Ellison Says Not Allowing Free Border Crossings Creates Injustice

Not unexpected:

During an interview with the editor-in-chief of Tikkun Magazine, Rabbi Michael Lerner?, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) said it was an “injustice” that corporations are allowed to cross borders seeking low wage workers but workers are not allowed to cross the border seeking higher wages.

Ellison said, “An undocumented worker is an exploited worker. We just have to say the 12 million undocumented people in the United States are here because somebody wants them to be. They want them to do the work but they don’t want them to have any rights, they don’t want to pay them fairly, they don’t want them to be able to bargain collectively, they don’t want them to be able to get occupational safety and standards. And that is what is really going on. The trade agreements they allow capital to travel over borders and all capital is, is people who happen to own something we call a corporation which is a legal agreement that gives them special rights.”

He continued, “And labor, which is a regular person, cannot travel back and forth across the border. And so corporations, certain people who get certain rights, can go back and forth across the border seeking out the lowest wages, but people, regular people cannot go back and forth across the border seeking out the highest wages. So what it creates is an imbalance, it creates an injustice and it creates the need for something like a global Marshall Plan.”

Deep down, every r-strategist sees their r-strategist urges as inherently “just.” r-strategists being given free resources is “just,” even if those resources have to be taken from someone else. Someone else having resources when the r-strategist does not is inherently unjust, because if the other person has resources and the r-strategist does not, then the other person must have had an advantage, or privilege, which is something inherently unjust on its very face. Working, and enjoying the fruits of that effort is unjust. Being given free stuff by a government which takes it from people who strived and toiled is just. Even criminals who take resources from others is not frowned on as aggressively as regular people might frown upon it because deep down the r-strategist can see their urges in the criminal.

It permeates every moral decision. And since every moral is born of something which matters to man, and what man has evolved to see as mattering most is related to reproduction and reproductive strategy, you can see how r-selection is creating the exact opposite moral framework in the r-strategist to every single one of those morals which the K-strategist holds dear. Everything from daily activities to acquire resources, to sex, to child-rearing, to group relations is all affected by it. Even the entire organizational structure of society and its relationship to man is guided by it. r/K Selection Theory arguably defines the vast majority of all variability in human psychology and governmental preferences.

What this also shows you is that migration is inherent to the r-strategy, to the point that the r-strategist opinion is that any group not allowing free migration into their lands, and seizure of their resources by outsiders is inherently immoral and wrong. You can see the only type of environment, and resource dispersion that would allow such a psychology to survive and reproduce.

You can judge it, you can get angry about it, but the truth is, nothing is as productive as simply promoting r/K Selection Theory, and hastening the day that it is taught in every university class on politics. Once everyone realizes where these morals come from, and that these issues are not necessarily arguable but rather are a matter of clear preference, and that they are not amenable to debate, the battle will be over. Everyone will simply embrace their own preferences proudly, and what is best for them in a K-selected world of limited resources.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because it is the answer

This entry was posted in Immigration, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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George Lesenby
George Lesenby
6 years ago

The phenomenon of open borders capitalism seems unique to countries with a significant eastern european diaspora. Notice that Hungary and Poland have closed their own borders while second generation immigrants from those regions push to keep them open. Hungarian George Soros comes to mind. Very peculiar. Someone should look into these people and see if there is some kind of pattern.

6 years ago

Are you aware of a blogger Mark Wadsworth who proposes a land value tax and a citizens income http://markwadsworth.blogspot.com/2018/01/what-is-tax-base-under-lvt-citizens.html
I was trying to work out if this system is r or K, initially it looks like r people get free resources but more I think of it it looks K, because everyone gets the same and there is no special treatment.

Is this r or K?