You have to give the rabbits credit. Nobody is better at turning K-strategists on K-strategists. You have Wisconsin police rousing and harassing honest Conservatives at the behest of rabbit masters. Now you have federal agencies using armed K-strategist feds to disarm Veterans who fought for our freedoms.
It should be clear where the rabbits want this to go. Whether a veteran kills a Federal Agent, or a Federal Agent kills a veteran, it is all the same to the rabbits. They hate Law Enforcement, as evidenced by their fanning the flames of the Black community against them, and they hate veterans, for being the types of real men who make them feel shame. If their plans work out the way they want, they will hide, plead helplessness and lack of involvement if confronted, and then emerge after the smoke clears to claim the right to lead everyone who survived. It would be comical, to imagine such cowardly fools creating such horrors and then demanding to lead anyone, if the damage done were not so tragic.
When you see this behavior, over and over, throughout history, you know this is not happening by chance. This is a programmed strategy, so innate to the rabbit psyche that they are not even aware they are executing it. If asked, I’m sure they would just say, “Of course we’d pit them against each other. What else would we do, confront our enemies ourselves?”
It is important that the more rabbits try to turn K’s against K’s, that the urge to fight is avoided, and you refocus the groups targeted upon the rabbits. They are the enemies of freedom. Without them riling different groups, you would have no conflicts. Only the rabbits intrude on the lives of strangers, and demand everyone cede to their wishes.
[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]
You really think the mindless, obedient servants of statism in the badge brigade are really K-strategists? I’ve read too many stories about cops shooting harmless puppies and going to extreme lengths in the name of “officer safety” to believe that just because you have a badge makes you a wolf, instead of a scared rabbit. I’m not saying that all of them are like this, but enough of them are to cause problems. And even if many among them in fact are K-strategists, what good are they to us anyways, if they are so stupid as to be willing pawns in a rabbit’s statist game?
Cops no doubt can run the gamut, but I’ve know quite a few personally over the years, both as friends and family, and the one’s I’ve known have been solid. I suspect it goes with taking on a job where you have to confront violent people. Now some rabbits will choose to hide in that wolf pack, but bear in mind, they wouldn’t want to hide there if there weren’t wolves with loyalty, to manipulate into protecting them.
If you look nationally, PBA didn’t support Kerry, they supported Bush. Those Sheriffs telling leftists to go screw over gun control aren’t rabbits.
All of that said, I have no idea what is up with federal LE. The two guy I knew years back seemed like good guys, but I get the impression that it may trend more toward the sociopathic at the leadership level, making the agencies genuinely threatening. I think if they get orders to kill a set of Americans, they won’t question those orders too rigorously. I’m hopeful when the bottom drops out on the money it will happen fast, and make the federal level less of an issue due to defunding.
The office of County Sherrif is an elected position, and therefore, directly responsible to the public.
The chief of police in any city, however, is a political appointee. He’ll do whatever the mayor tells him, while the mayor denies giving any such instructions (shortly before being hired, and immediately replaced by yet another lackey/crony).
do you have any way of getting your blog read by LEO?
Whoever they send to kill me will probably skim through it before they punch my ticket, just to be thorough, so there’s that.
But on a grander scale, blogs are fairly meaningless. The scale of the nation is just so immense, and everyone is interested in who Justin Beeber is banging, and what Miley is wearing, so it is tough to get a word in. I mainly keep the articles coming, because beneath the surface r/K keeps advancing, and I think the blog keeps it alive in the minds of the people who see it, helping that.
It is kind of like owning the rights to Newtonian physics. You know people are interested in how projectiles travel and forces in engineering work, you know those who see Newtonian physics will spread it, and you know once it spreads far enough it will have to be taught in the many courses taught on the subject, so it is just a matter of keeping the concepts alive until they have spread far enough that everyone knows of it, and those who teach it feel they have no choice but to address it.
Eventually LEOs will hopefully see it all and recognize it – the question is will it get there before the bottom drops out of the economy and the real fireworks in the nation begin. I’m hoping so.
This post reminded me of a recent exchange I read concerning the Hugos dust-up. In the link below, a K-type sci-fi fan fisks an article written by an r-type PhD who is critical of the Sad Puppies/Rabid Puppies in part due to their affinity for “the fascist aesthetic.” (There is a visceral reaction between the two types in terms of preferences for art and stories, and this competion seems to be playing out in this award. Also of note, is that the audience of Sci-Fi readers has been shrinking.)