News Briefs – 06/19/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

From another Tom DeLonge Interview:

Were you concerned about your safety at all?

Partially. Because they do weird stuff. At the time I didn’t know it, but the person I was dealing with was being awoken in the middle of the night with clicking and buzzing noises and falling on the ground vomiting, every morning at 4 a.m. I know now that those are artifacts from mind-control experiments, where the same technology that we use to find oil underground, we can zap somebody at the same frequency that the brain operates on, and it can cause some really horrific things to happen.

Do you think the moon landing is real or do you think NASA faked it?

I think it’s real, absolutely. People have to understand: you know that the Department of Defense is bigger than Apple, right? So when Apple releases an iPhone, Apple will plan it out and spend billions of dollars and get thousands of people to figure how to tell that story, how to manage that story and how to get their point across. There’s nothing different in the Department of Defense when it does something big. So when we landed on the moon, they’re gonna go and give you something to chew on. They’re gonna go out and find a conspiracy. They’re gonna plan out the conspiracy. They made everybody think that we never went there. That way, when you ask questions, you’re asking questions they want you to ask. They didn’t want the conspiracy to be the real fucking question, which is, “What was there when we got there?” They place the conspiracy, just like 9/11. The main thing is that terrorists did it, the backup story conspiracy they fed you was, “No, it was an inside job.” What’s the third story? Another nation state? An extra nation-state? You know? Who did that?

What would an extra-nation-state be? Sounds like Cabal. So they launch the conspiracy to distract from the real question. Ask yourself, what would they be distracting from, if they got us arguing if the world was 2 dimensional (flat earth conspiracy), or three dimensional (a globe). Might there be another dimension they don’t want us looking too closely at? Is the Illuminati conspiracy a distraction from something else which runs the world? You could go on and on. Interesting.

Starbucks will cover all transgender surgeries for employees.

Tom Fitton says Obama’s Stare Department was “at the center of the Storm” of the Trump spying scandal.

Merkel has some sort of health event, shaking and unbalanced as she participates in a photo op. Again claimed she was just dehydrated. She is pretty high up, and will know a lot. Expect them to punch her ticket before it all comes out. And unfortunately they don’t do it the fun way, with big booms and lots of excitement. They do it slow with shit that degrades you physically while you sleep, until some weak part of your system gives out. Merkel may be getting close.

Another angle on Merkel:

She still has her balance and the ability to stand and walk, so it is different from Hillary’s amygdala seizures. Some have said panic attacks, but I am not familiar enough with them to comment, though I would think it would take a lot of fear to produce shaking that badly. I have seen something similar in a person of Merkel’s age however. They had a small spot of damage to the intestinal tract, which was periodically rubbed raw through motility of the contents, allowing a small amount of the bacteria in the intestinal tract to leech into the bloodstream, before the tract sealed itself back up weakly. The body would see the sudden burst of bacteria, and immediately reset the hypothalamic thermostat to a higher temperature to trigger a fever. The shaking arose because the hypothalamus was calling for a temperature of 103, and they were only at 98.7, so it was as if a normal healthy person was suddenly thrown into a cold environment, their body temperature dropped four degrees, and they began shaking to warm up. Once they warm up, the shaking stops. Usually it resolves as quickly as it came on, since it was a bolus of easily removed intestinal bacteria that caused it, rather than a pathogen that multiplied up and was still growing with active defenses to the immune system. It can also be seen if a pathogen like a flu has gotten in and reproduced unnoticed, and then suddenly the immune system sees it and goes into overdrive, though that will tend to produce longer-lasting illness afterward. I’d say either she has just picked up a pathogen, in which case she will be sick for a while, or it is a small spot of damage to the intestinal integument, in which case it will resolve fairly quickly, but then likely happen again every few days or weeks for a while, and she may need testing to find where the damage is and repair it. The shakes can actually get quite severe, though it doesn’t affect anything else, like walking or rational thought. It can look almost like a seizure. Notice she keeps clasping her hands as if she is cold. Oddly enough infrasound can damage the intestines, even triggering a sudden diarrhea, or in extreme cases, liquidating organs, according to the literature. Her blaming it on dehydration is curious, as I would just have said I caught a bug and had the chills. That might make it look like it is something going on she doesn’t want known publicly, maybe something like some intel op hitting her at night with something. It could even be just one of several strange phenomenon she is experiencing, and is hesitant to discuss for fear of looking crazy.

Gas pipeline explodes in Oklahoma.

Facebook officially unveils its cryptocurrency, named Libra.

Head of the Pentagon Mike Shanahan is out. Supposedly due to old domestic laundry coming out now, but the NY Times did just claim elements within the Pentagon were launching unauthorized cyber attacks against Russia’s powergrid, and they purposely were keeping Trump in the dark because they didn’t “trust” him because they thought he was too close to Russia. We might need another Scaramucci model in there for a bit to clean it out.

Tourist claims entire plane home from the Dominican Republic was filled with sick passengers.

Bachelor star tweeted about her illness while in the Dominican Republic. Again a fever.

More tourists who got ill come forward.

Oklahoma High School Students fell ill on return flight from Dominican Republic. Probably an exceedingly small likelihood, but there are a lot of ways to do bioweapons research. You can splice genes with a general idea of what they should do, and then store what should be a more lethal and transmissible pathogen. Or you can go the Saddam Hussein route and just expose humans to a pathogen like Camel pox and then harvest the pathogen they shed after it has cooked in them a bit, and it should have adapted to them somewhat and become better at taking over a human host. Then repeat that until you have a pathogen that quickly overwhelms host defenses. Obviously it is still more likely the DR was either an accident or one lone nutjob. But I would wonder if somebody might have been using it as a lab – to develop a bioweapon, or test a directed energy weapon, or experiment with some sort of radiation, or do something else you couldn’t do in a more developed nation. Be interesting to look at the deceased, looking to see if there were any small punctures which might have grabbed a little bit of liver before they were officially “found.”

Magnitude 6.7 quake in Japan injures 15.

6.4 magnitude earthquake 87 miles northeast of New Zealand.

Pittsburgh Mayor gives Dick’s Sporting Goods an award for gun control advocacy. Never buy anything at Dick’s.

FBI drops the Saul Alinsky file. Interesting, in that the Bureau seems displeased by Alinsky’s communism/leftism, and yet it takes no action against him, and the file seems somewhat sparse, as if he was protected. Also interesting is I will bet some organization has a much more detailed file than this, with much more technical surveillance and in-person observations of him, including transcripts and tapes. I’d love to know where those really end up.

Former Disney Vice President imprisoned for sexual abuse of a seven year old girl.

Mexico finds a Marijuana grow operation located inside a state oil refinery.

AMA says 12 year olds can consent to vaccination and override parental wishes.

Trump’s spiritual advisor references “Demonic Networks” that have aligned against the President in a prayer before his rally.

DC has 10,000 spies in it. And that is just the foreign ones spying on the US government. Don’t ask how many are domestic spies spying on citizens. It is kind of surreal, because I think all of this is just a story you are told, to make you think you are free. So you are told they can’t stop genuine foreign spies in DC trying to destroy America (while communicating over the Dark web, no less, which is utterly ridiculous, because they will have key-stroke loggers installed, first-off). And if they can’t do that because they lack the manpower and resources, and ability, then clearly they don’t have any excess resources to devote to you, and everyone else who isn’t spying. The reality is much, much different. I am not even entirely sure Russia, or many of these other countries are actually run by a different government, at the very top, at this point. The whole thing could be a scam.

Somebody cut the support wires and destroyed an Oregon emergency communications repeater tower to shut down comms over it.

Maduro is laundering Central Bank gold through Africa, supposedly. Note how Hillary’s brother could re-paper it as freshly mined using his Haiti mine.

Things you don’t see every day – drug dealer maintained an “attack squirrel” which he kept high on meth so it would be violent.

Tennessee Police Officer found dead in his home, no signs of foul play. No other details.

16.5 tons of Cocaine seized at Philly port. Worth $1+ billion.

“I was actually dumbfounded when [I] found out that Cheryl Mills had been given immunity [by the Comey FBI], because I had myself found that Cheryl Mills had committed perjury and lied under oath.” — U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth – from @Paulsperry_

A new study which found that only 3 per cent of heterosexuals were willing to date a transgender person proves society has a problem with “transprejudice” and must be re-educated, according to its author.

UK Police help script soap operas to deter right-wing views.

Two Special Elections in Florida went Republican strongly.

Italy has stopped denying the immigration apocalypse its former leaders created.

Trump is planning to live tweet the first Democrat Debate.

Roger Stone will hold a fundraiser for his defense in Staten Island, at Annnadale Terrace, from 5 to 8 p.m. Attendees will pay $100 for general admission from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., or $150 for an extra hour starting at 5 p.m.

White House tweets out pictures of 15 miles of new border wall construction.

Mitch McConnell on reparations for blacks: “No one currently alive was responsible for that.”

Speaking at Trump’s 2020 campaign kickoff rally, Donald Trump Jr. says “ …Joe Biden… he gets up on the stump––it’s so stupid… to his group of about four people in the audience. [he says] ‘Government has failed you.’ Usually as he’s groping someone.”

Classify under completely unconfirmed rumor that is probably not far from the truth, in a flashback from last year (click for the whole twitter thread):

Trump’s speech at Orlando, which at 1::03:26 appeared to feature an Air Q right when he said, “And yes, yes, we are doing things that few others have even tried to do we are making progress like nobody would believe. Wait until you see some of the things that you’re going to be hearing about over the next few months.” Why highlight just the next few months?:

Spread r/K Theory, because “Wait until you see some of the things that you’re going to be hearing about over the next few months”

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5 years ago

The shilling and concern trolling on these briefs is getting very intense. These people weren’t here just a few weeks ago.

Adjust your assessment accordingly. (I’m not just talking to AC, I’m talking to you.)

5 years ago

Tourist claims entire plane home from the Dominican Republic was filled with sick passengers.

Killing tourism to DR. Shares an island with Haiti. Also right next to PR.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

Ah, finally a theory that makes some sense.

5 years ago

> while communicating over the Dark web, no less, which is utterly ridiculous

Brush passes and dead drops are invisible to the Surveillance State, and microSD cards can hold up to a terabyte now.

No *real* spy is ever going to put anything incriminating on anything with a voice or data connection; not with multiple agencies hoovering every call and packet that moves. The old timers never used phones. Somewhere, they’re teaching the next generation how to perform invisibly while under the view of CCTV…

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Okay, you win. Made me look up “integument.”

5 years ago

“March Madness”, big things happening in May, now Trump gives a window of several months. But each time nothing happens, at least nothing open and obvious to the general public. Let’s put a pin in October 1 and see if the Storm has kicked off or if we are still talking the same way about everything as we were last year. I am getting very impatient.

5 years ago

Rabbits always think with their stomach when they aren’t thinking with their reproductive organs:

Americans and Europeans say “better food” is the biggest benefit of immigration, while “crime” and a drain on the welfare system are the biggest downsides according to a new survey.

The YouGov study was conducted last year but the results were just released.

In nearly all the countries surveyed, respondents said “better food” was the biggest advantage of mass immigration, outweighing contributions to culture, local businesses and economies, local communities, music and sport.

More at:

I have experienced this personally when arguing with libertarians and anarchists, in addition to their other arguments they bring up the “authentic” foreign food as an example of what we would lose if we restricted immigration as if that makes up for the political effects of importing millions of communists.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

I always tell them that immigrants use inferior ingredients to save money, and that white people make the best tacos.


5 years ago

That someone you know may be helped by those videos:

This leaky gut problem may be able to be cured.