I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump. __________________________________
Q is going again. 8kun is definitely not ready for primetime, as I cannot get it to load. But Q’s posts are getting scraped to the aggregator sites regardless. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub
The first tweet is referencing this previous Q post which predicted he would be dark for 93 days, before 8Chan went dark. Which is puzzling because to go dark, Q and 8Chan needed the El Paso shooting, and a mystery poster to repost the El Paso shooter’s manifesto to 8Chan while the shooting was going on. But that shooting didn’t happen until after Q predicted he was going dark for 93 days. Did they capitalize on the fly on an event they didn’t know was coming? Did they know the shooting was coming that many days before it happened? Was there even a shooting, or are all these shootings with kid shooters who look exactly alike a sign something is not as it seems, and they are all simply theater, planned in advance with actors who they can cast to type?
Understand, Cabal has people who exhibit a cult-like loyalty to it embedded in every community. They look like regular citizens, with regular jobs and regular families. But they do what they are told. Imagine if nobody died in the Walmart shooting. But imagine the media reported they did. Citizens who lived in the community accepted relocation and a new identity, to pose as victims who were killed. Their relatives (I have long said Cabal is a nepotistic family affair, where even the kids are read into the conspiracy from their earliest childhood) swear up and down they were killed. They hold funerals with caskets at funeral homes owned by Cabal operators. Regular citizens not in Cabal know them (but not that there is a Cabal or they are a part) and say they seem legit and their relatives are gone. The media gives them a microphone to assert their relatives died and anybody who says they didn’t is a liar. If the media and actual people in the community say it happened, and the media and the Cabal agents say anybody who doubts it is a conspiracy theorist who is wrong, would it look different from what we see? Might this even explain things which do not fit any other way, like the father of that Sandy Hook young victim who was laughing before the press conference? It might even make more sense if the media were in on it, and he knew, and that was why he only stepped into character at the mic. Could you expose the truth if you were up against all of that? Or would the lie be totally unassailable? I have no idea what the truth is, but in this timeline anything is possible, and both mechanisms could fit the evidence I have observed.
I was thinking about an article on a young girl who was abused in the foster care system, and the fact Trump is soliciting whistleblowers to expose abuse in the foster care system, when it hit me the opioid epidemic could have been done in part to feed the child abuse networks. There is the Secret Society out there, looking everyone over, deciding who goes where, with drug dealers who are working for it, and infiltrators in people’s social circles. If the network decided it wants their child it can “help” certain families get addicted. The right “friends” get the targets drunk, offer the right drug at the right time, introduce them to their dealer, and suddenly a child is in the system and handed off to someone they want to control, like a high ranking officer at a military base they need, to hijack weapons from for their Cartel friends south of the border. The bottom line is, this whole thing wouldn’t need to hide, if it was being done for the good of America and its innocent citizens. It is hiding for a reason. If America knew of it, if it was placed under scrutiny, America would make it cease to exist.
Ronan Farrow says, Bill Clinton was ‘credibly accused of rape, and the case is ‘overdue for revisiting.’ We really need to normalize surveillance detection and a surveillance-aware mindset. Unless Ronan has figured out what is going on, he is incredibly vulnerable. Which is sad, because he is doing God’s work.
Assad says he thinks Trump is probably the best American President, because where previous Presidents callously served corporations and the powerful while claiming to be saints, Trump is the most honest about the fact he is willing to do anything that is best for the American people. Trump may not be good for Assad, but Assad can still respect Trump as a patriot serving his people with no shame about it.
Shock as Merkel donates half a billion dollars in aid to Palestinian president. It likely means Cabal needed funds badly.
There is a coordinated push everywhere claiming migrants and smugglers are sawing through Trump’s border wall, but not a single article has a picture, except for a local affiliate NBC story that used images of cut bollards from the testing phase of the border wall selection process, implying they were pictures of the newly cut wall.
Students dressed as ICE officers for Halloween draw outrage, administrative response. Literally, the left is so opposed to America that you cannot dress up as a US Law Enforcement Officer who enforces the laws of the nation these days.
Foul-mouthed, anti-cop lawbreakers jumped turnstiles en masse as they cursed and flipped off cops during wild demonstrations in Brooklyn. They also vandalized a bus, blocked traffic, and shouted, “Don’t let these pigs touch us.”
Hollywood aspirants report they are told they need to get a thankless job as an “assistant” if they ever want to become a writer. But they are now in revolt because they have all found they spend years used as slaves by ungrateful people before being fired, and all of their years were wasted. Imagine if that town was only for the Secret Society, but nobody told anyone. All of these normies, many quite talented, would flock to the area, willingly let themselves be used as slaves, and the Secret Society could just use them and abuse them, with no risk or cost to themselves. The only thing they need is an excuse for why the people who succeed are often imbeciles and defectives, so nobody thinks the game is fixed. I am telling you, there is a secret club out there, and if you are in, you can do anything you want, and if you are not, you are at their mercy, if you don’t realize how the game is played.
Brooklyn school votes to end gifted and talented programs to diversify classrooms. It has nothing to do with diversity. This is about making sure your genius child can’t get ahead of the kids of the Secret Society, and rise higher than them. They need everybody equal and a system known for promoting randomly, so you won’t wonder why your smart child isn’t rising as fast as others, who seemingly just rise effortlessly.
Veterinarians are reducing the vaccination schedule requirements for pets.
Biden drops to fourth in new Iowa poll.
Former CIA Station Chief says that CIA is still run by associates of John Brennan, and he still has tremendous pull there. Video is here.
Some are saying Trump should offer statehood to western Canadian provinces. If you want to really have an effect, push the meme that the most fundamental human right is to go your own way, and that inherent to this is the right for communities to secede from larger governing organizations where they wish to. Anything else is oppression and tyranny by that overarching governing structure, which is an evil everyone should be able to agree to oppose. Right now, leftists do this where they want, in cases such as immigration law, and then they turn around and demand everyone else obey any dictates they manage to get the overarching governing structure to create. Plus if lesser governments have an instant right of secession, the larger governing structure will be much more likely to try and cater to their desires for freedom, rather than lose all influence over them entirely. Trudeau would be much more amenable to rural interests if his current path was going to leave him the equivalent of Mayor of Toronto, instead of Prime Minister of Canada. As we head into the splintering of K, this might both reduce bloodshed, and counter-intuitively create a force of cohesion that would motivate governments to keep themselves together through willing volition, rather than force.
Vatican training more priests while exorcism requests are on the rise.
Look at these sniveling little cocksuckers. Not a one would have the balls to face Putin openly, but they will do this spineless little shit if they think they can get away with it. To me, this is quintessential rabbit vs wolf:
Cable companies want judge to pause new Maine law requiring à la carte channel choices.
Black unemployment reaches record low, beating all forecasts.
Donald Trump Jr. rips LeBron James for China dodge: ‘this isn’t Quantum Physics.’ I thought this was an interesting quote, just because he focuses on how quantum physics is hard. It is, but most people would say rocket science. Particle in a box equations and the math involved are hard skills to develop and wrap your mind around. But why is that so closely located to the front of Don Jr’s mind? I think Don Jr may be a closet autist, with a far more active mind and arcane pastime interests than you’d think.
Spread r/K Theory, because there really is no living with rabbits.
Terry Bean has the disgust smile. I am stunned at the consistency of this trait among sexual perverts and predators.
the [ 9 dk ] = 9 days dark looks like a backronym to me. That seems far more probable than that they have a temporal reconnaissance device that lets them look into the future.
The video of pulling on Putin’s chair also looks fake to me. Specifically it looks reversed. Notice how Merkyl walks away at the end.
Regarding smugglers cutting holes in the wall. That makes no sense. Even just a few minutes of brainstorming lets you come up with many ways of getting lots of drugs through our slotted border fence design in a short amount of time without letting the Border Patrol know where you are operating by damaging the fence. People, on the other hand, are kept out pretty effectively unless their name is Flat Stanly.
“If you want to really have an effect, push the meme that the most fundamental human right is to go your own way, and that inherent to this is the right for communities to secede from larger governing organizations where they wish to.” If Trump were to say that, then the parties really would have switched sides. The Dems are already the party of high taxes and pork spending now, and then for them to argue there is not right to secession… the only thing they’d be consistent on is keeping blacks on the plantation.
” They need everybody equal and a system known for promoting randomly.” Couldn’t this be that r-types prefer random predation to quality based predation, and they are instinctively wanting to r-form the world?
don’t be so credulous
See neon revolt for instructions on accessing 8kun
I went there just by clicking on a link to one of the new Q posts at a Q tracker, I don’t think you need to follow any special instructions.
I know this will sounds nuts but I think the Q team has some sort of remote viewing capabilities. That’s how they got the 93 days right.
“Some are saying Trump should offer statehood to western Canadian provinces”
Only if we give them several liberal states in return. (perhaps keeping the red counties)
Canadian conservatives are much less conservative than American conservatives and we don’t want them unless we can offload some leftist lunatics.
“https://twitter.com/RealSaavedra/status/1190891613637107715 ”
Whatever that was is gone.
> Ronan Farrow says, Bill Clinton was ‘credibly accused of rape, and the case is ‘overdue for revisiting.’
Farrow is an idiot. The statute of limitations is long past, and while Dollar Billy is only 73, he’s all but forgotten by the Democratic Party. There were voters in the last election that probably didn’t remember him, and there’ll be ones in the next that weren’t even born when he left office.
There are probably any number of active Democrats in office who are doing the same thing, that shining the spotlight on would do some good. Not raking up ancient history. Even the Democrats admit Clinton was guilty. Bringing him up doesn’t shame them, it makes them happy; a shining example of how they can get caught and walk free anyway.
> Sid Blumenthal has a server in Romania. Why?
Lots of people have a server in Romania. It’s a a big thing there. They’re well-connected, reasonably priced, and they’re not obliged to cooperate with Feds who want to examine, intercept, alter, or shut down my traffic.
Remember, when Feds demand information from US hosting companies, it’s always accompanied by a gag order. It’s good security to avoid putting your stuff on servers in 5-Eyes countries.
Blumenthal may be using his for nefarious purposes, but just because it’s in Romania just shows he’s not an idiot.
> Black unemployment reaches record low, beating all forecasts.
“Trump is unemployed blacks into #wageslaves, depriving them of liberty and leisure! Reeeeee!”
Congolese anti-Ebola fighter killed as new vaccine arrives
U.S. Air Force’s Big New Idea: Fighter ‘Micro-Production’
This is exactly what you would do if you wanted to be able to actually fight a war instead of feeding money to the MIC.