As Trump rises ever higher, the rabbits are getting ever more panicky. Now Donald is a demonic character destined for hell, and bringing any who support him along for the ride:
What if a candidate for president were evil?
I’m not talking about the way “evil” is thrown around as an insult. I’m talking about real evil, the kind you find in the Bible. Chuckle if you must, but Donald Trump’s opponents are beginning to make the case that he is truly evil. And the deeper you look, the more you see that it’s no laughing matter…
Readers of Dante will recall that, in the Inferno, a special slice of hell is reserved for the sowers of discord — schismatics who tried to advance themselves by dividing institutions. For these evildoers, Dante meted out the poetically just punishment of physical dismemberment. Just as they hacked apart the human bonds around them, so their bodies now were sliced and diced forever.
This is the second ridiculous article I have seen today, trying to make Trump out to be insanely crazy/evil. The claims in both are so hyperbolic as to be comical.
Part of me sees this as the workings of the Consortium of Behavioral Scientists who try to use cognitive neuroscience to alter the public’s perceptions. Here they are exposing the populace to an extreme view (Donald is the Antichrist) because science shows if participants are exposed to an extreme view, even if they reject it, it will make them re-adjust their own views to be moderate, in the presence of the new outlying belief. So maybe Donald isn’t Hitler, or the Antichrist, but he is beginning to look like one bad dude, who might kill a few hundred Jews, or get us trapped in Purgatory for a bit, if we aren’t careful around him.
Nobody knows what Donald will do, if elected. He could be so socially liberal it would blow our minds. I’m not even sure Donald himself knows, beyond thinking he will just “make America great.” He appears to have no consistent expression of an overriding ideological bent, that I can tell.
However there is a possibility that Donald means what he says. If so, there is another possibility that he may win. Beyond that possibility lies one more – he will succeed in bringing back an American golden age. That would be the liberal’s worst fear, because then he would be another Reagan – the candidate who proved the liberals wrong, taught the country right, and reinvigorated conservatives in a way nobody else could have. He could spawn a whole host of clones at all levels of government, and teach the nation to oppose the milquetoast RINO candidates who are producing such stunning failures now.
That possibility is beginning to tickle rabbit amygdalae, and you can see it in the hyperbole they are turning out.
More than anything, I see it as a sign, to double down on Donald right now, if for no better reason than to watch the rabbits run.