This post is a test of a theory, so don’t click any links. I recently did a post on the Buttplug Flag flown at gay pride parades, and used the term dildo in the post. Oddly enough search traffic went up 67% that day, and not on the gay terms. Rather, it appeared the site somehow gained Google cache, making other terms, mostly narcissist related, get thrown here more often.
One funny thing about this blog is the lack of search traffic on key words related to its topics. Liberal, conservative, politics, Republican, Democrat, ideology, evolutionary psychology, psychology – although it initially got a lot of search traffic off these terms, all of a sudden a couple of years back, traffic on those terms stopped almost completely overnight. Even Narcissist traffic is quite sparse today, about 1/4 what it used to be. I literally see “Kim Couture feet,” or “School rape video” more often as a search term than I see the terms liberal, conservative, republican, democrat, ideology, evolutionary psychology, and psychology combined.
Given that traffic on these terms dropped dramatically, even as their usage here increased and both traffic and google pagerank went up, I’ve assumed Google has some algorithm to figure out if you are Conservative based on word proximity, and reduce your traffic on all terms if so. It never dawned on me that the algorithm might be looking for keywords indicating a site wasn’t conservative, to turn off the blacklisting and send traffic, even sending traffic on keywords unrelated to the liberal keywords that turned off the block. Now I wonder. It might even be that a gay on Google’s staff programmed things so gay sites would get easy traffic, and Google would recognize the gay sites by their use of uniquely gay terms.
Might a post containing the words buttplug, dildo, and gay pride flip off the conservative ban on search traffic, since any respectable conservative blog would never use them? What if I did an internet search for unique terms and phrases that a nasty conservative site would never use? Suppose a post said Obama is brilliant, and had the words the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage in close proximity to great and wonderful. What if evil Republicans were being mean and unfair, and healthcare is a right, just as birth control is a right. Equality is good. Inequality is a problem, and Hillary is wonderful. Gamergate is just bad lies, and Sad Puppies is evil and phony.
Transgender Kinky Boots is a fun thing to do, and #blacklivesmatter. Anal Beads sound interesting, though I prefer neck beads. Ben Wa Balls – definitely not going to click on that. Aneros – its a hands-free prostate stimulator, and surprisingly I am not even vaguely curious how it works without hands. Nipple clamps sound crazy, but then there is teledildonics – the science of sex toys connected over an internet connection (again, a sign resources are just too abundant). BDSM is perfectly legitimate and good for fun. Or you could visit GLAAD (I wouldn’t click the link, if I were you -it is solely here as a test) to check out all the LGBT MTF Ze Hir awesomeness. Then there are the terms. Unbeknown to me, LGBT is now LGBTQI – Apparently the Q is for Queer (isn’t that redundant?), and the I is for Intersex, whatever that is. Androgyne is a person who appears to have no gender. Genderstraight privilege is something we must all fight, because it is bad.
Here is a funny quote from a UCLA pdf of commonly used gay terms:
Genderqueer – A gender variant person whose gender identity is neither male nor female, is between or beyond genders, or is some combination of genders. Often includes a political agenda to challenge gender stereotypes and the gender binary system.
Here is another referencing that some black gay SJW’s actually reject the use of the term homosexual, because it is European in origin. Apparently they feel oppressed by it, and so they have come up with their own term – “Same Gender Loving.”
Same Gender Loving – A term sometimes used by members of the African- American / Black community to express an alternative sexual orientation without relying on terms and symbols of European descent. The term emerged in the early 1990’s with the intention of offering Black women who love women and Black men who love men a voice, a way of identifying and being that resonated with the uniqueness of Black culture in life. (Sometimes abbreviated as ‘SGL’.)
Same Gender Loving. Yep, no European-originating terms or symbols in that one.
I’m getting dizzy from this parallel universe, so I’ll stop it there, and report back later on if there was any additional traffic bump.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]
Just how corrupt is Google? Amazingly corrupt, no doubt, but I guess we will never know for sure.
Only a few people read my blogs, but I got a huge number of comments for “I don’t care about Trayvon Martin”. Somehow people got onto that.
So “homosexual” is of European origin? I presume this is because of the origins of the prefix “homo” being from Latin? Yet Gender isn’t of European origin even though the “gen” part of gender is from the Latin “genus” and the old French “gendre” and “genre” that descended from it?
You aren’t the only one. I got a specific post nerfed by Google. Searching for “Why pedophiles always seem to be in charge as empires decline” brings up absolutely nothing. This only happened for that particular post.
Wasn’t it one of the current heads at google stated that he didn’t know how anyone could follow the companies old motto of “Don’t be evil.” These are the kind of people we are dealing with.