The number of crimes against gays and lesbians in Germany has increased by almost a third in the past year. Is a lack of action by politicians, police and schools to blame?
German parliament, the Bundestag, may have passed a bill to allow gay marriage in June, but that doesn’t mean that homosexuals are automatically accepted in all parts of German society. Information revealed Wednesday by the German Interior Ministry shows that the number of crimes committed against homosexuals and bisexuals has in fact risen significantly in 2017.
In the first half of this year, from January 1 to July 28, there were 130 hate crimes reported connected with the victim’s sexual orientation. Over the same period in 2016, 102 crimes of the same nature were reported. That represents an increase of roughly 27 percent. […]
The rise in homophobic crime shows that the fact the law had finally passed did not mean the job had been done, according to [Green Party MP Volker] Beck. “We have equal rights now, but we can only live our lives freely if we don’t have to be afraid of violence and discrimination anymore,” he said in a press statement. “Homophobia and transphobia are problems that need to be addressed.”
In the end, K is about growing amygdala, and the increasingly powerful aversive stimulus it will offer when triggered by aversions – or natural instincts.
I suspect homophobia (and an associated, if weaker aversion to extreme heterosexual promiscuity), is a natural instinct ingrained by the historical association between sexual homosexual activity and disease exposure. With increasing r, and resultant less amygdala, those instinctual aversions trigger ever weaker amygdalae, until the aversive stimulus produced is so little that it is as if the instinct does not exist. But the instinct is in there – it is the amygdala that is faulty.
What is interesting is, even surrounded by environmental programming, in the form of leftist/SJW propaganda, those instincts are still operating in the brains of individuals. All that is required to bring them back to the fore are amygdalae that are exercised and developed enough to turn out the aversive stimulus they call for. Now the homophobia is returning all by itself as amygdalae come back online. Next up, a return to a respect for borders, and a rejection of foreigners. Then a violent murderous purge of leftist traitors.
Again, this is a measure of the changing tide, which is shifting back toward K all over the world. Everywhere you look, you see measures of it. As frustrating for us as it was to watch the tide of r overtake our world, no matter how it violated common sense, it must be a thousand fold worse for those rabbits with addled amygdalae unable to tolerate any adversity, as they look out on the unstoppable return of K-selection.
Tell others about r/K Theory, because the tide is changing, and the left if freaking
[…] Homophobia Rising In Germany […]
It’s likely a case of the ‘new’ Germans exercising their feelz.
Since the Germans won’t report the race of the attacker, one is left to wonder if this is general European German’s who are going K, or hostile invader r’s who are doing the attacking.
And there is a link between our generalized awareness of STD’s or body fluid transmissions and past cultural bans on homosexual relations. It is humanities reaction to any one dead or dying. A mental “STAY AWAY IT COULD KILL YOU” reaction. This is why it is preferable to only eat purpose killed meat, rather than found dead meat. If what killed it could kill you. But presumably if you kill the animal (or your proxy in today’s mass food distribution web) then it wasn’t a fatal disease that did you in. Looking at Judaism and Islam, there are a lot of rules about how food is prepared all to prevent diseases.
I’m convinced the Jewish ban on pork is a way of avoiding the worms found in pigs. Again, our ancestors weren’t totally stupid and may have had some causation/correlation issues. But they could figure a lot of these things out.
Uh, I suspect this has rather a lot more to do with the massive influx of people to Germany from parts of the world where throwing gays off of rooftops is considered right and proper.
Are these attacks made by good Germans or by Moslems?
It’s like closing time, things go downhill after midnight- and can really get degenerate after the last call for drinks. But soon, its morning, and all the productive people have woken up and are going to work.
It has probably risen because they have let more muslims into the country.
You might be forgetting something important. The media lies. Lies of omission are some of the worst. What do you think the odds are that most of these attacks are coming from “New Germans” who aren’t very German. If you take my meaning.
excellent point!