Finland Supreme Court Rules 20 Year Old Migrant Having Sex With 10 Year Old Not Rape

The slide to r continues:

Finland’s Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by prosecutors to convict a 23-year-old asylum seeker who had sex with a 10-year-old of aggravated rape, ruling she was not forced.

The unnamed migrant, who was 20-year-old at the time of the attacks, was convicted of aggravated sexual abuse of a minor and handed a light three-year sentence by a district court, with an additional charge of aggravated rape being thrown out, reports Yleisradio Oy (Yle), Finland’s public broadcaster…

The decision baffled prosecutors and caused outrage among members of the public, but was upheld by an appeal court, which agreed there was “no evidence to indicate that the sexual encounter involved violence or that the child was overcome by fear or incapacitated in any other way”, according to Yle.

But I am beginning to think that most of the r-slide’s contribution to this is only the tolerance of it by the masses. I do not think r is why the judge rules this way anymore.

I was watching youtube videos about one facet of the Cabal’s hijacking of America’s governmental/power/private-sector-intelligence machinery. It is a particularly heinous aberration which is everywhere, but most never see it. Once you do see it, you are amazed at how obvious it becomes, horrified at how awful it is, and baffled at how pointless it appears. I’d go into detail, but the truth is those who haven’t seen it would never believe it, and those who have, already know what I am talking about.

I see it all over myself, but it is interesting to see others document it in other areas of the nation. As I watched the videos, I was surprised to see other videos listed in the sidebar from other countries, supposedly of the same thing. I clicked on them, and there it was, exactly the same as in the US.

Increasingly, a central global Cabal of some sort, implementing the exact same mechanisms of control and oppression all over the world, is the only explanation I see for what is actually going on. I can see no logical reason for it, as its very nature is so antithetical to the American spirit I can only see it as an import of some sort.

If these surmises of mine are so, then the actual verdict above is not coming from Finnish judges who have turned r. It is coming from judges who are turned by some foreign Cabal, and probably infesting all levels of the Finnish government exactly as I suspect they infest our’s.

If I am right, this verdict had nothing to do with the case itself, or the facts, or even the defendant. This verdict is a psychological play, ordered by Cabal, and executed by its operatives in government.

Its purpose in part is pushing your Overton Window, to accept degeneracy and repulsive behavior (performed here by government proxies who happen to be migrants). But perhaps most of all, its objective is to make us feel helpless in its face. I assume it has been done in a frog-in-the-pot manner. First it was little things, an outrageous murderer who gets off in an aberrant fashion, but he will be the only one (think OJ, represented by a Kardashian). Nobody wants to start shooting over that.

Then several criminals and politicians get away with things, like Bill Clinton, because of evidentiary or procedural issues. And it builds from there. Now in Finland, it has progressed to the point that we have criminal, foreign invaders raping our children, and multiple courts are telling us this doesn’t matter – and it is happening with regularity from all levels and facets of our governments. The narrative is we can’t even intervene to stop this. I think it may be designed to be building our tolerance for something even worse.

Indeed, I think half of the outrage by the usual suspects, directed at President Trump, is because by speaking the truth he refuses to be a part of the programming. And thus he tends to return our Overton Windows to their natural state, undoing all the effort Cabal has expended on moving them. Of course we should have borders and defend them. Degeneracy and corruption is bad. America should be great. And the list goes on.

Between r-selection making us fat and happy, and the gradual advance of this type of acceptance of degeneracy the Cabal seeks, look at how different we have become though. “The Founders would have been shooting by now.” We hear it and nod, but it is a truth which should shame us. There is little that would have provoked trigger-pulling like our children being raped by violent invading foreigners who act entitled to government largesse, and who abuse the nation’s hospitality like this. And yet it is tolerated – at least for now.

The truth is, all of this is mechanisms, specifically amygdala. You can massage amygdala. You can mold it at the margins, and push the boundaries here and there, especially when things are this r, and everyone is deadened. But when amygdala comes back due to environmental changes, there can be no containing it. You cannot fight the tide of K, though I suspect the Cabal hopes to direct it away from themselves.

Going forward, our priorities need to be twofold as I see them. One, resist the reprogramming. Do not let the giant psychological manipulation the world has become move your Overton Window. See what they are doing and resist the changes to your world view. And two, if Trump’s forces fail, we must identify who is behind this, and have a plan to make amygdalae focus on them at the collapse.

Because they need a good dose of amygdala, and we deserve the ability to give it to them.

Spread r/K Theory, because everything is manipulation, but it only works if you don’t recognize it and fight it

This entry was posted in Cabal Inc., Conspiracy, Europe, Immigration, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Morals, Muslims, Pedophilia, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

It really comes down to identifying whom is behind this almost unimaginable plot spanning not just decades, but centuries.

The Daily Bell’s editors believe it to be coming from the City of London, which would make sense given its almost extra-territorial status in the United Kingdom, and its longevity in power since the 17th century.

The Rothschilds are also suspects, as are other “noble” European families long familiar with power and wealth. Joseph Farrell made a good case in his book “Financial Vipers of Venice,” as well as the historical conclusions reached by the (somewhat dubious) Webster Tarpley over the last 35 years [], that these power structures are legacies of the wealth amassed by those once running the Most Serene Republic of Venice. There are other aspects to the Cabal, such as the Bildebergers (a legacy of the Third Reich) and modern devices such as the CFR, RIIA, and Trilateralists, but they don’t have the centuries behind Venice. They’re all interconnected via personnel, but someone started it first and maintains control to a larger degree today than the others. Those are the names decent people are seeking.

AC, I think at times you give the Cabal too much reach down into the ordinary folds of civilization. The extent of such reach is mostly limited to the extremely inefficient Cabal communication mechanisms you’ve surmised about. But on a higher level of organizational control, I think you’re darned close on how such discoveries of power are made hit-or-miss by young individuals seeking to understand the world they were borne into, and then rewarded by the Cabal as a behavior reinforcement mechanism as these people rise to leadership positions. It’s the only way seemingly such extreme secrecy can be maintained over vast periods of time on targeted individuals susceptible to manipulation, yet preserve the secrecy needed to hide Cabal members. I never thought of that before, so thank you for your post of a few weeks ago and for the time I’ve spent thinking about it.

But such subtle footprints are still made–that’s hard reality–and it is those ethereal signs we all seek out, and I am grateful for your conjecture on what those indications might be. They’ve made me think about the practical needs of such a well-financed conspiracy, given the clues found in history, in mass communications, through Q, and through yourself.

As a historian, it is simply amazing to think that something this covert and broad might be in existence, let alone running a nation or even the civilized world. But I didn’t read about Venice until decades after obtaining my degree, which makes me think such historical knowledge is being suppressed. All of this is in open-source documents, but man, you gotta really look for them, let alone put these points together to see a larger picture. The public has only begun making the connections, but it looks like Q and his organization, whatever it may be, is years ahead of the rest of us.

Oh, at the end of it, the Cabal and their defenders will still stand in front of a firing squad. I know the consensus is to hang them like the Surratt conspirators, but that’s so 19th century. Let’s give them a final dose of their totalitarianism before we send them quickly off our planet Earth.

Reply to  lordofthehundreds
6 years ago

The Cabal uses blackmail and indulgence of all kinds of depravity to maintain control. In the end, those at the top of the pyramid are utterly ruthless in attaining still more power. Become inconvenient or a hindrance to the Great Global Utopia and all kinds of things happen. Suicide by two shots to the back of the head like Gary Webb or suddenly one’s depressed and taking a header off the roof of a high rise like all of those financial sector types over the last few years. Fear keeps the troops in line too.

As for reach, the Cabal functions through secret societies, foundations, NGOs, charities, various occult groups, etc. The aforementioned Tarpley (obnoxious socialist) explains it as moles and patsies. 2-3 people, working in concert at strategic positions, can deftly direct an organization. The Internet only enhances this command-and-control network.

Obviously this rape case was meant to send a message. The Finns are starting to push back against immivasion with nationalist parties on the rise. One segment of the population will be demoralized as they slink towards dhimmitude while hopefully another, much larger, portion will be outraged and fight to regain Finland’s sovereignty from the Commisars in Brussels.

6 years ago

Appellate Courts and Supreme Courts in the US are courts of law. Evidence was inadmissible for example because Law. Or, in the alternative, evidence was admissible because Law. They overrule errors of law at trial courts.

If it’s the same in Finland, and the circumstances of the case can be repeated at the trial courts over and over again, kids can get raped over and over again and prosecutors have no lawful authority to do anything for the families.

There is no law.

Do what thou wilt.

Evil rules.

Can’t prosecute us by law. And by law, you can’t murder us if we rape your daughters.

Rather Not
Rather Not
6 years ago

AC, are there any resources (books, websites, documentary movies etc) you’d recommend for those wanting to better understand? There are so many versions of it, I am curious which ones your experience suggest are more correct.

6 years ago

If Trumps forces fail then nobody from the old system power structure can be let into the new system. You’ve got to wipe it clean. That’s how bad it is.

6 years ago

There are ways to inflict revenge on the politicians and their “brown bodies”.

It requires the ability to think strategically but it’s very achievable.

6 years ago

In Finland abortion funded by the government and is free of charge.

Kristian Nevantausta
Kristian Nevantausta
6 years ago

Anneli Auer would be the outrageous murderer who got away due to technicalities and massive mistakes during the investigation. Auer killed her husband and retained access to her children too.