Mothers Who Regret Having Children

Again, you never saw these stories immediately following WWII, when everyone had been K-ified:

Most parents will acknowledge that children are hard work, but are likely to say the rewards outweigh the challenges. To feel differently is almost unspeakable, but there are women who regret having children. Three women tell the Victoria Derbyshire programme what it is like to secretly wish they had not become mothers.

You can kind of feel each one saw the portrayal of motherhood as a loving relationship, but when their chance came, they just didn’t have the circuitry.

All of this is amygdala. That is the part of the brain that connects you, and your consciousness, to the world around you. Without it, you would never even look at the world, nothing would be prioritized, and it would be, from a consciousness perspective, as if you were living in a parallel dimension.

What is probably most intriguing is that they must have no fear of loss of the offspring. More and more, I think the joy of real love (not infatuation) may in part be the amygdala-relaxation you feel in moments where you have been able to make your loved ones safe and happy, and you can briefly let go of your responsibilities to them and enjoy them for who they are. Picture that the next time you hug a loved one in a moment of safety and happiness.

I suspect these mothers had little amygdala-triggering at the idea of loss, that diminished their sense of responsibility, and as a result they never had any joy in the good times because they never experienced the total amygdala-shutoff of bliss.

It is very much like rabbits vs wolves. The pet rabbit will never feel bad if you die right in front of him. But leave a dog alone for a few hours, and he will be an uncontrollable ball of joy on your return. That is an amygdala which cares about the opposite.

Personally I’ve always been a dog guy.

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6 years ago

The amount of women who regret having children is likely RARE, yet the leftist media wants to push these stories in a ‘white people are cancer’ movement to try and talk white women out of reproducing. You likely don’t see these stories pushed in non-white countries. The whole feminist movement is geared toward convincing white women that not having children is the most fulfilling option. Now they are so bad that I’ve seen posts on Tumblr telling white women they are racist for openly saying that screaming children in public are annoying because minority children are expected to outnumber white children, so it’s like saying that minorities are annoying.

I’ve been pushing back by encouraging white people to have more children irl by saying things like, “You are smart so we need more smart people having kids.” I’ll point out the posts on Tumblr as being anti-white and push the whole ‘it’s okay to be white’ pov.

“Personally I’ve always been a dog guy.”

When things go K, you won’t see dog guys and cat guys. In our time of arch-rabbitry, we see idiots complaining about mothers who breast-feed in public, yet they will let their butt-licking poop-eater dogs lick off their plates or lick their faces. It’s estimated most people without knowing it are carrying around intestinal parasites received from their cats-rats-dogs-ferrets, whatever. When things go K, I’ll bet dogs will be back to kennels and cats will be back to barns. Having them around sleeping or eating areas will be back to being disgusting.

Reply to  Kharmii
6 years ago

They want white men not to marry and breed, by saying women secretly loathe them.

Anonymous dog person
6 years ago

I’d love to see a deeper dive into the dog people vs cat people dichotomy. Just like physiognomy, it just keeps getting proved correct over and over again.

Reply to  Anonymous dog person
6 years ago

both want baby replacements but dog people want to parade them around, sometimes one isn’t enough and their ego needs a whole audience of chirping approving dimwit slaves

6 years ago

How many of these mothers would you say are single Mums?

6 years ago

I think they do fear the loss of a child but only so far as they may be held accountable.

I used to own a K-selected rabbit. Is that weird?

6 years ago

Everyone wants to know what a K-woman is. It’s not some mixed martial arts ham-beast, jet setting “anarcho-conservative” or a straight up bitch. It’s not some old hag who regrets having kids, or not having them. The number one sign of a K-woman is how good she is with kids, especially a college aged woman who is good with kids- that’s pure K.

Reply to  Pitcrew
6 years ago

~There are women who do that to trap men, you know. Narcissistic mothers seem to adore kids and crave them – of course to emotionally vampire them, twist them. If a woman wants a man who can’t support her Princess lifestyle at some point, subsistence living, and would stay even if the world (wrongly) thought he was evil by reputation – that’s a keeper.

6 years ago

Weakened pair bond, same as deadbeat, abusive or murderous fathers.