More and more I am astonished at how American is turning into one of those nations you read about in dystopian fiction, where lies are told as truth, and the lone stalwart souls who try to oppose the evil are punished unmercifully.
If you watch the news, you saw the story about the Police Officer in Texas who tried to break up a pool party, and arrested a black girl there. I was amazed as I watched the news anchor criticize him for pulling his gun when several males rushed him as if they were going to attack him. Obviously the story was classic liberal propaganda designed to extol the virtue of the criminal savages, and punish the police who stand before them.
But I didn’t know the full back story. I thought it was an unruly pool party on some family’s private property, which neighbors had complained about. Knowing how liberals lie, I should have known better.
It turns out the scene of the crime was a private community pool paid for by the members of a wealthy subdivision and reserved for their use. Those hundreds of party-goers were trespassing, throwing a party on other people’s property. They had arrived after getting their flashmob Bat-signal via social media from a teenage girl who was supposedly trying to charge them $15 a head for the privilege of trespassing at the private pool they weren’t allowed to be at. Even more amazing, she hired a DJ, and when the security guards began turning people away, they began climbing the fences to get in. When the officer in question arrived, it was already filled with brawling and drinking and he was alone.
So if you lived in that subdivision, paid for that pool, and wanted to use it, you couldn’t because outsiders had decided to just show up and use it themselves, brawling and drinking in the process. When the first officer to arrive was confronted by the group, and began trying to physically remove the trespassers, they rushed him and he had to pull his gun. Now for that, he has been publicly castigated and forced to resign, with even his Police Chief saying he was the one out of control.
But this dystopian story gets worse. A principle in Miami made the mistake of voicing support for the officer. He was fired for it.
“The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.”
We live in a world where the wicked are becoming increasingly brazen. Good men are doing nothing because their bellies are full, and their needs are met. As a result, the evil can push forward, and there is no pushback. When that satiety is withdrawn, one facet of the chaos will be that the good will begin to act. I would not want to be one of the wicked then.
[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]
You need to watch the video again. He was NOT the first officer — he was the third. The first two had it under control, who, having working amygdalas, had been judged the teenagers to not be a real threat and were talking to them and arranging to have parents pick them up. Then, Captain Roidrage shows up, amps himself up with an unnecessary chase (to find two other officers already where he was barrel rolling himself to) and, since he’s amped his amygdala into overdrive, he sees everyone as a threat and starts demanding that all the children get on the ground.
He doesn’t respond with his gun to the threat. They are already backing away when he clears leather, and have been for two full seconds. Even at that, he has two other officers there to watch his back. He’s drawing on them in anger because he can’t judge what is a real threat anymore. His lawyer blames the two suicide calls he was on earlier that day — and given how broken his amygdala seems to be, it might very well be. He’s reacting like a minor PTSD case, not a professional — treating every minor threat as a life or death, fight or flight case.
Note that when the two other officers come over, they don’t go after the two guys going to pull him off a 13 year old 100 pound girl — they physically restrain the out of control cop until he holsters his weapon. Being professionals and having assessed the threats properly, they realized that he was the most likely vector for this to spiral out of control.
Was the Free Shit Army out of line? Yes. Should they have been dispersed? Absolutely. Was going apeshit roidragey the most effective way to do it? Absolutely not. He turned what should have been a routine party breakup into a ratfuck near riot. It put him on the same level as the “total reaction no ration” crowd that he was sent to deal with.
I disagree on the drawing. Once you have a gun, you have to overreact to any threat of being disarmed or even just physical conflict. If you have two arms, and four arms are trying to control you and take your gun, you can easily end up dead in seconds. Even though those guys pulled back, drawing was the smart move to establish full control, and prevent anything bad from happening.
That he let a 16 year old brat with a 40 IQ get under his skin was criticizable, but then again, I heard her saying in an interview something like, “He may have thought we were yelling disrespectful things at him or something.” In my experience, if that type of psychology admits to anything, chances are they were doing much more, so I won’t assume I know what set him off. If you needlessly talk smack to a cop, in a disordered environment, where you’ve been trespassing on the property of nice people who aren’t busting the cop’s balls, I don’t think it extreme to say you’re going to have a bad day. If she did more, like spit, or throw something, I’d be slow to judge the cop.
That said, a lot of this comes down to personal bias. I’ve known a lot of good cops as friends, so I always see them in that situation, and instinctively want to cut them slack, given how fast chaos can move. If someone grew up in a corrupt precinct, then they will do the opposite, and obviously that’s understandable. From my position, I’d want to know what specifically set him off, given the girl struck me as the bratty, push people’s buttons type. But even then, especially with the diversity mobs that break laws, trespass, and then expect everyone to support them, I tend to support the cops first, even if they go a little overboard, since I have seen the other side be full of shit too many times to take them seriously.
These are the kinds of days our Blessed Lord warned us all about. That it’ll be illegal to be a saint.
I’m willing to bet the Gated Community Set are starting to feel the heat a little. The prospect that they might live in a world where their precious manicured-lawn Whitopia might be overrun by hood rats (and the police would be helpless to stop them) has to be putting them on edge. Diversity was a virtue as long as it was only the working class who had to deal with the Section 8’ers.
Once the soccer moms and mommybloggers start really feeling threatened, expect to see a turnaround in the anti-racist narrative. Sure, they may continue to publicly avow social justice, but once little Braydon becomes a victim of the Polar Bear Hunt, you can bet they’ll be breathing down the backs of the local cops to do something about it.
[…] Texas Pool Party Melee – […]
[…] Anonymous Conservative Texas Pool Party Melee […]
I agree with your major points but worry that the system is too stable. For all the many ways that our modern system could come crashing down all around us, it seems most likely to me that it won’t come crashing down until we are so far down the path of degeneracy that there is little hope of even a remnant surviving. It’s both sad and funny when I realize that if news came out of some apocalyptic event that will change everything that I would probably release a sigh of relief.
“The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.”
I disagree with this. Good people do step up and the system destroys them. I think the problem is worse than apathy, we are at a point where the power structures are all Progressive and anti-Civilization.
– Witnesses who told police what they witnessed are getting death threats.
-The argument that : “They were just teenagers, therefore not a threat” has weight, even though we frequently see teenagers kill people, and police officers are being ambushed and killed just for being police.
-People who have never spent a day working in law enforcement have the power to influence the decisions of those who have been doing it for years.
-Major news publications are printing articles comparing this to the segregated swimming pools we had in the South.
And because one witness (a black adult who was actually there ) had the audacity to claim this was not about race, he is getting death threats from other black people. Black Lives Matter. Until you disagree with us. Then we’ll slit your throat Uncle Tom.
What is the deal with Conservative Tree House ? Is it a reputable source ? I’m not familiar. I’m reading all this crazy shit over there. Apparently the two guys who advanced on Casebolt are known area criminals, ( “Adrian Mosley” ) which may explain why Casebolt would go for the gun. “McKinney PD is very aware of this group and that they are known for fighting and carrying weapons. ” They are also reporting that Mosley has pulled a gun on someone before.
Conservative Treehouse was excellent on Trayvon Martin. I’d expect they are dead on here too with those two guys. If I ever saw a cop wrestling with someone, the idea I would rush him in a threatening manner, as if I was about to hit him, is just insane. Those two guys had something going on in their brain which is probably going to produce strange behavior elsewhere.
They are reporting that Adrian Mosley has a crew he brought with him. Which would explain why Casebolt was so amped up. I’m guessing the Police Chief threw him under the bus to keep the protestors from bringing in the rioters. Or if all the other shit I’m reading over there is true about those guys, maybe there’s an investigation already going on they’re trying to protect. Perhaps once again the liberal narrative will begin to unravel.