Why Modern Women Cheat

From a female rabbit, courtesy of a reader:

One of the more interesting facts in Esther Perel’s new book, State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity, comes near the beginning.

Since 1990, notes the psychoanalyst and writer, the rate of married women who report they’ve been unfaithful has increased by 40 percent, while the rate among men has remained the same…

So what exactly is happening inside marriages to shift the numbers? What has changed about monogamy or family life in the past 27 years to account for the closing gap? And why have so many women begun to feel entitled to the kind of behavior long accepted (albeit disapprovingly) as a male prerogative?…

… they loved their husbands, but felt in some fundamental way that their needs (sexual, emotional, psychological) were not being met inside the marriage…

In an earlier generation, this might have taken the form of separation or divorce, but now, it seemed, more and more women were unwilling to abandon the marriages and families they’d built over years or decades…

In The Secret Life of the Cheating Wife: Power, Pragmatism, and Pleasure in Women’s Infidelity, another book on infidelity to be published this November, the sociologist Alicia Walker elaborates on the concept of female infidelity as a subversion of traditional gender roles…

Surely, one might think, a woman who would do such a thing must be acting out of a desire to escape a miserable marriage. And yet it turns out, this isn’t always the case: Many of the women Walker interviewed were in marriages that were functional…

We now tell women that they can have it all, that they can work and have a family and deserve to be sexually satisfied…

I tested this idea out on a few of the friends who had confided in me about their affairs, and most of them agreed. Twenty or thirty years ago they might have opted for divorce.

So divorce rates today are up from twenty or thirty years ago, and the number of those who stay married and end up admitting to an affair are up 40%, while still others probably have affairs and don’t admit to them.

You can see the change in attitudes which is producing this, and how it arises in amygdalae that can not accept adversity. There is an emphasis on the idea that every woman’s life should be the ideal of security of marriage, and sexual ecstasy, forever. There is a perfectionism which has been cultured by a life that has, until marriage, been devoid of any challenging circumstances or miseries which need to be endured, leading to a perception that perfection in everything is not only easily attainable, but a prerequisite. These are amygdalae that are conditioned to not expect any adversity, and to refuse to tolerate any adversity which presents itself. It is quite interesting how that adaptation to an environment of perfect ease translates into a mating strategy designed to exploit the glut which produced it.

Interesting also is the fact that researchers even refer to this as a reversal of gender roles, one that results in promiscuous females seeking out a small pool of alpha Chads who think nothing of cuckolding a myriad of beta providers. You can see how it would favor long form DRD4 alleles in offspring, from both the mothers and the fathers.

Interestingly, there was a link to this article on the same page:

Female breadwinners, especially those who didn’t set out to make most of their family’s income, have been found to feel less satisfied about their lives, based on a survey by Working Mother Media…

This new study, showcased in the June issue of the American Sociological Review, found that men who are 100% economically dependent on their spouses were most at risk for cheating, three times more at risk than women married to male breadwinners…

Already, in four out of 10 households with children, women are the sole or primary breadwinners, based on a 2013 report by the Pew Research Center.

I would believe the men in such arrangements are probably having affairs more, but I strongly suspect the women will too, if the opportunity presents itself. There is no way you have high Testosterone alpha females supporting everyone, and they aren’t open to affairs more.

Regardless, another example of the reversal in gender roles produced by r/K, and the relationship of that reversal to promiscuity and infidelity. All of this is a reproductive strategy imbued through evolution, and molding the psychologies of people along all of the r/K lines of behavior, based on resource availability.

And only Apocalypse can truly set things right.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because the natural order is right, even when you don’t know why

This entry was posted in Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance, Sexual Dimorphism. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

From my perspective it looks as if all of the 10 commandments limit long form DRD4’s in some way. Anyways, women cheat because they can, and they are propagandized from an early age to expect everything they could ever want. And for all the white knight beta’s out there, you can drone on and on all you want but feminism takes men following the rules, especially inner Hajnal type men, and effectively castrates them. It makes no sense to wife the slut if she will only have one kid- and there’s a good chance that kid will be a weirdo and a dead end (if male).

Effectively, feminism is a virus. It effects the female host, and is also spread by males who think women should be treated equally. The virus is usually fatal for the woman, from a biological point of view. By the time she goes through the hardship necessary to learn better she is out of the sexual market place due to age and it’s on to cats. You could create a mono-racial/ethnic utopia- but let feminism in and before long you have misery, collapsed birthrates and foolishly empowered women with lusting eyes for anything “other”.

It is not a “good” characteristic that Western Civ treats women “well”. I’m looking at Ann Coulter AND others who have been listening to her too much. What does “well” even mean? Compared to what? A more traditional society were women are expected to become mothers? A society were marriage at a fertile age is the norm? It is a classic example of “false choice” Ann is using. Women are free to be sluts OR they are cattle. The West was demographically strongest in the high middle ages, when women were married off in arranged marriages. If a man beat his wife he was subject to retaliation from her family.

Once you take the full red pill you will realize women have no logical clue WHAT it is they want and are biologically programed to verbally ask for the OPPOSITE of what their hind-brains desire. A rational society, run by Men, understands this and commands, the way Adam failed to do in the Garden of Eden, which allegorically was supposed to be God’s lesson. We keep forgetting this lesson at our peril and always before a Fall.

Reply to  Pitcrew
6 years ago

Even arranged marriages required consent otherwise it was called off:

Enabling marriages who are for love that are also arranged.

6 years ago
6 years ago

Add to this that even K-women will want to “trade up” in the sexual market. It is a woman’s natural tendency to want better genes for their offspring than their current partner is offering.

Feminism by “teaching” a woman “you deserve better” appeals to this instinct. It will feel “right” for them to want to trade up.

Add the societal acceptance and support of single mothers does the rest: all restraints are dropped.

Reply to  rien
6 years ago

Think about the “Trading Up” phenomena for a moment. A Woman’s SMV only falls over time. So to trade up she married/sexed a lower SMV male. The question is Why? Why did the trading up woman make such a mistake? It points to r-selection. An r-selected female doesn’t care that she hooks up with a lower SMV or lower class male. The r-selected females do not consider the future consequences of their actions or their fathers were “absent/didn’t care” in their early budding relationships to low-SMV males (those are more r-type fathers).

Trading up is r-selected migratory behavior from an r-strategist who got played. Women are propagandized to be delusional in our society, and they think they are a non-depreciating asset. “That ship has sailed sweetie” is not something they think they should ever hear, when Fathers who say “my daughter, her rules” is also r-selection. We have created a society that in order to “treat women well” in the words of Ann Coulter, means shielding them from any consequences of their actions. Reality dictates there is a price for that behavior, and Western Civilization is paying that price at this very moment.

Reality is more like Clark Gable in Gone with the Wind.
“Where will I go? What will I do?”

“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Of course that trait will be more common in societies/tribes with a lower average disgust reflex. High disgust reflex societies have less of a problem with “bet spreading”.

And to anyone paying attention to the state of the world, if any Western woman thinks all of her children are surviving to adulthood and successfully breeding- that woman is an idiot.

6 years ago

In Charles Murray’s book on white people (from 1965-2010), he found that the top 20% of incomes of white people staying married at an amazing rate of 89%. The bottom 30% of white incomes had a much higher rate of divorce.

His conclusion? The upper classes were acting properly by staying married, but were not communicating that message (“live by our example”) to the lower classes. I generally agree with this conceit, I guess if religion’s influence is waning (“Though shall not get divorced, it’s a mortal sin”), then the upper classes can effectively make divorce gauche or declasse – only rubes get divorced. In my college group of 9 close friends, one is unmarried, one got a divorce, the rest are married with multiple kids. Limited sample size, sure; but nonetheless, a good proxy for the top 20% of whites.

The result of this, coupled with the desire of women to generally put one’s best foot forward on social media (in order to show the world that, yes, you can have it all!), has, I think, kept couples together. (Plus, divorces is expensive for guys and you don’t get to see your kids.) So, yeah, it’s probably “cheaper to keep her”, too.)

So men still cheat, women are just cheating more to find that fulfillment that they lack because the shell is empty. Logical.

“Once you take the full red pill you will realize women have no logical clue WHAT it is they want and are biologically programed to verbally ask for the OPPOSITE of what their hind-brains desire.”

I generally agree with this, but I also have a personal adage: “Men will trade attention for sex, women will trade sex for attention.” Combining that with the attention hogging nature of raising kids while working these days (esp in a two job family), and you have a recipe for women not being fulfilled.

6 years ago

lol compared to Humans female Rabbits live monogamous.

Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

Women need to have their emptiness filled. Both figuratively and literally. Unfortunately, they interpret their own confusion about their role as emptiness. Women were so much happier when they weren’t told to reach for the sky and how they don’t need men because they do things so much better than men. Truth is, without men to ride herd on women, they will ruin everything.

Reply to  Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

Pimp culture saying: “A bitch without instruction is headed for self-destruction.”


6 years ago

Because they can.