I’m a huge fan of what Donald is doing to the public debate, yet I have no idea how he would lead as a Republican President.
On the other side is Ted Cruz, who I believe would probably be an excellent conservative President, but who is less adroit at molding our public debate. Here is Ted in the hearing on illegal immigration and crime:
One particularly interesting back-and-forth occurred when ICE Director Saldana disputed Cruz’s assertion that the Obama administration released 104,000 “criminal illegal aliens.”
“When I asked you how many criminals ICE released in 2013, you were off by a factor of three,” Cruz said. “You said 30,000 — the correct answer is 104,000…”
“But you’re omitting the 68,000 criminal illegal aliens that ICE did not begin deportation proceedings against at all,” Cruz shot back. “You’ve got to add both of those together — it’s over 100,000.”
Saldana then admitted, “Yes sir, that’s absolutely right…”
“There are too many politicians in Washington that talk a good game but don’t act. If you want to honor Josh [Wilkerson], if you want to honor Kate Steinle, start enforcing the law and stop releasing murderers, and rapists, and drunk drivers. I don’t want to hear from the Obama Administration they’re sorry while they continue to do the exact same thing because what we know – more people will be murdered, more people will be raped, more people will be killed by drunk drivers because this Administration refuses to enforce the law. That is wrong. No man is above the law, and that includes President Obama.” Sen. Cruz said.
Put Ted in a seat of power, and he is an ass-kicking machine. Yet, you never heard any of that on the news. Indeed, the reason the hearing got as much press as it did was Donald Trump’s ability to rivet eyeballs.
Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, Laura Wilkerson, whose 18-year-old son Josh Wilkerson was killed near Houston in 2010, urged Congress to “do something.”
“Quit sitting silently because it’s going to help you get a vote,” she said. “I thank you, Mr. Trump, for getting the message out.”
There is enormous anger at what is going on in this country, just waiting to be kindled.
Liberals have won a string of victories on gay marriage and health care reform this year, but a new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds a large majority of Americans are unhappy with where the nation is headed on social issues.
Sixty-three percent of people say they are uncomfortable with the country’s overall direction on social issues these days; four in ten feel “strongly” uncomfortable about the nation’s changes.
The downbeat results in the aftermath of a series of landmark Supreme Court rulings earlier this summer runs parallel to how people see the nation’s overall direction—65 percent say it’s on the wrong track in the survey—and both these views are colored by partisanship and views of President Obama. Over 8 in 10 of both Republicans and those who disapprove of President Obama say they are uncomfortable about the nation’s shifts on social issues.
It is not enough in these trying times to be merely a good legislator or executive. We need a leader, who can rally the conservative grassroots and motivate them to act. The biggest problem we face is not bad governance – it is a failure of the good within our citizenry to keep the rest in check. Correcting that will not come through any law – it will come through a leader who can motivate the populace.
If Trump stumbles, Ted will be our last chance. He will need to ruminate on Reagan, hire Bill Whittle and Dennis Miler, and introduce an aggressive, confrontational stimuli through Alpha-esque cocky/funny ridicule and humor.
[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]
“If Trump stumbles, Ted will be our last chance. He will need to ruminate on Reagan, ………”
Would that be the same Reagan that signed that, er, Amnesty bill?
Face it, AC. Cruz is as much an empty suit as the rest. What’s his big cred as “conservative”? An anti-Ocare filibuster!
Except that, faced with an obviously anti-White government, the threat coming across the borders, raging black crime backed by government poodles – who the hell cares about a tax increase, other than Republicans who want to play it safe and not make REAL waves? With the amount of material made available by the idiots in charge, what kind of “real” man doesn’t jump into the fray, beying for blood? Party liners like Cruz, that’s who!
I don’t assume I know everything, and you could be entirely correct on Ted. My own assumption is, a lot of this is way beyond our control at this point. I think even armed revolution would be futile now, and I’m not even sure our votes are actually tabulated to elect leaders now that everything is computerized.
But I think we need to do the best we can if we can. To that end, I advocate the best options we have, but I do not have a starry eye’d belief we are definitely about to change the world, or that the candidates I espouse are definitely who they appear to be.
The bottom line is I doubt even the best man in the nation could back us out of the hole at this point. But given our options, Ted seems a better option than the rest, and I think he would protect the 2nd Amendment which is the only thing I think is vital given what is coming.
But you’re right, cynicism is the order of the day for the savvy.
I’m skeptical of both of them to be honest but I would prefer trump over cruz since he’s done a better job of challenging the status quo in the relatively short amount of time that he’s been in the picture in my opinion. Trump has taken the right positions, he has the right personality, he has the right experience, he even has enough money to fund his own campaign. He’s almost perfect which is one of the reasons I’m skeptical of him. It feels too good to be true.
It is impossible to know, and lately there is a feeling that the whole thing might be Kabuki theater, designed to keep us occupied, and distracted.
Then there was the Perot debacle, which obviously is bothersome to ponder in light of Trump.
The bottom line is, K always wins. Even if you elect a Liberal, it will just speed the time until the whole thing comes down, and everyone goes more K.
James I think you are in for a big surprise.
if Cruz or Rubio get on the ticket as either the president or vice-president you will see a screaming from the press on the birther angle like a holy firestorm. the mainstream media and Hillary are counting on the GOP primary winner to be ineligible.
you are underestimating the ugliness that is the r / left /communists that are writing the script.
keep up the good work you do here at this blog but don’t underestimate evil.
WordPress has been buggy for me lately, but I didn’t see a James posting after this, so I’m assuming this was for me.
I’m not sure any side can play the Birther angle after Obama. Obama had a non-American father, was raised in Indonesia, and to the public will seem far less American than Cruz. Once Obama won, I’m thinking anyone short of a full blooded foreigner would get the public’s approval, (and maybe a foreigner could even get elected) and the Supremes won’t have the balls to overturn it.
That said, I am unsure we even elect our leaders now that everything is computerized. If parties unknown can hack into OPM, I have no confidence that the votes we cast will definitely lead, in stepwise fashion, to the choice of a leader. Given that, it is entirely possible that Cruz will win, and be a part of the machine, doing whoever’s bidding, or that he is not part of the machine, and thus stands no chance.
I do suspect that the chances he wins, and is not part of the machine or under control, are slim. But even under control, he’d be a better chaperone of the collapse than most.
you may well be correct. I think you should follow that the CFR has been the shadow government for some time and that all the political types are moving in the same direction.
you may find this interesting, here the author runs down the false conservatives. there are few people you can trust.
I believe the whole “hanging chads” business in Florida was always about putting in electronic machines to steal votes.
Hmmn. Interesting thesis.