News Briefs – 04/30/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

NHS Doctor says Alfie Evan’s death was about reallocating resources. A lie because the parents had already gotten him paid care in Rome. But the narrative is the state can make you give up anything for the good of others.

Now they are developing a smart wall that can track you through your house, and keep up with what you are doing. Soon the walls really will have eyes and ears.

The Solar Minimum has started. Weakest Solar Cycle in 200 years.

Major US cities experience coldest April in recorded history.

Chance the Rapper apologizes for saying Black people don’t have to be Democrats. Narrative : You have to be careful what you say.

Transgender anti-lesbian Antifa create art exhibit of weapons designed to kill feminists. I’d look for a narrative, but this is San Francisco, so they are probably just mentally ill.

Author Brad Thor will challenge Trump in 2020. Published by Simon and Schuster, and the NY Times puts his books at the top of their Bestseller list. That is not coincidence, that is Cabal.

John Kasich thinks he can rescue the Republican Party from Trumpism. Narrative – Trumpism is not the ideology of the Republican party. This narrative will be rejected as too ridiculous.

Kim Jong Un wants to normalize Japan ties. There is no way he pulled this kind of a 180 without something more going on behind the scenes. He is like a hostage that was freed.

Joy Reid admits no evidence of hacking, claims she can’t remember writing those homophobic things on her blog.

FBI delays release of DNC Server communications with Crowdstrike.

Russia and Israel could clash over control of Syrian airspace. Feels like a puzzle piece, but I can’t see how it fits.

McCain may be on the way out.

Britain Social Services takes baby from Britain’s oldest new parents.

Tell friends about r/K Theory, because there is a narrative beneath it

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6 years ago

No name out.

#qanon Apr 30 2018 10:41:16

6 years ago

Any merit to the theory that Kim did the big turnaround because he no longer has a nuclear program, courtesy of NAVSPECWAR and the USAF Space Command?

Reply to  SteveRogers42
6 years ago

@steverogers42 A combination of the “”earthquake”” destroying key facilities, putting pressure on Chyna, and curtailing the Deep State such that it can no longer support Rocket Man’s regime.

If the NK stuff works out, I think it shows the Swamp has already been significantly drained behind the scenes. Also notable is how the NK/RoK stuff initially happened outside official State Department channels — and nothing leaked early. Rex was canned as the operation transferred to official channels and Pompeo as new Secretary of State.

So I’m cautiously optimistic, given the prospect of closing the NK deal and the pending IG report. Also the left continues to fail at memes and can’t grasp that the Soros playbook (Parkland crisis actors, caravan of invaders) is staler than Boomerposting and will only embolden the right. Agree and amplify, folks.

6 years ago

Maybe they will have a cut off age for having kids someday. If you wait too long and rely on IVF, you might end up SOL.

The “punch a TERF” movement is a hilarious example of extreme cuttlefish man-baby rabbitry. I see examples of it all the time on Tumblr, which is an endless fount of fuckery that you’d have to see to believe. Literal men think they can punch out smaller women for the crime of not being conscientious of their feeeeewings when, say, lesbians won’t sleep with transfemales because they are really dudes -or- when feminists don’t want biological males in their restrooms. Then there’s this:

It isn’t even an outlier, just every day stuff that gets posted constantly on Tumblr.

6 years ago

There has been a lot of fake news about Alfie Evans and the overwrought emotional knee jerk hysteria has made it worse.

He was born with encephalitis which is the brain degenerative disease that essentially eats away at the brain until there is nothing left except mush and cerebral fluid. That is not life. He was kept on artificial life support which kept his body going but was basically brain dead. They knew that back in February but the parents refused to accept the diagnosis.

The Court can only decide a matter based on facts not feelings but the media can now claim the Govt., and Doctors killed him. I feel very sorry for his parents and the fact he wasn’t initially diagonosed for 6 months so they got their hopes up was cruel, but it still was an inevitable outcome that was sadly unavoidable.

I understand the parents were desperate to save their child at any cost but what exactly would taking him out of the U.K. have achieved? It is an irreversible condition with no known cure, because it doesn’t exist. Other Doctors claiming they could were grandstanding. The main neuro consultant at Alder Hey had already consulted with another hospital in the U.K., and 3 others around the world. All had concurred with his judgement.

As for all the killing by starvation nonsense that is exactly what happens just before anyone dies and maybe it’s about time people faced up to the facts. The ‘death rattle’ often heard is where the swallowing reflex stops. Saliva builds up so the head needs to be tipped back to allow any fluid to go down the back of the throat. Why they use moist sponges around the mouth.

You can’t feed anyone once that happens except intravenously. Why would you want to feed a body that is essentially dead or close to dying? Yes he did ‘survive’ for several days after life support was switched off but that is also ‘normal’ in these situations. A lot of his physical movements were spasms, not signs of life. A sad end to a very short life for a little boy who is now a poster child to beat up the professionals just for doing their job.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

For a calmer, more factual overview of Alfie’s situation this article by a retired brain surgeon may be of interest:

Clearly it is a sign of the times when people claiming to care for this little boy threaten to prosecute Doctors for murder and use it to justify having and using AR15s.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

If you let him live or if he dies of natural causes, you’ll be depriving people like Rossa and many others of the joy they feel as part of a collective killing where they don’t have to get their hands dirty and enjoying that state killing of an innocent as a triumph over whitey and the rest of the little people.