The latest issue of Action Comics finds Superman battling a foe on the streets of Metropolis, but this time he isn’t taking on his rival Lex Luther. Instead, he’s battling the police, which has some people outraged.
“There’s some fans that are alienated, a portion of the older fans,” said Dimitrios Fragiskatos, the manager of Midtown Comics in New York City. “[But] younger fans seem to be embracing it…
The comic ends with Superman punching a police officer in the face.
This leftist tendency to see whites, conservatives, military, or the police as enemies is a simple logical calculation by their amygdala. The savages are dangerous and might kill them unless they suck up, where as all the former are civilized and pose no threat under any circumstance.
Let resources grow short, and the savages become unappeasable, and they will come groveling around, looking for protection.
It is amazing – they have no honor, loyalty, appreciation, decency, morals, or anything which makes a real human being human. They are just moral-less, honor-less resource consumers, deluded into seeing themselves as kinder and more moral than anyone else.
I can understand why they need the delusion. Nothing would be as soul-crushing as honestly looking at themselves.
Apocalypse cometh™
The police are enemies, especially urban police. Police aren’t conservative, they are just authoritarian. They vote Democrat like their union tells them to do, they have a higher crime rate than the general public, they are rabbits in all the ways that black gang members are.
Have you ever known a cop personally? An even better question is, have you ever known a cop personally who didn’t careen from personal or financial crisis day in and day out? They a can’t maintain relationships, they are always broke, and their lives are a giant pile of poor decisions. They share a lot more with your Bob than they do conservatives.