#PPGate About to Go Nuclear

The Planned Parenthood video scandal is about to pick up steam. Of the scandal, Ted Cruz says,

“I would say that I think every American should watch the videos of Planned Parenthood, just watch them, see senior officials at planned parenthood laughing over sips of wine, bargaining over the sale of body parts of unborn children. One official was so callous and cavalier to say she hoped to sell enough body parts of unborn children to buy herself a Lamborghini. And I would encourage Americans just to ask yourself, ‘Are those my values?’ I appreciate Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) answering that question, that, yes, those are her values, apparently. That Nancy Pelosi watches those videos, and she feels sorry for the Planned Parenthood leaders that are bargaining over selling body parts.”

He continued, “I will tell you, in the course of those videos, both of those officials appear to confess to multiple felonies…

Now, James O’Keefe’s Twitter says there will be hidden videos coming with talk about certain “racial characteristics” with respect to abortion.

That should add to the potential for #PPgate to approach the utility of #Gamergate, especially since Planned Parenthood gets private sector funding, which will not want to be associated with eugenic racists trying to purge minority people from the population by killing as many of their babies as they can, and then selling the body parts.

Anger must be motivating people to write, because supposedly Xerox has already withdrawn support.

Interestingly the videographer was on Levin, and at the end of the interview, Levin gave him a final warning to keep an eye over his shoulder.

Think about that. Levin wasn’t just jumping up and down with glee over this huge victory damaging a leftist pet cause. He saw what was done, and had a bit of concern for the guy who has just made a name for himself.

Given the size of the effect this guy is about to have on the left’s favorite baby, it is not impossible that some rich and powerful leftist whose feels their cause has been hurt has already deployed surveillance. Maybe it is a Soros type with unlimited funds who called up his legal rep’s office and ordered their PI’s to get a read on the guy. Maybe it is a fat Lois Lerner type in the FBI’s Surveillance Division who called a friend from the FBI Academy and told them to put a training operation on the guy. Maybe it is a DNC hack in DC who was told to go organize it by a superior. But somebody is probably about to go have a look.

If you think about getting involved, be warned, if you have an effect you will need to keep your nose clean, and keep an eye over your shoulder. And given what happened to Breitbart, I am not sure you can be at all confident the problem will stop at surveillance. Surveillance is, after all, the first phase in attack planning.

Apocalypse cometh, but not soon enough.

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