Wayne Allen Root Thinks Government is Being Blackmailed

Wayne Allen Root Thinks Roberts, Boehner, and McConnell may be being blackmailed.

For such a blackmail plan to work, they all would have fallen under a fairly extensive surveillance operation for an extended period beginning long before they were household names, when they would never have expected it. That surveillance would likely have been applied under the guise of training, to numerous people of meaningless stature but high potential, to identify those who would have something to hide, and who could thus be controlled as they climb up the ladder. Then those who could be controlled would be promoted up the ladder, using assets already in place. Promotion would probably look like Obama’s history, where offices opened up, then he ran unopposed, or his opponents were disqualified by judges, or judges intervened to expose damaging intel on his opponents. At the apex of the game, I would not even be surprised to find out that the voting tabulations were compromised somehow, if such a scheme was in play.

I get the feeling Root suddenly thinks something on this spectrum may be going on. Whatever it is he sees which makes him think this possible would be very interesting to delve into with him. He is a bright guy.

I would never rule it out, given I think it likely our current President is a closeted gay, with a history of drug abuse and shady real estate deals, our last one was one of the aristocracy, the one before him appeared to be a sex-addict-rapist whose entire family had shady business and legal dealings, and the one before that was the same aristocratic family. Almost two decades, the nation has sought the greatest man for the greatest office, and we’ve either elected a wimpy CIA director with zero charisma, his son, or a criminal with secrets – every time. The only President to break the mold, Reagan, seemed an honest mistake in a different era, which couldn’t happen today.

I predict that as time goes on, even if a Conservative wins the White House, you will see more people in Conservative media beginning to subtly dance around the idea that there is some entity using extensive surveillance to gather intelligence on an enormous number of people, possibly for the sole purpose of moving the chess pieces. It will be interesting to see if time bears out their accusations. It would not be the first time intrigue sprouted like weeds in the fallow soil of a decaying empire.

Why a cabal would take control only to run the nation into the ground is one point which would seem to argue against the idea, but then just because you seek control doesn’t guarantee you will be smart enough to wield it.

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9 years ago

The good news is that if we get our own candidate in, he can use that machinery to shuffle the whole thing right off the bat. Imagine what could be done if Roberts could be “persuaded” to retire as chief, Scalia was put in his place, and Ginsberg and Kagan were “instructed” to retire?

9 years ago

[…] Wayne Allen Root Thinks Government is Being Blackmailed […]

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago

it is the NWO people. they are the CFR Council of Foreign Relations.

they are like the soviet era communists. the Politburo. they may even be working with the Russians. (I can’t see how the NWO could function without Russia and China being onboard with them in some capacity).

check out their membership ..it’s the so called left and right together. Agenda 21 and the UN are their tools. they want a collapse and greatly diminished population. you have the r’s and the K’s , well these are the Jackals.

they have been manipulating everyone for at least 2 generations. their goals are in sight.

no doubt the congress and supreme court have been compromised. it is over they are now in complete control. they are untouchable. the collapse is coming and they have planned it and have planned their management of it. they are ready and very few of us are. the future is the Gulag Archipelago.

we will be the inmates and the r’s will be the jailers and the jackals will be the overlords.

I am hoping it doesn’t happen that way but how else will it unwind.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
Reply to  General P. Malaise
9 years ago

members of the CFR include members of the SCOTUS as well as the leaders of the banks and the Federal Reserve.

Donovan Greene
9 years ago

I’ve found myself harboring similar suspicions. Granted, it’s all speculation and guess-work for people with our limited perspective, but I’d be shocked to find out that there is absolutely nothing going on behind the scenes that affects what we see on the surface.

9 years ago

Driving the nation into the ground seems to be the purpose, a priori. This is as far as I’ve been able to understand the psychology at this point, and it is predictive if one assumes the existence of superintelligent sociopaths (or maybe Geist, but nevermind).

9 years ago

That second to last paragraph is my fear. That superficially, everything will appear to be great as 2016-17 rolls around, most of the right people will win the elections, but they’ll stall before completely cleaning house.

9 years ago

Remember, Reagan was the last one who was attempted assasinated.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago

AC …here is a good article you may want to link too or post. it is a more optimistic look at the community organiser and friends than I hold. but he may be on to something.
