Samantha Power, who was U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under former President Barack Obama, warned President Trump on Saturday that it was “not a good idea to piss off John Brennan” after the former CIA director told him in a tweet that America would “triumph over you.”
I worry, but not too much. Remember, none of these machine operatives really know who is in charge, what is going on, or what the Cabal’s capabilities are. If they want to send a message they talk on the phone so surveillance will pick it up, and then they watch the media for news articles which will have the response hidden in the story.
It is a good way to organize the conspiracy. The way it is organized, nobody can amass evidence of anything, and nobody actually has the power to reveal anything more than the fact they had good luck in a meteoric career rise as they sought to do what the machine wanted, and what others who were almost certainly machine entities told them to do.
I do still worry though, because if things are as they seemed, killing Trump would be a goal. Hopefully Q’s assertions that they set everything up carefully and are in full control is correct.
I’d still try and pitch in, to watch the crowd for anything suspicious and look out for Trump if I attended an event where he was appearing though.
It won’t be over until it is over.
Tell others about r/K Theory, because nobody really knows what is going on everywhere else
Check out the group with Samantha Powers in it:
Sundance linked it implying this group was set up toncoordinto the Deep State’s anti-Storm defence.
Just scroll through the member portraits. Have you even seen such a collection of (I) tight upper lip + nasal labia fold, (ii) facial asymmetry (iii) fruity gay face (iv) flat affect (v) Jew face with white named (vi) masculine women with crazy eyes
It’s a real freak show
Yeah, all of those faces were just one weird psychology after another. It is funny how you feel who would be the kind of ally you’d want in a foxhole, and who isn’t.
Trump is the spear head, not the spear.
It does not make sense to remove Trump. It would enrage at least half the US population, and a new “Trump” would rise and take control of that army.
It looks like their short game is to try to distract and demoralize him with marital turmoil via Stormy D. and the other Playboy tart. Coincidental that Don Jr’s, wife pulled the plug at this time, too…
Funny that was just after that arm of the Trump family received powdery mail eh!
I agree that the ultimate goal is to kill Trump. A lot of people must be praying for his safety, and will certainly continue to do so. But I do still worry.
AC, have you seen this? A file on everyone?
Yeah. A very troubling machine was being built under Obama. The problem with it is if a future leftist gets the wrong people in charge of it, the entire right will have real problems.
For now, I get the impression it is a mishmash of regular LE who know the score and don’t want to destroy the right, some leftover leftist activists, and a gradually diminishing cadre of Obamaites who were running things and turning it on us, and creating a divided society of those with relationships and those without. And I have a nagging feeling it may have been being used by Obama/Holder/Jarrett for darker shit like fueling the Black Lives Matters movement, trying to get cops killed and make all Police paranoid, with some more likely to shoot when under threat, and others less likely to so they would get shot, all to increase overall shootings and violent incidents between cops and blacks to increase turnout and create a hostile criminal army among BLM activists.
I’m hoping Trump will get the Obamaites out fully, and figure out a way to keep it from splitting society up. Any regular LE in it probably see that if it is used for anything other than stopping the worst stuff from deep within the shadows, it will eventually turn into a giant shitshow that will savage LE for the considerable future, so my guess is Trump will get help from the inside, and this type of thing will get shifted to a more covert operation, less involved with society.
People really don’t understand fully the total horror we dodged when Trump won. I really think in eight years, had Hillary won, we would not have recognized America, and anybody who talked about it would have had a very miserable life, if they had their life at all.
It’s a form of stochastic communication. It’s like Powertalk in the Gervais Principle. Powers isn’t warning Trump. She’s telling Brennan that if he tries something, the Deep State (or at least her corner of it) will back him.
The interesting part is that there was no reward attached to the offer other than satisfaction. That’s really weaksauce, and there is no way Brennan jumps based on just that.
facial analyze a photo of samantha power using .
spoiler alert. it’s a man baby
“Let’s you and him fight” squealed the androgynite.
AC, what do you think about the helicopter malfunction involving Ivanka and Kushner?
Tough to say. My paranoia calculator is all fucked up, and I now just assume the worst. But it could have been innocent. No way to tell.
I have no doubt you’ll catch up with the latest Q posts. One from yesterday says the FBI has opened a file on ‘Q’ because of the ‘Boom’ comments and are trying to connect Q to the TX bomber. All I can say is good luck to the FBI with that one. And a coded one on M Zuckerberg
If there is such inefficiency in the comms, that can easily be exploited.
I wonder how they found the system in the first place. An elitist college roommate, a malevolent thought and a seeking of new career aspiration, or just the luck of finding a like-minded conspirator who shared the ultimate secret of planet Earth?
This apostasy has been around certainly since the 1910s in America, but it may be as old as the 16th century in England and the Holy Roman Empire, by way of Venice. And perhaps even older than that.
Stochastic communication (communication by acting independently while observed by others who can interpret the action correctly) is an inherent part of 4GW. It bubbles up organically.
One of the examples given in 4GW is someone goes out and breaks a window in the opposing party’s office. It gets reported (through media, alt-media, word of mouth, etc.) and then the next day, 100 windows get broken. No one made a plan to break 101 windows. No one communicated orders. It’s just that when like-minded people saw the action, they understood that they should duplicate.
It works the same way with the Deep State. I am sure that it started out with multiple plots, maybe hundreds, all working toward their one part of the state. Over time, more factions became aligned with others, and eventually, momentum (sort of like what happened with Google) pushes everyone to a single purpose — or probably more likely, a single direction in which your particular faction is not allowed to deviate too far from (with everyone going slightly different directions, but all generally the same.)