Donald’s poll numbers have gone up.
There is no sign that Donald Trump’s raucous first presidential debate is hurting his support among party voters, with the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll showing he still has a big lead over his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination…
Trump led the party’s 17-strong 2016 presidential field with the backing of 24 percent of Republican voters, unchanged from before Thursday’s televised debate, the Reuters/Ipsos poll found.
If you thought Donald Trump’s boisterous debate performance and subsequent comments about Fox News’ Megyn Kelly might hurt his standing in the polls, you might be very wrong.
In the first major poll to be released since Thursday night’s debate, NBC News and Survey Monkey found Trump holding onto his first place position with 23% of the hypothetical vote. Jeb Bush and Scott Walker, who were each at 10% in the same survey a week earlier, both dropped three points to 7% each, tied for a disappointing fifth place.
Ted Cruz saw the biggest post-debate bump, up seven points to 13%, putting him second to Trump.
In another poll, he does even better, and Jeb is on the way down.
Donald Trump’s lead over his Republican presidential rivals grew substantially in the days following the first GOP debate and his controversial comments about moderator Megyn Kelly.
Trump’s support increased by 7 points, to 32 percent, according to the latest Morning Consult tracking poll.
Trump has basically done everything Heartiste has been teaching for years now, and it has worked flawlessly.
Once the meme catches on that Trump’s support only grows with each attack he launches, it will make attacking more socially acceptable. Other politicians will then begin experimenting with Trump’s belligerent style, and one or more may even go overboard. Some will attack, repent, and beg forgiveness. All of them will contribute to a K-ifying of our political debate, but in the end, Trump will likely be the only one left standing.
The GOPe has one hell of a problem on their hands, and America has one hell of an opportunity.