Fox Planned to Escort Trump off the Stage

Fox News is increasingly the new enemy of freedom and Democracy. A bunch of pansy ass liberal pussies who tried to set Trump up to be escorted from the stage by force.

The script — which Baier didn’t have to use — took a page from Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice” TV show. It went like this: “Mr. Trump, in your business you have rules. You follow rules. We have rules on this stage. We don’t want to have to escort you to the elevator outside this boardroom.”

“We’re hoping we don’t have to use it,” Baier said later. “[But] we’re locked and loaded.”

Trump’s security, (probably ex Special Forces with double to triple digit body counts), would have immediately jumped up on stage, making Baier look like a tool when he had to back down, or start a violence filled melee. Don’t threaten to go to the Al Bundy option of all out, mindless violence, if you are a fat teddy bear who has never thrown a punch, and K-selection is driving a hostile crowd.

Shit, let things get a little more K and I’d have been tempted to jump up on the stage and throw the first podium into the crowd just to get the revelry started.

What Trump is revealing to us is the true scale and scope of the Uniparty, and moreover the machine which created it. There is one establishment which is pitting conservatives vs. liberals, and offering their people as the answer to each side’s governmental desires.

Of course it is larger than that. When you hear about a book, that book was written by an author who is in the establishment. It is published by an establishment publishing house, which uses its establishment connections to get it publicity on the major media channels the establishment machine controls. Establishment pundits talk about it, and establishment websites review it. Other establishment entities tell their audiences to buy it.

When it is bought, the person who buys it thinks it is just a good book the establishment happened to discover, and which they heard about because of its quality. Not so. Fifty Shades was the ultimate example. It was just a little piece of fan fiction, pulled off the internet, dressed up in a fancy cover, published by a major establishment house, introduced on news casts, discussed in radio round tables, joked about on TV sitcoms, written about in magazines, commented on is editorials, and covered in newspapers. Every facet of its free marketing from the establishment was planned by the machine, and executed by its various wings in the media, with the express objective of getting the eyeballs who watch the various outlets to put money in the machine’s bank accounts.

It was a creation of the machine, marketed through the machine’s outlets, from news to entertainment shows, papers, to radio, to TV, to magazines. I don’t know exactly how the money flowed, but I know most of it was sucked up by the very machine which created and promoted it. It was a creation made and marketed to sell to the robots the machine has the attention of.

It is very impressive, but it is also territorial, and that is very unseemly in a democracy.

Now Trump is bringing it out in the open, and giving us an option to reject it. We are incredibly lucky.

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