News Briefs – 05/06/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Small amount of weapons grade Plutonium goes missing at university. Normally I’d disregard, but these are interesting times.

2017 mass shootings were deadliest in modern US history. The year Cabal was battling for its life. Coincidence? It will be interesting to see 2019’s numbers.

70% of men between 20-34 unmarried. This would drop if the world was more harsh, and people were looking to create a safe space in the world. It would also drop if women were looking to settle down early for safety. r vs K.

FBI Muslim outreach meeting hijacked by Democrat congresswoman to foment anti-Trump sentiment.

Your microbiome can affect your mental health. Everybody is different, so the only way to find what is best for you is to test different options. High protein, high fat, vegetarian, Atkins, high glycemic, low glycemic, high fiber, low fiber, diverse nutrients, minimal nutrients – it all affects what is growing, and it all will produce a different result for different people.

Trump Tweet – “Democrats and liberals in Congress want to disarm law-abiding Americans at the same time they are releasing dangerous criminal aliens and savage gang members onto our streets. Politicians who put criminal aliens before American Citizens should be voted out of office!” All Hail the God Emperor of the United States.

Irish leftists look to ban religious organizations from sex education. When your amygdala applies more aversive stimulus to you in response to K-selection, than it does to falsity, banning your enemies from the debate is more important than truth.

Rome fast tracks two-father birth certificates.

Young Americans are less likely to support gun control. We are going K.

Trump at NRA Convention, on phony polls as voter suppression – “”You weren’t sure that Trump was going to win, but you all went out there. You all went out there and you voted. I remember they came out with a lot of phony polls. You know what that’s called? Suppression. They convince you that you’re wasting your time. Why should you vote? Go to a movie instead. Come home, watch the results. Very few of the people in this room and in this country did that, and we really had a big night.”

Admiral Rodgers retires, after stepping forward to save America. How’d that Snowden Op work out Cabal?

Trump sends home 57,000 temporarily protected Hondurans, now that their nation’s crisis has passed.

British feminist complains transgender activists trying to take place of women on ballots are not female, and is questioned over her hate crime.

NXIVM in-house doctor conducted “Fright Studies” where he forced women members to watch violent videos of rapes and dismemberments, and video’d their reactions. There are gore videos of dismemberments everywhere, but I am unaware of “rape videos.” You wonder exactly where he got them, and who was in them. Notice also, pre-God-Emperor, her complaint was dismissed out of hand. Post God Emperor, it was reopened without prompting and acted on. Try to avoid medical care until the God Emperor has dealt with it if possible.

IG’s testimony before oversight committee is postponed because of new leads in the Clinton Investigation. Imagine Hillary’s amygdala.

Judge in Manafort case openly accuses Mueller of blatantly trying to impeach Trump, instead of prosecuting Manafort.

More than 6 in 10 Hispanics support Trump on immigration. Just Hispanics! Imagine what it is among Blacks. Trumpslide 2020, incoming.

Tell friends about r/K Theory, because it isn’t news that every real American loves the God Emperor

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6 years ago

If you imagine the Boomers entered into a Satanic contract by exchanging their aborted children for material prosperity, it all makes sense. /sarc
Brains actually need most of the same things, the best people take care of what they don’t do (impulse control), behavior affects structure. The only reason men aren’t fighting for the west is they’re drugging themselves with soma / steroids. The act of a coward pretending he believes in peace.

6 years ago

Wow, 70% of men 20-34 are unmarried? I didn’t think it was that high, our society must be sicker than we thought. Let’s be honest, women who aren’t looking to marry or settle down may be irredeemable (from a motherhood standpoint). My advice if you’re a guy around age 30- completely avoid women your age, marry a foreign woman or a woman about 10 years younger. Women older than 30 shouldn’t even be dating, much less given attention. They’re just not that important. It seems harsh but it isn’t, it’s fair, these women would make awful mothers and would just continue the cycle of narcissism and leftism that is destroying the West and bringing great suffering for everyone. A quarantine for the virus of feminism has to be drawn somewhere. That line runs through the pussyhatters.

Reply to  Pitcrew
6 years ago

They never report the men willing to propose….

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…2017 mass shootings were deadliest in modern US history. The year Cabal was battling for its life. Coincidence? It will be interesting to see 2019’s numbers…”

I don’t think they can false flag their way to gun control I think every time they do one of these people notice all the oddity and falseness of what’s going on and it just hardens them. Maybe they’ll get a few laws passed in Blue areas but most places will ignore them.My Mom even has questions about this. No one believes them. The media attacks instead of strengthening their position have done the opposite and weakened the media.

6 years ago

The link about the microbiome is interesting because some time ago I read about an ongoing project to test peoples’ guts for the range of bacteria to show that the selection can show where you live or have lived in the past. Certain strains of bacteria occur in differing quantities according to diet. It also means that a Westerner moving to a non western country (and vice versa) with find over time that their gut flora will change to match the local profile.

Which would explain how the influx of things like McDonalds and KFC into China has resulted in an increase in obesity. They’ve imported the western ‘diet’ that is undermining our culture there too. This global war is on a multitude of levels, not just the obvious ones.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

The white diet helped us survive the Ice Age, other races having high fat and especially dairy are screwed.