News Briefs – 10/16/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

According to a Flynn filing, DOJ has just come into Mifsud’s phones, and Flynn wants them. Apparently they were used as far back as 2014 to begin setting Flynn up with various Russians, which means they will show the genesis of an intelligence operation to take over an election and install the leader they wanted, and then overthrow a lawfully elected government when they failed. Barr’s Italy trip was productive. And how did Flynn know about this turn of events? The plan is in action.

House Democrats will hold off on full vote authorizing impeachment probe.

Twitter will prevent users from retweeting world leaders who break its rules.

American prosecutor working as assistant attorney general on the Island of Yap in the Federated States of Micronesia is shot dead by an assassin outside her home.

For a second day, shaking has rattled areas in Northern California as a 4.8-magnitude earthquake strikes near Central Coast, after two quakes night before.

CNN employee fired hours after exposing President Jeff Zucker in Project Veritas video.

Yet another NYPD suicide, 10th this year.

Illinois local governments generated more than $1 billion in red-light camera revenue from 2008 to 2018.

NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo uses N-word during live radio interview.

Elizabeth Warren wants to triple the excise tax on firearms and raise the excise tax on ammo to 50%.

Pro-Trump Firefighters face threats, and IRS complaints over a Trump 2020 parade banner.

Google whistleblower highlights Google is teaming with Communist China on an AI Manhattan project.

A group of Democratic senators took cash from a Ukraine lobbyist to push Ukrainian gas interests at the same time the Democrats are pushing the Trump-Ukraine yarn.

Explosions and fire at a California refinery.

84 year old Korean War Vet who spent six decades as a cop, criticized a School Resource Officer he worked with in his job as a crossing guard, a waitress overheard it and reported him, and he immediately was relieved of his crossing guard duties and had his firearms taken under Red Flag Laws on the spot.

Omar funnels 30 percent of campaign cash to alleged boyfriend’s firm.

Planned Parenthood will throw $45 million at beating Trump. Are those taxpayer dollars?

On this one I will bet he was supported by Obama’s intelligence operations as well:

Twitter wanted Devin Nune’s devastating lawsuit against them dropped, or held in California. Judge asked for more information, Twitter ignored him, case will now go forward in Virginia.

Donald Trump campaign is organizing an army of volunteers for 2020.

Trump reelection campaign hiring in traditionally blue Minnesota, New Mexico.

Presidential election model which is almost always right predicts major Trumpslide in 2020. 336 election votes, compared to the already massive win with 306 in 2016. And that doesn’t factor in a sperg candidate like Warren or Biden, or the Storm.

Shock poll shows, 32% of black male voters support Trump against a Democrat opponent.

NBC director attacked by mob doing Halloween dance in Midtown.

Leaked recording shakes Slovakian politics, confirms high-level political corruption.

Top cardinal implicated in Vatican financial corruption scandal.

Ukraine was investigating Hunter Biden before Trump’s phone call.

Russia has stationed troops between the Syrian army and Turkish forces in an attempt to prevent fresh clashes in northern Syria.

Both the Guardian, and the Spectator have begun to say pulling troops out of Syria was the right decision.

Fox says Warren was the big winner of the Democrat debate, Sanders and Buttigieg were strong, and everyone else was a loser.

Ocasio-Cortez will endorse Sanders.

Russia’s Putin seeks to enhance ties with US-allied UAE. I have a feeling if Cabal were still in control, he would be shut out and you would never see this article.

Brutal wipeout for Democrats in Louisiana and the press trying to keep it quiet.

Turkish bank charged in Federal Court in multibillion dollar Iranian sanctions evasion scheme.

I’ll bet the benefits in this next tweet were for Cabal members only:

Spread r/K Theory, because it is nice to be happy and look forward to a great future.

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5 years ago

“Christian Father ARRESTED: “At What Point Did Jews Decide To Teach My Kids About Islam?”(KICKED OUT)”

5 years ago

I just happened to be exposed to a story on CNN this morning about rage yoga. It made me wonder if this is a form of 2 Minutes Hate.

5 years ago
5 years ago
Reply to  Bman
5 years ago

Interdasting thread.
The past cover up that Barr helped with regarding the Contra scandal with the Bush admin had me worried, but perhaps Barr was one of those that got threatened into complying with the cabal cunts that got freed to act right (which Q alluded happened with some people inside the gov).
Sounds like good stuff is coming out soon.
Breddy noice.

5 years ago

SpaceX Submits Paperwork for 30,000 More Starlink Satellites

The comments are interesting.

5 years ago

It must be a leftist:

Paris zoo unveils the “blob”, an organism with no brain but 720 sexes

5 years ago

Re the elderly crossing guard: it was a set up from the get-go. The elderly gent was in the local diner with a friend having coffee and the waitress overheard snippets of conversation to the effect that the resource officer was useless and took endless coffee breaks never around when needed. The waitress jumped to conclusions and notified the school. Supposedly, she has a second – grader at the school.

Turns out the resource officer is the husband of the school’s assistant principal and she didn’t like her husband’s actions being questioned.

Here’s the infuriating part: the waitress held off on telling school officials for two weeks!