News Briefs – 03/28/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at :

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[This was the plan, and now everything makes sense. The Cabal had Rosenstein tell Trump to fire Comey, which would count as obstruction, then they had Mueller come in to investigate, and even if he found no collusion he could always find Trump guilty of Obstruction of Justice for the firing, which is a High Crime and Misdemeanor which they could Impeach and remove him for. This is why all of the media played up the Mueller investigation as inevitably destroying Trump, it is why Comey is confused, and it is probably even why Rosenstein offered to wear a wire – he was selling himself as one of them so they would ask him to tell Trump to fire Comey. It probably even means the spying operation, and the FISA warrants were a plan B by Cabal being put in place for this purpose, in the event Trump won. They just never realized Trump had all of NSA’s data, and the dirt on everyone to turn everybody – even Mueller. All of which is why Q said “Bake your noodle” – a reference to The Matrix, when the Oracle told Neo not to worry about the vase he was about to knock over, which he then knocked over turning around, wondering what she was talking about. He said, “How did you know?” and she said, “What will really bake your noodle is when you ask yourself would you have knocked it over if I didn’t say anything?” All of Cabal’s agents are about to be taken out with a plan that would not have been possible if they had not tried to secure themselves against Trump in the first place and committed these crimes in the process. Very interesting.]

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That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

This is interesting, given the patents are actually out there, and the inventor claims he has seen evidence it was developed in secret in some Cabal private research company. Also, in the book Chameleo, the protagonist says he had these characters moving through his house using this tech, but he couldn’t see them from head one. Hypothetically speaking, suppose we, (or something) developed an invisibility suit, and it was someone wearing that walking behind the far side of the crib in the video below? Would that make more sense than the idea this family had a ghost in their house? Also who told them they had a man commit suicide by jumping out a one story high window. which would normally not be lethal? Sounds kind of like a cover story. Look closely at the shape of the cloud, as it moves, and note how the baby heard something and got up to look:

Another hand-rubbing image inserted this time into a Hyundai commercial. Little Ceasar’s did an entire commercial which pretty clearly featured the anti-Semitic hand-rubbing/Merchant imagery as a symbol of greed to millions, and now another company has that gesture being presented, with a voice-over saying, “All mine!” On top of that, at the same time we are hearing the Democrats begin openly attacking both Israel and domestic Jews as enemies of the nation, and even the head of the New Zealand Mosque is allowed to promote the idea it was the Jews behind the attack without being censored. When I see these coincidences happen in valuable TV screen time, which is the primary means of setting the Cabal narrative, I wonder what is behind it.

It is possible an Anon from /pol infiltrated some advertising firm somewhere, and this is his covert shout-out to the Chans, and the timing with Democrats is coincidental. But I have always assumed that when the unrest came, Cabal would turn on the Jews just like in WWII, demonize them to the public, and then encourage the masses to focus their rage on the Jews, as a way of distracting from themselves. In the back of my mind, I have to wonder if they are planting some sort of subconscious seed in people’s minds (while almost using a hypnosis distraction induction on them with the ostensible material facts of the commercial) designed to make them notice and recognize that gesture as a symbol of greed, as a way to reintroduce the “Merchant” meme as part of some programming in preparation for a Jewish purge. Notice, Feinstein, a top Cabal shill, made a point of purposely doing that posture very publicly while discussing fucking over gun owners:

And then there was this Cabal-owned Jew in Europe who made a point of doing it while supporting fucking over Europe with migration:

Are these people really so tone deaf they can’t help but mimic the most well known anti-Semitic trope out there to such a comical degree, or might they be doing it on purpose, because they were told to? Would a non-Cabal Jew like Jared Kushner ever make this posture after fucking over liberals? And it is worth noting that Google, under full control of the Cabal will massage search results to have every “white couple” image be inter-racial, but it freely distributes every flavor of “merchant meme” when you search on it – which I am pretty sure if the Jews really ran things would have been dealt with by now. Something may be cooking with all this imagery presentation. There may be Jews at the top of Cabal, in which case I say smoke them with prejudice. But they clearly view the average non-Cabal Jewish populace as totally expendable.

Powerball is back up to $750 million dollars. It seems like they are running out of cash, so they are not letting anyone win lately. That way the jackpots keep supersizing, and drawing more publicity, so more people will pour money in. I do not recall this many major jackpots every couple of weeks ever before. And every time one pays out, look at how eager they are to make it sound like the winner almost didn’t win, because the whole thing is so chance-based.

Theresa May will resign before the next stage of Brexit.

Google is working overtime to help China dominate the US and the world digitally. It is even setting up AI technology development centers in China. Again, Q said Cabal had taken over China, and was moving operations over there, and we see this. I’d expect once the Storm breaks and the traitors are taken out in Congress, this will be dealt with.

New allegations Raniere of NXIVM abused children. As Allison Mack asks to get her case separated from his.

Comey claims the Mueller Report shows the FBI was not a vipers nest of spies.

Facebook is fighting for the right to follow non-users around the internet.

Migrants hijack a rescue vessel in the Mediterranean to avoid having to go back to Libya. More fine European citizens in the making.

ISIS terrorists caught trying to derail a high-speed train in Germany.

Now Democrats are probing Trump’s bid to purchase the Buffalo Bills.

Chicago PD has photos of Smollett and the Nigerian brothers driving around Chicago in the days before the attack, so Smollett had to have recognized them. Supposedly there was a ton more evidence which hadn’t made it into the public domain.

Smollett’s attorney says they may now sue the City of Chicago for mistreatment.

George Soros funds an unverified “Hate Crime Database” used by the media to inform us of the extent of “hate” crimes.

Sex hookup App Grindr was owned by a Chinese company. Everything these days – everything is about getting control of everyone by getting files built up on them. And again, China is involved.

MPs reject all alternative options for Brexit.

Claire Bronfman has an amygdala hijack and faints after being asked if she has retained Michael Avenatti to represent her in negotiations with the government. Interesting. Was she under the impression Avenatti was Cabal-associated and his arrest highlighted to her that patriots were actually in full control? Was it just the gestalt of how badly everything is going for her and what a disaster her life has become? It would seem something about the Avenatti question gave her a final amygdala-push.

Facebook to ban white nationalism. Funny how when times were K we had to protect the most noxious pornography, as a bulwark against any erosion of the First Amendment. But now that the Cabal wants to crush general nationalism, censorship of the “bad stuff” is perfectly fine.

Microsoft removes all mention of Q-anon-supporting Minecraft creator Notch from the game’s credits. Just like the picture of Stalin by the river with his second in command. Leftists are all the same.

Man arrested in plot to assassinate Trump and blow up the Pentagon. The I68 shut down was related to the attack.

Tesla critic tweets spreadsheet listing deaths related to the vehicles, and twitter immediately bans him. People don’t realize it, but there is an entire machine out there, which is everywhere, which expects you will only talk about what it wants you to talk about, and it will try to intimidate you into shutting up if you are a pain in the ass. And if that doesn’t work, the only metric saving you is if you aren’t big enough to be worth the effort to punch your ticket. Free speech is a myth.

Finns bust violent international child porn ring.

Deutsch Bank is handing over Trump financial records to House Investigators. Now is the panicked search for anything they can use.

If Mueller is on the team, this means the Q-team wanted the House to be in Democrat’s hands for some reason, and if Mueller is not on the team, he purposely interfered in the election:

It implicated Cabal, if Q is right:

Monsanto ordered to pay $81 million in latest Roundup trial.

Pompeo requests $500 million for regime change in Venezuela.

Maxine Waters now says Impeachment was never seriously discussed by democrats. They were sure there would be an obstruction charge and then they would impeach, and it would all be over. Now they are all terrified, because Cabal appears mortal for the first time.

Police raid Sweden’s leading bank in Russian money laundering probe.

Mueller’s Grand Jury is “continuing robustly” according to a prosecutor. Meaning it is investigating much more than collusion.

Barbra Bush blamed Trump for a “heart attack” that wasn’t really a heart attack. It was the amygdala hijack. The first amygdala hit triggered a physical reaction that triggered additional amygdala, which triggered even more physical reaction that triggered even more amygdala until the whole thing was so stimulating she decided she had better get to a hospital. Think about who she hated – a guy worth billions, with lots to do, who saw a maid at his golf course having trouble reaching a pane of glass and dropped everything to clean the pane of glass for her. Trump is not an objectionable guy. She detested him in part because she knew he was going to destroy the Secret Society and create one America where everybody had a fair shot. And she feared her kind could not compete in that environment, and she hated him for it. But there is probably much, much more. I liked GW at the time, and thought him a patriot. But now, given he had to know about 9/11 in some regard, that family is probably as evil as the Clintons. If I liked him and came that far, the rest of the country will as well. That is why she would think about Trump, and promptly keel over like a possum. She knew what was coming.

Mysterious loud booms in California, thought to be fireworks, but the source can’t be found.

Rachel Maddow loses a half-million viewers after the Russia collusion narrative blows up. To us, the evidence was clear and the Russia collusion narrative was never going anywhere. But if you knew about Cabal, you would have thought is most likely Cabal wanted Trump out, and if Cabal wanted it, Mueller would have worked with agents all throughout the system to take Trump out. If Cabal wasn’t on the ropes, if it had the capabilities it had just ten years ago, Trump would have been framed, impeached, and removed, and all of these leftists would have ben proven right in the eyes of the normies. These leftists were not wrong about Russian collusion on the facts of Russian Collusion – they were wrong about whether Cabal was still in control. I would assume they are all shell-shocked over finding out Cabal was not actually still in control.

Don Jr may run for office. Occasionally I feel a little wistful, remembering that this Presidency will likely end in six years or so. But then I tell myself that between Don Jr, Eric, and Barron, we have almost 30 years of potential Trump Presidency left, and by then Don Jr and Eric’s boys may be geared up and ready to go.

Q was dead on:

Spread r/K Theory, because the media will never police itself.

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5 years ago

Don’t be sure Kushner is not cabal. Miller, he’s the good guy Jew in the Trump administration.

5 years ago

Powerball is back up to $750 million dollars. It seems like they are running out of cash, so they are not letting anyone win lately. That way the jackpots keep supersizing, and drawing more publicity, so more people will pour money in. I do not recall this many major jackpots every couple of weeks ever before. And every time one pays out, look at how eager they are to make it sound like the winner almost didn’t win, because the whole thing is so chance-based.

And if Patriots Are Now in Control, it’s just a matter of time before one of the huge ones is diverted to someone like me, and I start spending it on our side.

5 years ago

“Facebook to ban all white nationalism”.

It’s coming—the genocide of the European! We will NOT be allowed to be “left alone”. We will NOT have any sanctuary cities to ourselves! We will NOT be allowed to have our white only reservation. They mean to exterminate us! To MiSCEGENATE the whites out of existence! That is the plan, people. In my city, of Battle Creek, Michigan, they have removed an old city seal that depicted white history against the American Indian and the Library has removed all white pictorial representations, yet they have busts of Negroes!

Do you know what Manson’s Helter Skelter is? Earlier I skimmed it “race war” and said so what but because of a recent show on HLN, I re-read the article—-It is about the RISE of the Blacks over the white man! That is Helter Skelter! They are planning, executing, orchestrating Helter Skelter folks!

I can’t find Rightpedia now but it did have an article where, I believe, it was Brazil, back in the 1800s, that ordered all Europeans to marry minority/indigenous women! It’s coming folks. Banning white nationalists is about Genocide! First it is cultural Genocide–then begins Hard Genocide.

You don’t know this but one plank of Jewish Messianism is the destruction of Amalek, or any “””evil””” nation. What has Europe been for the Jew? Persecution, pograms, and holocaust. Every European is Amalek to the Jew. Revenge is very much a part of Jewish Messianism—the removal of evil Nations! What do you think is coming down the pike? Have any read the Psalms? About seven of them are violent revenge songs. This exhibits their character. This, “All men are created equal” is hogwash, pure unadulterated BS. The “Enlightenment”, and America is an Enlightenment country, a Masonic country, is based on a fantasy. All men are NOT created equal.

They are weaponizing the minorities to be their strumundrag. That Asian Indians and Jews at Facebook, using the White man’s inventions, the computer and the Internet, are using them to genocide us! It is coming down the pike, people. The plan is the Genocide of us. Helter Skelter.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

Charles Manson is Cabal. Don’t get sucked into his madness.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

The control was so complete. It was a miracle that a fight back has even begun effectively.

Reply to  info
5 years ago

Manson was not cabal, just a flunky. There is Cabal, the rulers and then there are the “Useful Idiots”. Manson was a useful idiot. He was a severely damaged individual that hooked up with the demonic when he was running wild amongst the Indian burial mounds. Southern California was the seat of many of the members, and the most influential of the Frankfurt School. Their students would be loose in the underground of Los Angeles. Also, Manson was connected to Laurel Canyon milieu. He, running in this crowd, heard things. Helter Skelter is the plan, that he heard. Herbert Marcuse was at the University of California San Diego after 1965. Another Frankfurt School alumni: “In November 1941 Adorno followed Horkheimer to what Thomas Mann called “German California”,[29] setting up house in a Pacific Palisades neighborhood of German émigrés which included Bertolt Brecht and Arnold Schoenberg.” (from Wikipedia)

Adorno and Marcuse, for me, are Frankist Jews. Frankfurt, Germany was one of the powerhouses of Frankism!

Helter Skelter; it’s very name conjures up chaos. It is chaos. It is the Turning everything upside down which can be said for Frankism. Manson was a useful idiot. In Communism there are Party members, the appartchik, and then there are the useful idiots.

The underlying point is that there is a demonic intelligence that undergirds this all! it is all by Nature. People who have an instinct, a nature, of evil, glom unto this demonic intelligence. That is why they all spout the same inane stuff, Pelosi, McCain, Manson, the SPLC, Zuckerberg, Schumer, et. al. There are ONLY two camps: the sons of Light and the sons of Darkness. Helter Skelter is the plan of the Cabal—but is also the design of that Evil Intelligence.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
5 years ago

Like a guy said on twitter, we live in an era in which the establishment makes it illegal to support White Nationalism and makes it illegal to NOT support Jewish Nationalism (zionism).

Its not a coincidence.

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

“But then I tell myself that between Don Jr, Eric, and Barron, we have almost 30 years of potential Trump Presidency left, and by then Don Jr and Eric’s boys may be geared up and ready to go.”

And don’t forget Ivanka.

Reply to  New Name
5 years ago

Just no.
A female liberal Jew?
Would end in disaster.

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

I’ve been thinking about Cabal comms. In this time in particular, it would seem that Cabal is more constrained than normal in its comms. They normally are disciplined about a lack of paper trail. But in our current environment they must become even more constricted. This leads them very open to being hacked in various ways, in being misled both in current orientation as well as action.

With the Smollet case, it seems so blatant and foolish that I think it’s possible that Foxx was tricked into her actions.

I expect a lot of confusion going forth with Cabal.

5 years ago

> we have almost 30 years of potential Trump Presidency left, and by then Don Jr and Eric’s boys may be geared up and ready to go.

If Trump pulls a Jehu and sends Hillary Clinton to her rightful fate, there could be 4 generations of Trump leadership.

5 years ago

Kek, I think calling the hand-rubbing thing an anti-Semitic trope is not accurate AC, its just something Jews do and people picked up on it.
Ever seen this meme:
I can’t find the source of the alleged ancient sculpture depicting a big nosed Jew rubbing his hands, so I can’t say if its real or not, but I think that a plausible explanation is Jews being a desert people, might be more prone to feel cold and rub their hands to warm them. Discussion on the issue:

On the issue of Jews being setup as patsies for the cabal:
It does not matter if the cabal at the top is 100% Jewish, 50%, or 0%. It’s a FACT that Jewish collective power is one of the cabal’s most powerful and useful tools in their toolbox, so Jewish collective power in the West is going to have to be terminated, and its possible to do so in a peaceful, fair and just way, so the way to avoid hurting innocent non-subversive non-criminal Jews in this effort to destroy Jewish collective power in the West once and for all is:

Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West;
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about Jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of Jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

Ever heard of Martin Luther? He’s the reason half of Americans are Christians but not in the catholic church… Ever found yourself asking why are his writings from later years so heavily censored?

Martin Luther’s reformation changed the world and most Christians don’t even read his writings because of Jewish censorship efforts that don’t want people reading it.

You can read the whole book “The Jews and Their Lies” by Martin Luther for free here:

If you want to read an article on Martin Luther, his book “The Jews and Their Lies” and other subjects related to the Jewish religion/culture/identity (such as circumcision, usury, Jewish censorship efforts and war against free-speech, and others), go here:

A video version of the article above can be found here:

Here are some highlights from the “The Jews and Their Lies” book if you want a TL;DR:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

”Growing up it was comical how many times I saw relatives seek out people of our own ethnicity, figuring another ethnicity would be in-grouped, and fuck us over, only for my family member to get even more fucked over by our own ethnicity. ”

I think we are kinda maladapted in this regard. Given enough evolutionary pressure. Ethnicity will decline in prominence as a determiner of in-group preference and other traits like character and other more reliable indicators that would make a decent person who will have their back.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Yes, but AC, Jews have constantly been behind the subversion of whites and the west. Going back as far as you care to look. Hell, they exist solely because they reject Christ and Christianity.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

>”Censorship on 4chan”

Yep, its real, I have seen it and experienced it directly, some years ago when I was posting about Seth Rich (and what I said wasn’t even that special). All I knew is that when I pressed the refresh button, the thread had been deleted and when I went to 4plebs to see if any more replies had been made, the 4plebs archive for the bread had stopped archiving before the bread reached my post.
I dind’t thought it had to do with my post, but when I tried to post on the re-baked bread about it (someone that was on that bread had made a new bread about the same thing), I saw that I had been banned for a week.
This is when I got hooked on 4chan, I had never been censored in my life before nor banned from any online place, and if they thought that was important enough to warrant all that shit, then there must had to be something more to it.
That does mean that really important shit is hard to find, but its possible to find it.
And that does not mean that the issue with Jewish collective power is not real, because it is, and in a way, if you notice, the way Jewish collective power gets talked about on the chans is not truly optimal. Not to sound like a prick, but I try to talk about it being as neutral about it emotionally about it and presenting fully sourced verifiable facts, and I find it that my approach has a lot of success, and most of the people I see talking about “the Jews” (which is another way to say “Jewish collective power”) on the chans, it typically is done in a way that would turn off 99% of the people in the world, and that is not such a great thing for those that want the general public to get educated on the issues of Jewish supremacism and issues related to Jewish collective power. But things are getting better because I see more and more “normal people” discussing the issues connected to this subject more and more openly.

>”The biggest thing Cabal did that helped their cause was to promote that Kumbaya, nobody can disrespect or compete with any other group, or race, or ethnicity.”

Yep. And they used the Jews for it (Jews are really the employees of the week/month/year/decade/century/millennium for the cabal, you can’t grab a shovel and go dig anything without running into them, and given that they are so few (0.07% of the world population I think), its not a coincidence).
Read these: – MSM (which is owned and staffed by Jews) pushing for Whites to have less kids because kids make way for muh climate change, and then pushing for Blacks in Africa to have more kids

Like wlindsaywheeler said above, some Jews believe they have to exterminate Western people because they think we’re the Amalek and the Amalek will bring about the destruction of the Jews.

>”I think you might get farther promoting that model of universal competitiveness than simply getting everyone to focus on the Jews alone, which I really think is not going to happen – and it would be more effective.”

I think your idea of universal competitiveness is a great idea, and I agree with that, the thing I think you still don’t understand is that: until you get rid of Jewish collective power, you can’t implement that. They whole religion/culture is based around a strategy of in-group competitiveness that seeks to destroy other groups ability to in-group and compete openly. Its quite smart and effective actually, until other groups see it for what it is and then see that the only way to deal with that is to terminate Jewish collective power, and then historically, the expulsion or pogrom happens. I am ok with racial Jews existing in the West, but Jewish collective power needs to, and will, one way or the other (because they have over-reached), be terminated.

I disagree with you if you what meant with “I really think is not going to happen” is that you meant that people in the gen pop are not going to wake up to the issues of Jewish supremacism and subversion. The only way possible for that to not happen is to have a complete collapse of free-speech online and IRL or some cataclysmic event (and in case of cataclysm, then it would not matter because the whole machine that confers Jews their collective power would be gone too). If you mean “just focusing on the Jews”. then off course that is not going to happen, unless to those with a narrow view of things, the whole point of focusing on Jewish collective power is so that you remove the arsonist from your house so you can put out the different fires and have a nice house you can turn more and more awesome over-time. Terminating Jewish collective power is not an end in itself, its merely the removal of an obstacle towards greatness. Just like removing Islam from the West is. Just like removing communism/socialism/progressivism from the West is.

>”I suspect Cabal may have used the Irish before the Jews, and if today you got Jews all thrown out of power and shipped to Israel, Cabal would get another ethnicity/group into that position, and we would be right back where we are now, just with different players.”

I agree. But it remains a fact that right now, the big players for the cabal ARE the Jews (and the Muslims #3, commies #2). Until we get rid of Jewish collective power (and I don’t think a physical removal/expulsion/shipment is necessary, like I said on my previous post), we can’t level the playing field. What we CAN do once we remove the collective power from cabal’s employees of the century thou, is prevent this shit to happen, and I mean with ANY other ethnicity/group. BUT until Jewish collective power is alive in the West, you can’t beat cabal, and you can’t proceed to have open competition and put in place preventive measures against cabal setting up another group as their main minions (the role in which Jews as a group are filling).

>”The problem is every ethnicity has those craven shitbags. I’m a non-Jew, and my family was very in-grouped around our ethnicity. Growing up it was comical how many times I saw relatives seek out people of our own ethnicity, figuring another ethnicity would be in-grouped, and fuck us over, only for my family member to get even more fucked over by our own ethnicity.”

Yes, every group has its sneaky/dishonest/r-selected/disloyal members, but like I said, that does not make it any less factual that unless we terminate Jewish collective power in the West, we will never be able to put mechanisms in place to prevent those shitty people to be able to serve a cabal-like group in the future.
We’ll have to think on how to prevent that shit from happening, and I think r/K theory and some kind of concrete measures based on it would be a great tool in order to deal with the problem.

>”Sad thing is, there are a lot of shitbags out there in general. I realized it in the freshman year of high school, when a friend got jumped by five or six scrawny stoners off school grounds. He was with ten or twelve jock friends, and they all ran off and left him to a beating – despite the fact they could easily have circled the wagons, and probably not even had to fight. I confronted all of them together about leaving him, and they were all, to a man, utterly shameless, as if leaving him to take a beating was just common sense. I never really felt like I belonged in any group after seeing them all in agreement on the issue, and totally without shame.”

Yep. Personally the Jews I know about that are Jews, only a few of them are worthy of being ovened (and curiously, the son of a couple of those that deserve le oven is not a bad person at all and has GTFO and turned his back on them almost completely).
And I have seen that disloyal behavior in every type of group too.

>”Go give the Irish the Jew’s position, or give it to the Italians, or the blacks, or some other group, and the shitbags among them would strive for that power, and then we’d want to kill all of them.”

Yep. But like I said, I don’t think we should be killing them, and the measures I propose in my set of solutions would not hurt them (you could say that banning Judaism would be bad for some good Jews, but I would rather annoy some Jew then risk ideological contamination of the West. Just replace Judaism with Islam and the same thing for the good Muslims, I would annoy some good Muslims and make them either convert or leave the West than to risk ideological contagion of the West).
“Their place” is a place created and maintained thru subversion, if you imagine “their place” as a chair, what we need to do is destroy that chair. In order to destroy the chair, we need to remove the people seating on it first (in this case it happens to be Jewish collective power, we need to terminate that group power), THEN we can make it so that NOBODY can ever sit on that chair OR build one like it. But first you need to remove them from the chair.

I wonder what you think about all the single points on my list of proposed solutions to the issue of Jewish subversion, if you have the time and feel like it, it would be really cool for me to have you comment on those 10 points individually, if you want to, off course (and if you don’t want to be bothered with it, I can understand, and its not a problem at all)

Another thing to keep in mind is this: most of the people advocating for a violent reaction against ALL Jews, are probably cabal agents trying to get Jews rallying up behind their cabal-driven comped Jewish leadership (or they are useful idiots). Remember that the father of zionism, Theodor Herzl himself said that zionism needs hostility towards Jews. So the solution is to peacefully de-fang Jews as a group, then you fix the issue, you act fairly, and you never give the cabal-driven Jewish leaders any more power to keep using Jews for their cabal-benefiting agendas.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

My entire worldview is composed of every possibility, all arrayed with the most likely probability I can assign to it.

comment image

5 years ago

New DNA Results Released from the Paracas Elongated Skulls

In 2013, researcher L.A. Marzulli, biologist Brien Foerster and a team of researchers began working on a scientific understanding and explanation to these ancient Paracas Elongated Skulls. Some of their initial DNA analysis revealed that the elongation was not just caused by artificial cranial deformation, but rather by genetics with some of the elongated skulls cranial volume being up to 25% larger and 60% percent heavier than conventional human skulls. This means that they could not have been intentionally deformed through head binding or flattening, as cranial deformation can change the shape but does not alter the volume or weight of a skull.

More at:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

From the article:

We are likely looking at a sub-species of humanity as regards to the Paracas… Seems to be a lot of DNA evidence from extreme eastern Europe and extreme western Asia. More specifically I’m talking about the area in between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea where ancient elongated skull people lived I think about 3000 years ago. So I think we are looking at a migration pattern starting in the Caspian Black Sea area and then entering through the Persian Gulf and then moving eastwards eventually winding up on the coast of Peru.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Perhaps it’s not technological.
I have opened my mind in recent years to the possibility that magic actually exists and is related to ESP etc.
I know for a fact that I and a relative were able to affect the odds of rolling dice in a board-game by concentrating on the desired numbers sufficiently that we outlawed the practice because it spoiled the game.
In the Shadow Run fiction universe the potential for magic in humans is affected by interstellar radiation and the earth returns to a position in the galaxy that re-awakens magic, perhaps that is the cabal telling tales out of school as they sometimes do, just think about how hard it has been drilled into the public for generations that magic doesn’t exist.
Perhaps a direct connection between the brain and the surface of the body would allow for easier and more powerful use of magic.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

According to the latest DNA tests, Aryan India and Europe. Forester did a video on the latest testing a couple of weeks ago.

Brian Forester is solid people. I would like to take one of his tours eventually.

There’s a part of the Maori in NZ that were (according to the Maori history) were already on the island when they got there. They were incorporated into the tribe, and are still there, red haired, fair skinned and blue/green eyed. Their pre-Maori oral history is that they fled from India, settled for a while in Peru, and then went on the NZ where they settled.

The DNA of those people is now showing up in the testing of the Cloud People mummies in Peru.

R bere
5 years ago

AC, I wish/hope you are right about perpetual Trump or at least Patriot reign. but the way I see it, Texas will go blue very soon with all the Californians, not to mention illegals, moving there. Once that happens, the Presidency is lost. Perhaps you think if Trump truly ends Cabal this may be halted? I’d be interested in your thoughts about losing Texas and / or Florida sooner rather than later due to the unfortunate tide and direction of demographic shift.

5 years ago

The situation in Britain as well as comments on articles 11 and 13 passed by the EU

5 years ago

Cuba, Google move to improve island’s connectivity

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago

“Cuba already allows Google to run servers on the island storing Google content such as YouTube user information”