The Huffington Post will move Donald Trump coverage to entertainment, and out of politics.
The Huffington Post writes, “After watching and listening to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy for president, we have decided we won’t report on Trump’s campaign as part of The Huffington Post’s political coverage. Instead, we will cover his campaign as part of our Entertainment section. Our reason is simple: Trump’s campaign is a sideshow. We won’t take the bait.”
Trump quickly fired back in a statement calling The Huffington Post a “clown show”.
Mr. Trump has never been a fan of Arianna Huffington or the money-losing Huffington Post. The only clown show in this scenario is the Huffington Post pretending to be a legitimate news source. Mr. Trump is not focused on being covered by a glorified blog. He is focused on Making America Great Again.
Liberals fear Trump, because up until now, they have successfully cowed Republicans into a Jeb-Bushesque liberal stupor.
Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush says he’s “fine” with transgender people openly serving in the military – as long as it doesn’t compromise morale, Yahoo News reports….
“[I]f you can accommodate people who are transgendered and deal with making sure the military’s comfortable with this and making sure that the overriding principle ought to be how do we create the highest morale for the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen … and if you can accommodate those two concerns, then fine,” he tells Yahoo News.
The former Florida governor praised Obama’s initial negotiating efforts with Iran on Tuesday, telling an audience in Denver that “we need to give him credit” for “bringing other people along and making it tougher.”
On immigration, at least one poll indicates that Hispanic-Americans agree with Donald.
One America News Network, “OAN”, a credible source for 24/7 national and international news, released today its most recent 2016 Republican and Democratic Presidential Polling Results for Nevada conducted by Gravis Marketing. The results show that GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has a commanding lead of 27.7%, with recently announced Presidential Candidate Scott Walker in second with 15%. In third is Ben Carson with 7.8% with Jeb Bush a point behind at 6.8%. Marco Rubio rounds out the top five with 5.4%. Undecided voters remain high at just over 20%.
It is Hispanic-Anti-Americans, otherwise known as Hispanic-Liberals who do not like Trump. The question is should a Republican President represent the interests of patriotic conservatives, or liberals. Trump will bring an answer to that question.
Something strange has happened to the Republican presidential field since Donald Trump joined it a month ago: Mr. Trump and Jeb Bush are rising. Everyone else is falling in the polls, or seems stuck in place.
Mr. Bush’s support has jumped by about four percentage points in the Real Clear Politics average of polls, rising to 15.5%. Mr. Trump’s support has bumped up more than 10 points since mid-June, to 15% as of Friday…
He seems to be taking support from the most conservative and anti-Washington rivals in the field, particularly Mike Huckabee, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.
Trump appears to draw support from conservative candidates like Cruz more than Bush, at least for now. As the money flows, and Trump acquires the smell of an inevitable winner and Jeb just acquires a smell, I’d think a lot of those low-info voters will move over to him.
My assumption is Trump will try to sound magnanimous, and open to liberalism at some point. If he does, he will lose, because his primary support is drawn from a crowd that is exceptionally sensitive to that – it is the whole reason they support him.
This creates a situation where Trump’s real opponents – the conservative candidates have only one option to beat him – become more unctuous towards liberalism and more politically incorrect. Speak more uncomfortable truths, and when the media gasps, insult them for being so stupid.
If his conservative opponents attack him, they will never get his support, because his support sees him as the only guy speaking for them right now – speaking the politically incorrect truth, and insulting those who oppose it. Insult Donald, and you not just insult his supporters – you insult the way he is delivering barbs to our enemies, and the very cause behind the actions of his supporters.
This is Donald’s main strength, and why I support him alongside Cruz. He is changing the political debate in our nation. Either candidates will fight, or they will die. What will be left will be conservative fighters.
[…] Huffington Post will No Longer Cover Donald Trump […]