r-strategists Pit K-strategists Against Each Other – #blacklivesmatter

What does white communist ideology have to do with police killing savages? Funny you’d ask.

If you were watching the news broadcasts about the protests in New York City, you undoubtedly saw many people carrying signs reflecting their beliefs.

But wait. The people holding those signs don’t look even barely capable of having printed the signs themselves, so you might wonder who the sponsor of the rally could be.

Who furnished the signs?

Well, on the bottom of the signs is the name of the sponsor: revcom.us

Revolutionary communists.

r-strategists will pit K-strategists against each other, or at least those more K-strategist than they. It is imbued so deeply I am convinced it is an instinct, akin to Rosie O’Donnell sitting down at a table of happy people, reflexively feeling the rage well, up, and then exploding at everyone until the evening is ruined. They don’t even know why they do it.

View it evolutionarily. No beret-wearing white commie agitator would ever grab a cop’s gun and try to kill him. If resources got so short that somebody had to die, if the commie’s very survival due to starvation and resource shortage was on the table – they are just much too cowardly to fight, face to face. They would have to starve to death. But if they can get an aggressive, in-grouped black guy to do it for them then no matter who lives or dies, the white commie comes out ahead. Kill an aggressive black guy, kill a cop, or better yet, see both die – in our ancient evolutionary environment, all of those were a win. Now the population is diminished, and resources will again be freed up for the r-strategist to graze on peacefully, without all that nasty sub-human competition.

It is not surprising that after millions of years, deep in the subconscious of rabbits would emerge this drive to get the strong and aggressive fighting each other while they hid. It is only surprising that you will not see this explained in Political Science 101 in every college across the land.

One other advantage to the cowardly rabbit – you can reduce the survivability of Police Officers in violent confrontations.

The Alabama police officer who went viral after he was pistol-whipped with his own gun last week said he didn’t shoot his attacker because he didn’t want to make headlines as the nation’s newest vilified cop.

The Birmingham detective, whose name has not yet been released, paused while a suspect attacked him during a traffic stop because he feared the country-wide backlash he might receive for killing a black man, the head of the local police union said Friday.

r-strategists are not just comfortable with generalized mortality applied to all equally. They have a deep, innate desire to see K-strategists, from the most K-strategist soldier, to the aggressive, if less able gangbanger, die in fights with each other. What they are setting up is a bloodbath, once the collapse hits. Take resource-starved, in-grouped, pissed off cops who stop caring whether they get vilified or not, and a black community conditioned to freak out over every death, and you have a recipe for war – while the rabbits hide.

#Blackliesmatter as the Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

Then it is up to us to hunt down those r-strategists responsible for instigating the K vs K war…..and kill them. In fact, the instant the chaos begins we should begin the hunt.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

As the K will say rabbit meat tastes good.

9 years ago

There are those that will head directly for the rabbits once the chaos starts. They can’t hide, the internet never forgets.

Remember: Rabbits go first. After that the mess gets cleaned up.