The gay movement has employed a political strategy in which they have placed a buffer of truly aberrant individuals and causes between them and the public, from transgenders, to transvestites. For a time, some gays even felt they should push for a normalization of pedophilia, because if the public ever lit up the torches and grabbed their pitchforks, the gays could toss the pedophiles to the crowd, and save themselves. Also, the feeling was, if they could normalize pedophilia, then homosexuality would seem double-plus normal by comparison.
The problem with the strategy is homosexual tolerance and transgender tolerance (or any out-group tolerance) by the public depends on amygdalae deadened by the dopamine surge that free resource availability produces. So long as resources are free, perceptions of group dissolve, and the will to stand up and oppose any out-groups disappears.
If you reintroduce resource restriction, amygdalae will begin to build up the pressure of irritation. As this irritation builds, individuals will look for targets to attack, to relieve the pressure.
Case in point, Italy, which was calculated as the 55th highest misery Index level in 2014, and presently is the 11th most miserable economy in 2015 according to Bloomberg. Now what began as a protest against teaching transgenderism in schools has grown into a mass opposition to gay marriage.
If gays have associated with other stranger out-groups, then when the conflicts begin they will be lumped in with their strange bedfellows. What might have been minor irritation, felt by only the religious at gay’s demanding marriage will transform into a broader opposition to gays and transgenders by the religious, social conservatives, and those who are driven to protect children.
Had gays actually openly brought pedophiles into their movement, you could expect that the group allied against them would be even larger, and even more aggressive. As it is, I suspect when the crash happens, the gay movement will quickly fracture as each level of aberrance is peeled off and thrown to the crowd by the less aberrant in the hopes such appeasement will save them. It will not.
It will be interesting to see if the increase in exceptionally open behavioral strangeness which has arisen will lead to an early alliance along racial/ethnic lines against it. It is possible religious blacks might unite with conservative whites to oppose the LGBT indoctrination agenda as enacted in schools against children.
If an enterprising leader could culture that alliance, acclimate it to working together and enjoying victory together, it is possible that alliance could gradually begin opposing other elements of oppressive statism/cronyism, and transmogrify into a post-racial, anti-statist movement.
How much of the minority community could be persuaded to take part or how long it would last would be open questions. However it might be able to forestall a widespread self-segregation and racial intolerance which a cursory look at amygdala theory would predict will naturally arise if resources are cut dramatically.
Whatever comes, it will be a very bad time to be a leftist SJW.
I fell for the indoctrination as a kid and ended-up believing that active homosexuality was perfectly normal, healthy, and acceptable until I found out about the horrible disease statistics, close correlations with pedophilia, and the rampant promiscuity among homosexuals. It boggles my mind how so many people could find it “normal” for 2% of the population to be responsible for the majority of HIV infections.
I was never able to make any sense of this apart from r/K, it almost feels like a Godsend to learn about it as it opens up so many doors of understanding with regard to politics and people. Your work is truly amazing.
“Whatever comes, it will be a very bad time to be a leftist SJW.”
Well, at least we have that.