r/K Selection and the Wolves and Rabbits of Politics.

Over at Taki, Gavin McInnes takes a closer look at a rabbit. It is really insightful.

I’ve lived with wolves and I’ve owned rabbits. The difference in the depth of their personalities is profound. The rabbits will recognize you, run to you, circle around your feet, and look happy, but they are only excited to be getting a piece of banana. If you died right in front of them, there is no person there to care. Just like your average SJW, their being an ephemeral mirage of what we think of as a personality.

Wolves, similarly to dogs, are the real deal. When they freak out when you come home, it is pure love, when you are gone they are despondent, when they are with you they are in bliss, and if you died they would sulk and mourn for months. I’ve seen it.

It is just like that in people. Increasingly I find myself viewing the rabbits as soul-less robots pretending to be human.

On a related note, Vault-Co linked to this list of 33 little known facts about America. Some relevant facts:

#4 Almost half of all Americans (47 percent) do not put a single penny out of their paychecks into savings.

#9 When LBJ’s “War on Poverty” began, less than 10 percent of all U.S. children were growing up in single parent households. Today, that number has skyrocketed to 33 percent.

#10 In 1950, less than 5 percent of all babies in America were born to unmarried parents. Today, that number is over 40 percent.

#11 The poverty rate for households that are led by a married couple is 6.8 percent. For households that are led by a female single parent, the poverty rate is 37.1 percent.

#12 In 2013, women earned 60 percent of all bachelor’s degrees that were awarded that year in the United States.

#13 According to the CDC, 34.6 percent of all men in the U.S. are obese at this point.

#14 The average supermarket in the United States wastes about 3,000 pounds of food each year.

#15 Right now, more than 200 million people around the planet are officially considered to be unemployed. Meanwhile, approximately 20 percent of the garbage that goes into our landfills is food.

#16 There is a city in Bangladesh called Dhaka where workers are paid just one dollar for every 1,000 bricks that they carry. Meanwhile, the “inactivity rate” for men in their prime working years in the United States is hovering near record high levels.

#25 There are more than 4 million adult websites on the Internet, and they get more traffic than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined.

Again, we are a society with such a high level of free resources that we are tripping biological switches in many of our citizens, shifting their reproductive strategy to the r-selected reproductive strategy of the rabbit. Highly sexed and single parented, with individualistic females who seek self-sufficiency and view rearing as unrewarding, and hedonistic men who are unwilling to sacrifice or risk. These are consuming rabbits, and not producing, pack-oriented, K-selected wolves. Nature and evolution put these programmed psychologies in us because they worked well in nature, adapting our reproductive behavior to resource levels, but they are all hell on a functioning society.

The problem is, the rabbits as a whole don’t produce sufficient resources to keep the party fueled, nor do they care enough about their pack to try. Start a war on poverty by handing out more free cheese and the number of single mom’d households will explode, and they will tend to remain in poverty, even with free food and housing to allow them to continue to multiply. As this number of r-selected consumers grows relative to the producers, it will inevitably trigger the return-by-force of resource restriction and K-selection.

Which brings us to how Heywood Jablome over at Six Sigma Game notes, the tide has begun to turn.

I see two things of note. One, when the time comes the rabbits will, all at once, initiate a sudden retreat. Fighting, sacrifice, and loyalty to principle are not in their blood. They fight so long as they can tell themselves that their numbers are sufficient that there will be no cost to fighting.

Their retreat will look as if Penn and Teller dropped a smoke bomb on the ground and made them all suddenly disappear. Rabbits do not like to fight, and they hate to lose. A few more Memories Pizza episodes, a few more Gamergates, and their amygdalae will be so totally overwhelmed by the adversity and negativity that they will begin to hide from every confrontation reflexively. They do not deal well with adversity – they are designed for the ease and bounty of r-selection.

As large numbers of them disappear from the debates and dialog, the remainder will feel even more outnumbered and out-grouped and flee as well. That is what you call a feed forward mechanism. Once it gets going, they will all evaporate into the ether quite quickly. Say hello to the new conservative America.

Second, the economic situation is damaged to the point that the sudden return of the K-selected psychology’s dominance will not immediately fix the damage. We will go K, things will continue to get worse, and since worse will flip biological switches that will increase K, we will go more K, and that cycle will continue for a while until the accumulated bad bottoms out.

Where it ends before a second 1950’s era renaissance begins is impossible to say – the path could lead to anything. It is possible a good moderate K-selection could end up becoming a violent purge of every leftist we can find. Or we could end up in a world war that makes WWII look like an amicable negotiation. Vault-Co’s prediction of a cobalt-salted extra-super ITZ with an extra helping of super-volcanic ITZ on the side to enhance the ITZ-ness is on the table. Given the accuracy of the rest of his predictions, I’m hoping that one is the one he gets wrong but in the K-climate that is coming, his prophetic track record could hold. Reasonableness and logicality are myths about humanity, especially when we are stressed, angry, and looking for someone to blame so we can vent. Let the decision be made by establishment politicians, ie the lowest form of humanity, and logic and reason will be in even shorter supply.

These things work best when they balance themselves. The introduction of unfettered spending courtesy of a nearly limitless (in the short term) national debt means that we were so r-selected that the shift toward K that is coming will be historic. For too long the pendulum has swung in only one direction. The return swing will be epic, and it is already beginning, despite the fact that nobody is close to starving.

If I were a leftist, I would literally have a backup plan to flee America.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Puzzle Privateer (@PuzzlePrivateer)
Puzzle Privateer (@PuzzlePrivateer)
9 years ago

“It is just like that in people. Increasingly I find myself viewing the rabbits as soul-less robots pretending to be human.”

Can confirm they are soulless. I grew up around them living near D.C.. As early as high school / college I started thinking of them this way but kept denying it because 1.) it seemed crazy and 2.) such a “truth” would be too horrible to think of.

But yeah it’s basically correct. “Things wearing human skin” is how I first conceived of it.

Ted Colt
9 years ago

My dad thinks you give wolves too much credit.

Askari Rey
9 years ago

Reading about resource availability brought me back to end of last year when I was doing some recruitment work for my company. Our entry level positions are pretty good considering that fact that they are entry level and basically require no experience. $30,000 salary plus respectable commissions. You could easily make $40,000 + your first year if you applied yourself. Chances for promotion are numerous.

So I schlepped over to the local Kmarts and Walmarts looking for low-paid employees with a fire in their bellies. About half the people I tried to recruit were single moms. Women with 3 kids who pull in 19k a year and have no male provider in their lives. I thought I was going to be making their days since I was offering them a chance to double their income and greatly improve the lives of their children. All I got were disinterested shrugs. No one cared. I don’t understand how you support 3 kids on 19k. I don’t know how it works, but maybe if your income is low enough you’re still granted government subsidies or something.

To be fair the men I spoke to weren’t exactly go-getters either. You have to laugh, though. Living in r selected times is like playing a video game in God mode. Bad choices that would have been a death sentence 80 years ago seem to barely make a dent in peoples lives.

Heywood Jablome
Heywood Jablome
Reply to  Askari Rey
9 years ago

There’s a disincentive to work.

9 years ago

It still amazes me how the increase in resource availability is so heavily correlated with the rise of leftism, the overwhelming majority of the poor in America have cable TV, air conditioning, and various other modern amenities(I would assume now most even have smartphones and HDTV’s). After we came out of the great depression and won World War 2 we were almost as k as can be and it since that time we’ve gradually declined morally and politically. I don’t see a real switch to k-selection until the debt bubble bursts.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago

Gavin McInnes is a great read.

I also look at the second link regularly but think they are working with the marxists … this list of 33 little known facts about America posted on Economic Collapse web blog. I find that they often have articles that promote the thinking of leftist / progressive / marxists.

in the small list you quote there are several marxist talking points.

these are some ….
#14 The average supermarket in the United States wastes about 3,000 pounds of food each year.

#15 Right now, more than 200 million people around the planet are officially considered to be unemployed. Meanwhile, approximately 20 percent of the garbage that goes into our landfills is food.

#16 There is a city in Bangladesh called Dhaka where workers are paid just one dollar for every 1,000 bricks that they carry. Meanwhile, the “inactivity rate” for men in their prime working years in the United States is hovering near record high levels.

#25 There are more than 4 million adult websites on the Internet, and they get more traffic than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined.

#14 food. sure there is some waste but it is the system that provides the most people with the best food at the cheapest price. if you tried to save all of it then you would waste a lot more energy with no real gain. ….but marxists aren’t worried about waste.

#15 is the same vein.

#16 they point at inequality …one of the main weapons of the marxists is to make us feel guilty about inequality.

#25 they point of that we are a perverted society and they need to control what we do and see. (no I am not advocating perversion)

that site also has many articles about looming and existing water shortages. yes in fifty years if we don’t do something then we will be short of water. but why would I develop a water system for a need that doesn’t exist today.

similarly the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) a marxist new world order group to which many (Ted Cruze’s wife was a player at one point) prominent political actors from both the Dems and GOP are spouting the same.

I mentioned on a previous comment last week that they (those who handle the r’s but are not r’s) are not K’s in my opinion. They (CFR) are of the narcissistic personality disorder. YET how do they work together since they all want the top spot?

DO GROUPS of people with NPD have a hierarchy or are they gaming each other all the time waiting to strike against the other when the opportunity arises?

Reply to  General P. Malaise
9 years ago

Marxists are worried about waste; the problem is that they are only hypersensitive to the waste of tangible resources, not so much alert to whether the long-term math of their strategies works out.

Fustel de Coulanges
Fustel de Coulanges
9 years ago

I’m really enjoying all these recent blog posts. Keep up the good work, AC.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago
Aeoli Pera
Aeoli Pera
9 years ago

Sociopaths consistently seek to control supply of resources. It is their core, instinctual survival strategy. What supply has more demand today than narcissistic supply?

From the McInnes article:

“””When I told him Gawker bloggers never go anywhere and a career in snark is a dead end, he looked genuinely hurt. I suspect this applies to the vast majority of bloggers who dish it out at these sites. If their own lives were subjected to half the scrutiny they devote to their careers, they would be crushed. This is exactly why I want more of them exposed. When we discovered the narrative of the rape victim carrying a mattress around campus was far from reality, we should have included the reporter Vanessa Grigoriadis in the public shaming. These are the enablers who ruin the lives of people such as Paul Nungesser just as much as the mattress carrier. A hoax is nothing without a platform.”””

Narcissists simply cannot survive in the real world, so behind every successful narcissist we have to assume there must be a handler.

Heywood Jablome
9 years ago

Kurt Schlichter sees a bad moon rising.

John McClain
John McClain
9 years ago

Would you be willing to define “ITZ” for me? I tried looking it up but didn’t find anything that made sense in this context.