Q pointed out how she let it slip:
Listen to the guy offstage whistle to get her attention, and look at her face when she realizes what she just let out. All these characters have been traveling to North Korea on vacations, while acting in public like it is hell on earth and nobody anywhere can ever travel to the “Hermit Kingdom.” So basically if you are a regular American and visit, they will send you back a vegetable on death’s door, but if you are Deep State, North Korea is like a Scandinavian mountaintop day spa.
Dementia is good for some things, especially patriotism when it is the traitors who have it. But it does mean she is now a huge liability, because that condition will only get worse, and God only knows what she will blurt out then. It is almost comical. The fate of the biggest global conspiracy in history rests on the extent of this bimbo’s dementia.
So watch for her to get her ticket punched in the coming weeks or months, depending on the God Emperor’s timetable for the takedown. I’d almost start a pool on here for cause of death. I’ll take stroke for $500, but a fall/blunt force trauma, and heart attack are all also looking good. I tend to think that cognitive dysfunction is largely amygdala overload from the coming storm, but I almost wonder if the neurological issues could be somebody putting things in her food to tie up a loose end, and it just wasn’t fast enough or powerful enough.
This also makes me wonder if Otto Warmbier was actually a white hat intel operator who tried to go into the belly of the beast for a firsthand look, and saw something he wasn’t supposed to. So the Cabal, maybe even sworn CIA running Cabal ops there, faked the video of him stealing a poster, did an interrogation, and then gave him a subdural hematoma big enough that he could never reveal what happened or what he saw. It would make sense of why Trump was so quick to bring him home once he took control. That kid could have been one of the ballsiest American heroes of modern time.
He didn’t look the part, but those guys never look like Dick Marcinko. Even Dick Marcinko didn’t like looking like Dick Marcinko, which was why he went with the werewolf grooming standards.
It is looking like nobody has had any idea what is real in the world for the last 70 years, at least. The biggest shock of this whole thing is how somebody somehow created a worldwide delusion to enslave the world’s entire population. You couldn’t write a movie like that – nobody would ever believe it, any more than you could convince them of the truth today.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Tell about r/K Theory, because it may be all we know that is real
And they threw her back.
She was so old and wrinkly, they threw her back.
I think this is a bit of a stretch to say that someone was whistling off stage. That whistle sounds like a cell phone notification – typical on many devices to indicate a new text or email or whatever. It must have been close by to be picked up so loudly, and maybe it was even hers. I’ll bet it was one of the reporters in the front row.
Pelosi is a nut cake for sure, and has the facial bifurcation with one side of her face at times almost looking like she has had a stroke. But I don’t think anyone whistles to her. Who knows if she went to NK or not and what she saw or did there. I would need more specific and pronounced evidence to prove the claim here.
I think they will hit Pelosi violently. They have to send a message to the other dementia patients (like McCain) that retirement is preferable to staying in too long and overstaying your welcome.
I think it’s time to retire JFK’s and RFK’s booty girl. She’s had a good run, but it’s over.
Wait until you read this recent unintended revelation. (HT to Hardscrabble Farmer at TBP). I still have serious doubts about Q being something other than a very well done Psyop, but the assertions about the extent and nature of the Cabal and its endless capacity for pure evil are certainly true.
They did make movie about it. It is called “They Live”.
I’m surprised you didn’t mention the major asymmetry when she drew up the left half of her mouth at 0:56. Dementia or metal poisoning?
Yeah, I saw that. She seems to do that when high stress hits. You do have to wonder if she is being given something.