job on their own intelligence services””

No link, but Sebastian Gorka’s youtube was just wiped.

Conservative Treehouse breaks down the Flynn team’s Sur-surreply to the Court, laying out all the shenanigans the prosecution has engaged in. I have been thinking about the psychological requirements of the kind of revolution the Storm has promised. Really, even something like Epstein, which was a straight up exposure lacks the impact to have the public push for justice. I really think it will require such an ambiance of upheaval, turmoil, and outright chaos that the revolution becomes the only way to restore calm and serenity. Anything less, and I think you are looking at everyone walking. And of course we have been told, nobody gets a deal.

Don Jr will be on the view on November 7th. I assume he will be promoting his new book Triggered. Unclear is if he plans on doing any triggering on the show, but it is probably a safe bet.

U.S. career diplomats testify that State Department was misused for domestic politics.

Hunter Biden’s Ukraine gas firm pressed Obama administration to end corruption allegations.

Chinese citizens are complaining that they are being hit with Directed Energy weapons and hearing voices in their heads. China and Cabal are linked? Understanding Neurobiology extremely well, I see no way thoughts could be read, unless a subject had been kidnapped and implanted with something, no matter how advanced the technology (and even that is probably a hundred or more years ahead of our known level of advancement, though if renegade scientists have been doing unethical things in the shadows (and they probably have), anything is possible). Anything beyond reading thoughts with implants, and you are getting into the paranormal, which could be science dominated by some extra-terrestrial/dimensional race, but will be beyond human capabilities for any foreseeable future and require all of our known understandings to be wrong and reworked. I find the mind-reading allegations interesting in that in the book Chameleo, the author’s detailed analysis of the technologies his hero Dion was exposed to kept bringing him back to a Military-Industrial technology company called SAIC, and when he bumped into a UFO researcher by chance, they began talking about how their community’s research into alien abductions kept coming back to SAIC, which they thought was faking alien abductions to kidnap human beings for scientific experiments with technologies they were developing faster than everyone else by doing their research far beyond any ethical bounds, and then blaming aliens for it. I would love to know if those people thinking their thoughts were being read had some sort of implants, stuck in them in some late night kidnapping and implantation session. In this timeline, anything is possible, mainly because we have been raised to be so naïve we would assume no covert intelligence operation would spend decades doing guerilla tech research at the hairy edge without ethical boards looking over their shoulders, on unwilling participants they kidnapped (and tricked into thinking it was aliens), and end up one or two hundred years ahead of the tech we have, which they have artificially suppressed. In reality, that which we were raised to think impossible is exactly what I would think would happen naturally, given that the world id Darwinian.

California conservatives leaving the state for ‘redder pastures.’ It potentially could reduce the number of electors by diminishing the population, and it could shift electors elsewhere.

Leftist Joy Behar says, “They should not tell everything they’re going to do. If you’re going to take people’s guns away, wait until you get elected — then take the guns away.”

In Guatemala, lenders supported by USAID and the World Bank are now funding illegal migration.

In 20 years, 1 in 3 people will have migrant roots in Germany.

Germany’s Angela Merkel vows to fight right-wing extremist terrorism.

Gov. Cuomo on Monday claimed he didn’t know about the dumb-and-dumber plan to release jailed inmates early under his new bail-reform law and then give them freebies like Mets tickets to entice them back to court.

El Chapo’s wife is offered a position on a reality Television show on VH-1, with the goal being to get her started, “as soon as possible.” How easy do you think it would be for you to get a reality show, anon? And yet this woman, who ostensibly is supposed to be an enemy of the United States government, is getting on a reality show. Do you think if you bought advertising for your product on that show, you would see an increase in sales that would generate enough profit to pay her millions for her appearance? Do you watch commercials, and buy stuff because you see commercials for it? Do commercials determine what you buy? So people are put on reality shows who the government is supposed to hate, they get paid millions, and yet there is no clear means by which those millions travel from the pockets of consumers through to advertising firms, and on to the stars? Things do not work the way that you think.

Federal judges rule Donald Trump MUST let his tax returns be released to Manhattan DA probing Stormy Daniels payments – setting up Supreme Court clash.

UK’s National Health Service announces it will pull treatment if you show any sign of non-SJW thought-crime. Think back to the time a UK NHS Patient asked for a female nurse to do a cervical smear, and got a tattooed trans man with stubble.

Mollie Tibbetts’ accused killer not properly read Miranda rights: court docs.

Feminist complains about being ‘shamed’ because she left husband and kids to be with her lover. Imagine a mother rabbit who normally raises her pups until they can just walk by themselves, and then abandons them. One time, a male hangs around as she raises the pups, and then everyone complains she is leaving him and her pups to go mate with another rabbit before her pups are adult rabbits. It would baffle the rabbit. Leftist humans are the r-strategist rabbits of the human population, and they literally cannot understand K-strategists.

Lasers can be used to imitate voice-sounds and trick Google Home, Amazon Echo, Facebook Portal, and other smart devices, to hack into them.

Images of a London billboard that appears to urge white Britons to get sterilized have started to circulate throughout social media.

Salt Lake Tribune becomes first legacy paper to convert to nonprofit 501(c)(3). Are they about to admit that the old model, where they were supposedly making profit from a small substream of ad-revenue made from a portion of sales their advertising produced, is bullshit? Not sure how I feel about our media needing the approval of a government agency which was already weaponized for political purposes.

A European agency denies claims that money meant for farming was corruptly used to prop up “oligarchs and political patrons” in central and eastern Europe.

The global companies Kraft Heinz and Unilever recently came under fire for advertising on Pornhub—a large, sexually exploitive, pornography site that normalizes themes of racism, incest, and violence against women.

Bitcoin’s rise to $20,000 was produced by a single market manipulator. I wonder if John McAfee has settled yet on the condiment he will be having on his dick? (He has publicly promised to eat his own dick on national TV if Bitcoin is not at $1 million by Dec 31st, 2020. It led to the website, which is counting down to the fateful day.)

While Uighur men are held in detention camps, China sends male “Monitors” to observe their families, and these men “sleep” in the same bed as the prisoner’s wife. Notice how the US did nothing to Muslims prior to the first Gulf War, and yet Islam was riled against us constantly. China is sending Infidels to sleep in the beds of persecuted followers of Mohammed, with their devout Islamic wives, and there is not a peep from the radical Islamic community against China. That is because Cabal controls the leaders of the radical Islamic movement, and they use it as a proxy force. Of course if 4Chan wanted to stir shit with a meme campaign…

6.6 mag earthquake hits off the coast of Tonga.

6.0 mag earthquake hits Chile.

Sweden bomb attacks reach unprecedented level as gangs feud.

Joys of multiculturalism visit school students in Canada, as Arab kids gang up on locals:

Draq Queens are teaching children how to twerk:

Republicans to introduce legislation to dismantle entire Iran nuclear deal.

Trump says Covfefe might have “Deep meaning.”

Border Patrol come under fire, one bad guy dead.

Feminist Terminator movie projected to lose $100 million.

Three Republican lawmakers in three states are crafting legislation to protect children from gender transition treatment such as puberty-blocking drugs or surgery.

Rand Paul demands media print whistleblower’s name.

Kentucky rally crowd behind Trump all wear ‘Read the Transcript’ shirts.

House Republicans plan to call Adam Schiff to testify in impeachment inquiry, say he is fact a witness.

Washington Nationals player Ryan Zimmerman, who hit the first World Series home run in Nationals franchise history, thanked President Trump for “continuing to make America the greatest country in the world” at the White House.

Pregnant woman saves her family from burglars with an AR-15.

Anti government protests escalate in Iraq.

President Donald Trump is considering intervening in the war crime cases of three soldiers ahead of Veteran’s Day.

Trump restores Navy SEAL Gallagher to rank of chief again.

Trump is expanding his base with ‘economically vulnerable’ voters and impeachment critics according to pollsters.

New York Times Upshot Poll shows Trump sweeping the Battleground states.

The Dow, S&P 500 and Nasdaq hit record highs.

Trump formally pulls out of landmark Paris climate agreement.

At the Trump Tupelo rally 27% were Democrat, 20% were Black, and 24% were sideline voters.

Spread r/K Theory, because #Epsteincoverup

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5 years ago

> Salt Lake Tribune becomes first legacy paper to convert to nonprofit 501(c)(3).

“Nonprofit” is a specialized tax law term. It doesn’t mean what it would mean in plain English.

You can make a buttload of money as a nonprofit; the main difference is how the money is disbursed. And the accounting can be much simpler, among other adventages.

As for permission… they’re all-in fellow travelers, so their agenda isn’t going to change. And they were always beholden to the State for the permits that allow them to operate as a business anyway.

5 years ago

Here comes the diversity!

Wonder how many other vibrant crimes are actually scams to work the immigration system?

And for bonus points — “Sheriff Mitzi Johanknecht”… ever notice how many big-city PD’s are headed by this type (at least on the Left Coast)?

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  SteveRogers42
5 years ago

Leftist white enclaves like Portland and Seattle need more diversity. Far more. They need a big taste of the shit they’ve been pushing on the rest of us whites. I hope they drown in it.

Reply to  Corn Pop
5 years ago

White liberals escape and vote liberal in red states.

5 years ago

it’s “boatload” not buttload. learn and use the language of your forefathers, not the language of the illiterate masses that the unaprty keeps bringing in.

5 years ago

Women killed in Mexican cartel murders had alleged ties to sex cult Nxivm

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

Weird if true.

5 years ago

Roger Stone leaves Day 1 of trial early over food poisoning

5 years ago

UK: All children to receive whole genome sequencing at birth

5 years ago

Trump muses about serving 21 more years as president

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I hope so.
For all of us and for getting to keep him.

5 years ago

India says supports FTA talks with EU after refusing to join China-led accord

5 years ago
5 years ago

One for your Randy Quaid file AC: tl;dr Tiger Lilly Hutchence should be one of the richest women in London, instead she’s living in abject squalor. For LD6T: Her stepfather is called (((Geldof))) Accountant (((Diamond)))
Either way T-L H’s mailbox should be bulging with royalty checks from her old man’s Michael’s song catalog after he “hung himself”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

“…When Hutchence died in November 1997, his family were told he was virtually penniless…”

Once his hit potential died out they transferred all his money their accounts and killed him I’m sure.

You can not live a peaceful decent life with Jews in your country.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Sam J.
5 years ago

Also he stole Bob Geldof’s wife and Geldof just screams Cabal to me. I mean his estimated worth is 150 million. For what? I mean his career as a musician was barely a blip. Sure, he organized Live Aid but that was for charity right?

In fact, he and Geldof had an argument the night he died.

He was still pissed years later.

Not saying he had anything to do with it but I’m sure he wasn’t sad to see him gone.