News Briefs – 04/04/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q posts. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

Colorado passes gun seizure bill which allows the seizure of guns with absolutely no evidence, and just an accusation. 52 of 60 Sheriffs oppose it, it is so extreme. I do not think this is what is seems. We think in 2d, you pass a bill to create a law. This is 3D. They want the power to seize guns nationally with a judge’s proceeding, but now that is the farthest outside edge of the Overton Window of ultra-leftist tyranny to us. So CIA passes this in their new hometown (that they have so completely subverted a rural area with ultra-leftist tyranny is a measure of their power to corrupt a society), and now, whether courts uphold it or not, they feel they have moved the Overton window in the public’s perception and made it easier to get what they initially wanted nationally. We should move the Overton window nationally ourselves by finding a conservative state, and passing some law that says no seizure ever, under any circumstances, because everyone always has a right to self defense until they are convicted of a crime by a jury, and anyone who takes any measure to try to enact such a scheme is subject to criminal penalties in that State. We should be playing (((Their))) game. Again, it would be knocked down, but that is not the point. The real battlefield of all of this in the human minds of the people, and they are just like putty in the hands of whoever starts to work them.

Kamala Harris wants Dreamers to work in Congress.

Ocasio Cortez is already on her third campaign law violation complaint. It is a pisser how there are no rules or consequences anywhere for these things.

Millions of Facebook records found in the open on Amazon Cloud Servers. Now, if people find out someone used those records for something, it doesn’t have to be CIA, because everyone had access to those records.

At a CFR forum, the former editor of Time Magazine says he supports the use of propaganda on citizens.

Democrats vote to subpoena Mueller report.

The Russian Government gave $35 million to a company with John Podesta on the board. Can you imagine if the Russians gave $35 million to a company with Don Jr or Eric on the Board?

Strangely, suddenly Snowden’s accomplices are going on the run and looking for asylum in Cabal-run Canada.

Facebook is actually telling new users they need to give it their private passwords to the email address they signed up with, giving facebook access to all their private emails.

A hospital installed cameras which recorded women during childbirth and surgeries. Hospital claims they were just for an investigation into drug abuse, but the cameras were left up months after the drug investigation was over. I am beginning to realize that what I knew of, which was more than any normal person would believe, was not even close to how big it all is, and how many regular people frighten the machine, and are deemed in need of full, 1984-esque control. Somebody made the call to leave the cameras up after everything was over. Why?

100,000 Hasidic Jews turned out in New York for some Rabbi’s funeral. These are just the Hasidic Jews in NY, which I assume are fairly rare as groups go, out for a funeral, hanging around. You can see how uncontrollable that crowd is, and it doesn’t even want to create chaos. Now imagine an Apocalypse, in that city, with food and supplies running short, no ability to bring them in because trucks will get hijacked, no fuel, spotty electricity, and so on. If I was a Police Department on the mainland, I would seriously be looking at ways to shut down those bridges from my side, by destroying them if necessary. And if that happens, that city would be out of control pretty fast. Ironically, those Jews may not do badly. I remember a guy saying he used to work in the diamond district, and where those Jews operate, they have Jews working covert security, hidden up in sniper perches in the buildings, watching the streets 24/7 with off-books high-cap semi auto AR’s, decked out for precision shooting. I’ll bet the rate of gun ownership outside the law is sky high in their communities.

American kidnaped on Ugandan safari, $500,000 ransom demanded.

China claims it did not send any military into Venezuela.

Google employee complains about google including a conservative on an advisory council regarding AI, because they are, “a reactionary who denies trans people exist, who endorses radically anti-immigrant positions, and endorses anti-climate-change, anti-science positions.” One year ago, I say this is typical leftist insanity. But lately I look out at one part of America, either out of necessity or out of preference, treating the rest of America as if it is a foreign, occupied population, that will attack at a moment’s notice if not totally controlled and oppressed, and I realize the Secret Society is very, very real, and very, very large, and it will do anything to protect the status quo. Increasingly, I wonder if this person is this crazy or programmed, or if they are just another Secret Society member playing the role they need to play to keep their side in control, and completely unknown to the other side. The ridiculous rhetoric is really the only play they have to try and maintain control.

NY Times tries to say Mueller’s report is more damaging than Barr let on. There are two ways to play a report that is coming out. The first is the classic Clinton play for dealing with a damaging report – overplay the story, and let the overplay diminish the perceived importance of what little comes out later, or underplay your hand so when it comes out the reveal can be portrayed as shocking, and give you more mileage. If there was anything they would wait for the reveal.

Judge rules that no matter what government did to facilitate the San Bernadino terrorist attack, it cannot be sued.

Putin alters GPS wherever he goes. Notice, Cabal “leaders” go around emailing dick pics on phones that are fully compromised and basically exhibiting no security, but guys like Trump and Putin have to constantly be on guard.

Migrants admit to killing Italian man simply because he was white and happy. I’ve said this before – evil targets happiness. Rapists preferentially rape happy girls, criminals target happy people. If the Apocalypse hits, go around looking like you are ready to start strangling kittens, and it will aid your survival chances.

Pope says the Church “concretely” needs to change to appease youth. Concrete implies solidity not malleability. Many notice Cabalites seem to throw that word out in public pronouncements as if it is some sort of codeword.

Notice in the following how all of these guys immediately go to the surveillance techniques. It is so natural to them, because it is pretty much everything they have been doing for the last two decades to hold onto power. Imagine if Nixon or Kennedy had been caught doing this in the 50’s to their opponent. It would have been a bloodbath. But today, they openly admit to it. I almost wonder if it is some kind of stab at desensitization to bugging, so when the broader populace finds out there was somebody in their neighborhood bugging them, it will blunt the shock:

This is a great story, but unless the black box caught video of the collision, all they really know is a sensor malfunctioned, and when they killed the autopilot which should have given them control back, it didn’t give them control back, and they crashed anyway:

For this, see this link @1:20:

I love this, because you know a blimp like that, filled with IPhones, TV’s, laptops, well as a hundred drones, and other electronics is going to be shot down and the crash site raided on a weekly basis:

Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin deals will likely involve prison. That would be different.

Funny story about two good ‘ol boys who got drunk, decided to test a bullet proof vest, and then when getting the bruises treated, got questioned by Police and panicked. Spun a wild tale about being hired by mystery forces to protect “the asset,” when mystery assassins showed up and tried to take out the asset and shot them in a wild gunfight. They thought Police would hear that story, and since it explained the bruises not bother to investigate further. Finally admitted they just got drunk and shot each other for fun.

Progress with anti-aging drugs. Only dealing with it downstream, but still, this will really bring on the K-selection. And when they get the source – r-strategists will not be the dominant form of human, or even present to witness what becomes the dominant form.

Nissan ex-chair arrested again over financial improprieties.

Boy who disappeared seven years ago may have just escaped the people who were holding him and made it to authorities. Strange case – mom took the boy on a day trip, then turned up apparently dead of suicide with a note telling the dad he would never see his son again. Boy claims he was held by two bodybuilders with tattoos.

When a google employee looked at the raw numbers for YouTube video categories, Alt Right as a category was as big a category on youtube as Music, Sports, and Gaming. People want that product that much, yet almost nobody can be persuaded to offer it through “major media” channels. Everything you see is propaganda.

British Army investigating video of soldiers shooting targets with pictures of Jeremy Corbyn.

Trump’s Labor Department wants to drug test unemployment applicants.

Chris Matthews warns Democrats that Trump may be re-elected in a landslide.

ICE rounds up 280 at a Texas tech company in a surprise raid.

Hispanics are rallying to Trump.

Trump says that there are people which say Infrasound from windmills can cause cancer:

There are two possibilities here. The first is it is a typical Trump tweet, which some liken to saying to a terrier, “Oh look! a Squirrel!” They will criticize it, both, drawing more attention to it and showing they are compromised and lying, while he moves through some major policy proposal or move on his enemies which nobody notices. Meanwhile the public learns that windmill noise, or infrasound, disrupts sleep, and sleep disruption causes cancer, so if you are logical you can do the math. Either Trump is right, or Infrasound is the one way to disrupt sleep that has no effect on formation of cancer. It even affects epigenetic marker status of the genome (probably through stress), and there are plenty of other anecdotal reports of ill effects.

Even more, Infrasound when first discovered, was discovered because it was making those exposed to it violently sick. As they experimented with it, it reportedly killed a lab worker accidently. Interestingly, although local media reported on that at the time, and in the field that is accepted as likely true, all mention of it was subsequently wiped from official sources today like Wikipedia. Today it is accepted as having been weaponized, and is suspected in the sonic attacks on our spies in Cuba. And yet, visit the Wikipedia page on Wind Turbine Syndrome, and it basically is an argument on why Wind Turbine noises and infrasound, have no effect at all on people, beyond being mildly annoying. Why the purposeful disinformation? Trump is raising that question.

The other possibility is, Trump is goading the media to try and debunk the effects of infrasound, because he knows the media will do so to protect Cabal, which is believed to be deploying these weapons on citizens. I just saw the following on a page on Infrasound, in the comments, from back in 2014:

REVISED 11-20-14
My name is Darren M. and I believe I am being targeted with concentrated infrasonic sound waves while I attempt to sleep at night. I believe I am being targeted for D.E.W. (directed energy weapon) experimentation/harassment purposes by an entity within the U.S. government employing private contractors to carry out this experimentation/harassment.

I am awakened many times throughout my sleep periods to a feeling of vibrations traveling through my body in a straight line. The vibrations are focused in a narrow beam. It is impossible for me to stay asleep when I am targeted with these inaudible concentrated sound waves which increase my pulse rate as they travel through me. Different parts of my body are targeted at different times. When my head is targeted I will awake with moderate to severe headaches. I have also experienced head spins to the point that I had to lift my head up out of a lying down position to make them stop. When my chest area is targeted, I will awake with rapid or irregular heartbeats. In addition, I experience sleep deprivation on a nightly basis due to the repeated forced awakenings. The private contractors that target me hit me every 1-2 hours on average during the first part of my sleep period, and they increase the frequency of their targeting to every 15-30 minutes during the 2nd part of my sleep period. I fear that I will lose my job and become homeless due to the sleep deprivation that this experimentation/harassment has caused me. I also fear that my health will deteriorate.

I want to make sure that my story is told in the event this experimentation causes my premature death. I also want to make sure that potential future victims do not suffer the way I have from these silent sound wave weapons. I don’t believe anyone can help me because of my failed attempts to provide proof of this experimentation and the apparent disbelief and disinterest of the authorities in the U.S.

Darren M.
Email: dewtarget05 AT yahoo DOT com

Both Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis, and the shooter of Deputy Natalie Corona reported the exact same thing, and sadly I can attest that what he is describing is entirely real, and perfectly described. Imagine how crazy the world looks to people which the machine turns on. If Infrasound is a key element of Cabal, and it has been used on our CIA agents overseas as well as our citizens, and it is something Cabal wants to hide, this may be Trump making that secret into a news story they can’t pass up by pressing their buttons. Or he may be setting the stage for some kind of exposure of it which will include how the internet was wiped and totally controlled, as the media ran cover for the Cabal to hide a weapon it was using on innocent Americans and our intelligence people overseas. This feels significant. Moreover, this feels amazing. This is a real civil war, between two astonishingly powerful entities, doing things nobody would ever believe, with technologies we are not even told about. One side is fighting to the death for the power to make our nation an astonishingly complete and evil dystopian tyranny, where what you say can get you killed or tortured. While the other side is trying to rebuild the America we were told existed, where everyone was fiercely and completely committed to everyone else’s freedom, as if we were a team. And nobody on the outside has any idea anything is even going on. What a mind-blowing, exhilarating timeline to live in. It is like entering a science fiction movie in real life. ANd we may even get a happy ending.

Fortunately when even Navy SEALs need someone to have their back, the God Emperor is all too happy to step in and help out:

Pray for Trump’s safety, wellbeing, and success, and you are praying for America’s safety, well being and success.

Spread r/K Theory, because one America is not the same as the other.

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5 years ago

CAnon, I ran into this yesterday:

>“Congress, as a co-equal branch of government, has a duty to conduct oversight of departments and officials. The Ways and Means Committee in particular has a responsibility to conduct oversight of our voluntary Federal tax system and determine how Americans – including those elected to our highest office – are complying with those laws.” Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA)

I was thinking about the need for the elites to leave a signature (like, for instance, a triangle swirl in kid’s programs) and the desire of a narcissist to humiliate his victim.

I have heard the American tax system described as “voluntary” over and over again, by the most narcissistic members of our government. I always assumed in the past that it was simply a propaganda point, a lie, something for the rubes to repeat. After reading your work for a couple years, I am wondering if it’s NOT a lie… if it’s a signature, something they leave out in plain sight like the pizza symbolism. Is our system completely voluntary? Do none of us need to comply at all?

Is the rush, for them, to utterly humiliate people by making them give up 50% of their earnings– when they don’t really have to? To watch the peasants scrimp and save for food and kid’s clothes and car repairs– and then hand money to the government like we’re all rich, generous Uncle Walt?

I’d like to hear your thoughts on it. I now have heard “our voluntary tax system” out of elites one time too often.

Reply to  Sunspot
5 years ago

My take on it is that its nothing but a(nother) mechanism of demoralization.

Have you heard about this quote:

“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

― Theodore Dalrymple

IMHO, its just another angle that they use to try to break us the People psychologically. Then they use the MSM to show us what our taxes pay for, which is child abuse (transgenderism indoctrination in public schools and state sponsored TV channels), Islamification of the West (news about gang rapists going scot free while citizens who criticize Islam or uncontrolled migration go to jail) and more fraud based victim points for the most destructive and subversive group to ever set foot in the West, the Jews (another 6 million documentaries and movies about the holohoax, another 6 million documentaries demonizing Hitler without giving any context or real information about what went on before and during both World Wars, ect).

Its just clown world trying to clown us around in order to try to break us (protip: they will never be able to, WE are the ones who are going to break THEM, and we shall do it by speaking the truth far and wide and using the power of LOGOS, which is the power of CHRIST Himself).

Cheers fren!

PS: this seems appropriate to post here, given we’re discussion the facets of this clown world we live in:

5 years ago

I can’t imagine a much more horrible fate for humanity than drug therapy that multiplies our lifespan. The combination of vastly less threat of death and time pressure, and the even more ubiquitous birth control that would be imposed (perhaps by force) ostensibly to prevent overpopulation, would be huge drivers in the r direction. On top of that, you know perfectly well it will be Cabal (or whoever the new Cabal is that develops after Trump/Q get done crushing the current one) that gets this therapy, making their grip on the human race even stronger.

The longing in the human heart for immortality cannot be fulfilled in this world, and possibly was never meant to be even in Eden. Chasing it brings nothing but misery for all.

5 years ago

>”I’ll bet the rate of gun ownership outside the law is sky high in their communities.”
You are a good gambler fren.
It was Jews who started organized crime in the US in the 20’s, and it was religious Jews in NY in the diamond industry which were worked in connection to the Russian Mob (which was (and still is) mostly made out of Jews) and collaborated to launder the obscene amount of money that was made. Those people are for the most part criminals of the worst kind. But their domination of the US has lived more in the past than it will live in the future, because either things improve and they get their group power removed (for all the right reasons), or things get worse and in the purge they will get fucked big time (they can have all the guns and diamonds they want in Jew York, you can’t eat lead, and a huge hungry mob with starving kids at home is willing to risk all to get anything that might improve their situation, and in the event of a collapse, you can bet that the nicest areas (more wealthy) are the first to get hit by the mobs when they start going hungry (Selco (the Bosnian guy who writes about survival on shtfschool blog) describes this situation where he saw that all the big rich houses with all the cameras and security bars in his city were the first to get attacked, and quite a lot of them did not held despite the people inside being well armed for the most part, I guess it makes sense that if you are starving and you’re going to trespass in order to loot, it makes sense to go for the big prize, if one can get a big prize, perhaps you never need to risk looting any other place ever during the duration of the SHTF, but if you choose poor targets, then you might not get anything or too little to last you long, so that makes some kind of sense).

At the end of the day, it will be the rural communities who will survive the most easy (just imagine the power that the Amish will have after SHTF if they have some serious fire power stashed away for when its needed, most of those guys don’t even use cars or electricity, SHTF for them will not change their life style that much, and I heard they are very wealthy after generations of labor and frugal living and saving).


Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Looking back to the depression, the assumption is that rural farms were as hard hit as urban areas. Is this true?

Though rural areas in the dust bowl as far west as eastern Colorado were devastated, it wasn’t because of the general economic collapse, but a drought. I don’t have the stats, but isn’t it the case that rural areas NOT impacted by the drought did relatively well?

Stats on bank repossession of farms would reveal the answer. My guess is that northeastern farms as well as farms in the west and midwest which experienced relatively normal rates of rainfall fared pretty well during the depression, particularly when compared to their urban confreres.

Survivalists and their ilk assume the countryside is the best place to be when things go bad. Intuitively, this seems correct. The historical precedent during the 1930s should be noted, however. Since society, back then, was more cohesive and homogeneous — and less populated — my hunch is that a depression-like event in today’s America would be far, far more devastating.

Reply to  K
5 years ago

Pesticides also cause depression. So you gotta think about that

5 years ago

>”Pray for Trump’s safety, wellbeing, and success, and you are praying for America’s safety, well being and success.”

I disagree fren, praying for Trump’s safety, well being, and success is praying for the WORLD’S safety, well being and success. If America falls, everyone falls.

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
5 years ago

“Obamacare is going to be repealed and replaced. … You’re going to end up with great health care for a fraction of the price and that’s gonna take place immediately after we go in. Okay? Immediately. Fast. Quick.” – Trump, Feb 22, 2016

Does he not know how the Internet works?

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
5 years ago

“We should move the Overton window … by finding a conservative state, and passing some law that says no seizure ever, under any circumstances, because everyone always has a right to self defense until they are convicted of a crime by a jury, and anyone who takes any measure to try to enact such a scheme is subject to criminal penalties in that State.”

I think your dream is already coming true:

“OKLAHOMA CITY — Individuals will be able to carry firearms in Oklahoma without a permit or training starting Nov. 1, when a bill passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Kevin Stitt goes into effect.”

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
5 years ago

“These are just the Hasidic Jews in NY, which I assume are fairly rare as groups go, out for a funeral, hanging around. You can see how uncontrollable that crowd is, and it doesn’t even want to create chaos.”

Several years ago I attended a LOT of concerts and plays, sometimes three a week, maybe thirty events over that summer in L.A. Far and away the most distasteful was a benefit to restore the Wilshire Theater. Will-call tickets at the box office was a spontaneous struggle between one goyim (me) and 500 Jews, every single one more pushy and loud than the last.

Quite unbelievable: “Murray? MURRAY?!? They say they can’t seat us all together. Murray, come over here. Murray, take a look at this seating chart. Miss, could you hold up the seating chart … Murray! … I don’t know, Rose, I guess there’s some sort of a problem …” Repeat that 200 times.

I arrived 45 minutes prior to curtain, and was seated after the concert had started. Pushy, entitled, and totally oblivious to anybody else’s needs. That box office experience taught me a lot.

Reply to  Amy Armadillo
5 years ago

This quote comes to mind:

“Anti-Semitism is a disease-you catch it from Jews.”
— Edgar Steele

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
5 years ago

Sorry, one more regarding your dream gun-control state:

“There is a bill in the Missouri state legislature (General Assembly) which, if passed, will ban all federal gun-control laws by preventing all state agencies and their employees from enforcing any federal law that infringes the Second Amendment in any way, including gun registrations, fees, fines, licenses and bans.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

First of all, I want to thank Amy for posting those whitepills (those news just left me all warm and fuzzy inside), now a question for AC regarding this issue:

Given your very well reasoned argument that we should be shifting the Overton Window regarding this, would you agree that a meme storm regarding these laws would be in order?

Also, I will just leave this here too:

“The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”
The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.
Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.”

Anna eppa
Anna eppa
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Are radical leftists buying assault weapons?

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

That entire rant by Carlin left valuable clues. As to Cabal and Jews, I detect a strange relationship. Jews are not the center of it but exist as a privileged rank within it. Another way to look at it is that Jews tend to keep money and business amongst themselves and have a contingent who are employees of the Cabal camp. That keeps money flowing into their community. And then they zealously select for in-group.

But I sense an underlying tension, a partnership of rivals, perhaps. The relationship of Jews to the mafia in mafia movies may provide some insight: they are protected workers of high skills, but not particularly liked. But probably aware that if they tried plying their skills with the competition that it could end badly.

As to guns, plenty of cabal members own guns, even some ostensibly left-wing ones. And there are far, far too many cops, former soldiers, and so forth who own lots of guns who appear patriotic but are 100% cabal and would betray you without the slightest hesitation. The much talked about civil war some “patriots” imagine coming will face violent and swift sabotage by cabal members that give all appearances of being American patriots. Lots and lots of retired special ops cabal members masquerading around as patriots. A shocking amount, really. And they have no loyalty to the constitution whatsoever.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

“I mean the machine is evil, and probably under control of some sort of quasi-cultists, and I know they have to at least suspect.”

It’s controlled by one of the largest denominations in the world. With a lot of people in its ranks who have gone into law enforcement, emergency services, and military.

Reply to  Amy Armadillo
5 years ago

I hate to be a downer, but this law doesn’t mean anything unless/until state police arrest federal agents attempting to enforce federal gun laws, or the state govt demands the release of its citizens in federal custody. Kansas has a similar law and has not done jack:

5 years ago

Yes, evil does target happiness, of the innocent sort. It delights in spoiling innocence. “I win, by making you lose” is the game. Nothing is more fun to them than destroying innocence. It’s a banal deception and only works if you swallow their lies, which is what often happens. That’s the trick.

Exposure of their trickery is the worst thing you can do to them, I think. Because deception is about ALL they can do (though it fools many).

However…. there is a difference between innocent happiness, and unassailable joy/peace that is attained after one has been tested and stared evil in the face and has come to a deep recognition of it. Awakened. Innocent happiness is like having a target painted on your back, but the other kind of knowing joyfulness makes a person practically invisible to evil… what I mean is, they can’t STAND it, and will leave the vicinity. Weird.

5 years ago

Have you been keeping track of the African Swine Fever crisis in Asia?

Here is the latest article about it:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

There is a distinct possibility that this ASF outbreak was engineered either by the cabal or by team Trump, I can’t certify it but a US bio-weapons lab in Georgia (the country not the state) was working with ASF before this outbreak.

One way or another I am most interested in the economic and geopolitical aspects of it.

5 years ago

”I’ve said this before – evil targets happiness. Rapists preferentially rape happy girls, criminals target happy people. If the Apocalypse hits, go around looking like you are ready to start strangling kittens, and it will aid your survival chances.”

Also perfect bait for a deadly ambush. Happy people with the cooperation of well trained men can work together to draw out all the criminals and annihilate them.

5 years ago


AC check this out, you’re going to love this shit mate: